I feel so sorry for the people who live with you. But that doesn't mean I have to suffer your stupidity like them. On ignore you go.
When Streep's new song was cut, I was instantly reminded of PHANTOM which had a similar situation; a deleted scene on the DVD, but it was in the credits in the film.
I have a feeling Streep's song wasn't very good. I'm sure she sounded great but placing that song in that place completely ruins the flow. I'm guessing..
^Same thing with "No One Would Listen", pointless and stoping the flow of the film.
Is there a link to a recording of Rainbows? Or is it available anywhere? I've never heard the song and am curious. All I know of it is that it's sung by the Baker and his Wife.
Here you go:
It's a very lovely song and shows the tragedy that'll soon come in INTO THE WOODS. But in the end, I'm okay with this song being cut from Rob Marshall's film for pacing reasons.
Does anyone have any idea who the singers are on this recording? I like them a lot, especially the Baker.
^That's a rather good question, I don't know who these people are but the only thing I do know that this song, "Hello Little Girl" and "Into The Woods" were the only songs recorded for the demo so that the cast readings could have a reference before performing the reading itself.
The late Robin Williams and Goldie Hawn were the top choices to play the Baker and his Wife, but it's too bad that the 1994 script that I read before it was taken down was really bad.
Updated On: 8/15/14 at 11:32 PM
Estimated Running Time: 120 minutes
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
I would like INTO THE WOODS to be a 2 hour movie, at least the pacing would be really good and tight.
Updated On: 8/16/14 at 09:03 AM
Sweet 9lbs 6oz babby jebus Rainbows is a gorgeous song. Thanks for posting that!
Yeah, MM! Rainbows was much better than I thought. Thank you :)
^You're welcome, I really do like "Rainbows" as a Sondheim song, but I do understand why it had to be cut from the film just for pacing reasons alone.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/21/06
Rainbows was never in this draft.
And Marshall describes Streep's song as "Spectacular".
EW Interview
^I haven't read the "James Lapine draft" yet. I do hope the new song is "spectacular" otherwise, then I'm glad it was cut.
Thanks for putting up that link. The song was interesting. I may need to listen to it a couple more times to really listen to it. Speaking of that old script: I haven't read it in YEARS. Does any one have a copy of it? It would be a hoot to read it again.
^I guess I wouldn't mind reading the old script again but it would be great if someone had the "leaked screenplay" by James Lapine floating around.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
^I see that it's one of of those "download" things, I sure as heck don't trust those.
I second the request if anyone has the 90s script, which I have never read and would be fascinated to read. For those who have it, pm me. For those who have read it, what do you recall about it?
^It's been a year since I read the 90's script, but what I recall the most about it was the fact that it would've been REALLY LIGHT, taking MOST of the dark elements out. I'm glad that James Lapine is writing the screenplay for the new Rob Marshall movie this December.
Oh, did I forget to mention that Cher was the top choice to play The Witch during the 1990's?
Broadway Star Joined: 4/16/07
Add me to the list that would love to check out the draft from the 90s. PM me!