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Judy and Me

#25re: Judy and Me
Posted: 12/12/08 at 5:02pm

Piragua-ur awesome. Did you see the show/did you like it?

WestVillage Profile Photo
#26re: Judy and Me
Posted: 12/12/08 at 5:03pm

Having good taste does not make one a homophobe.

#27re: Judy and Me
Posted: 12/12/08 at 5:11pm

BwayDva, I loved it. I guess some posters' (who will not be named) rampant homophobia made them notice the crappy performances, the thin book, and the cliche-ness of the whole production.

Shame on them. The world is changing! We're here! We're queer! Stop the H8! Milk '78! Save Judy and Me!

Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

#28re: Judy and Me
Posted: 12/12/08 at 5:14pm

I loved the show SO so much! I wish I had the means to go see it one more time before Sunday re: Judy and Me.

#29re: Judy and Me
Posted: 12/12/08 at 5:16pm

BwayDva...your friend can't comp you in return for your advertising their show?

I'm sure the show won't be sold out.

Kalimba Profile Photo
#30re: Judy and Me
Posted: 12/12/08 at 5:16pm

PiraguaGuy, I really hope you're kidding. To call someone a homophobe because they don't like a particular show is way out of line and really doesn't make sense at all. I haven't read anything remotely homophobic in the dissenting opinions.

#31re: Judy and Me
Posted: 12/12/08 at 5:17pm

For all involved in this thread, I was obviously being sarcastic.

Hey everyone, BwayDva wrote me a PM! I tried to respond, but they don't accept private messages! Check it out:

" loved the show SO so much! I wish I had the means to go see it one more time before Sunday re: Judy and Me. The scene that really stood out for me was the bedroom scene right after he was chased by the guys on his birthday. When he's sitting there about to slit his wrists, then decides not to....that was....just, wow. "

Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#32re: Judy and Me
Posted: 12/12/08 at 5:18pm

Kalimba... re-read PiraguaGuy2's post, especially the first sentence.

He's on OUR side, boo. He's just a bit too sharp and clever the way he chose to make the jab. re: Judy and Me

Kalimba Profile Photo
#33re: Judy and Me
Posted: 12/12/08 at 5:24pm

PiraguaGuy, sorry, usually I can tell when someone is being sarcastic. In this instance, I missed it by a mile. Sorry.

WestVillage Profile Photo
#34re: Judy and Me
Posted: 12/12/08 at 5:25pm

It was this line of PiraguaGuys' post, "I guess some posters' (who will not be named) rampant homophobia made them notice the crappy performances, the thin book, and the cliche-ness of the whole production" that made it clear he was being sarcastic.

I can't believe that PM ... how pathetic. BwayDva is obviously very easily ... just ... wowed. That particular scene was so blatantly predictable and cliched.

#35re: Judy and Me
Posted: 12/12/08 at 5:33pm

But, omg u guyz. Judy n me was so good.

#36re: Judy and Me
Posted: 12/12/08 at 9:56pm

If she was wowed by "Judy and Me," she should SO check out HSM! So powerful, guys...totes powerful!

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#37re: Judy and Me
Posted: 12/12/08 at 10:08pm

I love this thread.

I THINK the show played out year a few years back and was also a pile of crap.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

#38re: Judy and Me
Posted: 12/12/08 at 10:59pm

Not for anything, but do any of you make a living out of being a pain in the butt? Because, if you do-you must be rich. Who do you people think you are? Really? Who died and gave you all the right to exploit what someone does as a favor for your own, sick, personal joke..honestly.

Here's someone who actually MADE it. Wrote a show that meant a lot to him, and actually got it a house and made it. How many of you can say that? Unless you can create something better, then shut up.

#39re: Judy and Me
Posted: 12/12/08 at 11:01pm

Honey, an antsy seal with a pen jammed up its ass could create something better.

Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

#40re: Judy and Me
Posted: 12/12/08 at 11:05pm

prove it then. You're such tough stuff, you prove it. Go ahead, write something and put it in a real theatre in NY with a real cast and everything.

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#41re: Judy and Me
Posted: 12/12/08 at 11:29pm

Why, the only thing missing from those posts are:

A: Neener Neener Neener on you!

B: My big brother's gonna kick your @ss!"

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#42re: Judy and Me
Posted: 12/13/08 at 9:04am

"Here's someone who actually MADE it."

If you mean "MADE it", as in "obtained his dream of STARDOM", "if I can MAKE it there, I'll MAKE it ANWHERE", made it, then, no, I don't think he "MADE it."

Now if you mean "MADE it", as in "MADE it clear he is a hack who likes to blame everyone but himself for his failures", then, YES, he HAS MADE IT!

By the way, the website and youtubes are among the best ever...all my friends have discovered it. Along with the "OMG, SPRING AWAKENING IS CLOSING?????!!!" girls, they are right up there.


SamanthaAlexander Profile Photo
#43re: Judy and Me
Posted: 12/13/08 at 7:08pm

I think we should all just let this show go on its merry way. It is just tough to do this when these people find it necessary to keep pushing it into everyone's faces.

Now for an update. I happened to have figured out who the original PR firm was that was mentioned and I contacted them yesterday to see if they had heard about this ruckus. It turns out they of course know and have decided it's "just not worth responding to," but did say to me that the producer's statement is "completely unprofessional, and more importantly, baseless." They also said that they "have a strict policy of never promising or guaranteeing anything to clients regarding media" and clarified that the quote from the producer stating they did so was "a flat-out lie." They also said they decided to terminate their contract with the show's producer close to two months ago and don't know why they're still being listed on all of the show's materials. They declined to disclose specifics as to why they severed the relationship, which I totally understand, but it makes one wonder.

#44re: Judy and Me
Posted: 12/13/08 at 11:31pm

God, I WISH I could make a living out of being a pain in the ass. Anyone have any leads as to how to make that happen?

Also, just so you know, if you have the money, you can rent out a space and have your ****ty work put up. It doesn't mean anyone "made it." It means he had money to burn, convinced other people to waste their money on the rent of the space, and the "cast," and that's that. Anyone with the money can do that. It wasn't snapped up by major backers and producers because of it's brilliance. If I had the dough, I could put together a cast, rent out a theatre, and put it up. I, however, know that I'm not a writer...someone should have told the writer of "Judy and Me."

iamchanging9 Profile Photo
#45re: Judy and Me
Posted: 12/14/08 at 1:33am

yeah, that's exactly what i was gonna say.

this show is just a mess. the pr firm probably did the best they coud with this horrendous work.

...everyone was doing the mambo and drinking golden cadillacs...
Updated On: 12/14/08 at 01:33 AM

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#46re: Judy and Me
Posted: 12/14/08 at 12:43pm

Is the High School version available yet?


#47re: Judy and Me
Posted: 12/14/08 at 3:03pm

wow. everyone on this board is acting like a complete 6 year old. people will always have opinions, whether you like it or not, but attacking someone over an internet message board is something i might have done in hm, 5th grade.

#48re: Judy and Me
Posted: 12/14/08 at 3:10pm

Thanks imatoofbrush..I've been thinking that for a LONG time. But, I guess that's just the mentality of people on this board.

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#49re: Judy and Me
Posted: 12/14/08 at 3:22pm

Your original SHILL post started all this.

We wouldn't be here making OUR points if you never posted that SHILL post, which was thinly disguised as a 'regular audience member' plug.

The fact that you STILL don't get it AND continue to find justification in the tiniest morsel of an agreeing response, is astounding. Utterly amazing.
