Swing Joined: 10/8/08
I plan to wait this Saturday for tickets to bring my niece and nephew as a special treat on their first NYC trip (Act I only)! Is anyone already planning to camp out that morning? I can't seem to rope any of my friends to join me to get a 3rd ticket, so I'm reaching out to see if any of you may have plans to wait and will have an extra ticket. I'd rather not get involved with the whole "line-sitting" business network...
I'm willing to compensate -- name your price! Coffee is obviously included. :)
Please PM me if able or interested. Many thanks in advance!
Slightly just an FYI I was counting on those chair rentals today and none ever came around! I don't know if I was supposed to ask someone. I traveled from pa and didn't want to bring a chair. So that's just a caution for you!
Ak, it's a nice gesture to bring your niece and nephew to the show, but Act 1 has a pretty suggestive scene wherein the wolf has his way (shall we say) with Little Red. How old are your niece and nephew?
Edited: sorry -- I read the message incorrectly.
Swing Joined: 11/15/05
Baiseur, thanks for the heads up. Sorry you were stuck on the ground!
I'm thinking I should just take dramamama's advice and bring disposable items. A cheap Ikea blanket and <$10 camping chair sounds like a good solution. Maybe the chair rental folks will take it off my hands for me. :)
Thanks, everyone! Very excited to see this show.
Swing Joined: 9/19/09
Can tell everyone exactly when the last person got in line who got tickets today--7.40am. I would know because we got in line at 7.45am and were the first to get only standby line vouchers (and this after getting tickets Sunday and having the show canceled due to rain, after standing in the rain an hour--no luck!).
We were way ahead of the rock in line and everybody had said we'd be fine. There were a handful of 1am and 2am people at the front of the line, along with a bunch of scalpers.
I'm really curious where the rest of the tickets go--a few hundred tO the online lottery and the rest bought? We were roughly #304 & 305 in line. Even if every person ahead of us got two tickets (unlikely) they still only gave out 600 tickets max today.
pretzelman, tonight is a press performance, so I have a feeling they're giving out substantially less tickets than they would normally in order to accommodate critics and the like.
Swing Joined: 8/8/12
macnyc, I saw the original Broadway show years ago and the wolf does a little pelvic thrust and howl. Is it much more than that in this production? I'm planning on bringing my kids. Also, what about the Prince/Baker's Wife seduction?
The last few days have been press performances. The number of distributed ticket is reduced but not substantially.
Leading Actor Joined: 3/3/08
What time do they start handing out standby tickets? Thanks
For those wanting to see the show tomorrow, there is a note on the calendar for Thursday, August 9, that says limited distribution.
CKerins, I only saw the show once, and it was my first time seeing Into the Woods. So I don't know how much I was taking in, but...
There was a bed, and I think Little Red was on the bed, and I think the Wolf was partially visible under the blanket, and it seemed to me something oral was going on. I remember thinking at the time that it was pretty explicit. Help me out here, experts! How do we describe what happened in that sex scene?
Updated On: 8/8/12 at 04:07 PM
He is 'eating' her in the sexual sense-there's a double entendre here and he's clearly using one definition of the word. It's an explicit scene. I wonder what they're going to do for the family show for this scene.
Just copying this from Twitter, referring to Thursday, August 9.
The Public Theater ?@PublicTheaterNY
We will be having a limited general ticket distribution/ standby in the park for tomorrow's #sondheiminthepark opening. No virtual lotto!
Curious to know how crazier the line gets now that it has opened? I'm arriving in NYC on Monday and hoping to see the show at least once before it closes, but not really willing to wait more than 10h/11h for it... :)
Broadway Star Joined: 3/20/08
I've done it before, but never with someone else - just to clarify, if you're in the standby line, a friend can join you up intil 6 PM, correct?
That is correct, you have until 6pm for someone to meet you.
On a side note- I walked up to the theater at 6pm tonight and was able to get tickets. A lot of people must have stayed away today due to the threat of rain.
My daughter and I got in line this morning about 5:30 am. There were about 80 in front of us. I went along the line about 7:00 am and there were 300 behind us.
We did get tickets. Section K Row O
Thank you to those that posted useful information on this thread!
I am wondering the same thing as Laurelei. a while ago someone said here that it would probably be crazier after the official opening. anyone know if/how it changed now that it is after opening?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/29/07
Aside from a few miscellaneous homeless people (who were more than willing to let me sit in line infront of them, since many of them prefer to sit on the grass lawns), I was first in line at 12:30. Maybe 20 people by 2am, 75 by 4am, and over well over 100 by 6.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/12/07
This Saturday, got in line at 3:15am. Maybe 20-30 people in front. Also won the lottery. Obviously, the ticketing is random, but got MUCH better seats with the line than with the lottery.
"This Saturday, got in line at 3:15am. Maybe 20-30 people in front. Also won the lottery. Obviously, the ticketing is random, but got MUCH better seats with the line than with the lottery."
So you can win tickets through lottery and pick up tickets through the line (for total of 4 tickets)?
Broadway Star Joined: 8/12/07
I'm sure its frowned upon (what isn't?) but I was able to give the extra tickets to friends who had never seen a Sondheim show, so I'd like to consider it a public service.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/12/07
Not a tix/lotto/line question at all...but, what is the mailing address to the Delacorte?
What time do people think is the latest time I could get in line and still get tickets? Thanks!!!
Yes, I would also like to please! What has the line been like since opening night? Thanks in advance!