Stand-by Joined: 7/17/13
I have also read steve Martin as the wolf. What a great cast of actors but wrong idea. They would have been hard to make this film
^^Add me to that list to read both the 90's draft (again) and the Lapine "leaked" script.
^Yeah, Steve Martin as The Wolf would've been interesting but I'm glad that Johnny Depp got the role in the end.
Updated On: 8/17/14 at 10:29 PM
Didn't the baker's wife Survive in the 90s draft?
^From what I remember of it, yes.. Yes she did... WHAT.....WAS...THAT?!!?!
Didn't she end up crawling out of the giant's nose at the end?
^It does but I don't trust "downloads".
^^From what I remember, she hid in the Giant's hair for most of the movie's second half and in the end she reunites with The Baker and her son.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
Well, Musical Master, if it makes you feel better, many poeple have downloaded the leaked script. It's just a PDF file. I was worried also, but I just decided that I really wanted to read it. I also have a virus scanner on my computer.
Most of 90s cast was a joke: Billy Crystal, Cher, Meg Ryan, Danny Devito, Roseanne Barr?! It sounded like an excuse to make a movie with all of the major 90s stars. The only ones that are good casting are Robin Williams & Steve Martin
Thanks Showface, I'll check it out tonight.
^^I agree, INTO THE WOODS would've been a mostly miscast film (with the exception of Williams and Martin), thank goodness that Rob Marshall and Disney got the casting right. (Didn't we dodge a bullet when Sophia Brownlee was cast as Little Red but had to withdraw?)
Updated On: 8/18/14 at 11:53 AM
I'm not sure Sophia what's-her-name withdrew as much as she was withdrawn.
And please tell me disneybroadwaywhat'shishername just didn't call Cher a hack. She would have been genius as the Witch.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
Wasn't there a version, after the reading, in 1996 that had Susan Sarandon as the Witch? I think that was when Jim Henson was to produce it.
Tbh, I can't really see Cher as the Witch. I can see Susan Sarandon as the Witch though.
Updated On: 8/18/14 at 11:55 AM
Jim Henson Productions did want to try INTO THE WOODS, but after when nothing happend, that was the time when "development hell" began.
Lol was Disneybroadwayfan even alive in the 90s?
And please tell me disneybroadwaywhat'shishername just didn't call Cher a hack.
LOL on the name. Really, I chuckled. That was Jordan who called her a hack, not me.
Updated On: 8/18/14 at 12:04 PM
No, I was making fun of your ridiculous post.
"Most of 90s cast was a joke: Billy Crystal, Cher, Meg Ryan, Danny Devito, Roseanne Barr?! It sounded like an excuse to make a movie with all of the major 90s stars."
Yep, cause this film doesn't have all major stars...
Updated On: 8/18/14 at 12:25 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
Most of 90s cast was a joke: Billy Crystal, Cher, Meg Ryan, Danny Devito, Roseanne Barr?!
This can't be for real... Please. God.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
Aside from Meryl Streep, Johnny Depp, and Emily Blunt, are any of them really big stars? I might even give you Chris Pine, but the rest of the cast is made up of character actors, Broadway actors, and that kid from Less Miz. I definitely think it is safe to say that this is not an all "major star cast."
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
Anna Kendrick is pretty big among the teen crowd.
Corden has been known to DOCTOR WHO fans as Craig. But I agree, this cast are not all major stars, unlike NINE which was the Oscar war zone for musical films.
Count me amongst many who rejoiced when Crawford was announced to play Little Red.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
Disney was smart with casting big name's. On YouTube, people who haven't even seen the show are saying that they will see the film specifically for, Meryl, or Johnny, or Emily, or Anna.
^I agree, Anna Kendrick is slowly becoming a big name and hopefully INTO THE WOODS will further her popularity.
Updated On: 8/18/14 at 01:23 PM
Okay, let me make myself clear: It's not the fact that they put big names in the 90s movies. It's just some of them are terribly miscast.
This cast is thankfully great: Big names (Anna is surely one of them because of PITCH PERFECT) who have the musical training to do it. And of course, the fact they put down some Broadway/West End people like Lillia and Billy helps too,