I just discovered that this book about the making of the OLC “Sunset Boulevard” with Patti existed and was curious if anyone had read it -
Amazon Listing
Well, I know what book is next on my list! I just ordered this. Thanks for sharing this, Jordan.
Not a great blurb. We can see already that he is totally on Patti’s side. He calls her “warm”. Also not sure how Marilyn Monroe fits in. Whatever, I’d still read it.
It says that he also includes anecdotes about other stars along the way so I am assuming they are not related to Sunset. He also lists Steven Spielberg and a few others.
Understudy Joined: 12/16/22
Jay Lerner-Z said: "Not a great blurb. We can see already that he is totally on Patti’s side. He calls her “warm”. Also not sure how Marilyn Monroe fits in. Whatever, I’d still read it."
Agreed the blurb is a bit odd. But, at least from a legal standpoint, Patti's side seems like the correct one. Especially given ALW's repeated incidents of similar behavior, such as with Cinderella/Bad Cinderella closing on the West End.
Jordan Catalano said: "I just discovered that this book about the making of the OLC “Sunset Boulevard” with Patti existed and was curious if anyone had read it -
Amazon Listing" I just ordered it. Thanks for letting us know. PLF
Just started reading it about an hour ago. SO far I am enjoying it. He apologizes for any informational errors in the forward. I found 2 small ones but that may also be due to the timing of when the book was actually written and published.
ordered! thanks! Will be great reading for an upcoming long flight. Much lighter than the Barbra bio.
Chorus Member Joined: 7/27/10
This book is so confusing and really is two books. His mundane daily life and random anecdotes (most not even first-hand like the Marilyn one) and name dropping is unpleasant and unnecessary (why mention having lunch with an unknown “famous” actress if you have no story/anecdote about it?). Even saying “they had a caesar” would give those things a narrative purpose. That should be separate from the Sunset bits which amount to mostly “I am so above this show and should be doing important work but I’m underemployed and desperately need this job” and “Andrew LW is a grouch who can’t manage a simple hello.”
The author goes to great length to let you know what a great author he is (even a story about how he should sue for a play of Gatsby that was so wonderful because of his rewrite that went uncredited). It’s like he never even had someone else read this (most of all, no editor was consulted).
I will say if you put these writings into AI as content, there may be a coherent and mildly interesting Sunset story here. Mostly seems like it’s sold on the Sunset name but truly a vacuous name-dropping affair with little substance overall.
If you have read it, the book by the skating instructor for Bway Starlight Express makes this Sunset book seem like a grammar school project by the most egocentric child ever.
Well looks like he self published, so it is definitely a vanity project, & probably was never edited.
If anyone has the app Hoopla you can read it for free
I was hoping for more Patti than there was. In the book, Pete Gale discusses how the ensemble members were upset that they lost out on $$$ because the leading lady wouldn't approve a money offer for a Sunset documentary. Gale also recounts how there was ill will about how the principals were asking for a huge amount regarding a cast recording. He wasn't clear about how much money the ensemble would up getting. It probably wasn't much. The higher amount the principals negotiated meant the royalty pool for the ensemble was paltry. I was surprised about a mention of a specific clause in Betty Buckley's contract. The clause (allegedly) stipulated that the show could not begin until she was "emotionally prepared" and needed her permission to start the show. There was also mention of Buckley inviting the cast to attend an energy circle in her dressing room with her pet dogs. In ter es ting!
Chorus Member Joined: 7/27/10
I’m loving that Buckley anecdote too. And I completely believe it. Betty is well known for her quirkiness. But damn, if she wasn’t my favorite Norma! Whatever emotional preparation time she took before the performance I saw was worth every second!!!
WldKingdomHM said: "If anyone has the app Hoopla you can read it for free"
Thanks for the tip, although I have to say this book is a mess. Whole sections of it spin off into irrelevant tangents, like stream of consciousness. I find myself skipping over multiple pages at a time, trying to find the thread again.