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Hamilton in Chicago

#425Hamilton Chicago
Posted: 4/3/17 at 2:35pm

Jin Ha was on as Laurens/Phillip yesterday.  I'm not sure if it was his first time on or not. 

#426Hamilton Chicago
Posted: 4/5/17 at 8:07am

Any idea who was out last night? Already went hoping to see Karen once and missed her, and trying again tonight. Hoping for better luck and that she's back from her week away.

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#427Hamilton Chicago
Posted: 4/5/17 at 8:33am

From Instagram posts it seems like both Karen and Samantha were out last night

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire

ggersten Profile Photo
#428Hamilton Chicago
Posted: 4/5/17 at 9:14am

I believe Karen Olivo is on a scheduled vacation through this week.

#429Hamilton Chicago
Posted: 4/5/17 at 9:20am

Thanks a ton guys. Looks like I'll try again next time.

Updated On: 4/5/17 at 09:20 AM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#430Hamilton Chicago
Posted: 4/6/17 at 1:56pm

I'm not necessarily frustrated by the presence of understudies on stage, but I AM frustrated by what I feel like was a lack of information about who was performing. Maybe this is just ignorance on my part because I'm used to New York procedures, but I figured Broadway in Chicago would have the same standards? I went on the night of March 29th, and we had at least one understudy, I think two, but there was not a single visible or audible thing alerting us to this fact. No Playbill inserts, no announcement, and I scaled the theater lobby high and low looking for a cast board. I found that really weird, and super irritating. As soon as King George opened his mouth, I was like, well, that sure doesn't sound like Alex Gemignani, but there was nothing anywhere telling me that wasn't him, I was not sitting close enough to see faces very clearly, and it drove me f-ing bonkers. I can't imagine the powers that be think just because it's not Broadway nobody cares, and also, don't the Equity rules apply? I just want to know who I'm seeing!

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 4/6/17 at 01:56 PM

#431Hamilton Chicago
Posted: 4/6/17 at 2:00pm

luvtheEmcee, they have a digital cast board. It's on two tv screens, I saw it earlier this month. It's on the right hand side of the lobby. The top monitor is the whole cast's names and the bottom is AT THIS PERFORMANCE THE ROLE OF blank will be played by blank.

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#432Hamilton Chicago
Posted: 4/6/17 at 2:01pm

And they do have an insert for every performance.

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#433Hamilton Chicago
Posted: 4/6/17 at 2:02pm

WHERE?! I didn't notice it walking in, but then I went looking everywhere at intermission, and again after the show was over. Is it possible they only show the cast while people are entering and then the screen changes to something else since it's digital? I'm so curious about this newfangled thing, haha. 

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#434Hamilton Chicago
Posted: 4/6/17 at 2:04pm

The screen is the in the room where you line up to get your ticket scanned. I don't believe it changes

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire

#435Hamilton Chicago
Posted: 4/6/17 at 2:04pm

". Is it possible they only show the cast while people are entering and then the screen changes to something else since it's digital? "

Possible but I don't know. I also had a full cast insert listing who was playing every role in my playbill.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#436Hamilton Chicago
Posted: 4/6/17 at 2:12pm

There was 30000000% not an insert in my Playbill, nor in any of my friends' Playbills and I went with a group of five. 

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#437Hamilton Chicago
Posted: 4/6/17 at 2:14pm

I don't know what to tell you except I guess the ushers aren't doing their jobs.

#438Hamilton Chicago
Posted: 4/6/17 at 2:15pm

The two performances in Chicago I attended, including one recently, both had inserts.  I can't imagine there wasn't one at your show - perhaps you got the stray unstuffed Playbill or it accidentally fell out.  

And NY standards weren't so great when I saw the show a couple of weeks after Lin, et al left.  They had an insert but for several weeks - and for some roles months- audience members went in with no idea at all who they'd be seeing (and not just bc of understandable illnesses, etc)  It was just a series of rotating understudies and I can't say I was too impressed by that given that many people - myself included- had paid ridiculous amounts of money for their tickets before announcements were made.   I still suspect that much like in NY back then, there is something going on behind the scenes bc any 6 month contracts recently expired and they are trying to figure out how to handle the dissemination of information.  

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#439Hamilton Chicago
Posted: 4/6/17 at 2:19pm

I'd have assumed it accidentally fell out if my entire group hadn't been without inserts, as well. They didn't accidentally fall out for all of us. It's possible we just got an unstuffed batch. Which shouldn't happen, but it's not the end of the world. I was just so confused. 

I didn't mean New York Hamilton standards, although I know shows that Jeffrey Seller produces usually do the full-cast inserts for every performance and not just the "at this performance" mini-slips. I meant New York as a whole, where it's (usually) very obvious, in multiple ways, that you're not seeing a regular cast member. I'm from New York and have almost 30 years of theatregoing memories from there, so it's not a stray observation.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 4/6/17 at 02:19 PM

#440Hamilton Chicago
Posted: 4/6/17 at 2:23pm

luvtheEmcee said: "There was 30000000% not an insert in my Playbill, nor in any of my friends' Playbills and I went with a group of five. 


I hadn't seen this when I responded so I guess it wasn't random.  But makes me think that much more that there are contract issues - perhaps coupled with other cast members' vacations and illnesses - but I doubt that's all it is.  It's too similar to what happened in NY when OBC contracts were up.  I know they aren't obligated to give the public lots of notice or tell us anything at all (other than who is in the cast the evening you see it - I certainly agree with you on that) but it's frustrating nonetheless.  


luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#441Hamilton Chicago
Posted: 4/6/17 at 2:27pm

Maybe! That's not great, but I'm grateful for any kind of explanation, honestly -- it was just so weird to me. I spent the whole night being like, "... aren't they required to tell you?" But if I just didn't see the digital board, oh well for me, I guess.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#442Hamilton Chicago
Posted: 4/6/17 at 2:32pm

I was at the matinee yesterday and they had an insert and made an announcement at intermission for George Eaker.

I have a question though, is the sound always bad in Chicago or was it just yesterday or was it just where I was sitting?  The balance was really off.  At times, I could barely hear the harmonies and at times, one or two ensemble members were very prominent instead of well blended.  There were a few other issues as well.

#443Hamilton Chicago
Posted: 4/6/17 at 5:52pm

Understudy notice isn't a NYCvs Chicago issue, it's pretty straightforward in the AEA contract. The audience is to be notified of an understudy in at least two of theee ways:

-Sign at every entrance to the theater 

-Program insert 

-PA announcement 

This is also why Paramour (which doesn't have programs) must do a live announcement any time an understudy is on. 

Babe_Williams Profile Photo
#444Hamilton Chicago
Posted: 4/6/17 at 6:55pm

I was there on 3/31 and there was an inset. Someone must have screwed up the night you were there. 

Updated On: 4/6/17 at 06:55 PM

Babe_Williams Profile Photo
#445Hamilton Chicago
Posted: 4/6/17 at 6:57pm

Browneyes142 said: "I was at the matinee yesterday and they had an insert and made an announcement at intermission for George Eaker.

I have a question though, is the sound always bad in Chicago or was it just yesterday or was it just where I was sitting?  The balance was really off.  At times, I could barely hear the harmonies and at times, one or two ensemble members were very prominent instead of well blended.  There were a few other issues as well.



I felt like the sound was terrible too. At times, I felt like the vocals were so loud my ears would bleed. 

#446Hamilton Chicago
Posted: 4/8/17 at 12:32pm

Just wanted to check to see if anyone had heard anything about Karen Olivo in the past few days... I know it was brought up a few days ago but wasn't sure if someone had an update- thanks! 

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#447Hamilton Chicago
Posted: 4/11/17 at 3:30pm

I've noticed Ari and Joseph have been doing a ton of publicity together. About a month ago they went around Chicago to have some Chicago food. Last week they were at google in Chicago, today they are taking over the planned parenthood Instagram. Is Miguel just busy a lot and that's why he can't make it to these publicity stuff? I loved ari's and joseph's connection back when I saw it with him in October, btw. 

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire

#448Hamilton Chicago
Posted: 4/11/17 at 4:39pm

bnp2641 said: "Just wanted to check to see if anyone had heard anything about Karen Olivo in the past few days... I know it was brought up a few days ago but wasn't sure if someone had an update- thanks! 




she'll be back the 18th.



#449Hamilton Chicago
Posted: 4/11/17 at 4:43pm

"Is Miguel just busy a lot and that's why he can't make it to these publicity stuff?"

Miguel already does the majority of performances, plus he has two small children. Give him a break.
