Broadway Star Joined: 1/20/06
Not to go off-topic but very few people outside of musical theater fans know who Patti LuPone is (few know her from her role in "Life Goes On" others from her stint in "Oz). Michelle Lee and Chita Rivera guest starred on Will & Grace and you can't tell me that people who aren't musical theater fans know who they are so that is no way to measure mainstream popularity. She is hardly as bankable on Broadway as someone like Bernadette Peters.
*End of threadjack*
I think the fact that the actresses you mentioned along with LuPone made guest appearances playing themselves says enough to their mainstream exposure.
I'm not saying they're household, but I don't know if there are many people who have a fair amount of entertainment-based knowledge who haven't at least heard of Patti LuPone...
"Michelle Lee and Chita Rivera guest starred on Will & Grace and you can't tell me that people who aren't musical theater fans know who they are"
I'd say quite a large portion of the general public knows who they are. Chita Rivera is one of the biggest Broadway stars in history. Most people have at least heard of her. As for Michele Lee, she was on a popular television show for several years. Some younger people might not be all that familiar with them, but, still, quite a lot of people know who they are.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/15/06
Flames or no flames, are you denying that Patti does not have one of the most celebrated careers in recent Broadway history (considering no where in my post did I say she conquered)?
But even on that note, how many working MT performers do you know have crossed from one to the next?
She may be a diva, but it is in no way unjustified.
What is so celebrated about it. She won a Tony 30 years ago and got fired from Sunset Blvd, Oooooooo she;s the queen of Broadway. She got raves for Sweeney Todd but before that she was a has been. I can name people who have crossed over. Bea Arthur has been in more Operas than Lupone for Christs sake!!
Audra, Kristin and Donna Murphy come to mind.
Wow, aside from the fact that you're ignorant, Ciaron, you're also pretty snotty.
Just what we need around here.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/15/06
Wow, aside from the fact that your ignorant, Ciaron, you're also pretty snotty.
Name calling? And I'm ignorant? HAHA
Well, you sure don't know much about LuPone's career. That's pretty obvious. I'm not saying that she's the "second coming," but you've managed to make a bunch of idiotic, snarky comments about her and several other things on various threads, and based your remarks on a resounding lack of information.
But other than that, you're doing fine here, kid.
Keep it up.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/8/04
Like she said: "People either love me or they hate me."
Broadway Star Joined: 10/15/06
"Well, you sure don't know much about LuPone's career. That's pretty obvious. I'm not saying that she's the "second coming," but you've managed to make a bunch of idiotic, snarky comments about her and several other things on various threads, and based your remarks on a resounding lack of information."
I know ALL about her career. I know that she has been in about 5 shows that actually lasted on Broadway (most of which I saw). I saw her in Les Mis (though I don't remember much of it). Saw her in Sunset (God she was awful). I am allowed to have an opinion about her. I think she is overrated. I have certainly seen enough of her work to make such a statement. I think she can be a very good actress when she wants, but for the most part she seems to play the role of herself.
See, the comments you just made... are all valid, and you are most definitely entitled to express your opinion.
But that's NOT what you were saying earlier. You said:
"What is so celebrated about it. She won a Tony 30 years ago and got fired from Sunset Blvd, Oooooooo she;s the queen of Broadway. She got raves for Sweeney Todd but before that she was a has been."
Those are ignorant remarks, posted only to irritate othr people. It sounds like you barely know who she is from that statement. And you didn't back anything up. Your response is there for no other reason than to annoy other posters... and you succeeded. Good for you.
If you want to post your opinions about anything, go right ahead. But if you'd rather fly in here as a newbie and drop little annoying bombs on various threads... nobody is going to take what you have to say seriously.
They might get out the fly swatter, however.
The choice is yours.
Swat it, 12y! Just made my day...
Broadway Star Joined: 10/15/06
""What is so celebrated about it. She won a Tony 30 years ago and got fired from Sunset Blvd, Oooooooo she;s the queen of Broadway. She got raves for Sweeney Todd but before that she was a has been."
OK but she did win a Tony almost 30 years ago.
She was fired from Sunset (and it was the right decision)
She did get raves for Sweeney
She wasn't really working all that much beforehand. Nothing as big as Sweeney was for her.
I stand by what I said. I am so tired of people placing that woman so high. It is not deserved (IMO). There are plenty of other actors/singers out there that could act/sing circles around her but they don't get the chance.
I actually like Patti when she turns off that whole "I'm Patti Lupone" attitude she has. She can be remarkable (Rose in "Gypsy", Eva in "Evita").
She has somehow been placed on this pedistal that other, more deserving, actors should be on.
Its called Stage Presence and, for lack of a better term, "Star Quality."
I feel as though you are in a minority with not being blown away by her performances.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/25/05
I was very lukewarm towards her until the "Sweeney Todd" revival, in which she was BRILLIANT. She reinvented the role completely and was subtle, diabolical, and unforgettable (but still funny). And she blended into the ensemble perfectly during the group numbers, erasing her star presence without a whisper of ego. AND she had perfect diction--all of these things are not customarily said about her.
Better a has-been than a never-was.
Swing Joined: 11/1/06
I love Tim Burton, but does he not have enough people to cast? it's always the same people -- and this is corpse bride revisited. I was hoping for somebody who could really sing, maybe bring up some fantastic broadway actor. Helena is way too mousy for this roll...
A portion of a recent Guardian article where Helena mentions Sweeney:
She and Burton have made three films together since Planet of the Apes, but the couple are about to embark on their biggest project yet: Sweeney Todd, in which Bonham Carter will play the demon barber's pie-making associate, Mrs Lovett. She realises it looks like nepotistic casting, but argues she was only allowed to audition because Stephen Sondheim, Sweeney's composer, was involved in the final decision. "There was a time when I didn't even know if Tim wanted me - to the point where I thought, 'Oh f*ck it, I've given you a child, can't you just give me the part?'",,1937548,00.html
Stand-by Joined: 7/27/06
I am so OVER the whole Burton/Depp/Bonham Carter thing. This makes me think about the movie and feel... nothing. No excitement. Just a giant internal eye-rolling at the same old snore-inducing casting.
I know I'm a little late to the party, but for what it's worth I think Bonham Carter is an excellent choice. Streep opposite Depp never seemed right to me. (And I'm a big Streep fan!) That said, it really doesn't matter what Burton does with this, most die-hard Sweeney fans will never be satisfied.