thirtythirtyninety---thanks for sharing the news!
Wow, that's very cool. I'll bet it adds another level of authenticity to her performance as the Baker's Wife. I can't even imagine all the thoughts going through her mind right now.
What an incredible project to be working on when you learn you're expecting!
Congratulations, Emily!
That is interesting thirtythirty, and I'm sure it will add layers to her performance, especially since her character dies leaving behind the child. Does the Baker's Wife character still reappear in spirit in the movie version to give the Baker advice? That will be an emotional scene for Emily.
According to Daniel Huttlestone's Facebook page, he had his first day of filming yesterday.
So the preproduction phase has now graduated into full "production."
I just learned that Colleen Atwood is doing the costumes. OH MY GOD. I am so excited.
She's my favorite costume designer and she's perfect for this.
Jungle Red, they've got a lot of the crew posted on already, including Attwood and cinematographer Dion Beebe.
They've also got a great storyboard artist Derek Gogol, who has some impressive credits. Whether you know who he is, or know what a storyboard artist does, they play a huge role in how a film will look on screen (camera angels, visual composition, etc.). They work closely with the director and art director. But I was excited when I saw his name. He's done a lot of cool stuff.
You'll also notice some interesting credits like "greensman," which is someone responsible for placing trees, plants, shrubs, etc. on a set (indoor or outdoor).
Their visual FX supervisor worked on X-Men: First Class, Chronicle's of Narnia, etc.
And, of course, I'm mega-thrilled that Paul Geminiani is the film's music supervisor and conductor. Yay!!!!
But they still haven't finished casting the damn thing yet??
They might have cast the other roles already, for all we know. Nothing has been announced, but various buzzings on the Interwebs say they are casting the rest of the parts with local UK talent. That doesn't mean we won't recognize their names, but it may mean no more "celebrity" casting.
We shall see. I'm still holding out for a cameo from an OBC member somehow, somewhere. And of course, they may keep that under wraps for a while longer.
And "local UK talent" could include anybody from Imelda Staunton to Hannah Waddingham to the third guy on the left from the latest Les Miserables tour.
But I'm guessing most of the singing has been recorded already, since they're moving into production as of yesterday. And there weren't any singing roles left to be cast ... sadly, that includes Cinderella's "tree mother," who doesn't sing in the film (based on the initial script I read).
Here's a quick blog post with images of storyboard artist Derek Gogol's previous work. It gets me excited about the visual possibilities for "into the Woods." He's known for epic-looking stuff.
EDIT: By the way, the two art directors listed are relatively new to being lead art directors, but they have a slew of credits as assistant art directors on everything from Skyfall to the Harry Potter films. And one was the lead art director on Zero Dark Thirty. An interesting mix of talent.
Holy crap! So much for the rumors.
Lilla Crawford is Little Red Riding Hood in Into the Woods movie
Well, the freaky part is that Sophia Grace had a relative post about it (never trust relatives), and someone here said Ellen confirmed it on her show ... although I don't watch Ellen.
I wonder if this was a case where they just weren't sure and had two actresses go through the rehearsal process before they picked one.
That happened with the film version of "Amadeus." Elizabeth Berridge was filming for the first few days with another actress who would step in and film the exact same scenes. Then Milos Foreman made a choice after that.
I can't even imagine how excruciating that would be.
I have no idea if this is the case here, but I do realize this is very late in the process for them to be casting such a major role. And yes, at this point, it was unexpected! Wow.
But congratulations to Lilla! She's very talented, and I think she'll be great. Now cast Bernadette Peters as her Granny, and I will be a seriously happy camper!
Thank god.
Still not crazy about Gavroche though.
Aren't Lilla and Daniel pretty much the same age?
EDIT: Here's another link confirming it. This one says that she was "replaced" but it sounds like speculation. It does say that Ellen tweeted that Sophia had the part.
So maybe she was replaced after rehearsals started.
Here's the official press release from Disney regarding the beginning of production and Lilla's casting...
It also includes who is playing Cinderella's late mother and Little Red's Granny... The latter whom is not portrayed by Bernadette Peters, unfortunately.
Updated On: 9/16/13 at 12:46 PM
OMG! Frances de la Tour is the Giant's Wife!
Also Richard Glover is the Steward. Simon Russell Beale is the Baker's Father. Joanna Riding is Cinderella's Mother.
And Annette Crosbie, whom I LOVED as the Fairy Godmother in "The Slipper and the Rose" is Little Red's Granny.
I loved de la Tour in Harry Potter! And she's playing another Gianetess. YAY. Now can Hagrid be in this somehow?
Anyway, I'm excited to read that Sophia Grace got kicked to the curb. I posted on Facebook that execs might've loved her audition, but noticed pretty quickly that she couldn't hold her own. Which is fine. I'm curious to see if they release any footage of her singing, though. I also wonder how much time Lilla has had with the role. For all we know, she's been there this whole time.
best12: While I don't know Derek Gogol's name, I'm familiar with the movies and what it takes to be a storyboard artist. I can barely draw stick figures. Storyboards are a must for any production, and I hate doing them. Anyone who can do them well has my respect. (Did you forget that I'm a film student?)
Jungle Red--I don't think I ever knew you were a film student, but that's very cool!
Storyboard artists can run the gamut from "stick figures" to fully realized frames (which borders on "art direction" instead of storyboarding). I worked with one of the storyboard artists for Lord of the Rings on concepts for a Universal project. He was so incredibly brilliant, it blew my mind. I gave him very minimal direction and he was off and running. He knew just how a shot should be composited, where to put the camera, how best to visually tell the story with the most impact, etc. A good one is worth his/her weight in gold.
"A good one is worth his/her weight in gold."
Completely! I'll stick to writing, though.
This is insane, good riddance to Sophia, I thought that was one of the strangest pieces of casting I've heard in a long time. Sad that no Sondheim favorites are playing any of the smaller roles, but Frances de la Tour is ideal casting.
They seem like good choices even if many of them are not what would be considered well known.
I wonder if we'll ever get the dirt on what happened regarding Little Red.
Early on, I was a big Lilla Crawford supporter. I even posted videos (buried in this thread). I just thought she was long since out of the running.
I hope she doesn't grind away on a British accent, though! Annette Crosbie is definitely British and her voice always reminds me of Diana Rigg's.
I am very excited about Lilla Crawford and Frances de la Tour! Very good news.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
Thank God. I was trying desperately to think of ways Sophia Grace could possibly have worked in the role, and trying to defend the possibilities. I am so glad they went with Crawford instead. She feels like a much better fit, and I no longer have to guess what the director/producers were thinking when casting the role. I would love to hear how this came to be. Were we all fooled? Was Sophia Grace not up to the task? I would like to know the full story here.
While I thought Sophia Grace was definitely an "out of the box" idea, I was on board with it enough to give them the benefit of the doubt and go in with an open mind to see the movie. But she was nowhere near my first or fifth or eighth choice. I just decided not to freak out about it in advance.
I'm glad they stuck with a younger actress in the part. I think it's the way to go on film.
I love how people think Lilla will keep her "New Yawk" accent for this part. That's not how she speaks in real life, so there's no reason to think she'll do that for Little Red.
Were we all fooled? Was Sophia Grace not up to the task? I
I'm not sure we'll ever know that. They'll do everything they can to keep it under wraps, so it's all speculation. The only thing we know as "facts" ...
A close relative of Sophia Grace's confirmed that she had the part.
Ellen Degeneres also tweeted that Sophia had the part.
All of the principle cast of the film was announced and confirmed weeks ago, with the exception of this part (at least among the major roles).
Today, Lilla Crawford was confirmed. After the initial three-week rehearsal process, and one week after filing had begun.
Beyond that? It's all speculation and will probably remain so.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/28/07
This was the Eponine in 'Les Miz' casting all over again. Lila is a better choice though. I'm happy for her.