They do have booster seats, but the bathrooms - at least the womens' - are terrible. The line for the womens' room during intermission was wrapped around the basement, up the stairs and through the lobby, and they did not extend the intermission at all. If you can avoid needing to use one, do.
Candace Quarrels had her Angelica Put-in according to Samantha's Instagram story.
And she's on as Angelica all next week!
This is so exciting! She was exellent in Book of Mormon (I saw her in the show 4 times). I'm sure she'll be incredible as Anjelica!
Broadway Star Joined: 12/2/06
How do so many people on here make the mistake of writing Anjelica. It's AnGelica!!!
And it isn't like it's not right there for you to reference either...
We saw this a second time on Friday night - March 24 - after having seen it the first weekend back in October. We were in orchestra right, row R but seats 10,12,14 and these did have a small obstruction for stage left second story. Happy I didn't pay the $500 list price for the seats.
That said, I enjoyed it more this time. And I thought October's show was great. The cast seemed to be having more fun and had really settled into their characters. The show felt tighter than I remembered. Chris De'sean Lee's Jefferson, whom I thought was ok last time, really stole the stage. Karen Olivo was on fire. We had the standby for Washington -Colby Lewis - and he was really quite good. Alexander Gemignani milked more out of King George III than in October, which I didn't think was possible Miguel Cervantes (whom we did not see last time) was tight and wound as Hamilton - he really projected a person who was "running out of time" but had a "million things he hadn't done". He was exceptional Then, there was Wayne Brady. The audience loved him - and he was good and while I didn't see much of Wayne Brady, the celebrity - he just was not Joshua Henry, I wanted to like Brady more - really and truly - but there was something missing. I finally decided that it seemed - to me - that while Henry narrated as Burr - Brady narrated as a narrator, and not as Burr. When Brady was Burr, he was quite good - most particularly in Wait for It. But whereas Henry brought this quiet energy/anger/resolve to The Room Where it Happens, I didn't get that sense from Brady's performance. When Henry sang "click boom" it was a boom. Not so from Brady.
That said - I'm glad we saw Brady, in no small part. to the BCEFA fundraiser after the show where Brady did an improv rap (which he has been doing for several shows if you look on that site). You could suggest a word for a $100 donation. Lots of people filmed - with permission from the cast. Here is what he did for our audience. I did not film this.
Stand-by Joined: 4/9/15
Joseph Morales is on as King George for the first time I believe
I'm tweaking. I need to hear reports. Loved his Hamilton and can only imagine how great he was as George.
That's amazing. Does he actually understudy King George or was this a bonkers emergency?
From scanning my playbill and the website, Jin Ha is listed as the King understudy. I thought there was another, but I may be wrong. However, Morales isn't listed as a cover for the times in Chicago tonight!
Stand-by Joined: 4/9/15
Jin posted in his Instagram story that he's out sick, so I'm guessing it may have been an emergency thing. I'm not sure if anyone else covers the role.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/24/16
I am never not amused by all the creative understudying that goes on at Hamilton. Glad(?) to see it carries into the other companies as well (My favourite, however, it Thayne Jasperson getting less than 30min notice that he was going on as Laurens/Philip for the first time and having to change costumes)
I'll be in Chicago in early May, and was thinking about picking up a ticket. I'd really like to see Daniel Breaker as Burr.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/2/06
This past Sunday on Broadway was a fun understudy time too. Andrew Chappelle was supposed to go on as Lafayette/Jeffersn for his final performance before his hiatus. Jevon McFerrin was supposed to be Hamilton, as it was his scheduled alternate day. Taran Killam, Thayne Jasperson, and Neil Haskell, were all out (sounds like the third call out was last minute) so as a last minute switch Andrew Chappelle had to go on for the King. They needed a Lafayette/Jefferson so Jevon switched from his scheduled Hamilton to Lafayette/Jefferson, and then Jon Rua was called on to play Hamilton.
Can't tell if this is from two nights ago or from last night. If it's from last night congrats to him on going on again! Is there another kG3 understudy besides Jin ha and Joseph? I wonder how it would work if Jin were to be out when joseph needed to be on as Hamilton
Sounds like the Chicago production has been something of a crazy mess with understudies. What on earth is going on?
Broadway Star Joined: 10/31/16
Mister Matt said: "Sounds like the Chicago production has been something of a crazy mess with understudies. What on earth is going on?
Last week marked the 6 month point I believe - I would have thought some of the better known cast members (Olivo, Gemignani, etc) only signed on for 6 months. They may either be silently departing or negotiating. I saw it the week before and everyone was in except for Jonathan Kirkland but he was ill so I'm wondering if I caught the tail end of a couple cast members' runs. I haven't followed the situation this week but it sounds somewhat reminiscent of last July in NY when suddenly the OBC started to leave before principals were recast. Many people complained about the NY cast being in disarray so perhaps Chicago has decided to do it a bit more under the radar? Just a thought- complete speculation on my part.
Stand-by Joined: 4/9/15
From following the cast on social media it seems like nothing more than a combination of vacation and illness. I mean I guess people could be silently leaving, but it doesn't seem like it.
Chorus Member Joined: 5/19/15
Call_me_jorge said: "Can't tell if this is from two nights ago or from last night. If it's from last night congrats to him on going on again! Is there another kG3 understudy besides Jin ha and Joseph? I wonder how it would work if Jin were to be out when joseph needed to be on as Hamilton
I saw the evening show last night and Joseph was on as the king. He was fantastic!
Broadway Star Joined: 11/24/16
Mister Matt said: "Sounds like the Chicago production has been something of a crazy mess with understudies. What on earth is going on?"
Honestly this is par for course with Hamilton. This isn't nearly as bad as some of the stories I've heard from the RR
LizzieCurry said: "And she's on as Angelica all next week!
Saw her the other night. She was really, really good. The end of Satisfied was so emotional and so moving, she was practically in tears at the end, she definitely nailed the role. I previously saw Syndee Winters playing Angelica on Broadway and thought she was amazing also, but Candace definitely brought even more emotion to the character.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
"I wanted to like Brady more - really and truly - but there was something missing. I finally decided that it seemed - to me - that while Henry narrated as Burr - Brady narrated as a narrator, and not as Burr. When Brady was Burr, he was quite good - most particularly in Wait for It. But whereas Henry brought this quiet energy/anger/resolve to The Room Where it Happens, I didn't get that sense from Brady's performance. When Henry sang "click boom" it was a boom. Not so from Brady. "
ggersten, just wanted to compliment you on this. I saw the Chicago production last month and you really nailed what's missing with Wayne. Nobody told him to narrate the show AS Burr.
I thought Miguel, Ari, Karen, and Chris Lee were phenomenal. I'd previously only seen the original cast (plus some understudies) and those four really held up. They'd be stupid not to send Miguel, Ari, and Chris to New York. (I figure Karen wouldn't want to go.)
I agree with your analyses. I thought that Wayne Brady was good, but very straightlaced and by the book. He didn't really give the narration or even his portrayl of Burr any oomph.
This upcoming week is Brady's last in the role, right? Eager to hear how Daniel Breaker is!