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Hamilton Cancellation Line

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#525Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/15/16 at 4:43pm

I know. That family is my family! They tried to go three times last week and even after waiting 22 hours on the third try, only two of them got in.

NO WAY!  Your family?  They were so nice and pleasant.  Glad the kids got in!

I've done the cancellation line a few times, starting back in September. Not once has there ever been a maximum of 2 tickets per person

I'm not a Cancellation Line veteran, but now it MAX two tickets.  And it has to be a pair.  If they come out with two single tickets, I don't think you can say "I'll take them!"--correct me if I'm wrong anyone--please and thank you!

It was not a problem at all. It's only become a problem since linesitters started this chaos.

I don't think the it's their fault, they do put someone who is willing to wait 17 hours on line in a very handicap position.  It's a problem of supply, demand & desire.  When the Hamiton intrigue hit me, I looked on StubHub in early February for tickets.  Wanted to go for my birthday in April and thought $290 per ticket in the rear mezz was insane.  Hamiton Grammy performance on TV passed and that week when I decided YES!  I wanna be in the room where it happens, I go and look and the same date, same seats they were now $480 per ticket.  (close jaw)

How does this "rule" work exactly? Who's keeping track of who arrives, how many people, and when? 

We self-police basically.  We know who got there when and for how many tickets they are vying for.

What if when it comes down to a minute before showtime, the two people in front of you say they've both been there since 7 am? 

That would ensue a melee, They'll be sure to get a beat down!  LOL! 

Updated On: 3/15/16 at 04:43 PM

#526Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/15/16 at 4:56pm

"I've only read part of this thread, but I wonder why the producers aren't doing anything about this. It seems out of character for this to be going on so intensely and for so long. It's only going to get worse as the weather gets warmer, and someone will get hurt."  


Well that's because RRT management and PR is a sht show. It's one big mess. Hamilton is the hottest show in town and everyone gets a nice cut either way. As long as the show keeps selling out, they couldn't care less about being fair, organized or even halfway responsible.  


"See, and I think what you did is unfair, (but yes, totally allowed under the rules at that time), "  


I agree, you can swap with someone at regular intervals and I personally would allow both of you to get tickets. But, while I don't support the line sitters, having some random person just suddenly appear and "relieve you" and then get tickets for themselves, and even worse having MORE people cut the line is wrong.  The unwritten rule is that only people who arrive at the same time get individual claim to tickets. If you didn't arrive together or swap at regular intervals (proof is by getting to know the others in line, who will understand: 'oh okay that mother/daughter duo is swapping regularly'...etc.), you only get to have one rep get up to 2 tix. The thing is, however, is that the line self-polices. There are no rules. You can get away with whatever the line lets you get away with. It's the other standers' responsibility to speak up when this happens.    


"I know exactly the guy you mean, and he is singlehandedly responsible..."  


I'm glad I am not the only one. He is very hot/cold. I've seen him friendly with certain people and a complete jerk to others. I think he enjoys the power way too much, hence the nazi name.    

Updated On: 3/15/16 at 04:56 PM

SDV Profile Photo
#527Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/15/16 at 5:13pm

Haven’t done the Ham line, but have done Shakespeare in the Park a number of times and it sounds similar. People in these lines have been there for so many hours that everyone absolutely knows who was where in the line, who arrived late, who tried to cut the line, etc. Self policing works remarkably well when people have been sitting on a public sidewalk together during ungodly hours of the morning.


#528Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/15/16 at 5:21pm

why exactly is it wrong for me to pay $X to a line-sitter for his time waiting on the cancellation line to help me obtain two tickets, but not for me to pay $Y on StubHub, Ticketmaster Resale, or some other ticket site (or some guy in front of the RRT who is selling tickets) to obtain two tickets?

at least the line-sitter is providing a service. there's a very long line, I don't want to wait 6, 12, 18, 24, 48, whatever the crazy amount of hours it ends up being. I'd rather pay someone to wait that amount of time. either way - one person, two tickets max.

stubhub tickets more often than not are people who tried at the exact same stroke of 10AM that you and I did to get Hamilton tickets, but are using bots and other methods to slant the odds in their favor. those people aren't doing a service for anyone, they're not providing access to the show by doing something that a theatre-goer isn't willing to do, they're just bottom feeding.

the line dudes were good peoples and amazingly helpful. I don't see why it's shady or cheating or wrong.

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#529Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/15/16 at 5:38pm

We can't beat the bots online and we can only try to beat the sitters in line. 

At least one has a chance against the sitters to actually get  ticket at Face Value and invest in nothing but the ticket.  Can never ever get a face value ticket trying to beat the bots.

I think in the end that is all we have in common here.  We all want that golden ticket direct from the box office into our hands with no middle man.  But the playing field isn't level so we all share our stories and experiences to educate one another with tips and times and one will know if they want to go the sitter route or not, or choose to be stationed in line or not.  

In the end, the fan is the one who always loses (crying face!)

Updated On: 3/15/16 at 05:38 PM

#530Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/15/16 at 5:41pm

IMO line-sitting is no more wrong or right than scalping. They are one in the same to me, personally.  I outline why in a rant in Comment #328 of this thread.

Updated On: 3/15/16 at 05:41 PM

NJ_BroadwayGirl Profile Photo
#531Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/15/16 at 11:25pm

Cutting through the Marriott Marquis breezeway tonight at 9:45 and there were Same Old Line Dudes representatives actively peddling their services. They said "looking for Hamilton tickets?" and were handing out cards. There were about 4 people on line already, two in Same Old... tents and this was before tonight's show had even ended. wow.

I like a good rhyme more than a good time

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#532Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/16/16 at 12:32am

Cutting through the Marriott Marquis breezeway tonight at 9:45 and there were Same Old Line Dudes representatives actively peddling their services. They said "looking for Hamilton tickets?" and were handing out cards. There were about 4 people on line already, two in Same Old... tents and this was before tonight's show had even ended. wow.

4 people at 9:45 and just 2 were line dudes?!?  There's hope for the next few that show up!  

#533Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/16/16 at 12:44am

Like Franklin BBQ put it (I like how someone on this thread called it 'a restaurant', it's almost as popular in Austin as Hamilton is here), it's not in the spirit of their philosophy to allow strangers to wait in line for their food and game the system. That's what line sitters do. I agree that line sitting is no different than scalping, and like other people have said, gives no guarantee that you're even getting in, whereas at least a scalped ticket usually does. Lin discourages scalpers and he should discourage line sitters, too. It's not in Hamilton's best interest to have any stain on them before the Tonys.

Either way, no one's mind is getting changed here, but I firmly believe the Richard Rodgers needs to step in and, at the VERY least, post the rules to the line (which keep changing according to the Worst Line Monitor Ever's whims) publicly. If you're not going to ban line sitters, you have to have the same rules applied equally to everyone. If normal people buying tickets can't resell without Line Monitor threatening to ban my kind, nice mother trying to give her tickets to her friend from out of town at the back of the line, then line sitters can't, either. Period.

Updated On: 3/16/16 at 12:44 AM

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#534Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/16/16 at 1:08am

It all boils down to mula, money, dinero. The line is the way it is because it's the only affordable means of having a chance to get in.  The doorway is very narrow, tho.  If tickets weren't $177 but were $1077, door would be open! 

Updated On: 3/16/16 at 01:08 AM

Hellob Profile Photo
#535Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/16/16 at 1:51am

thomaspaine said: "Like Franklin BBQ put it (I like how someone on this thread called it 'a restaurant', it's almost as popular in Austin as Hamilton is here), 


Lol, I'm the one who said that. I lived in Austin for 10 years and go back every year and guess what? I don't wait AT ALL bc my BFF and I know people and she's super hot. That's how life works, so you can wait all day for brisket while we text someone that we are coming and we get right in. Btw, I'm not arguing BBQ with you but there are a few other establishments that are in the same league but only one Hamilton so franklins isn't "as big" as Hamilton and you can't relate Austin values to NYC. It's a totally different culture. 

#536Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/16/16 at 2:09am

Hellob said: "thomaspaine said: "Like Franklin BBQ put it (I like how someone on this thread called it 'a restaurant', it's almost as popular in Austin as Hamilton is here), 


Lol, I'm the one who said that. I lived in Austin for 10 years and go back every year and guess what? I don't wait AT ALL bc my BFF and I know people and she's super hot. That's how life works, so you can wait all day for brisket while we text someone that we are coming and we get right in. Btw, I'm not arguing BBQ with you but there are a few other establishments that are in the same league but only one Hamilton so franklins isn't "as big" as Hamilton and you can't relate Austin values to NYC. It's a totally different culture."

I've probably eaten at most, if not all, of the restaurants you're talking about (originally from Texas myself and go back to Austin frequently) but none of them is a cult like Franklin. And what you're talking about regarding "knowing somebody" is the same thing as knowing a cast member at a show and getting in that way. Yeah, duh, the cast's friends aren't waiting on the cancellation line. 


Also, Austin values are basically Brooklyn values at this point, but that's a side thread all its own.  

Updated On: 3/16/16 at 02:09 AM

JPeterman Profile Photo
#537Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/16/16 at 3:19am

I think the next logical event in the evolution of the cancellation line is for the line sitters to raise their hourly price.   Once the major line sitter entities are overwhelmed with reservations (which they are moving toward quickly) they may raise their hourly rates to $30/hour.  That will generate another 10 pages of comments on this thread.  Maybe it will be $40/hour by July, who knows.  


As it is now, working 5 days a week and taking their percentage of the total hourly rate (I assume the company takes a percentage off the top) along with tips, I am guessing the individual line sitters are on track to earn at least $30,000.00/year ..... and with questionable incentive to self report their earnings for taxes.  


The only thing I think that could prevent a price increase is if a bunch of random people start to offer line sitting services, as has just barely begun to occur.  They are new, inexperienced and potentially less trust worthy than the more reputable companies, so they will have to undercut the price of the more expensive services.  I am not a business person, but this is really interesting economics!

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#538Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/16/16 at 3:33am

The only thing I think that could prevent a price increase is if a bunch of random people start to offer line sitting services, as has just barely begun to occur.  They are new, inexperienced and potentially less trust worthy than the more reputable companies, so they will have to undercut the price of the more expensive services.  I am not a business person, but this is really interesting economics!

I thought I just needed to get to the line as close to the line sitters as I possibly could.  Come to find the man that arrived at midnight was there for the sole purpose of selling his #7 space.  So the random services are out there already and yes, the plot thickens!

NJ_BroadwayGirl Profile Photo
#539Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/16/16 at 8:01am

MyFavoriteBrunette said: "I thought I just needed to get to the line as close to the line sitters as I possibly could.  Come to find the man that arrived at midnight was there for the sole purpose of selling his #7 space.  So the random services are out there already and yes, the plot thickens!"


Wow. People selling the spots they are sitting in is definitely the next level in my opinion. I'm not interested in sitting in line or hiring a sitter but I'm curious - do the Same Old Line Dudes guarantee tickets? I only ask because they were hawking their service as people who were selling tickets not spot holding. 

I like a good rhyme more than a good time

Anakela Profile Photo
#540Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/16/16 at 8:07am

I'm curious - do the Same Old Line Dudes guarantee tickets? I only ask because they were hawking their service as people who were selling tickets not spot holding. 

The Hamilton page on their website says they have a 95% success rate, which sounds legit to me. Unlike the other company that keeps spamming these boards that claims to "guarantee" you'll get tickets. 

Hellob Profile Photo
#541Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/16/16 at 8:26am

JPeterman said: "I think the next logical event in the evolution of the cancellation line is for the line sitters to raise their hourly price.   Once the major line sitter entities are overwhelmed with reservations (which they are moving toward quickly) they may raise their hourly rates to $30/hour.  That will generate another 10 pages of comments on this thread.  Maybe it will be $40/hour by July, who knows.  


As it is now, working 5 days a week and taking their percentage of the total hourly rate (I assume the company takes a percentage off the top) along with tips, I am guessing the individual line sitters are on track to earn at least $30,000.00/year ..... and with questionable incentive to self report their earnings for taxes.  


The only thing I think that could prevent a price increase is if a bunch of random people start to offer line sitting services, as has just barely begun to occur.  They are new, inexperienced and potentially less trust worthy than the more reputable companies, so they will have to undercut the price of the more expensive services.  I am not a business person, but this is really interesting economics!



I personally would pay more for the only LLC company because of the small chance of something going wrong, you have recourse. I wouldn't feel ok giving money to a stranger who wasn't licensed. What can you really do if they run off? I know the other guy posts/advertises his services but I'm only going with the guy who has a website, his name and face everywhere, etc because the odds of issues dwindle. Good luck if you try fly by night, hope they don't fly with your money! Lol

#542Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/16/16 at 8:32am

Hi all! I’m heading to New York in summer, end of June early July-ish (coming over from Sydney!!)  and i'm starting to get worried! I was thinking of doing the cancellation line, but now taking in to account summer break and it being just after the Tony's, as well as possible cast departures around the one year mark i'm really freaking out! I've never done cancellation lines (or ever been to a Broadway show for that matter)  so i was wondering if you more experienced people have any predictions as to how crazy its gonna get?? To be honest if i have to wait in a line for 17 hours to not get a ticket for an evening show i think ill just fork out and get some stupidly expensive resale seats. 
Thanks everyone! Not just if anyone answers but for everyone posting their experiences on the thread!! :) 

(Also i tried posting earlier and it was giving me an error message so if they did work but there is like a moderation delay or something and i end up posting here like 4 times i'm really sorry)

#543Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/16/16 at 9:03am

nicolecrowne said: "Hi all! I’m heading to New York in summer, end of June early July-ish (coming over from Sydney!!)  and i'm starting to get worried! 


I would expect it to get worse because of warm weather, vacations, school breaks, Tony awards, BUT anything could happen between now and your trip. The theater could change the way they distribute these tickets. Line sitters could be banned. The police could decide to disperse the line during the overnight hours. A gas leak could demolish the theater. Not saying any of this is likely, but there is a lot that could change between now and then.


I would suggest checking back in with the board as your visit gets closer; the information here is reliable and current. I made very last-minute changes to my plans based on information on this board. As to buying resale tickets -- that's kind of a gamble. Right now, the resale tickets available for that time period aren't as obscenely priced as the ones for this month, so buying now could be a good option. After the Tonys, those prices will most likely rise. There's always the last minute gambit, hoping that as it gets closer to showtime on the day you want to go, that prices drop because these people want to get rid of them.


So that was probably not the definitive answer you were looking for, but I hope it wasn't totally useless.

NJ_BroadwayGirl Profile Photo
#544Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/16/16 at 9:10am

If I was coming to NY from the other side of the world and wanted to see Hamilton, I would secure a resale ticket in advance of my trip. If you're buying one ticket that seems more economical than a line sitter. And as for sitting yourself, why waste practically an entire day of your trip to NY sitting on line? 

I like a good rhyme more than a good time

#545Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/16/16 at 9:51am

If you want to see the show and can afford the resale price just get a ticket now.  I live in Atlanta and will be in NYC this weekend for a half marathon.  I debated whether or not I should spend the money on a resale ticket and in the end I realized it was going to be way cheaper for me to just pay for a resale ticket compared to getting a ticket for a future when it went on sale, pay for another airline ticket and hotel.  I also don't want to spend what little time I have in NYC in line.  With the craziness that has happened since the Grammys I could probably sell my ticket now for twice what I paid for it!

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#546Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/16/16 at 11:16am

Line Dudes guarantee tickets? I only ask because they were hawking their service as people who were selling tickets not spot holding. 

That's their bait to get services booked.  One of them told me that twice he didn't get tickets, one time he was 12th in line.  Guess his own colleagues beat him on the line!  LOL! 

They do not guarantee tickets, they guarantee that they will be sitting in line for you.  Their ticket success rate is high because they are pretty much at the front of the line because they basically can't ever leave.  They set up shop for the next show while hopefuls are still on line waiting for the current tickets.  That is what I witnessed.  

And yes, they are the LLC reputable one.  Their CEO came and brought the employees Chick-Fil-A for lunch!  Results of an undeliverable line sitting gig.  I was on line for 9 hours by then and it sure looked tasty!  LOL! 

uncageg Profile Photo
#547Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/16/16 at 11:49am

Walked past the theater this morning at about 8:15. It appears that they have moved the line to the right side of the entrance.  Last week it was going through the Marriott breezeway so wonder if they made them move it?

Just give the world Love.

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#548Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/16/16 at 12:04pm

uncageg said: "Walked past the theater this morning at about 8:15. It appears that they have moved the line to the right side of the entrance.  Last week it was going through the Marriott breezeway so wonder if they made them move it?


"Maybe because the line had been blocking an active driveway?"

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#549Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/16/16 at 12:05pm

uncageg said: "Walked past the theater this morning at about 8:15. It appears that they have moved the line to the right side of the entrance.  Last week it was going through the Marriott breezeway so wonder if they made them move it?


"Maybe because the line had been blocking an active driveway?"  I know we had to move out chairs quite a few times when I was in line to allow for the SUV and motorcycle that needed access.
