Broadway Legend Joined: 4/14/11
So I agree that this is unlike anything New York has ever faced before (as the original author noted, New York has never been shut down for 5 straight months), but saying that's a clear sign the end is near and the city will never recover is just ridiculous (or at least ridiculously premature--I hope it will end up being ridiculous).
One thing that I could see happening as a result of this, though, is Manhattan becoming less the center of New York City. Obviously it will still exist and the tourists will still flock there and it will revitalize itself once again. But with so many people already moving to the other boroughs over the past decade or so and especially now that many are discovering they can work from their apartment in Queens without having to travel into the city every day, I'm wondering if those neighborhoods will eventually start to overtake Manhattan itself. So that will be interesting to watch in the next 10 years or so.
HogansHero said: "hork said: "He didn't say anything remotely bitter. Everyone else is attacking him for expressing a disagreement with Seinfeld about New York being the best city in the world, which is absurd (the attacks, not the disagreement) and the definition of "bitter.""
Best to know the definition before you write about it:
1. having a sharp, pungent taste or smell; not sweet.
2.(of people or their feelings or behavior) angry, hurt, or resentful because of one's bad experiences or a sense of unjust treatment.
The only person angry, hurt or resentful because of their bad experiences or a sense of unjust treatment is southerncakes. It's understandable but the fact remains that no one else here has exhibited bitterness. (You, on the other hand, have exhibited officiousness, but that's another matter.)"
5. characterized by intense antagonism or hostility: bitter hatred.
6. hard to admit or accept: a bitter lesson.
7. resentful or cynical: bitter words.
The only person angry, hurt or resentful because of their bad experiences or a sense of unjust treatment is southerncakes. It's understandable but the fact remains that no one else here has exhibited bitterness. (You, on the other hand, have exhibited officiousness, but that's another matter.
Correct. Some people are so touchy.
hork said: "5. characterized by intense antagonism or hostility:bitter hatred.
6.hard to admit or accept:a bitter lesson.
7. resentful or cynical:bitter words."
Ah but those definitions cannot bear the weight of the argument you are seemingly attempting to make. At best you seem to be assuming the point to be proven. Give an example of a post exhibiting any of those things. What I see are posts suggesting either (a) pointing out historical ignorance or (b) suggesting that if someone says they do not get a place and prefers somewhere else, perhaps they should just move on. I also see posts expressing sympathy for the person's plight that prompted their departure from the city and perhaps a part of their attitude toward it. I do not see any hatred, resentment, or bitterness toward the person; how would that even be possible based on what that person has said? Finally, to the extent you think people who do not share the person's feelings about NYC haven't learned a "lesson," you are engaging in a quintessential form of intellectual feebleness. Next time you decide to be officious you might first try to be right about something. or anything.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/31/08
Yikes. Broadway can be CLOSED and you’ll still find people bitching and fighting on BWW. It’s actually kinda nice how some things never change.
singer234 said: "Yikes. Broadway can be CLOSED and you’ll still find people bitching and fighting on BWW. It’s actually kinda nice how some things never change."
Bitchiness never dies.
HogansHero said: "hork said: "5. characterized by intense antagonism or hostility:bitter hatred.
6.hard to admit or accept:a bitter lesson.
7. resentful or cynical:bitter words."
Ah but those definitions cannot bear the weight of the argument you are seemingly attempting to make. At best you seem to be assuming the point to be proven. Give an example of a post exhibiting any of those things. What I see are posts suggesting either (a) pointing out historical ignorance or (b) suggesting that if someone says they donot geta place and prefers somewhere else, perhaps they should just move on. I also see posts expressing sympathy for the person's plight that prompted their departure from the city and perhaps a part of their attitude toward it. I do not see any hatred, resentment, or bitterness towardthe person; how would that even be possible based on what that person has said? Finally, to the extent you think people who do not share the person's feelings about NYC haven't learned a "lesson," you are engaging in a quintessential form of intellectual feebleness. Next time you decide to be officious you might first try to be right about something. or anything."
"No one's forcing you to stay,"
"Bye. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. "
Clearly, these are examples of needless antagonism, hostility and cynicism. (Def. 6 doesn't apply. I just included it for completion's sake). Don't be willfully obtuse. If SouthernCakes had said he hated New York or insulted it in any way, I can see how at least the first response would sound innocuous. But that's not what happened. He merely said it's not the greatest city in the world. So the response is an antagonistic overreaction, akin to saying "America, love it or leave it." You can keep calling me officious all you like, I'd just like a little courtesy and civility around here.
(For the record, London is way better than New York).
Why are you defending someone who is done with this thread? Why do you care so much about this?
I'd just like a little courtesy and civility around here.
And I would like house seats to Six tonight. We can't always get what we want.
Trying to control others on the internet is a giant waste of your time.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/19
I’m not done with this thread, I’m done with the board.
Everyone’s so damn bitter. Go outside, enjoy the city you love so much!
Yes! Your bitterness about Aaron Tveit having your career has been terribly amusing. Go outside and enjoy your fly over state!
NYC has always had a certain magic to it and Covid 19 has not robbed it of its ambience.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/17/07
New York City is the best City in the world, pandemic or no pandemic BUT the only city that is on the same level is London so I respect London for being on New York’s level.
That said, this thread has been immensely entertaining. Know-it-all’s. Condescension. Calls for civility. Threats. Dismissals. Rudeness. Accusations. Denials. What more could a boy want? Who are the comedians who used to read BWW threads out loud? This thread is calling out (or screeching out) for that treatment.
hork said: "No one's forcing you to stay,"
"Bye. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. "
Clearly, these are examples of needless antagonism, hostility and cynicism. (Def. 6 doesn't apply. I just included it for completion's sake). Don't be willfully obtuse. If SouthernCakes had said he hated New York or insulted it in any way, I can see how at least the first response would sound innocuous. But that's not what happened. He merely said it's not the greatest city in the world. So the response is an antagonistic overreaction, akin to saying "America, love it or leave it." You can keep calling me officious all you like, I'd just like a little courtesy and civility around here.
(For the record, London is way better than New York)."
You conveniently cherry pick, another sure sign of intellectual fragility, but I digress. This is really no different than what some people say when they don't like a show. People don't all need to like the same things, but that doesn't mean they have to be blind to the appeal to others. What southerncakes has done here reminds me of AfterEight thinking that anyone who doesn't worship at Jerry Herman's altar is a bad person. (Well, not that bad but you get the idea.) New York is not for everyone but there is something sad to me about people who live in places they don't like. Southerncakes has moved on; I think that's a good thing. I understand their situation and reaction; what's your stake here though?
HogansHero said: "hork said: "No one's forcing you to stay,"
"Bye. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. "
Clearly, these are examples of needless antagonism, hostility and cynicism. (Def. 6 doesn't apply. I just included it for completion's sake). Don't be willfully obtuse. If SouthernCakes had said he hated New York or insulted it in any way, I can see how at least the first response would sound innocuous. But that's not what happened. He merely said it's not the greatest city in the world. So the response is an antagonistic overreaction, akin to saying "America, love it or leave it." You can keep calling me officious all you like, I'd just like a little courtesy and civility around here.
(For the record, London is way better than New York)."
You conveniently cherry pick, another sure sign of intellectual fragility, but I digress. This is really no different than what some people say when they don't like a show. People don't all need to like the same things, but that doesn't mean they have to be blind to the appeal to others. What southerncakes has done here reminds me of AfterEight thinking that anyone who doesn't worship at Jerry Herman's altar is a bad person. (Well, not that bad but you get the idea.) New York is not for everyone but there is something sad to me about people who live in places they don't like. Southerncakes has moved on; I think that's a good thing. I understand their situation and reaction; what's your stake here though?"
Are you being this obtuse deliberately? He said he loves New York. Read the thread and stop arguing with me about this, My "stake" is exactly that. You keep arguing with me and saying incorrect things, either through ignorance or outright dishonesty (it's not clear which) and I'm merely responding. But you're right, we should just move on.
Also, it's not "cherry picking" to quote the precise two comments that sparked this conversation.
On a board that is prone to inane back and forths, this has got to be one of the most inane.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/19
Updated On: 8/26/20 at 11:30 AM
SouthernCakes said: "It’s all so ridiculous you have to laugh.
Nyc is the best city in the world? Travel more."
And maybe now is not the best time to choose that hill to die on.