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Legally Blonde: The Musical?- Page 2

Legally Blonde: The Musical?

#25re: Legally Blonde: The Musical?
Posted: 6/10/04 at 1:22am

I think Kristin is extremely talented and has a fantastic voice. She had me falling out of my seat when I saw her in Charlie Brown-waiting anxiously for her to come back out for her next scene everytime she left the stage. I enjoyed her again in Epic Proportions, and again in Wicked. But she is quite clearly now a "type," meaning she has carved out a niche that she fits in perfectly. But don't you think SHE would be a little more challenged and interested in playing a role which allows her to stretch herself a little? She could play Glinda in her sleep-that's why she was cast in the role. It's like Jim Carrey-he finally branched out into films like The Truman Show and The Majestic-people were getting tired of the prat falls and rubber face tricks-and Tom Hanks-same thing-How gratifying must it have been for him to succesfully play a man dying from AIDS after years of playing the neurotic leading man?

#26re: Legally Blonde: The Musical?
Posted: 6/10/04 at 1:57am

i agree with on that. i am just saying that even though she plays thise types of roles well does not mean she is like that in real life! just like tom hangk and jim carry are not like any of the same types of charactors they play in movies.

~FloweryFriend~ Profile Photo
#27re: Legally Blonde: The Musical?
Posted: 6/10/04 at 2:00am

It is entirely possible that all three of the aforementioned actors are EXACTLY like that in real life, and unless you know them personally, it is unfair to assume either way.

I starred in a short film called Magnetic Personality. Check it out!

thebigkrakowski Profile Photo
#28re: Legally Blonde: The Musical?
Posted: 6/10/04 at 6:59am

I was kidding about Jessica Simpson. Come on!

broadway86 Profile Photo
#29re: Legally Blonde: The Musical?
Posted: 6/10/04 at 8:56am

If Kristin can convincingly play a college student in WICKED, she can certainly play Elle Woods. Actually, Jessica Simpson might not be bad... And yes, I am serious. If anyone has a problem with that, please PM me.

Here's my cast:

Elle- Kristin Chenoweth
Emmett Richmond - David Elder
Vivian Kensington - Sutton Foster
Warner Huntington III - John Jeffrey Martin
Paulette Bonafonte - Kathy Najimy
Prof. Callahan - Alfred Molina
Prof. Stromwell - Blair Brown
Brooke Windham-Vandermark - Haven't figured this one out yet... Updated On: 6/10/04 at 08:56 AM

Glebb Profile Photo
#30re: Legally Blonde: The Musical?
Posted: 6/10/04 at 9:02am

Thanks for that casting. I love that you know the first and last names of the cast of characters. I really enjoyed (several times on HBO) the movie but...... :)

You remind me of a good friend who used to lay in the grass with me -Sheep's Meadow - and make the perfect cast for FOLLIES, the film. We created several live and dead casts. :)

" ...the happiness in the tune convinces me that I'm not afraid."

broadway86 Profile Photo
#31re: Legally Blonde: The Musical?
Posted: 6/10/04 at 9:08am

Are you serious?! That's all I do with my friends. We cast shows. It's so much fun because were such drama geeks. When I get back home, I'll send you my other lists.

As for Kristin, I cast her as Elle WAAAY back when. I'm also a movie buff, which is why I know the last names.

Rob Updated On: 6/10/04 at 09:08 AM

Glebb Profile Photo
#32re: Legally Blonde: The Musical?
Posted: 6/10/04 at 9:10am

We were young and serious. LOL

" ...the happiness in the tune convinces me that I'm not afraid."

MusicPos2 Profile Photo
#33re: Legally Blonde: The Musical?
Posted: 6/10/04 at 10:51am

Agreed to the post about Kristin playing herself. I'm so sick of hearing that, you really don't know that. And she's been typecast, it's not necessarily what she wants. Her training is extensive. I think she'd be great in most roles, it's that people see her as Glinda or Sally, so that's how they cast her without giving her other chances, and Glinda is a pretty deep character in the end. She has to deal with a lot of issues, yet Kristin shows that she doesn't lose her shallow nature, even though she's no longer truly shallow, that's not so easy. I still want her to do a Puccini CD.

newyorkuniq Profile Photo
#34re: Legally Blonde: The Musical?
Posted: 6/10/04 at 12:42pm

Seriously , Kristen is and looks waaay to old to play a college student. If they really want a name actress Im sure they can find someone perfect and stick a blonde wig on her:P

MusicPos2 Profile Photo
#35re: Legally Blonde: The Musical?
Posted: 6/10/04 at 12:59pm

How do you figure? She's doing it now!

newyorkuniq Profile Photo
#36re: Legally Blonde: The Musical?
Posted: 6/10/04 at 1:12pm

oops Updated On: 6/10/04 at 01:12 PM

newyorkuniq Profile Photo
#37re: Legally Blonde: The Musical?
Posted: 6/10/04 at 1:12pm

How do I figure? Have you seen Wicked? She looks wayyy to old.

MusicPos2 Profile Photo
#38re: Legally Blonde: The Musical?
Posted: 6/10/04 at 1:13pm

I've seen it twice, and no she doesn't.

bwaysinger Profile Photo
#39re: Legally Blonde: The Musical?
Posted: 6/10/04 at 1:25pm

I do have to say, the thought of this show being a musical scares me a bit...but Kathy Najimy would be inspired casting.

broadway86 Profile Photo
#40re: Legally Blonde: The Musical?
Posted: 6/10/04 at 4:13pm

In my book, Legally Blonde is one of the cheeriest and funniest feel-good comedies released in a long while (partially because Witherspoon gave a brilliant performance). As long as they keep the same tone and don't change much of the story, it could very well work.

directorkid Profile Photo
#41re: Legally Blonde: The Musical?
Posted: 6/10/04 at 11:16pm

I just watched the movie and i could see Kristen in it the whole time! but my question is will the combine both movies or just do one?

nystateomind04 Profile Photo
#42re: Legally Blonde: The Musical?
Posted: 6/11/04 at 1:44am

"I think it'll be a Hairspray type musical---very pop, modern, and appealing to teenagers..."

GREAT! another one for half of the broadwayworld users to start 1000 threads about while the other half bitch about how much they hate the show and how they wish people would stop making so many threads about it although they post on these topics (perhaps to work out their smart, but almost always mean-spirited sarcasm of which they seem to be in no short supply) THEN they'll start a thread of their own to ask the users who do like the show to please make sure they very clearly name the threads about wi... i mean legally blonde so that they dont "accidentally" wonder in and HAVE to say anything rude. THEN they'll disregaurd the fact that they started an entire thread to let people know how disinterested in this subject they were, and enter the threads which are clearly about legally blonde and post ANYWAY, in full awareness of their own hipocrisy.

and you better hope that the actress who plays elle doesnt win a tony! then they'll really get the big guns out! dont try to start a thread to say how happy you are for her! oh no! it wont make it to be a full page before they fill it with rude comments, destroying the originally kind intention of the thread. nope, this is the message board, and we cannot let fans be happy for a star they like after she achieves one of the highest honors in the theater

you know, i didnt use to feel so full of negativity when i posted here. in fact, i just liked to chat about broadway with others who shared this interest. funny how time and overwhelming, constant, DRAINING cynisism can change someones outlook.

oh yea... re: Legally Blonde: The Musical?. just trying to get the old positive juices flowing again. sadly, to no avail.

newyorkuniq Profile Photo
#43re: Legally Blonde: The Musical?
Posted: 6/11/04 at 3:32am

pass the Zoloft please..

boborunstheshow Profile Photo
#44re: Legally Blonde: The Musical?
Posted: 6/11/04 at 10:12am

Ughh, without an awsome score, the concept does not appeal to me. That movie was absolutly irritating.

Its Aberqurque NM for me. Speaking Spanish. Be Back September 06.

broadway86 Profile Photo
#45re: Legally Blonde: The Musical?
Posted: 6/11/04 at 12:19pm

"I just watched the movie and i could see Kristen in it the whole time! but my question is will the combine both movies or just do one?"

They'll have to use the storyline from the first one, for two reasons.

1) The story of the original is more than enough to work with, and
2) The second one sucked.

nystateomind04 Profile Photo
#46re: Legally Blonde: The Musical?
Posted: 6/11/04 at 12:33pm

im all out. can you tell?
