"It's not all about money."
No, it's not. And I was never advocating puttinng "any old star" in these Sweeney roles either.
But you're only talking about "Show" then.
...not "Show Business."
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/4/04
Understudy Joined: 6/28/06
Seven pages already.
No surprise here.
HBC is a very talented actor (have you guys seen Howards End or The Wings of the Dove?) and I'm sure she'll do a great job.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/15/06
Sorry got excited there for a sec. You guys need to stop worrying. It will be good! I'll send a little Irish luck its way.
Anyone see her performance in Fight Club? She really pulled off the crazy. After seeing her in that, I have NO doubt that she can pull off Mrs. Lovett. I don't know about the singing aspect of the role, but I'm really looking forward to her interpretation.
I'm more looking forward to Tim Burton's interpetation of scenery and direction. I'm hoping that he digs into the more macabre/horror aspects of this piece.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/04
You know my first thought when I saw the headline "Helena Bonham Carter Set To Play Mrs. Lovett In Sweeney Todd Film" my first thought was "Oh s***, there's going to be some unhappy people on Broadwayworld.com's message board," but you know I think she'll do fine with it.
I have no problems with Depp as Sweeney, Carter as Lovett, and Burton directing it, and I don't think I'll have that much of a problem with Cohen if he signs on for Pirelli.
Stand-by Joined: 3/19/06
I'll wait for a trailer to judge.
But Depp/Carter/Depp is an almost unbeatable combination...
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/18/04
I rather see Helena Bonham Carter than Johnny Hack.
Cyndi Lauper auditioned for the role and wanted it so bad. I guess he decided to give the role to his squeeze instead. Hopefully Cyndi has the other role of the other woman in the play but she have been Mrs. Lovett.
i'm not to bothered by helena being mrs. lovett.
but i've alwayse not wanted depp as sweeney.
i think he would be a better pirelli honestly.
he's not like buff enough to be sweeney or somethning.
I disagree - I thought Patti was fab.u.LOUS.
Yep. You don't know how many times I wanted to cry when sitting in that theater watching Sweeney. Glorious.
I hate Helena being cast, you all know she wasn't the best choice. C'mon, when the same actors are being cast in movies by one director over and over, you know it's not a matter of talent. I would've adored Streep in the role.
This movie will be a train wreck
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/21/06
Here's a teaser poster I quickly put together. Obviously, do not judge the film based on this as they will look different in the actual film. Nothing we can do about the cast now that they have been signed so what's the point of complaining. The only action people can take if they don't like the cast is to skip the movie... but how can supposed "musical theater fans" not see a movie of Sweeney Todd, no matter who is in the cast?
Updated On: 10/18/06 at 05:21 PM
That's Great! They do look good together. No denying that.
Stand-by Joined: 4/17/06
honestly, it does not shock me Helena is in the movie. The past like 23094823 things Burton had directed have starred his wife (or just girlfriend? I'm not sure) and Depp. The funny thing is, I can kind of see it.
still some variety would have been nice, just for a change.
Now I hate it even more. Nice job though. Anyone else feel like they both look too... something?
I think that many who love the musical will see the movie as a "train wreck", but I have no doubt it will do well at the box office.
I'm not a fan of movie musicals to begin with, and because of the musical complexity of "Sweeney", this casting has me nervous. I loved the recent revival cast (I know some of you thought Patti was awful; I thought she was absolutle perfection), and I have a vision of this entire idea turning into a hot topic, teenie bopping good time for non-theatregoers.
We'll see, though...I happen to think that Tim Burton is quite incredible, so hopefully his vision is better than his casting.
I actually think she's a better match for Depp than Streep. Though Streep would be wonderful, as usual, I just thought the idea of her paired with Depp as rather lopsided. And I would have been happy with Toni Collette. But Helena is a superb actress and I think she will fit the role like a glove. I think she's given a wonderful performance in everything I've seen her in. Even Fight Club, which I hated.
I love all the negativity that comes before the freaking movie is out yet. If any director is good for this movie it is Tim Burton...people did not like Chris Columbus or some of the Dreamgirls choices..but everyting works out. I am sure she will be great and some people need to remember that everything will work out. I am sure Sondheim would not want a bad movie made with his work.
HBC is definatly quirky enough and I think she'll do a fine, if not good job. But, like almost everyone has said before:
it's the prededtablity of the whole thing. Yes, film (like theater) is very much a commercial business, but I think Cyndi Lauper or Meryl Streep would be much more bankable than HBC. Cyndi would be fabulous, I hadn't heard that rumor. Maybe we'll get her as The Begger Women?
and, theaterdude- everything DIDN'T work out for the Rent movie. it was awful.
Regardless, I'm VERY excited to see one of my favorite musicals being made into a movie. Though I'd hoped for some more inventive casting, not just Burton's wife. Who, also, would've made quite a fantastic Begger Woman
Broadway Star Joined: 1/20/06
I like Helena Boham Carter and recognize that she's a good actress but this is just such a boring choice. Thank God for the Angela Lansbury/George Hearn DVD of Sweeney, I think I'll stick to it.
Is Anne Hathaway too old for Johanna?
i did not think the rent movie was anywhere near chicago or dreamgirls...but I enjoyed it. The Larson family seemed happy with it and to me that is really what matters. Everyone has there own opinion.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/15/06
I have been going to the theater since I was three years old. I've seen almost everything from 1980 on. I also think I am a pretty good judge when it comes to musicals and musical theater performers. Tell me this.....Why the hell did I hate Patti Lupone so much in "Sweeney"? I thought she ruined it. I know this is unpopular but it's true. She couldn't even carry an English accent and she mumbled (like she ALWAYS does) through the entire score. I just don't get it!
Sorry I had to rant!
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/4/04
At this moment I'm willing to bet money Burton will give Sweeney a backstory involving daddy issues, just like he did with Willy Wonka. Burton only knows how to tell one story, and that story must center on an emo man-boy, so he's going to make Sweeney Todd into precisely that. His "quirky with a side of goth" aesthetic was perfect for the world of Dahl, at least, but Sondheim isn't Dahl. That's what's infuriating me most of all. That this musical, which has stood on its own as a masterpiece for decades, is now being shoved into the slot of Yet Another "Dark" Tim Burton Production, complete with the same cast members he uses in everything else. Sweeney is not Edward Scissorhands- he's not even Batman. It doesn't fit. And they should have found a director with a better sensibility for it.
Updated On: 10/18/06 at 05:45 PM
Broadway Star Joined: 10/15/06
Again, nobody has seen the film. Burton can be great!! He can kinda suck too but he is usually pretty good. Let's just wait and see. Don't forget Sondheim is working pretty closely with him on this.