Hi, I'm thinking of doing this for tomorrow night's show.
1. For a Saturday night show, what time should I realistically get in line?
2. Can I bring a folding chair?
3. Is anyone else doing this for tomorrow night's show? I'm going alone, so I figure the more the merrier. :)
I appreciate any help! Thanks!
I don't know about timing on weekends, but you can bring a folding chair. Actually, I think you can bring almost anything you want. Just make sure you keep it all to your area and clean up after yourself.
Whats the deal with the Standby line..? Can anyone wait in that line? Or do you need a voucher?
Anyone can wait in the line but people with vouchers get to go before anyone else, essentially "cutting" the line.
If one were to try the standby line on closing night (this Saturday), what time should one get in line?
Thanks y'all.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/18/12
This past Saturday my friends were in line by 6am, and they were in the late 400s. They did get tickets. People usually get there around 3 am for regular performances. I imagine one would have to arrive at midnight for closing or maybe even earlier.
Ha, arrive at Midnight for "The Last Midnight"
I said standby line...
What's everyone's opinion of when I should get in line for Wed's show?
After entering the virtual lottery every day, I finally won for tonight's performance. So excited. Let's hope the weather holds.
For anyone who is interested for the final performances...
I was in the area last night and my boyfriend and I decided to check out the standby line at 6pm. I'm awful at estimating how many people are in front of me.... maybe 50?
Apparently there were ZERO vouchers given out from that morning's line, which means that everyone who lined up for the 1pm distribution got tickets. The line monitor thinks that people just don't know about the extension. So this was good luck for us.
My boyfriend and I had tickets by 7:50pm. However, the seats weren't together. Everything they gave out after 7:45pm were single seats. I was lucky to have a single person next to me who switched with my boyfriend at intermission.
All in all, it's worth checking out the standby line even if it's later in the evening. I'm definitely glad I did! I thought the show was really, really beautiful.