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Hamilton Cancellation Line

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#450Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/13/16 at 10:48am

If you are buying two center orchestra seats in the "cancellation line" it will not cost you $350!


I believe Esgred meant $350 meaning two $177 tickets which total $354.

Add another probable $20 bill to that.  I observed when the  clients arrived, they hug the employees like old friends thank them profusely and tip them.  Being in the retail sales service industry, I wouldn't be surprised that it's not the first time they've hired them for a wait on line for this.

I'm not a fan of the line sitting practices that are happening only because it's pushing the line-up time earlier and earlier to even try to beat them.  And after my 17 hour #9 in line wait in the cold, feel gritty and dirty like I've been at the beach all day, exhausted ,to get zero tickets, maybe I should have bit the bullet and hired one so I can arrive to the show clean and rested like their clients all did!  LOL!   Its it's like hiring a surrogate mother in a way.  They are giving birth to Hamilton Tickets in 24 hours for you.  

I ended up paying $150 more than hiring a line sitter on StubHub yesterday alllllllllll the way in the rear mezz row F against the wall.  Crazy?  Yes.  But it was the cheapest I found for two tickets and I honestly didn't wanna add another line sitter to the madness.  No vacation for me this spring.  I'll be vacationing in the rear mezzanine this May.


Updated On: 3/13/16 at 10:48 AM

Hellob Profile Photo
#451Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/13/16 at 10:59am

Esgred said: ""If you play a line sitter $20/hr that's $240 for 12 hours and $350 for the tickets. That's way cheaper than resale. People are asking $1500 to $5000 for a center orchestra and that doesn't include fees. Even hiring for 24 hours is a better investment than resale. That's just the truth."


If you are buying two center orchestra seats in the "cancellation line" it will not cost you $350!



I mean 2 tickets are $350 ($354 actually)


Hellob Profile Photo
#452Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/13/16 at 11:07am

SDV said: "You can't get 2 prime orchestra seats on resale for $1500. $1500 each might not even be enough. 




 I just got 2 very good orchestra seats for the first post Tony performance for $750 each. It can absolutely be done, especially if you're doing it the day of the performance. Prices go down as curtain approaches.



I don't check it regularly so you may be totally right but it would be a pain for tourists or people who don't live an hour or less from the theater to stress out waiting for the drop that might not happen. I've checked day of about 6 hours before and they were the same. But to be fair, I'm picky about where I sit. I don't go past row M and since I've gone quite a bit, I now prefer to be very close since I've seen the "full scope" already. But I'm really happy that you lucked out. I wish I could be there at the right time!! :)

#453Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/13/16 at 11:37am

Hellob said: "Esgred said: ""If you play a line sitter $20/hr that's $240 for 12 hours and $350 for the tickets. That's way cheaper than resale. People are asking $1500 to $5000 for a center orchestra and that doesn't include fees. Even hiring for 24 hours is a better investment than resale. That's just the truth."

No, people!  Two center orchestra seats (unless you are in the rear orchestra) will cost you $477 each if you buy them in the "cancellation line".  :P  And, that $177 price is about to go up (if it hasn't already).


Updated On: 3/13/16 at 11:37 AM

#454Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/13/16 at 12:02pm

"hes16, my group was a few people behind you. Everyone in the line was very happy your whole family got in, in fact a cheer rose when your dad snuck in last minute!

No dice for us. I accompanied two friends from out of town, thankfully they had already seen the show earlier this week. I've seen it more than once so I was not hell bent on getting a ticket. They showed up at 5 am, I showed up around 9 am. We decided to stick through for the evening show since the line had moved up quite a bit after the matinee, but there were still three people ahead of us who didn't get tickets either by the time the evening show rolled around."

I remember you!! Thank you so much for cheering. I'm really very sorry that you did not get in. I hope you'll be able to see it again soon!! Getting in really meant so much because this was my birthday present, and my dad and I only got 2-3 hours of sleep and he drove me to line at 1 am and we got there at 2 am. It was such a long day.

#455Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/13/16 at 12:06pm


No, people!  Two center orchestra seats (unless you are in the rear orchestra) will cost you $477 each if you buy them in the "cancellation line".  :P  And, that $177 price is about to go up (if it hasn't already).


Premium seats are the only ones that are $477 and I have no idea where they are. Those center orchestra seats in row H or J are $177.

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#456Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/13/16 at 12:55pm

Reply to Hello B #453

On Thursday 3/10 at 6:26 pm two seats in center orchestra row J dropped to $444.95 instant download for the 7pm show.  I wanted them sooooo bad!  But my husband was home waiting for our pet sitter to drop off the keys otherwise I would have told him to drop everything and come to the theater immediately   Kinkos FedEx is right next door at the Marriot on the 8th floor so could have been done.  They close at 7pm so doesn't work to print there for 7:30 pm price drops for 8pm shows.  While on the 17 hour cancellation line wait, I looked online & orchestra tickets didn't drop lower than $700 by showtime.

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#457Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/13/16 at 1:09pm

Notadiva2 said: " 

No, people!  Two center orchestra seats (unless you are in the rear orchestra) will cost you $477 each if you buy them in the "cancellation line".  :P  And, that $177 price is about to go up (if it hasn't already).

As per the photos the line sitters repost on IG of their success and happy clients,  I've recently seen:

3/9  2pm CC 103 $167

3/4  8pm CC 101/102 $177

3/1  7pm  F 104 $177

2/26 8pm  G 104 $167

To mention a few.  So two center orchestra seats aren't rock solid $477  




#458Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/13/16 at 1:10pm

"Premium seats are the only ones that are $477 and I have no idea where they are. Those center orchestra seats in row H or J are $177."

Can you confirm this with a link, URL, or photograph, please?  This would be fantastic, if true!  :)  Thank you!  I was under the impression that at least the first 12 rows were premium.

(Did you buy seats in center row H and J for $177 recently?)


#459Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/13/16 at 1:14pm

MyFavoriteBrunette said: "As per the photos the line sitters repost on IG of their success and happy clients,  I've recently seen:

3/9  2pm CC 103 $167

3/4  8pm CC 101/102 $177

3/1  7pm  F 104 $177

2/26 8pm  G 104 $167

To mention a few.  So two center orchestra seats aren't rock solid $477"

What is "IG"?  Thank you!  Hamilton Cancellation Line


Updated On: 3/13/16 at 01:14 PM

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#460Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/13/16 at 1:18pm



They initially try to sell any left over premiums at the asking price, but at a certain time, if they haven't sold them, they will offer them for regular price.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#461Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/13/16 at 1:25pm

Esgred said: What is "IG"?  Thank you! 


Oh!  I'm sorry! Esgred, it's "Instagram".  I had no idea about the line sitting until I looked at the hashtag #Ham4Ham and their photos were all over the place.  Then I started to check their page  to monitor their "habits" LOL!  to guesstimate when would be a reasonable time to arrive on line.  And seeing the tickets they were getting for clients made me hopeful for the same.  But no =(  17 hours on line and no tickets all because I needed a pair.  I arrived at 3am but even if I had arrived at 12am I wouldn't have been one of the pair chosen ones.  I needed to be there at 10pm for that was the last pair that was given--to the family of 4 who was there since 10pm.  They were smart, they had a SUV parked in a lot across the street so had all their "camping gear" in there and went back and forth and took turns.  Family teamwork!  

Updated On: 3/13/16 at 01:25 PM

#462Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/13/16 at 1:36pm

MyFavoriteBrunette said: "Oh!  I'm sorry! Esgred, it's "Instagram".  I had no idea about the line sitting until I looked at the hashtag #Ham4Ham and their photos were all over the place.  Then I started to check their page  to monitor their "habits" LOL!  to guesstimate when would be a reasonable time to arrive on line.  And seeing the tickets they were getting for clients made me hopeful for the same.  But no =(  17 hours on line and no tickets all because I needed a pair.  I arrived at 3am but even if I had arrived at 12am I wouldn't have been one of the pair chosen ones.  I needed to be there at 10pm for that was the last pair that was given--to the family of 4 who was there since 10pm.  They were smart, they had a SUV parked in a lot across the street so had all their "camping gear" in there and went back and forth and took turns.  Family teamwork!"

How do I find these line sitter photos of tickets on Instagram, please?

That's weird that they use the #HAM4HAM because that is for the $10 lottery tickets.  (One Hamilton bill for one ticket.)

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#463Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/13/16 at 1:50pm

Esgred said: How do I find these line sitter photos of tickets on Instagram, please?

That's weird that they use the #HAM4HAM because that is for the $10 lottery tickets.  (One Hamilton bill for one ticket.)


Not weird at all, Esgred.  It's marketing and how they get themselves maximum exposure.  They use Ham4Ham Hamilton Lottery Room Where It Happens and so many more to market themselves to the Hamilton Audience.  Hence the lines with sitters at 7pm for the next days' performance.  


#464Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/13/16 at 1:54pm

Well, I signed up for Instagram just now.  And, did some sleuthing.  I don't know why I had to look for it myself...  Hamilton Cancellation Line

I don't think this proves anything, as I was at the box office on March 10th and was told that the lowest price you could pay in the "cancellation line" was $177.

(A photo posted by Same Ole Line Dudes, LLC on Mar 9, 2016 at 2:23 am EST)



Updated On: 3/13/16 at 01:54 PM

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#465Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/13/16 at 1:56pm

Hamilton Cancellation LineAfter the 17 hour no ticket wait, I just can't try again anytime soon.  But when I do, I will arrive at 5pm for next day tickets and I will come ready for battle in line sitting gear!  LOL! 

Updated On: 3/13/16 at 01:56 PM

#466Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/13/16 at 2:06pm

I was one of the people who got in to the matinee on 3/9.  Front row center,seats 105 and 106, unclaimed lottery, was $167 each, which is the price that was printed on the ticket. Another couple was a few rows back, maybe H, still center, and their tix were $177, which is what was printed on the ticket. There was one person in line near me who said he was willing to take a premium ($477) seat, and one of the line sitters was waiting for evening premium seats, not the regular $177 seats. I may have heard that the premium seats are in row C? Maybe? But the reason people are waiting for these tickets is because they are $177, face value, no fees. You can't get that price through a reseller. 

#467Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/13/16 at 2:13pm

hes 16:

How much money did y'all end up paying for your tickets and where were they located?

Was one ticket center row G and one SRO?

Thank you!  :)

#468Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/13/16 at 2:14pm

MyFavoriteBrunette it is so funny you posted that picture as just yesterday I decided I'll be buying one of those when I try at the end of March. I know it won't make a difference but I'm off the day after Easter, and will get there probably 10,11pm Sunday night and hope that since it will be the first Monday performance not too many people will know about it so there won't be a plethora of line sitters. We'll see though.

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#469Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/13/16 at 2:38pm

Esgred said: I don't think this proves anything, as I was at the box office on March 10th and was told that the lowest price you could pay in the "cancellation line" was $177

Older posts had people on the cancellation line state that they passed on premium priced tickets so they are out there.  From line sitters, seems like $177 is the majority.  And this also proves that there are excellent seats via the cancellation line at $177 and are not exclusively $477




MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#470Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/13/16 at 2:49pm

bfreak said: " decided I'll be buying one of those when I try at the end of March."

Wish I had one during my 17 hour wait.  I was really so filthy that I couldn't run my fingers through my hair.  I was covered in a film of soot. Everytime I went to use the bathroom at The Marquis, I looked in the mirror and looked worse and worse!  LOL!  Had I scored tickets I think I would have felt gross throughout the show!  LOL!  A tent would have shielded me from all the soot and dirt and debris floating even from the Edison Hotel gutting that the contractors were working on directly across the street.  The dumpster was filled to the top by the time they were done working around 4pm


Updated On: 3/13/16 at 02:49 PM

#471Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/13/16 at 4:35pm

Esgred said: "Well, I signed up for Instagram just now.  And, did some sleuthing.  I don't know why I had to look for it myself...  Hamilton Cancellation Line


I don't think this proves anything, as I was at the box office on March 10th and was told that the lowest price you could pay in the "cancellation line" was $177.


(A photo posted by Same Ole Line Dudes, LLC on Mar 9, 2016 at 2:23 am EST)







The front row lottery tickets that don't get claimed by the winners are sold to the cancellation line for $167. I think some of the partial view/mezz seats that may become available are sold for that much as well. When I did the cancellation line, my orchestra center row J tickets were $177/each. The vast majority of cancellation tickets offered are that price, when I waited, no premium seats were even offered (though I've heard if they are, most people pass on them in order to get $177 tickets).

#472Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/13/16 at 5:38pm

Does anyone know when the next block of seats will go on sale?

#473Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/13/16 at 6:30pm

Yes, stop spreading rumors that tix are $477 each. PREMIUM seats are $477. Regular orchestra seats are currently $177 and mezz seats are $67, and these prices generally only go up when there is a new "block" of tix released by the box office, which I don't think there has been since it was set at $177.


Apparently some obstructed view or lottery tix are $167, but I can't confirm this.
