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Into the Woods Official Movie Thread- Page 73

Into the Woods Official Movie Thread

Liza's Headband
#1800Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/6/13 at 1:14pm

From what I understand, It's all prerecorded

#1801Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/6/13 at 1:35pm

Streep does not sign on for a project she doesn't think she's up to and I'll take her word for it. Along with that of Marshall, Lapine, Sondheim et al.

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#1802Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/6/13 at 2:18pm

Well, it's not like she hasn't sang in multiple projects, so people either like or not like her singing, there's enough material to judge her by. Personally, I adore her singing voice, I think she emotes in her songs the way few Broadway performers are able to do, it's definitely not generic, and I love the way she "acts" her songs. Then again, I always prefer good acting over good singing, and yes, I do realize that ideally you'd want to have both. If others don't like her singing, I highly doubt INTO THE WOODS is gonna be the one film that's gonna change their minds, and that's okay, hopefully they'll find plenty of other things to enjoy about it or they just won't see it. I cannot f-ing wait for her "Last Midnight."

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#1803Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/6/13 at 2:20pm

@best12bars-Yeah, he has like 2 days of shooting: Hello, LG and then SPOILERS:

The I Know This Now footage.

I hate how they're making it look like that it's his movie.

best12bars Profile Photo
#1804Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/6/13 at 4:48pm

Well, to be honest, we have Johnny Depp to thank for Disney giving this movie the green light.

Even Meryl Streep as the Witch wasn't enough for Disney to bite. That's because they're spending some bucks on it (you would have to, given the material).

It was only when Depp signed on as the Wolf (probably because of his association with Rob Marshall after the last Pirates movie). Maybe Marshall even called him for a "favor" and said, 'Pretty please! It's a great part, but it's fairly small."

Either way, when they had Marshall, Streep ... and DEPP, Disney finally said yes.

I"m thrilled about it, honestly. And I have no ill will against Depp, who probably thought the role looked cool (which it does) and that he would do a good job with it (which I believe he will). I'm sure it sounded like a lot of fun. Plus he obviously likes working with Marshall (and Disney).

He's probably being WAY overpaid for his part, but with him as a "star," they will get all kinds of extra publicity ... so it's a "good investment."

I remember when Marlon Brando signed on for Superman. It was a tiny roll, and his salary was obscene, but what he did was lend a huge name and a bit of "movie star legitimacy" to the whole thing. And it worked, big-time.

I also believe that with Streep and Depp in place, they were able to (fairly easily) lure other star talent, like Chris Pine and Anna Kendrick. It became a very hot project.

So for that, I tip my hat to Johnny Depp. I love that he didn't HAVE to be the lead in a movie. I love the cast they've assembled. I love that Disney will probably throw an obscene amount of money at it (both for production and publicity).

But yeah, it's a bit annoying when the media keeps calling it a "Johnny Depp" film. It's not like Disney is doing that. But he's a "shiny" name, and people love shiny names.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22
Updated On: 9/6/13 at 04:48 PM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#1805Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/6/13 at 5:34pm

I just hope he uses his obscenely fake British accent.

best12bars Profile Photo
#1806Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/6/13 at 5:42pm


That's a given.

Between him and Sophia Grace in that scene, we are doomed to understand every third word.

Everybody, start watching the East Enders now, just to get the taste in your mouth.

Or is it "mowf" ...

Or just listen to the Beggar Woman, over and over again.

"Ow'd ya loyk a li'le muff, mistah, we'll go jig-jig ..."

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

best12bars Profile Photo
#1807Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/6/13 at 5:45pm

... and I just hope Depp says his inspiration for the Wolf was Judy Garland.

He used her as a role model for Pirates (no joke). Along with Keith Richards.

I kinda love that.

A Judy Garland wolf with a fake Cockney?


"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#1808Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/7/13 at 9:58am

To the person who asked if they're singing-live or lip-syncing to pre-recorded songs:

They're lip-syncing

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#1809Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/7/13 at 10:18am

Well if Depp is basing the Wolf on Judy, I hope Little Red is based on Liza, Cinderella is based on Lorna & Jack is based on Joey.

best12bars Profile Photo
#1810Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/7/13 at 10:54am

I'm hoping he sees his Wolf as more of a Dame Shirley Bassey mixed with Sting and John Barrymore.

And disneybroadwayfan22---cool pic! I'm excited.

Well, excited AND scared.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

#1811Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/7/13 at 11:46am

I would imagine though that there may be a song or two that does end up being done live on set. A lot of movie musicals have done that, especially for the more tender moments

#1812Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/7/13 at 11:50am

I'm looking forward to Deep playing the Wolf. I honestly think this part fits him like a glove. When I first heard he was going to be in this movie I was worried that he would play the Baker because that would have been a miscast on Disney and Marshall's part. But I am glad that he is playing a role that suits him better.

And as I've mentioned before I was not a huge fan of Streep's for most of the 2000's until 2008. I thought she did a fine job in 'Mamma Mia' and her performance in 'Doubt' was fantastic. She was also wonderful in 'Julie & Julia' and then I finally saw 'The Devil Wears Prada' in 2010 and she was perfection. I also do feel that she deserved her Oscar for 'The Iron Lady' because she really did carry most of the film by herself.

best12bars Profile Photo
#1813Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/7/13 at 1:33pm

I would imagine though that there may be a song or two that does end up being done live on set. A lot of movie musicals have done that, especially for the more tender moments

Absolutely. It's almost impossible to lip sync to playback while crying. That said, I'm not sure if anybody is going to cry through any o f these numbers. The only one that comes to mind is Stay With Me, so maybe some of that could (or should) be done live by Meryl (under tons of witch makeup).

Who knows?

Depp did a great job lip syncing in Sweeney Todd. I'm not worried about it at all. I just want it to be good.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

logan2 Profile Photo
#1814Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/8/13 at 5:26am

If I'm a troll because I think Meryl is miscast and won't do justice to my favorite song, then I will gladly live under the bridge and dare the three billy goats (jordan catalano, best12bars, liza's headband) to cross it. I don't want the key changed to accommodate a weaker singer.

I am very excited for INTO THE WOODS, for me it's a dream come true that it's happening. I just feel that casting Meryl was a knee-jerk reaction. It reminds me of the casting of NINE. It was if the producers just went down the list of Oscar winners with great acting reputations and forgot to think about which actors would actually be right for the roles.

But even with changes in key and a miscast Meryl, I am very excited. I just wish the producers DID have the courage to fire her and hire a dynamite singer who is also an accomplished actress. They do exist.

I must admit I am very happy with the rest of the casting. But Meryl as the witch has this troll hungry for goats gruff.

NOTE: any references to actual broadwayworld users was done with sarcastic - not malicious - intent.

Updated On: 9/8/13 at 05:26 AM

HBP Profile Photo
#1815Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/8/13 at 5:09pm

This video of Meryl singing "When You Wish Upon a Star" made me feel much better about her casting:

logan2 Profile Photo
#1816Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/8/13 at 5:31pm

Okay, I swear I'm not just being argumentative or being contrary, but that video illustrates exactly why I don't want her playing the Witch. Her voice is thin and tentative. Several times she sounds unsure and never is there any emotion in it. Last Midnight and Stay With Me need a ROBUST, POWERFUL voice. Meryl always sounds like she's concentrating real hard to sound good and stay on key. The Witch's voice needs to sing those songs effortlessly.

Listen to the clip below and tell me Meryl will be able to get any where near the wild, robustness and easy stremgth of this singing.

Stay With Me done right Updated On: 9/8/13 at 05:31 PM

#1817Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/8/13 at 6:24pm

Logan2, my problem with your complaints is that Sondheim has always been very much in favor of changing the key to his songs so long as the right actor is playing the part. He has discussed this in a few interviews over the years. I once read an interview where he once said that the leads in Sunday in the Park were originally conceived as being soprano and baritone, then Bernadette and Mandy won the lead roles and he changed the keys. Unfortunately, I can no longer find that interview, but did find this one from 1984 where it is mentioned that he tries not to even choose the key until an actor for the production has been chosen.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#1818Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/8/13 at 6:25pm

While I prefer the original key, I found Vanessa Williams' lower key of "Stay With Me" to be quite effective.

Updated On: 9/8/13 at 06:25 PM

#1819Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/8/13 at 6:38pm

I enjoyed Vanessa's witch on the revival recording very much. She is one of the few things I like about that recording.

best12bars Profile Photo
#1820Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/8/13 at 7:05pm

See, I don't understand the obsession with keys. This isn't a sport, or at least it shouldn't be.

It's not about listening to seven "competitors" go for the same high G above middle Q while holding it for 7 full seconds in the final round of the playoffs.

This is, or should be, about a character communicating emotions and thoughts successfully.

I really hate how the arts have been reduced to mathematical "stats" like a ballplayer. It's disgusting, and it's sad.

If that's the only way you can tell someone is "good," then your opinion means nothing to me. And I really think you should open your minds and your hearts to what is possible.

HINT: You don't measure that with a yardstick.

EDIT: I will also add that if the main thing you love about a certain role is the betly high notes, then the role probably isn't so good to begin with.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22
Updated On: 9/8/13 at 07:05 PM

#1821Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/8/13 at 7:33pm

"EDIT: I will also add that if the main thing you love about a certain role is the betly high notes, then the role probably isn't so good to begin with."

I think that is the most intelligent thing I have seen on here in a long while.

HBP Profile Photo
#1822Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/8/13 at 7:51pm

logan: "Stay With Me" is also one of my favorite parts of the show. I would prefer they kept the original key, but I have a feeling Meryl will nail it emotionally either way.

logan2 Profile Photo
#1823Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/8/13 at 7:52pm

Oh, God.

It's not about the key. I enjoyed Vanessa Williams lower key as well. This all started when someone said they would 'of course' lower the key for Streep. I used that as an excuse to jokingly be bitchy about firing her because I don't like her singing voice and I think she is miscast in the role. Hell, I would be thrilled if Sondheim lowered the key an octave and they gave it to Chita Rivera. Or two octaves and Cher sings it.

But it's a done deal. So here's hoping she proves me wrong. I can only pray that after seeing INTO THE WOODS, I stagger out of the theater into the blinding light of day, fall to my knees in the parking lot and breakdown weeping from the sheer beauty and majesty of her singing the role.

I would just prefer someone else in that role. Bette Midler, Queen Latifah, Marion Cotillard, Catherine Zeta-Jones - hell, even Lady Gaga.

For me, just me, I would actually prefer a strong voice in that role more than a brilliant acting performance. Yes, I think Cotillard and Zeta-Jones have stronger voices than Streep. I say this only because in this one role, that of the Witch, I'm not sure how much depth is required when it comes to the acting. Yes, I want a STRONG actress in the role of Baker's Wife. But, for the Witch, it's more about the songs....for me.

Refreshments will now be served on the patio.

Updated On: 9/8/13 at 07:52 PM

HBP Profile Photo
#1824Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/8/13 at 8:21pm

Into the Woods Movie Cast

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