Swing Joined: 5/4/14
I've planned my first trip to New York to see Hedwig, but wasn't able to afford tickets until recently, and they're obviously all sold out for the two nights I'm in town- Friday May 23 and Saturday May 24. The only ones I can really afford from the scalper sites are at least 150, and in the last row of the balcony. I'm wondering if it's more worth it to take my chances with the Lotto/SRO, or if I should just bite the bullet and buy one, so at least I have a seat. I want to see at least one other show while I'm there too, and wondering if people think I should wait for tickets on the Friday, or the Saturday? I get in to LaGuardia at 3 on Friday, and thought I might just go dump my things at the hotel and head straight to the theatre to wait? Any opinions would be super helpful!
If you are going to go on Saturday, try lotto and standby, but get there early for standby--- there is 1 line, and you will have a shot at either the 7 or 10pm show.
If you are arriving at lga by 3pm on Friday, you should get there in time for lottery- 530pm
However, you will be there too late for standby--- the line will be down the block by then- I did standby on Friday--- was 1st on line --- got there little after noon ( basically, because I wanted to leave work!!!) --- by 3pm was crowded, and they only handed out 10 standby Friday nite
The other option ('if you don't want to pay the 150 for balc, is to keep checking for orch on telecharge--- there are usually tix that get released same day
Updated On: 5/4/14 at 05:30 PM
Swing Joined: 5/4/14
Usually standby means a line of people hoping full price tickets show up, aka a cancellation line, like Book of Mormon also has... which is very different from standing room. Just so ya'll stay on the same page here. All of the stuff Testing referring to was standing room.
Hedwig seats do open up, though, so keep looking!
Understudy Joined: 2/10/12
Yikes, I didn't know they weren't always selling all the SRO tickets even after opening!
I will also say that the house manager is getting stricter about not allowing any sitting on the sidewalk. I still think it's totally worth it, but you should be prepared to stand not only for the show but for the hours you're in line as well (it hasn't always been this way, but I understand that it's the staff's prerogative and wouldn't want someone to show up in terrible shoes or something). Also, there has sometimes been the understanding that the cancellation line begins after the last SRO ticket is sold, but I don't know that they're doing that consistently. There were definitely full-price seats opening up yesterday for the 7:00 between 5:00-6:00 - sounds like it would be worth going over there when you get in on Friday just to see what they have. Have fun!!!
don't forget that there is (1) TUES in June and another Tues nite show in July (due to the TONY Awards, Hedwig is not playing the Sunday shows on TONY day.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/24/14
I just checked the Hedwig site and there is a show on Tony Sunday at 3 pm.
For anyone who's been recently, is arriving between 12:30 and 1:00 on a Friday early enough to line up for SRO and likely be one of the first in line? I'm assuming the show will be sold out and I'll lose lotto.
I am going on a Wednesday in June. Got a great Audience Rewards deal for Lady Day for a Wednesday matinee at 2, so if I get to Hedwig at around 4:45, will I get SRO? Show is at 8pm. Also this is Post Tonys, if that has any effect.
I would imagine that if Hedwig does well at the Tonys (And I am sure it will) the crowds wanting tickets will only get bigger, so I would assume it would have an effect on getting tickets.
I'm going next Friday (taking an 8 am bus from Boston in hopes of being there early enough!). I'll report then, and hopefully some folks will beforehand, too. Broadway spotted only reports on the lotto as of today.
I strolled by the Hedwig SRO line today at around 3:30 PM. I would say there was about 20 people on it and the first person in line got there at 12 PM they said.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/18/03
Yes, the house manager there is a real troll. And incredibly rude.
If that's the price I have to pay for affordable theater, I'll pay it. I'm grateful I have the opportunity to see this show at all. Anyone have tips for how to survive being on one's feet for that many hours? Can we at least lean against a wall, if we're not allowed to sit? Thanks for the great info, all!
Broadway Star Joined: 12/7/05
It would be unbelievably cruel to force people to stand for hours while waiting for tickets. If someone falls due to getting lightheaded or dizzy since they were not allowed to sit, the theater will have a lawsuit on its hands. A very simple solution would be to have the box office hand out numbered-tickets upon arrival if they want people to return later to purchase.
"Unbelievably cruel"? Really? That's a bit dramatic. If people can't stand for more than a few hours, they have bigger problems than possibly not seeing Hedwig. The rule is harsh but if you know you can't stand for that long, you can't do lotto/sro. Life isn't always fair.
Plenty of people do find it challenging to stand for several hours straight, myself included. I'm a rock climber and a weight-lifter and very healthy and physically fit, but I have a hip issue that makes it difficult for me to stand for more than two hours without a break or something to lean on. That would be fine for seeing "Hedwig," since I could lean and it's under 2 hours, but standing from 1:00 until 7:00 is going to be very challenging. I'll do it since I can't afford regularly-priced tickets, but it would be a much more doable experience if I could sit like I have for every other rush/SRO line I've ever waited on.
I love how everyone is so quick to remind us that we should kneel down and kiss the ground because the producers have chosen to sell SRO tickets at a cheap price to us lowly peons. If we want these cheap tickets then we should suffer whatever task put before us. The fact is it's a little unreasonable to ask people to stand for upwards of 7 hours to then go into a theatre and stand for the entire show (even if it's only 90 mins).
The fact of the matter is that they wouldn't sell SRO tickets at that high a price to begin with so we aren't getting a steal here. I could understand the argument for lotto tickets which are SEATS and you only have to stick around for 10 mins to find out if you've won those.
Everyone just needs to get over themselves and understand that this standing in line rule is quite absurd.
"If someone falls due to getting lightheaded or dizzy since they were not allowed to sit, the theater will have a lawsuit on its hands. "
Really - And that would be because that person chose to stand for that amount of time. Who in the world told you they would have a lawsuit on their hands?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/18/03
Let me put it this way...
I have seen the show. I feel the need to go back. I have helped friends with lottery several times, including a day where two were also on the SRO line. I have no done so yet, but this is one of the very few times where I have ever left wanting to write a letter to the theatre owners to complain about staff members... and I have seen more than my share of absurdly rude ushers and house managers.
Yes, they are pushy, strict, and get in your face... a lot. But, would you want a house staff that is lazy, and doesn't do sh*t when someone is breaking the rules, and disturbing your enjoyment of the production?
Do you think the predicted rain will have an effect on the size of the lotto crowd? I'm considering entering the lotto tonight.