Which is better?
Is neither an option?
^ bahahahahaha.
I love and have both of them.
The Symphonic recording has Michael Ball. 'Nuff said ... Seriously, it is a wonderful representation of the "original" show before the more recent changes. It is, as it states, complete.
The 2010 cast album was recorded LIVE, something very special. It is complete and has all the new changes.
Neither is "better" than the other. Both are essential and worth the money
Thank you. I already have the original French Concept Album, Original London/ Broadway Cast Recordings, and the 10th Anniversary Concert (DVD and CD because I enjoy it so much), but I just saw the show for the 1st time on Friday, and now I want a more current 25th Anniversary production recording. Just no Nick Jonas.
Nick Jonas is not on that recording. Did you see the tour? If so, the new recording will be a better representation of what you saw. Also, John Owen-Jones is probably the best Valjean ever.
I know Nick Jonas is not on the recordings, but he ruined the 25th Anniversary Concert for me. And yes I saw the tour when it came to the Sergerstorm Hall in Costa Mesa. It was AMAZING! The whole cast gave it their all, and made it a wonderful production! It warms my heart to know that such a great masterpiece of musical theatre has been so well preserved!
I'd say the Complete Symphonic just because I'm not really a fan of most of the changes made. 2010 recording is great, just feels like it's missing things, even though it's technically not.
Didn't the just remaster the original London Cast Recording? I heard they did.
I know they gave it a new cover (it's the red and blue French flag as opposed to that beige-ish background).
Anyway, that's always been my favorite recording.
^It is missing things though. They did cut Javert's "I have only known one other" speech so that the recording jumps from "Say what you must, don't leave it there" right into "Who Am I?."
They also cut the beginning of "Valjean's Confession." Both of those cuts were just for the recording because it wasn't like that in the actual show. Why they felt the need to do that I'll never understand.
Wait, you mean they cut those parts from the OLCR?
That sucks.
No! I was referring to the 2010 live cast album that is supposedly complete.
"No! I was referring to the 2010 live cast album that is supposedly complete."
Ah, yes.. those are two of the cuts that bother me while listening.
Also, the beginning of the Bargain, "Now Fantine's suffering is over", is that still in the show. It's not on the 2010 recording.
^I don't think it is. I think it was performed that way in the show. Most of the cuts were like that live, but they did make a few additional cuts for the recording which are very annoying since disc space clearly wasn't an issue.
Updated On: 6/26/12 at 03:40 PM
The "Fantine's suffering is over" part remains in the current tour. It was one of the sections where Laurence Clayton used to "riff."
I would also choose neither. The OLCR is all I need.
Broadway Star Joined: 2/21/07
Which one doesn't have Gary Morris on it? Go with that one.
Eh, I don't care for the OLCR. It's just too different from what Les Miz has inevitability become. The difference in tempo on 'Confrontation' is awful. The way 'Stars' ends is lame. And the "love montage" has nothing on the full/complete versions of "A Heart Full of Love" and "In My Life"
For me nothing beats the 10th Anniversary Concert, but I do like the coherence of the story the way it is presented in the current production. The Original London Cast recording is great, but I can't stand Frances Ruffelle and Roger Allam- whileI am sure he's a brilliant actor-did not sing the part that well. He was alright,
I would enjoy the 25th ann. tour one more if it wasn't so over-the-top and pretentious. Not to mention self-indulgent and inappropriately celebratory.
And this from someone who loves the show and all its shameless misery.
I prefer the 2010 cast recording. I like the fact that it is, for the most part the complete show. And, it does't have Morris playing Valjean. Furthermore, the chemistry is a bit off between the actors on the symphonic recording, mainly due to it being recorded in several different places and cut together.
But, there is one thing that I will never get though. If the symphonic recording fits on three and a half CDs, and is the show as it was prior to there being cuts. Then, why would they cut things from the CD? The show, in its current state, could easily fit onto two CDs, what with there being further cuts and all.
^The current show could have very easily fit on two CDs and it was recorded live which is why it's so infuriating that they still felt the need to cut bits of music instead of keeping it complete.
Why is it so important that they include every last note? I'm as nuts about this show as one can be, and even nuttier about the music, and I don't care that every last bit is included on every major recording.
Not saying it's wrong, just surprised people expect the whole show as a requirement when most cast recordings of most musicals don't feature the whole score.
I like the Complete Symphonic Recording but I have issues with it as well like most people. Despite its use of the 72-member London Philharmonia Orchestra, it's not the best representation of John Cameron's orchestration as they turn the strings way up and leave a lot of the rest of the instrumentation in the dust. It's by no means bad or even lacking. It's overall a fabulous recording, especially when heard through headphones or an excellent sound system but the mix could've been better balanced at the studio.
I respect other people's opinions but one I'm starting to respect less and less for how it seems to be a case where one person suggests something and everyone else copies them, spreading the same quote word-for-word that they first stated until it's the standard. And all because at the time it was stated it seemed to be the best explanation for why everyone has issues with the CSR.
Sorry, but I'm RIDICULOUSLY sensitive to the nuances of a recording and the assertion that the CSR has little chemistry because it was recorded in three different places and used a cast that didn't perform together in the show proper has long been one that doesn't ring true to me. Again, not saying I'm right and others are wrong but they are wrong when it comes to these ears, and these ears think it's a bunch of baloney.
In fact, it's remarkable that they managed to make it sound as if they were all in the same studio together. You'd think such an ambitious, complicated project at that time wouldn't have come out so seamless. But it is. Completely seamless, not only technically, but the cast sound great together and it's the one recording I had worn out as a kid playing straight through while picturing the show in my head, and the wonderful performances and chemistry had a lot to do with that. Bravo to the engineers for getting the toughest part of the recording production right, even if they didn't turn out a perfect recording.
That said, while the issues with the mixing are minor, the biggest issue I personally have with it and I suspect is the reason for the scapegoating, no chemistry mass hysteria, is some key roles were cast with actors who are not recording material.
It has been said that Kaho Shimada, Gary Morris, Gay Soper, Tracy Shayne, and Debbie Byrne "can't sing," which is, again, a bunch of bull. It's been said they were terrible in their roles, and again, bull-bull-bull.
The above listed actors are the ones that get the most flack, but personally, I only have a problem with Byrne, Shimada, and Soper. Let me make it clear that I used to be a HUGE Shimada fan and I still can be considered one although not as ardent. I fell in love with her beautiful Royal Variety Performance of "On My Own" in her native Japanese. Her acting choices are simple but powerful and I get chills remembering that clip.
I have clips of Byrne performing as Fantine in the original Sydney production and she is definitely one of the most moving in the role.
Gay Soper played the role like many others play it and I really dig her in that one "Master of the House" clip she appears in on that Stage By Stage documentary.
But I fast forward most of their bits while listening to the CSR. I KNOW what made them great on stage, at least partially, and that's enough to know they were some of the best. But it just doesn't translate via audio alone. In fact, there are characteristics of their voices that come across badly on audio. Also, I'm the last person to worry so much about belting and the like, but one thing that puts me off about Byrne's Fantine is that she always sounds as if she's gasping for air. It may seem appropriate but Les Mis is the type of show I LOVE singing along to and her warbly performance that sounds like mostly head voice makes it less pleasurable to do so. So I turn that off and play Randy Graff instead!!! lol.
Soper tends to be offensively shrill and thin and Shimada sounds perpetually timid and reserved. Yet, I love them all. I LOVE what I've heard (yes, audio only) of Byrne's Norma Desmond and I don't skip Shimada's "On My Own," so not saying they have unattractive voices because they both can sound great, but for some reason, fall short most of the time on the Complete Symphonic. Whatever the case is, their vocals as recorded don't do the roles justice because they simply aren't recording material and don't perform in a way that satisfies us on a listening level for some reason. They're the type that are best when seen live or on video, but their vocals alone contain too many unusual ticks and the quality is too "quiet" (Shimada and Byrne) or too abrasive (Soper).
I'm in the minority about Morris, who I saw live as Valjean in the 1st national tour and is one of the best Valjeans I've ever seen. But I love him on the recording too and don't see what the big deal is about. Most people say he sounds "too American" and not Colm-like. Others say he sounds whiney and warbly. Still others think he simply "can't sing."
Of course I think those people have no perception and should go suck a big hunk of BALONEY.
I have a question: does exist some recording which includes the three or four lines sang during the first encounter of Valjean and Little Cosette? The CSR is supposed to be complete but it doesn’t include those few lines.
Leading Actor Joined: 1/3/07
I think John Owen Jones' Valjean is perfection and better than Morris', but for some reason I hardly listen to the 2010 recording. It's not so much that bits are missing, despite the claim that it's complete, but that the sound isn't as evocative as the huge orchestra on the CSR. I don't care for the new orchestrations on the 2010 recording either; John Cameron's were far superior. I never really liked Madelena Alberto's turn as Fantine either -- she just belts out her part with no nuance or apparent understanding of her character. I think I'm more of a traditionalist with this show too and don't care for the Idol-style riffs that Rosalind James' Eponine does; I don't think it suits the character. Philip Quast and Anthony Warlow are also far stronger in their parts as Javert and Enjolras.