Thanks, Wildcard.
Here is the excerpt from that interview that deals with "Sweeney Todd."
Frankly... I'm a little nervous with the vagueness in his approach. Could be "just the way he is," though. But I was hoping for a little more of a structured "plan of attack" than this. Especially since he's already casting it and they're starting production fairly soon!
* * * * *
HK: How're things going on SWEENEY TODD?
TB: Oh, it's just early days, you know. It's interesting. I've never done something like this before, so the casting process is quite different and interesting. I'm right in the middle of that. I'm excited because it's something new for me, so... just a whole new process.
HK: What do you mean by it being so different for you?
TB: Well, just doing a musical kind of thing. I mean, I've done... with the animated things, there's music and stuff, but this is a different process. I don't know. You just look for different things. It's just slightly different than what I'm used to.
HK: This has been one that has been floating around with you...
TB: I've always loved it 'cause it's... I don't know... I remember when I first saw it on stage it was this sort of Grand Guignol kind of horror movie musical. I always loved it for that.
HK: Are there going to be stylistic similarities to the way you handled that sort of Grand Guignol sort of stuff in SLEEPY HOLLOW?
TB: Well, you know... yeah, I do love those kinds of movies and things, so yeah... there's certainly probably a bit of that in there. Just those old expressionist movies and old horror movies, but that juxtaposed against the music, which is so beautiful and strong. I don't know... it's just an interesting combination to me.
HK: I can't wait to see it.
TB: Me, too! (laughs)
HK: I just can't wait to see how Johnny (Depp) handles that character.
TB: That's what's great about him. He's just so game, he's so into trying different things, too. So, that's going to be exciting.
Well, Tim Burton isn't very articulate, but than neither is Bob Dylan - so its not necessarily a good representation of whether he has a handle on the film or not. We do know he's expressed interest in directing SWEENEY for over a decade, so he must have some idea of what he wants to do with it.
God... um, I don't know... I hope so.
Add me to the list of those angry about the HBC choice. I like her work, but I'm not entirely sure how she's going to do in a role like this. Does she have any musical experience?
As a director, wouldn't the question of your own artistic integrity ever cross your mind if you use the same actors for every project, especially if those actors are close personal friends or...sleeping with you? You almost think it would have to.
But then again, I did work with a director in high school who used every opportunity to choose a musical where children were involved so there would be lead parts for at least one of her own two kids. The thought that it seemed unfair and blatantly biased never even occurred to her.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/03
"We do know he's expressed interest in directing SWEENEY for over a decade, so he must have some idea of what he wants to do with it."
We do know what he wants to do with it. Take all the horror out of it and make Sweeney and Lovett loveable, but misunderstood, characters.
This movie had the potential to scare the crap out of its audience. Unfortunately, it will be a snuggly, PG released at Christmas.
Gothampc --- I do hope you're wrong.
But I fear that you're right.
I'll try hard to look on the bright side...
It will be a "scary" movie for me, either way.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/21/06
Well, Joel Schumacher had his eyes on The Phantom of the Opera for decades too and we know how that turned out
Understudy Joined: 6/11/06
I agree that Helena Bonham Carter would make a good beggar woman, but ABSOLUTELY NOT Mrs. Lovett!
I'm starting a new thread on this just to stop all of the bullsh*t...
I would HARDLY call the opinions of others, bullsh*t.
That Sir, was rude.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/18/05
I have no doubt that Carter or Depp can act their parts brilliantly, but really I would highly prefer singers in this mostly operatic score.
I understand that the movie will be different from the musical, and that's fine, I would just like it to be well sung. And Johnny "I was in a band once" Depp doesn't cut it for me, because I'm not sure if I can take an untrained voice in this role/score. It didn't work for Phantom of the Opera, and it will certainly not work here.
I suppose Carter can get away with a passable voice for Lovette, but it's certainly no where ideal.
Here's to hoping for some major increase in creativity in casting the other roles.
That's what happens when you become one of Burton's little proteges.
I mean, I love Johnny, but I don't want him playing Sweeney.
...*sigh*... wouldn't it have been fantastic if they had cast Michael?
I don't dislike Helena, but honestly...
Stop the movie musical madness before all the wonderful theatre dies a horrible death in Hollywood.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
Hell no!
That really pisses me off!
Updated On: 10/20/06 at 10:53 PM
WHY does Burton feel the need to place the same damn people in all of his movies?
Not worried about the singing- it will all get put thru a computer program and the notes will magically appear!
HBC - haven't really liked her since Lady Jane Grey. I will admit that her acting improved once she started jumping Branagh's bones. ( everything costs!) I guess I can't forgive her for the trauma she put Emma Thompson thru, even if Ms Thompson is much better off now!
When Branagh didn't turn into an "A" lister she moved quickly to Burton, ousting his long time live in ,now, she is his resident "muse" and he can't help but see her in every role under his control.
Im upset too, i was hoping for broadway actors to do it... it would come out better i think... what broadway actors should have done it, do you guys think?
the original cast from Rent- how could it go wrong?
I agree Pippin.
Using strictly Broadway actors would not have garnered the best film result either. I feel like the acting that is needed for the stage is much more expressive than that of film, and RENT is a shining example. I personally found Adam Pascal painful to watch.
On the other hand, there are a great many other actors who have done both successfully and transcend the mediums that could have done the afformentioned roles.
Patti, for one, has had one of the most celebrated careers on the stage in Musical, Opera and straight Theater as well as a career in films, so needless to say she could have pulled it off. Once again, we have to take star power and bankability into account. Someone like Glenn Close or Merryl Streep who both have exemplified singing chops and have conquered the medium of film would have pleased both sides of the spectrum.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/15/06
Patti, for one, has had one of the most celebrated careers on the stage in Musical, Opera and straight Theater as well as a career in films, so needless to say she could have pulled it off.
No she doesn't. She was in 5 Broadway shows that lasted over 4 months. She has certainly NOT conquered the Opera stage. She has 1 Tony. There are PLENTY of other stage actors who have worked more who should be considered.
Patti is a diva. That is why she is famous.
:::prepares for the flames::::
Grr... I this. So much. HBC's voice is very weak (at least, it was in the Corpse Bride movie, which sucked BTW) and I really don't think she can belt out "By the Sea" very well. I mean, really, we have one person with questional singing abilities in a lead, another one is just too much! But, I guess it doesn't matter now, she's been casted and I still see it because it's like the Harry Potter movies: no mtter how crap the last one was, I'll still be there opening weekend of the next one...
Who says "By The Sea" will even be in the film?
There are MAJOR cuts of the score.
Patti is a diva. That is why she is famous.
Flames or no flames, are you denying that Patti does not have one of the most celebrated careers in recent Broadway history (considering no where in my post did I say she conquered)?
But even on that note, how many working MT performers do you know have crossed from one to the next?
She may be a diva, but it is in no way unjustified.
I too wish other Broadway stars were given the oppurtunity, but of them I would say she has the closest to "household" name. She has guest-starred on Will & Grace (as herself) as well has been in many films. Deny all you want, but shes a star regardless of how many performances her shows have gone on.
...*sigh*... I'm going to have to agree that they should have at least used Patti.
...why...? Why do they do this to movie musicals??
Stop this madness.
To be completely honest, I never thought Patti had a shot, although in my ideal world I would have liked it. She does have a name that would make people go, "oh yea, I've heard of her." My mother is by no means a theater queen, but before I even became extremely interested in MT and was going to rent Evita at Blockbuster she said to me, "If you want to cry Christopher, you need to find a way to hear Patti LuPone sing 'Don't Cry For Me Argentina,' thats the name to remember."
My real wish was that someone new was given the role. Patti would have been a dream, but realistically spraking Streep or Close could have easily done this role and delivered the bankable name the producers need, therein lies the frustration.