lunch said: "If you object to the craziness of the Hamilton cancellation line then stop posting here. As long as this thread stays active and on the first page of, the cancellation line will grow. Capped at 30 won't change much because it's the first 10 spots that people are fighting for.
That's how I got tickets in February. Would never have known about line sitters if I didn't read about it here from the critics of the sitters. Just saying.
"I didn't learn about line sitters here, I discovered them on the #ham4ham hashtag on Instagram. I had no clue how prevalent their business on this line was, now I've seen them at work twice with my own eyes. So now I personally know to have a sure bet of a ticket and be #1 or #2, you or your sitter of choice must be in place no later than 7pm
When I decided to try the cancellation line last week, with all of the reading here I did, a 6am arrival sounded promising. During a night of insomnia, I wanted to see some Hamilton hashtags on Instagram, specifically the #Ham4Ham and when I did, its where I saw the line sitters advertising their services via photos with vague arrival times and current temperatures throughout the month of Feb. The earliest I saw was 2:43am so I figured arriving at 3am was better than 6am. Apparently not early enough. At 3am, I was #9 in line, waited 17 hours total and no ticket. I don't object on the craziness of the line, it is what it is. I think posting is important to share as much information of what is currently going so those who feel that "the early bird catches the worm" knows how early of a bird you gotta be. Posting assists this message board and it's members to information that can help one plan accordingly to get that worm! Book a sitter at XX time? Personally show up at XX time? Forget about it altogether? The choice is a personal one and the information is all here and relevant =)
Swing Joined: 3/17/16
So I was there Wednesday when the line got capped. The author of the Vulture article was a few people behind me in line. I got into line just after 11pm and was the tenth person in line. About one person an hour showed up until almost 6am. Around 6:30 Marriott security told us to leave their property. Unfortunately the theater doesn't want people lining up on the other side so most of the line tried to move across the street where there is an unused building. The goal was to curb any frustration on the theater staff but unfortunately they were doing construction and we moved back. Our only option was to sit on the steps in front but because of the lack of space, an actual organized line wasn't really possible. At then end of it there were two people who had a list of everyone's name, contact info and ticket requests in original line order so there was no confusion and as a back up in case we got told to vacate the premises. As was mentioned in the article, the theater line person came out and said the line was cut off. Thankfully she took the list we'd kept and used it to hand out tickets. What this means for future cancellation lines, I don't know.
At 11am I was able to purchase two premium seats and my third friend made it in about an hour later. When I left the matinee I know the line had moved back onto Marrriott property but was ropped off, so maybe they worked something out for double show day?
MyFavoriteBrunette said: "NJ_BroadwayGirl said: "Would it really work if they set a time when people can start lining up? It's unlike most line scenarios since there's not enough for everyone. Things could get ugly with a bunch of people all arriving at say 6 am.
Yes, you are right about things getting ugly at 6am with everyone showing up all at once instead of staggered. Staggered now is arrive 26 hours before the next show begins.
20 years ago, The NY Yankees/Ticketmaster used for the World Series ticket sales a bracelet. In 1996, I lined up after work at 7pm and at 3am I don't know what happened, a melee and stampede broke out. Tens of thousands of fans alllll running towards one open gate. At the end there were broken portable TV's, radios, tents and chairs all over the place and people hurt. The next time the Yankees made it to the World Series, the Yankee organization did not allow overnight lines of that magnitude and instead directed fans to arrive to the stadium between this and that time, attached a numbered bracelet on you until they ran out and you were on your way home, good night's sleep and you'd arrive the next morning to be placed in your section in line and then wait to buy tickets.
That may be viable for a one time situation but this is a daily one so idk if that would work.
Swing Joined: 3/16/16
First change of probably more to come.
Effective today there will be no more spot swapping allowed on the cancellation line after the Richard Rodgers box office opens.
Stay tuned.....
Understudy Joined: 4/13/15
Masteroftickets said: "First change of probably more to come.
Effective today there will be no more spot swapping allowed on the cancellation line after the Richard Rodgers box office opens.
Stay tuned.....
That just means that the line sitters make more money, as you can pay them to buy your tickets for you as well. Now people don't have the option of having the line sitters for most of the time but not all of it, although I guess you can swap out at 9:45 am since the box office opens at 10.
They should probably just create a separate lottery for cancellation / standing room tickets.
Stand-by Joined: 2/13/16
I don't know if that's true or not, but a no leaving/swapping rule could help.
If people know they can't swap or leave, they will be less likely to line up at early hours. But then there is no way RRT staff will be able to enforce this until their box office opens.
I think that when the box office opens, they should take names, which should match an id and photo. In order to claim your ticket, you must present your id and it must match the name on the list. This prevents line-sitters, swappers, cutters and holders.
Understudy Joined: 4/13/15
vdirects said: "I don't know if that's true or not, but a no leaving/swapping rule could help.
If people know they can't swap or leave, they will be less likely to line up at early hours. But then there is no way RRT staff will be able to enforce this until their box office opens.
I think that when the box office opens, they should take names, which should match an id and photo. In order to claim your ticket, you must present your id and it must match the name on the list. This prevents line-sitters, swappers, cutters and holders.
It will certainly help with swappers, cutters, and holders, but it won't prevent line sitters. The line sitters will buy the ticket for you using their ID. Then they will hand you the ticket and you will walk into the theater with it. It just means you have to have the line sitters buy the tickets for you, which the line sitters are set up to do anyway....
They need to make a waiting list like popular restaurants do for people who want to dine at a certain day/time. If there's a wait list then there's no need for a line outside.
People would just need to be by the theatre on their requested date to be notified and pick up tickets. I didn't really think this through, but anyone want to start a waitlist app? lol
And one more thing- I'm so OVER the online lotto. I never win
oops duplicate post
Updated On: 3/17/16 at 11:17 AM
A wait list app wouldn't work; you would have robots manipulating it. It should just be a separate lottery with a very brief window to register (maybe 30 minutes) and called shortly before showtime. Maybe if people had to enter their credit card information at the time of registering, knowing they risk being charged for premium seats if chosen, would keep it slightly in check.
in terms of the normal online lottery, I frankly think they should limit that also to a 30 minute registration time, just as they do in person. It would make the statistics of winning something at least within the realm of hopeful possibility. As it is now, didn't I read they have an average of 30,000 people playing the online lottery for every performance? That's what you get when you have 6 hours to register.
QueenAlice said: "A wait list app wouldn't work; you would have robots manipulating it. It should just be a separate lottery with a very brief window to register (maybe 30 minutes) and called shortly before showtime. Maybe if people had to enter their credit card information at the time of registering, knowing they risk being charged for premium seats if chosen, would keep it slightly in check.
in terms of the normal online lottery, I frankly think they should limit that also to a 30 minute registration time, just as they do in person. It would make the statistics of winning something at least within the realm of hopeful possibility. As it is now, didn't I read they have an average of 30,000 people playing the online lottery for every performance? That's what you get when you have 6 hours to register.
I agree that the regular lottery should have a clause that says if you win and don't claim then you're barred from entering for a certain period of time. Obviously, there are ways to manipulate it but it's ridiculous that people who have no way to get there win when there are thousands of people nearby losing. If the lotto ended sooner, like 2-3p instead of 4, it would leave time for a second chance lotto at 4 but idk if the entrants are still in the system or if the software would have to be changed to allow it. While I like the idea of the last minute lotto, idk how feasible it is since some tickets aren't released until 8-8:03p. You'd still be creating a crowd because if you won you'd have to be standing right there. Maybe instead of the wristbands which creates extra work for staff, they could have a standby lotto and the night before you get an email that you can stand in line and try? I'm not sure what the solution is going to be but it's going to be interesting.
Stand-by Joined: 2/13/16
" It just means you have to have the line sitters buy the tickets for you, which the line sitters are set up to do anyway...."
Not quite because A) a lot of people hire the line sitters to sit for the first few hours, then they will replace them and B) the "main company" refuses to actually purchase tickets on clients' behalf. They will stand for you up until a certain point, but will make you switch with them at the last minute. The owner said this prevents him from getting stuck with a ticket if the clients bail and also the theater may get suspicious of the same men buying tickets every day. Their whole deal is to minimize as much contact with RRT as possible and not cause trouble with them.
The box office must have some average of cancellation tickets every performance. I know it's always different, but they must know for example that they will have 5 as a random number for every show and they could probably cap the winner for a cancellation lottery at that.
Or of course it could be a lottery just to have the privilege to line up for cancellation. The winners for this lottery could be called and assigned a "number" - maybe up to ten winners, and you would line up at the box office by this number order one hour before the show to try your luck at getting a ticket.
Understudy Joined: 4/13/15
vdirects said: "" It just means you have to have the line sitters buy the tickets for you, which the line sitters are set up to do anyway...."
Not quite because A) a lot of people hire the line sitters to sit for the first few hours, then they will replace them and B) the "main company" refuses to actually purchase tickets on clients' behalf. They will stand for you up until a certain point, but will make you switch with them at the last minute. The owner said this prevents him from getting stuck with a ticket if the clients bail and also the theater may get suspicious of the same men buying tickets every day. Their whole deal is to minimize as much contact with RRT as possible and not cause trouble with them.
I think the "main company" now purchases tickets for you if you ask (you need to pre pay the ticket price). I know of someone that had them do this within the last week and it worked out very well. What the RRT could do to change things is only allow the same person to purchase tickets from the cancellation line within a one month window (or whatever amount of time they deem fair) or something so that you don't have the same line sitters every night. That would make it harder for line sitting companies since they couldn't continue to send the same people. The theater could just maintain a simple database of names.... I would think that would be the fairest solution if they really felt that the line sitting companies were the issue....
Broadway Star Joined: 12/2/06
One strategy could be for the box office to keep a list of names of those who purchased tickets from a cancellation and implement a rule saying you can only buy tickets from the cancellation line once every calendar month (similar to how Jersey Boys used to do rush or Matilda used to do their lotto). This would control the same line sitters from buying tickets and passing them off to customers. Without this, the time people would start lining up would likely become more manageable, especially with the new rule of no swapping.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/2/06
Broadway Star Joined: 12/2/06
Hellob said: "MyFavoriteBrunette said: "20 years ago, The NY Yankees/Ticketmaster used for the World Series ticket sales a to arrive to the stadium between this and that time, attached a numbered bracelet on you until they ran out and you were on your way home, good night's sleep and you'd arrive the next morning to be placed in your section in line and then wait to buy tickets.
Hellobsaid: That may be viable for a one time situation but this is a daily one so idk if that would work.
"Theater can have 15 Tyvek sticky bracelets per performance to give out at that's it. Come back 2 hours before showtime to see if your bracelet # which determines your place in line gets you a ticket. 15 is actually generous considering at two tickets per person, there are never 30 tickets and even if everyone wanted just one, there are never 15 tickets to one performance.
This structure wouldn't be to deter line sitting, this is more to prevent the mess that's going on with the people lining up 24 hours before. making other businesses upset. If the Marriott REALLY wants to mess with us, they may prevent us from using their bathroom on the 2nd or 8th floor (GASP)! That would be TERRIBLE! It was a Godsend especially that is was so close to the line!
This isn't completely thought out--what's to stop a line from forming to get the bracelet? LOL!
I TRIED! LOL! it's fun to speculate and reinvent the wheel =)
Brendaisbored said: "So I was there Wednesday when the line got capped...I got into line just after 11pm and was the tenth person in line. About one person an hour showed up until almost 6am...At 11am I was able to purchase two premium seats and my third friend made it in about an hour later."
"Like I've written before, this message board definitely helps with information and planning accordingly. You waited 12 hours! That is what is going on now. Line sitters in place at 7pm for 8pm next day tickets. You lining up at 11pm for an 11am purchase--was it to matinee or evening? I hope evening so you could wash up! 12 hours outside leaves one feeling gritty. YIKES!"
QueenAlice said: "They should probably just create a separate lottery for cancellation / standing room tickets.
"nooooooooooo! No more lotteries! LOL!"
QueenAlice said: "in terms of the normal online lottery, I frankly think they should limit that also to a 30 minute registration time just as they do in person."
YAAAAAAAAS! That I agree with! How many times haven't I forgotten and sign up at 3pm and 3:30pm. At a 30 minute window, you snooze, you loose.
perfectlymarvelous said: "11 pm to 11 am is 12 hours, not 24...
"My bad! I'm delirious! After last weeks' 17 hours and no ticket! LOL!"
Broadway Star Joined: 11/10/15
i don't understand this. you are all overthinking it way, way too much.
there should be a waitlist for the cancellation. first come, first serve. that simple. why do they need people to wait in line? just give your name, phone number, email address and card information. at 7:00 or 7:30pm, you are notified if you're eligible for the ticket. you have a certain window of time to CONFIRM what you want and they charge your card. ticket is waiting for you when you arrive. what's the big deal? there are plenty of systems and software that can do it...