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Katie Rose Clarke is back at "Wicked."- Page 3

Katie Rose Clarke is back at "Wicked."

#50Katie Rose Clarke is back at 'Wicked.
Posted: 4/28/11 at 2:05pm

I don't think too many people really go see this show now for it's stars. Over the past 7 years, the show itself has become the star. When Idina, Kristin and Joel were in it, yes, that was a different story. People went to see them (and, for the most part, their attendence was excellent). People probably went to see Shoshana, Jennifer, Eden and Megan too. Now, however, after 16 -17 replacements, people go to see the show. I don't think anyone (other than a handful of super fans) really get that upset when seeing an understudy or a standby, especially since many of them have performed the roles for lengthy periods of time in various locations across the country.
Updated On: 4/28/11 at 02:05 PM

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#51Katie Rose Clarke is back at 'Wicked.
Posted: 4/28/11 at 2:14pm

Well, it didn't last very long. Call Out Katie called out last night and Laura Woyasz went on.

Really overestimated her...

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#52Katie Rose Clarke is back at 'Wicked.
Posted: 4/28/11 at 2:15pm

Sure people get annoyed with all the understudies...but it hasn't hurt ticket sales. THAT'S when the producers will really care.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

AC126748 Profile Photo
#53Katie Rose Clarke is back at 'Wicked.
Posted: 4/28/11 at 2:19pm

Re: Donna Murphy

She had one instance in which she had really poor attendance over a thirty year career on stage. She has since disclosed that it was due to serious medical problems. Katie Clarke's career is just beginning and she already has a bad reputation.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#54Katie Rose Clarke is back at 'Wicked.
Posted: 4/28/11 at 2:25pm

Exactly AC. She is just now starting and already having more attendance problems than people who have been on broadway forever. I don't know what the deal is, but if she's having this many problems, maybe she should leave the show for good (no pun intended) and get her problems straightened out before returning to performing in any show

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "
Updated On: 4/28/11 at 02:25 PM

#55Katie Rose Clarke is back at 'Wicked.
Posted: 4/28/11 at 2:30pm

I know the main reason she was most recently out of the show was due to medical issues. I think she's starting to wean her way back into the show now. It's a shame because she's such an excellent actress who manages to keep all of her performances rather fresh. Don't get me wrong, Laura is wonderful as well (with a beautiful singing voice).

#56Katie Rose Clarke is back at 'Wicked.
Posted: 4/28/11 at 5:09pm

"She is just now starting and already having more attendance problems than people who have been on broadway forever. I don't know what the deal is, but if she's having this many problems, maybe she should leave the show for good (no pun intended) and get her problems straightened out before returning to performing in any show"

Where do you get your information from? Katie Rose has been with the show for almost 4yrs now including the 1NT and on Broadway

"When an Elphaba (or Glinda) goes on break, the understudy always has a few performances. It doesn't just mean it's the "stand-by's" time to shine."

Guess someone forgot to tell Laura Woyasz that. She missed once in Katie's 6 weeks of being out and it was on a 9 show week where she was forced out.

For everyone so interested in Katie's attendance she will be out this weekend.

And do people really need to bash her for calling out last night? She was gone for 6 weeks and is just coming back to the show for gods sake.

I have seen the show a lot of times and most of them were full cast. I have never seen a Wizard understudy and I wish I would...PJ is terrible.

Don't believe everything that you hear! Only the peeps involved know the truth!
Updated On: 4/28/11 at 05:09 PM

perfectlymarvelous Profile Photo
#57Katie Rose Clarke is back at 'Wicked.
Posted: 4/28/11 at 6:02pm

I've seen the show on Broadway 4 times since 2003 (the last time was this past July with Mandy Gonzalez and Katie Rose Clarke) and as far as I remember I've never had an understudy/standby for any of the principal or supporting roles. Maybe I just lucked out, I don't know, but judging from what I've heard about the attendance records for lots of the Elphabas and Glindas (particularly Elphabas), they should have started using alternates years ago.
Updated On: 4/28/11 at 06:02 PM

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#58Katie Rose Clarke is back at 'Wicked.
Posted: 4/28/11 at 6:38pm

And do people really need to bash her for calling out last night? She was gone for 6 weeks and is just coming back to the show for gods sake.

Exactly! She just got back and is out already and still will be for the weekend. THAT is the problem. She can't handle the job anymore obviously.

#59Katie Rose Clarke is back at 'Wicked.
Posted: 4/28/11 at 7:13pm

^You have no clue why she is out on the weekend do you? She has an engagement out of town so she really can't be in 2 places at once now can she!!!

Don't believe everything that you hear! Only the peeps involved know the truth!

adamgreer Profile Photo
#60Katie Rose Clarke is back at 'Wicked.
Posted: 4/28/11 at 7:54pm

Generally, in the real world, after one has been out on medical leave for 6-8 weeks, you don't come back to work and start taking personal days the first week back. It's unprofessional and is a sure way to earn you the ire of your co-workers because it doesn't look good.
Updated On: 4/28/11 at 07:54 PM

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#61Katie Rose Clarke is back at 'Wicked.
Posted: 4/28/11 at 8:05pm

^ I was just about to post something along those lines. Maybe if she been out so often, she shouldn't be missing more shows for an "engagement." It's unprofessional and if performing is such a problem for her, maybe it's not the right career.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

Nick Profile Photo
#62Katie Rose Clarke is back at 'Wicked.
Posted: 4/28/11 at 8:58pm

Regardless of what I personally think about her attendance record, if the producers had a problem with it, then I'm sure she would have been fired by now. Right?

Out of the 3 shows I randomly went to, and she was billed as the lead, she was in the show. I saw the show twice where I knew she'd be on medical leave.

I love her performance and hope she stays in the show...but if she is really having problems, then I'd rather her save her voice than anything. But then again, I don't know for sure what is going on. Only KRC and her close people do :)

#63Katie Rose Clarke is back at 'Wicked.
Posted: 4/28/11 at 8:58pm

I know i do not post very often, but I wanted to clear something up about both Donna Vivino and Katie Clarke. Donna missed, on average, once a week. I know Donna, so I am not just making this up. She had excellent attendance. Donna Vivino has probably the single most powerful voice I have ever heard, and it got 10 times stronger as her time on tour went on. I have seen Katie 2/3 times I have been supposed to see her. the one time she missed was a matinee in Buffalo, and I saw Meggie Cansler, her very capable understudy, but Katie was back in the show that night. Things happen to people. Katie was ill for several weeks, and she had to miss. She is not gonna be able to do every show immediatley upon jumping back into the show. Glinda is a hard role. It is nearly impossible to find someone who can do Elphie or Glinda 8 times a week without missing. By the way, i have seen 8 different Glindas, soon to be 9, and she is the best I have seen.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#64Katie Rose Clarke is back at 'Wicked.
Posted: 4/28/11 at 9:06pm

Donna missed, on average, once a week. I know Donna, so I am not just making this up. She had excellent attendance.

Sorry, but that isn't "great attendance." You realize that Idina Menzel didn't miss a show until five and a half months into her run, right? That's great attendance.

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#65Katie Rose Clarke is back at 'Wicked.
Posted: 4/28/11 at 9:10pm

I saw the tour in July 2009. Donna Vivino was the scheduled Elphaba. I went on Thursday night, she wasn't there. I went on Sunday night (that same week), she wasn't there. Not to mention the fact that she did not do any of the Sunday matinees. I know that for a fact.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#66Katie Rose Clarke is back at 'Wicked.
Posted: 4/29/11 at 2:48am

^You have no clue why she is out on the weekend do you? She has an engagement out of town so she really can't be in 2 places at once now can she!!!

It doesn't really matter why she's out. The fact that she is out already for any reason (in lieu of death, etc.) right after coming back is pretty inexcusable. The fact that you know that she'll be out of town is a bit creepy.

Regardless of what I personally think about her attendance record, if the producers had a problem with it, then I'm sure she would have been fired by now. Right?

The producers don't give a s**t. "You're gonna be out? We still get money right? SWEET."

#67Katie Rose Clarke is back at 'Wicked.
Posted: 4/29/11 at 1:01pm

"Guess someone forgot to tell Laura Woyasz that. She missed once in Katie's 6 weeks of being out and it was on a 9 show week where she was forced out."

Or maybe, Laura Woyasz showed she could handle playing the role eight times a week.

I'm at quite a loss as to why Laura Woyasz isn't the lead right now. When I saw her last month, I thought she was better KRC, who should really just leave at this point.

#68Katie Rose Clarke is back at 'Wicked.
Posted: 4/29/11 at 3:54pm

ive managed to see all the lead elphaba's on broadway. And the only one it took me a while to catch was Julia. I definitely think that they need a set alternate system maybe at most 2 performance a week. and just as an opinion i do not thin laura can handle lead, just saying.

#69Katie Rose Clarke is back at 'Wicked.
Posted: 4/29/11 at 5:06pm

"Sorry, but that isn't "great attendance." You realize that Idina Menzel didn't miss a show until five and a half months into her run, right? That's great attendance"

Yes, indeed that is great attendance. Idina was not traveling around the country for 2 and a half years with this show. Also I said on average. She certainly had her weak points, Syracuse, and New Orleans being two of them, where she had severe allergies in NE, and She had the flu in Syracuse, but there were times she did not miss at all. I believe that she was at every performance in Cleveland, with the exception of her vacation, and I think one of the shows the last week of the run. So i never said she made every show. But for a role of this magnitude, and someone changing cities every few weeks, with different atmospheres, she did a pretty damn good job with her attendance.

Also, Idina was doing this show nightly for the first five months of the run. Because the show had just opened, critics were coming, and people were coming to see this big huge new show. the fact she never missed for those few months is incredibly impressive, but Idina is not as consistent as Donna. I have never heard an audio of Donna that is less than AMAZING. Idina has her WOW shows, and then she had some that were not so strong. I love Idina's Elphaba, but Donna was way stronger in the role.

#70Katie Rose Clarke is back at 'Wicked.
Posted: 4/29/11 at 9:53pm

Not that I particularly care about the people in Wicked, but I do want to point out that Donna Murphy's attendance problems have always been back to Song of Singapore (there's a fabulous anectdote about Kaye Ballard trying to see her in it), and that closed because she was out so much.

Anyhow, I'm of the belief that if you miss more than you're there you need to be fired. If they worked a regular job, they'd be fired so there is no reason for it not to happen here, too.

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#71Katie Rose Clarke is back at 'Wicked.
Posted: 4/29/11 at 10:25pm

But for a role of this magnitude, and someone changing cities every few weeks, with different atmospheres, she did a pretty damn good job with her attendance.

There are a lot of roles out there that are way harder than Glinda. Most of the performers who play these roles in the touring productions have way better attendance than this. In fact, a lot of them will do all eight shows per week. If they are going to be part of a touring cast, they need to be adaptable to different "atmospheres". Their career is to perform the role in different cities. That is their job. If they are not able to do that on a regular basis, then they need another job.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

#72Katie Rose Clarke is back at 'Wicked.
Posted: 4/30/11 at 10:39am

I was referring to Donna not Katie.. Katie did not miss a horrible amount on tour. i believe, in all the time that Melissa and Meggie were her understudies, she missed around 20 times, which is not so bad for a full year of performances, and I think she missed a bit more than that when Stefanie and Marissa came in, but not all that much.

#73Katie Rose Clarke is back at 'Wicked.
Posted: 4/30/11 at 3:43pm

Looks like my info on Katie Rose being out this weekend was wrong. My bad.

I saw the show last light and Katie Rose was on. It was a full cast. Katie Rose has never looked or sounded this great. She looked so happy to be back on the stage.

Katie Rose is out tonight. So it looks like she is doing 6 show weeks. Now before anything says something stupid I will say that I don't blame her one bit for doing that.

Don't believe everything that you hear! Only the peeps involved know the truth!
Updated On: 4/30/11 at 03:43 PM
