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Hamilton Cancellation Line

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#475Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/14/16 at 4:32pm

tombomb31 said: "Does anyone know when the next block of seats will go on sale?"  

The block of tickets through 10/30/16 became available to the public on 11/09/15.  

The block of tickets through 01/29/17 became available to the public on 02/02/16.  

If this rate/pattern continues, I would expect the next block to be through late April 2017 and it would be released in early-to-mid May 2016. To be clear, I have no concrete insider's knowledge—just going off of the previous release patterns.

Updated On: 3/14/16 at 04:32 PM

#476Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/14/16 at 4:41pm

Esgred said: "Hellob said: "Esgred said: ""If you play a line sitter $20/hr that's $240 for 12 hours and $350 for the tickets. That's way cheaper than resale. People are asking $1500 to $5000 for a center orchestra and that doesn't include fees. Even hiring for 24 hours is a better investment than resale. That's just the truth."


No, people!  Two center orchestra seats (unless you are in the rear orchestra) will cost you $477 each if you buy them in the "cancellation line".  :P  And, that $177 price is about to go up (if it hasn't already).





I hired the Line Dudes and ended up with two in G and two in J orchestra, $177 per. also got screamed at in the box office by a girl who really doesn't like the Line Dudes.

#477Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/14/16 at 5:02pm

Esgred said: "hes 16: How much money did y'all end up paying for your tickets and where were they located? Was one ticket center row G and one SRO? Thank you!  :)"

My seat was orchestra center row G seat 101. I paid $177. For SRO, my dad paid $40. From the scalpers, my brother and mom paid $325 each for Rear Mezzaine Side Row B...yes I know expensive, but we all really wanted to get in. The total was $867.

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#478Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/14/16 at 5:11pm

I hired the Line Dudes and ended up with two in G and two in J orchestra, $177 per. also got screamed at in the box office by a girl who really doesn't like the Line Dudes.

Yelled at by another person who waited in line or by a box office employee? It's awful that it gets to this point.  Its just gonna ruin it for everyone eventually.   Trust me, after my ZERO ticket SEVENTEEN hour wait Friday, I am not happy with line sitters, either!  LOL!  But that doesn't give me or anyone the right to yell at their clients who decide to hire a surrogate to birth Hamilton tickets for them.   If the 4 line sitters hadn't been there, those of who arrived between 10pm all the way up to 8:30am would have had a ticket.  I know the two last clients, older women--coiffed white hair NEVER would have been out there in chairs at 7pm the night before.  The other 6 young and able bodied  clients probably could have roughed it.  I understand Mon-Fri jobs don't allow for it.  I was on my day off of work to attempt it.  And you know--I have a story to share and say that I did that Hamilton cancellation line waaaay back in '16 =)  maybe I'll try again!  But not til after I see it with my StubHub ticket. Thanks to everyone for your dedication on this message board!      

Updated On: 3/14/16 at 05:11 PM

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#479Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/14/16 at 5:20pm

And just as some line sitting advice from someone who sat and stood 17 hours.  THIS IS the chair you need!  My husband bought it for his  time lapsed Milky Way photography trip in Yosemite and this chair saved my life Friday.  The best part of this chair is it collapses and rolls    up small so it fits in a tote bag and you can go right inside the theater with it.  The theater won't check in any camping chairs or hold them for anyone.  It's a great chair to put away an hour before showtime if you think you're at a chance to get a ticket.

Hamilton Cancellation Line

#480Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/14/16 at 5:48pm

MyFavoriteBrunette said: "I hired the Line Dudes and ended up with two in G and two in J orchestra, $177 per. also got screamed at in the box office by a girl who really doesn't like the Line Dudes.

Yelled at by another person who waited in line or by a box office employee?


By a person who was way way back in line (this was at 1:59PM, our line sitters were second and third in the line). She was screaming at the box office employees to throw us out. :|


#481Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/14/16 at 6:15pm

"If the 4 line sitters hadn't been there, those of who arrived between 10pm all the way up to 8:30am would have had a ticket."


Wait, what?? 


People who lined up at 10 p.m. the night before didn't get in?

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#482Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/14/16 at 6:21pm

That's just terrible behavior.  If you're way in the back at 2pm, I don't think you will be getting a ticket so no need for anger and frustration.  As what I've read on this message board, the most distributed on a day was 14.  Would love to hear  if anyone else has a quantity to share.  As someone who was on line 3am until 8:10pm, I know 11 tickets were distributed on my day.  3 singles and 4 pairs.  

#483Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/14/16 at 6:22pm

The most I've witnessed has been 11 tickets, always about 11

#484Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/14/16 at 6:51pm

I take offense when people insinuate that those who use line sitters are undeserving of the tickets they get.

20 years ago when I was a broke theatre major in NYC, living 4 people in a 1BR apt, I did whatever I had to in order to see a show... I slept outside in the snow for $25 RENT tickets and even interned (unpaid) at BLUE MAN GROUP during it's first year at the Astor Place Theater, just to be a part of the experience.  I paid my dues finding free/cheap ways to get my theatre fix.  Now I can afford to pay my dues with the modest paycheck I work ridiculously hard to earn... My 10 year old and I are coming to NYC and I have one day/one chance take her to see Hamilton.  With a line sitter's help, I pray we're lucky enough to score tickets... And sure, if I had unlimited funds, I'd buy reseller's tickets outright.  But I don't, so we're trying to get creative with what we've got.  

I just wish all the line-sitter-bashers would get real and admit that if they had the means to use a line sitter, they would!  

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#485Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/14/16 at 7:38pm

"Wait, what?? 
People who lined up at 10 p.m. the night before didn't get in?"

Only half the 10pm family got in.

After the four 7pm line sitters, it was a family of 4 who were there at 10pm taking spots #5 & #6.  Mainly the father and son stuck out the waiting at night when I arrived at 3am.  By mid-day daughter and mom returned to take over.  At 8:05pm, mom and daughter were next in line for tickets and got tix.  Mom gave it to her son they both ran in as we "awwwed" and I asked the parents if they would adopt me!  At 8:10pm, attendant came out, signaled hand to the neck that is was a wrap.  

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#486Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/14/16 at 8:05pm

Couldn't agree with you more, thinkoflaura, thank you for sharing your story! It's not "cheating" if you're using your own means—whether that's time in line or money expended—to the end. 

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#487Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/14/16 at 8:19pm

"I have one day/one chance take her to see Hamilton.  With a line sitter's help, I pray we're lucky enough to score tickets..."

As a witness to what goes on at the front of the line after my 17 hours of standing on it, line sitters are in position for the next days' clients as soon as their clients start arriving for showtime.  Observing this myself, I strongly suggest you book your line sitter to start for at least an hour to half an hour before that evenings' show to make sure you're #1 or #2  A non-organized line sitter arrived at about 7:15 claiming spot #1 and it was getting gangsta.  Amongst themselves, there is a rivalry.  After all, this Hamilton business is really all about the Benjamins!

I'm sharing as much information for fans on this message board to know what to expect at the cancellation line.  The extremely early sitter does put one without one at a handicap, can't deny that, and this way by sharing timelines, we can all plan accordingly to know when to arrive and make a way to see this show.  Everyone is deserving of seeing this amazing work no matter how one gets in.  I am even more anxious to see this being ever prouder of being half Puerto Rican because of the success Lin-Manuel has had with Hamilton =)  I am sacrificing a vacation with my husband to see Hamilton in May after failing at tickets on that long line wait Friday =(  I bought the cheapest far away seats via resale that I could find because I truly didn't know how early to book a line sitter!  It would have ended  up costing the same if I try to outsit the others.  I'll be fine in rear mezzanine--I usually have a giant head in front of me in the orchestra, anyway!  LOL! 

Good luck ThinkOfLaura and book early! 

#488Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/14/16 at 8:34pm

Gonna try cancellation this Wednesday, hoping I have a good chance since it's a 2 show day on a weekday. Do you guys think that 6AM is too late to get there? Thanks for any responses! :)

#489Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/14/16 at 8:40pm

bngu172 said: "Gonna try cancellation this Wednesday, hoping I have a good chance since it's a 2 show day on a weekday. Do you guys think that 6AM is too late to get there? Thanks for any responses! :)"

I know this must stink to hear, but I think 6 AM might be too late especially because line sitters still get there the night before on Wednesday and other weekdays just as they do during the weekend. Someone told me that they went to the cancellation line last Wednesday and they got there between 6 AM and 7 AM, and that they were 30th in line. It seems as spring break is now approaching, and that the weather is warmer that lines are growing. A lot of college students have break now so they seem to want to wait now. I wish you good luck!


#490Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/14/16 at 8:42pm

I'm planning to do the cancellation line in mid-April for a Wednesday. Is 2:30-3 AM going to be early enough for matinee or evening?

Updated On: 3/14/16 at 08:42 PM

#491Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/14/16 at 8:46pm

Wow that's insaneeeeee! Thanks so much for your reply though. May try to get there a little earlier!

hes16 said: "bngu172 said: "Gonna try cancellation this Wednesday, hoping I have a good chance since it's a 2 show day on a weekday. Do you guys think that 6AM is too late to get there? Thanks for any responses! :)"

I know this must stink to hear, but I think 6 AM might be too late especially because line sitters still get there the night before on Wednesday and other weekdays just as they do during the weekend. Someone told me that they went to the cancellation line last Wednesday and they got there between 6 AM and 7 AM, and that they were 30th in line. It seems as spring break is now approaching, and that the weather is warmer that lines are growing. A lot of college students have break now so they seem to want to wait now. I wish you good luck!





#492Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/14/16 at 8:53pm

kcox1002 said: "I'm planning to do the cancellation line in mid-April for a Wednesday. Is 2:30-3 AM going to be early enough for matinee or evening?" I would like to think so, I got in to the matinee on Saturday and got there at 2 AM even thought I was 11th in line because all the line sitters wanted evening. It seems that there are generally more unclaimed lottery tickets on Wednesday matinees, so your chances seem pretty good. It's just the matter of how many line sitters will be hired to sleep over the night before, but they will probably be hired for the whole day because it's a Wednesday. There also may be more people willing to wait outside because of the nice weather. I think you'll be fine. Good luck!!

Updated On: 3/14/16 at 08:53 PM

#493Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/14/16 at 8:56pm

"Wow that's insaneeeeee! Thanks so much for your reply though. May try to get there a little earlier!"


Yeah it's crazy!! No problem, I think it would be a good idea to get there earlier, it's just so unpredictable.


MISH2 Profile Photo
#494Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/15/16 at 12:40am

Wondering if demand for tickets may be lower on Passover?

#495Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/15/16 at 9:48am

thinkoflaura said: 

I just wish all the line-sitter-bashers would get real and admit that if they had the means to use a line sitter, they would!  


I haven't really been bashing line sitters, so maybe this isn't directed my way.   But I could easily have afforded a line sitter, i went with premium tickets when they were available.  I didn't cause i would have felt like a dope, a cheater, someone trying to game the system.   There is a certain satisfaction one gets by putting in the effort and doing things the right way and not perpetuating a system that is making this line insane because the line-sittters profit the earlier you need to sit.  

Just because you can afford it and it's not illegal, does not make it right.  

Hellob Profile Photo
#496Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/15/16 at 11:34am

jared123 said: "thinkoflaura said: 

I just wish all the line-sitter-bashers would get real and admit that if they had the means to use a line sitter, they would!  


I haven't really been bashing line sitters, so maybe this isn't directed my way.   But I could easily have afforded a line sitter, i went with premium tickets when they were available.  I didn't cause i would have felt like a dope, a cheater, someone trying to game the system.   There is a certain satisfaction one gets by putting in the effort and doing things the right way and not perpetuating a system that is making this line insane because the line-sittters profit the earlier you need to sit.  

Just because you can afford it and it's not illegal, does not make it right.  



Ok, let's remove the line sitter equation and pose another situation. Most of the people are in line bc the resale price is insane but let's say you're a regular working class person who is behind an obvious rich person for whom paying $1500 a ticket is like $100 to us. Let's say he gets in and you don't? Would it annoy you? I kind of feel like the sitters are the easiest whipping post but even if they were gone, there would be a new target. The bottom line is who gets in is who gets in. There's a lot of discussion of what's right or who is deserving. You can't look at it like that or what's fair. It may be noble to say I won't do this or that but the people who succeed in life are not always the ones who worry about fair, they are the ones who find an opportunity to get where they want to be. Ok, the start time is pushed up so you can lament it or you can adjust. This is a sport now and if you find out your competitors are at it at 2a then you get at it at 1:59a. That's how careers and college and life work. If people want to be winners they have to be willing to work with the reality and do better. 

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#497Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/15/16 at 11:59am

...the lady in front of me hired a sitter at 2am and she arrived at 7am to finish.  She didn't get in.   $140 out the window.

Hellob Profile Photo
#498Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/15/16 at 1:01pm

MyFavoriteBrunette said: "...the lady in front of me hired a sitter at 2am and she arrived at 7am to finish.  She didn't get in.   $140 out the window.



Yeah, that's what I said before, there's going to be a tipping point of more sitters than tickets which sucks but what can you do? 

#499Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/15/16 at 1:05pm

The Supreme Court has banned line-standers, as has the incredibly popular Franklin Barbecue (I waited personally four hours there when I was in Austin)--"[Line-sitting] has gotten out of hand, and we owe it to the rest of our faithful customers to not allow the distraction."

So the Richard Rodgers can absolutely step in and ban linesitters instead of imposing more and more arbitrary rules on the cancellation line. For example, my family was told the party has to arrive all together and THEN swap out. So my dad who got there at 7 am last week could only get 2 tickets even though my mother arrived at 10 am to relieve him, and they were waiting for 4 tickets all together. Then they were also told that they could not take any tickets they received and sell them or give them to anyone at the end of the line or they would be banned from coming back. ??? Is that not exactly what the linesitters do? Why not ban linesitters if this isn't allowed?

In addition, my parents saw a fight break out, nearly coming to blows, between a linesitter and homeless person who each claimed to have been in line first. This is bad PR for the RR and for Hamilton. They should just ban linesitters before something bad happens and tarnishes Hamilton's good-boy-of-Broadway reputation.

One thing they could do is to require the ID of the person waiting to be the person who purchases the tickets, and match the name to the ticket, the way they did with the physical lottery. Give out a wristband or whatever. It's not a perfect system but it gets around this shady practice.

Updated On: 3/15/16 at 01:05 PM
