Millie -- they have no way to track line sitters with those that win lottery. They can only track online people.
So yes, while the odds are against it, you can win both the lottery and get tix in line. Of course, being out of town, that would be my luck!
Understudy Joined: 2/10/12
Just to add to general knowledge here, I decided at the last minute to try for standby last night (Fri.) since I thought the odds would be decent with the rain forecast. Got in line at 6:30 and missed the cut-off to enter at the top of the show by a dozen or so people. They let in another forty of us after the Prologue (I know the show, so it didn't really bother me - plus you can hear from outside) and some more after Hello, Little Girl. We got really lucky - it poured for 20 min. or so while we were waiting in line but then was totally dry for the show.
Swing Joined: 7/5/12
Hello, I'm coming to New York next week with my sister and I'm thinking of trying the virtual lottery but I have a few questions to ask first.
1)On the Shakespeare in The Park website,they say that we have to give our names and address to register to the virtual lotto. Can I use the address of the hotel or do I have to use my address back home?
2)If my sister and I both put our names for the virtual lotto it would somewhat increase our chances of winning tickets. But since we will both be staying in the same hotel, I'm afraid that the Public Theatre's computer system might end up mistaking us as one person making multiple accounts. Could there be an issue or do I worry too much?
3)It also says on the website that if we win, we need to show a government issued photo ID. I'm from Canada, and I wonder if my canadian ID's would still work.
You need to register with the address on your ID.
So yes, you both can enter every day. If you both win, and don't need all the tickets, they will go to the stand by line.
^ I think the address is just to verify what is on your ID. So, putting the hotel address might not make sense. I doubt they would put two and two together though if you both were to put the same address. I think it's the email address that matters the most.
Swing Joined: 7/5/12
I checked back on the Shakespeare in the Park website, and they actually say that ``the name AND address on the photo ID must match the name used when registering for Virtual Ticketing``. I feel kinda dumb for having missed that. =) I thought that using a NYC address would be preferable so that they could be sure that the winners are able to make it to Central Park on time.
But now I have another problem. I checked my passport and Medicare card, and none of them have my address. I think that the only ID here (at least in the province of Quebec) that contains both address and picture is the driver's license, and neither my sister or I has one. However, my hospital card has my address on it, as well as all the informations that's on the Medicare card, except for the picture. It's pretty easy to realize that they both belong to me. Could I show the Medicare card(for the picture) and the hospital card(for the address) together, or are the Shakespeare In The Park people really strict and won't accept two seperate ID's.
Updated On: 8/18/12 at 09:19 PM
I bet your passport would work, even if it doesn't have your address on it. The name on the ticket will match the name on your passport, and the photo will show that it's you.
Ok, seriously, no one has any update on the line post opening? You guys were on top of it during previews, and now nothing? I tried calling the Public but could never get someone on the phone.... Please, pretty please, can someone out there tell me if 4.30/5am is early enough to be sure to get tickets? I would be forever grateful!
Laurelei I am going to get tickets Sunday night. I will let you know what it looks like on Monday!
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/11
did standby tonight, got in line at 4:45pm , made it in for the whole show, weather was beautiful and my seat was dead center. Worked out beautifully.
I'm in line now and got here about 15 minutes ago. I feel safe with about 100 people in front of me.
Laure: 430/5 should be fine.
Thanks a lot for the infos, guys! I think I'll aim for 4.30.
Follow-up: scored great seats.
Also, it's starting to look like 6:30 is no longer the "safe side." By around 9:30 (maybe 10?) the line stretched beyond the "rock of no hope."
Chorus Member Joined: 12/13/11
I arrived a little before 6am this morning, and ending up being #155. Sat right before the overpass/bridge/arch. Took a walk at 10 to see how the line looked -- at least 600 people. Had no problem getting tickets.
Person who was close to #10 in line got there at 1:30, #25 got there at 4.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/20/08
I got to standby line 8/19 at 5:00 PM. No problem getting in. Third time is the charm for me as far as waiting in the standby line. They only gave out 19 vouchers out of 50 today for people who did missed getting a ticket via the normal line.
Chorus Member Joined: 7/20/04
Sorry, I've never tried the standby line and I had a question. You don't get tickets right? I wouldn't be able to stand in line and get two tickets? They just let you in once the show is starting, right?
Yes, you still get tickets...that's how you know where your seats are.
But you can't get two tickets. It's one ticket per person.
broadwaydevil-if you have the other person with you in line by 6 PM, each of you can get one ticket. (So, technically, it's 1 per person, however, they allow pairing off.)
My fiance and I walked into the park at 1:30 Saturday and got voucher 48 of 50. We got in. My friend went yesterday at 1:00 and got tickets. Craziness.
I think this is a crazy time of year. Lots of schools going back, college kids leaving new ones not established yet, fewer families.
I was on line today and was upfront I herd the line monitor (the bald guy) telling people at like 12:30 pm that they still had a reall good chance of getting tickets! I arrived at about 12:30 am which was completely unnecessary because I don't even think the line was more than 200 people at 6 am!
Swing Joined: 7/5/12
I'm so sorry to bother you guys with yet a few more questions, but I really have a Type A personality when it comes to theatre and I want my chances of seeing Into the Woods to be as high as possible.
Are the direction to get to the Delacorte box office clearly shown when you get to Central Park? I know that you have to enter at the 81st/Central Park West intersection, but since the theater is not exactly right next to the entrance I assume that you have to walk a little inside the park to get to the box office. I tried to look up on Google Maps, but they don't show clearly the pedestrian sidewalks nor where the box office is.
If neither my sister nor I win tickets, I'm thinking of trying the standby line. I will be seeing a matinee on the same day, so I won't be able to make it to Central Park until around 5:15PM. How good are my chances of getting a seat? I already know the show pretty well, so I don't mind missing a bit of the first act.
If all my efforts fail, do they let people sit outside the theater and ``listen`` to the whole show? Is that area of Central Park generally safe at that hour (as much as I would love to hear the show, I do not want to suffer the same fate as most of the characters =P ).
I've seen a few pictures on Tumblr of people posing with Amy Adams. Is there a ``stage door`` for the show? If so, which performers usually come out?
Someone leads you to the Delacorte at 6:00. you don't have to worry about directions
I did "stage door" the show. They come out gate 1, and unless you know someone in the show, they ask you to stand on the lawn, where the performers come over. Amy Adams, Donna Murphy, Chip Zien, Denis O'Hare and Gideon Glick all signed and took pictures. It's a weird situation, because if a performer doesn't know you want to talk to them, it is hard to get them to come over, so a lot of people slipped out without stopping.
If you're walking into the park on your own, entering at 81st and Central Park West, go straight for a little while, past the park benches. Then you'll see a path that goes diagonally to the right. Take that, and you'll soon see the theater in the mid distance. I don't remember if there are signs, but I'm sure there must be. It's pretty easy to find. From the East Side, not so much.