Broadway Legend Joined: 4/5/04
"Helena Bonham Carter will play the diabolical meat pie-maker Mrs. Lovett in "Sweeney Todd."
Director Tim Burton tapped Carter to co-star with Johnny Depp in the DreamWorks Studios and Warner Bros. co-production of the Stephen Sondheim musical. John Logan wrote the screenplay.
Mrs. Lovett, a role originated onstage by Angela Lansbury, is a murderess who dispenses her victims' bodies in meat pies and becomes the amorous accomplice of the Demon Barber of Fleet Street. In most stage productions, Mrs. Lovett has been about a decade older than the Demon Barber and is usually someone in her 50s; Carter and Depp are about the same age and in their early 40s.
Web rumors have "Borat" star Sacha Baron Cohen circling the role of rival barber Signor Adolfo Pirelli, but the studio would not confirm whether he'll be part of the mix.
Shooting begins in early next year for a late 2007 release, with Paramount distributing domestically for DreamWorks, and Warner Bros. handling international territories.
Carter, Burton's longtime off-screen partner, has been a regular collaborator onscreen. She has starred in the Burton-directed films "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," "Big Fish" and "Planet of the Apes," and provided the title voice for "Corpse Bride."
Carter will sing in "Sweeney Todd." Sondheim wrote the music and lyrics, while Hugh Wheeler wrote the book for their version of Christopher Bond's 1973 play. The musical opened in 1979 and won eight Tony Awards including best musical and was revived on Broadway last year after a successful run in London. The legend of Sweeney Todd goes back to the 1800s and was first filmed in 1936 with Tod Slaughter in the title role."
Nepotism anyone?
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/2/05
I believe this was my initial thought way back when, and everyone said he would never - she'll be the beggar woman, if anything.
I'm not surprised in the least.
It should have been toni collete
I was just going to make that Toni comment. UGH I hate this. I love her, I'm sure she will do fine, but UGH!
Broadway Star Joined: 1/20/06
This has got to be one of the most annoying theater-related news I have read in the past decade. What an aweful choice. Let's see the rumors were: Meryl Streep, Toni Collette, Kate Winslet, Nicole Kidman, Emma Thompson, Cyndi Lauper, Bernadette Peters and who gets the role? Helena Boham Carter *yawn*
Do you mean the girl from Room With A View?
Lord, they sure know how to mess things up good. Was John Travolta unavailable?
It's not even surprising, it's just completely frustrating.
I find it surprising. Yes, it crossed all of our minds, but I held out hope that common sense would prevail.
Of course.
Right after I see The Devil Wears Prada last night and A Prairie Home Companion today, further affirming to the umpteenth degree that Streep could play Lovett, I see this.
If it's at all possible, IMHO, Carter is too weird. Even by Burton standards. Like, why didn't they just get Bjork to play the fucking part.
Frustrating is the exact word Munk... SO frustrating.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/2/05
Out of curiosity, why is it such a bad choice? At the very least, I think the chemistry will be palpable between her and Depp.
For myself the reasons why are as follows:
1. The lacking age difference, which it can be argued doesn't have to exist, but should it? YES
2. I've enjoyed parts shes played and how she has played them, but for some reason can simply not connect with her.
3. There was an obvious, feasible, and popular choice in Streep and because of scheduling differences, he went for second banana. Streep has the bankable name, so shooting should have been moved for her to be part of the project.
4. The most important reason for me is Carter being the obvious choice simply because she's in the sack with Burton. Yes, this is how Hollywood works, but alas, it still blows.
Well, DG, Helena may be fine. What I think we are reacting to is the fact that we have been waiting for a Sweeney film for DECADES. So we see it with our dream cast, our favorite actors. Lovett is one of the best roles ever written for a musical theatre actress and to hand it to Bonham Carter is just a tad disappointing. Especially since we are going to have Depp as Sweeney. Give us a perfect choice for ONE of the roles.
yeah, I can go ahead and say now i'll be waiting for the DVD of this, cause it's got no redeeming qualities.
Johnny Depp has become a hack (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Pirates of the Carribean), and while i love HBC, she is not the right choice.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/2/05
Just to be clear, my interest is truly one of curiosity, not emotional investment either way.
I can see your point, Sue, certainly. I'm thinking, though, from a purely cinematic standpoint - especially concerning Burton's very specific vision - the casting for both makes sense.
I just REALLY hope it's not PLANET OF THE APES 2.
especially concerning Burton's very specific vision
Has he talked at all about his vision for this movie? Or is his vision limited by always giving the best female roles in his movies to his significant other?
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/18/04
Tim Burton probably sees this as one of his over-the-top highly stylized movies that's allsuperficial style but no real depth. I do enjoy Helena Bonham Carter, but she hasn't shown me anything that tells me she could truly do this role without making it a caricature. The casting of the hack Depp just seems to show me they are going in that direction. Sorry, but Johnny Depp is the most overrated actor whose fanbase just consists of people who never got over their crushes on him. There I said it.
Total agreement on all of the above.
Depp lost depth (ha) in more recent films, his true credibility lying post-Cry Baby and pre-Charlie.
His acting seems like hes constrantly trying to pull some "greater meaning" trick on us of late, and the same goes for Carter.
Caricture is the perfect term for what I had hoped wouldn't become of this movie but sadly seems to be more acurately describing what it is inching toward.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
wow, ive never heard of Helena before
ill have to go look her up on imdb
but yeah, i wish a bigger actress got the role, like Meryl or maybe Kathy Bates
oh well
I think it's fine. Streep would have been great, but oh well. Considering some of the other actresses they were considering, we Sweeney fans got off pretty easy...
WOW! I know I predicted this when they announced Burton was directing, but I was hoping it wouldn't happen. Ah Well...Now I suppose we'll just have to 'wait and see'!
Well i cant say that i'm surprised. I did wonder about this a while ago, but then thougght Burton would never do this.
I can see many people's distate for Helena in this role, and even i have a couple of doubts, but i'm prepared to hold back my comment until i see her.
I love the show alot, but i think its time we all get it into our heads that they movie is going to be extremely different. I for one dont want to see a carbon copy of the stage show on the screen. Thats no fun. I want see a brand new interpretation of the material.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/15/06
Why are you guys mad? Helena is an amazing actress and a good singer!! I am so excited! I think she will be wonderful!! It will be nice to see a Lovett with an english accent again ::::cough Lupone cough:::::
This is a good thing.