Well, add me to the chorus of people who found this utterly and completely charming. It’s also visually stunning. I do fear that it won’t be able to find an audience, but I’ll keep my fingers crossed.
It's interesting to see the strategies of different shows dealing with international cultures & characters.
HERE LIES LOVE seemed hyperconscious of touting its all-Filipino cast & consultants and in some ways minimizing the promotional work of Timbers, Byrne, and the other whites who created the show, seemingly in fear of it looking like whitewashing. KPOP was similarly handled. When both shows flopped, there was a lot of finger-pointing about the 'treatment' of Asian stories on Broadway (some of that in bad faith).
MAYBE HAPPY ENDING, by contrast, has one Korean coauthor, one Korean supporting actor, and no Korean people on the directing/design/lead-producing team. Is that "right"? Will it pay off? I don't know.
(As far as grosses go, MHE would be so lucky to do HLL numbers, and at least it's started a little better than KPOP)
Saw it again this afternoon and I loved it even more than I did after the first time. Just such a special show and I’m praying to the Broadway Gods that reviews are excellent and inspire hoards of people to buy tickets and make this a hit.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/29/13
This show is adorable. Very sweet.
1:45 minutes, is too long. It wears thin quickly. Sat behind Adam Feldman from Time Out. He was gossiping about Nicole/Trump situation before the show started
Chorus Member Joined: 12/29/18
TheatreMonkey said: "So, did the show end up having any big, spectacular moments that were often talked about by the cast? Genuinely curious -- it seems, if anything, that the show certainly has heart, but to promote a sweet show with an emphasis on technical "wow" always seemed an odd combination to me."
There are definitely a few [what I consider] spectacular moments.
For our money, this is THE show we loved more than any other new production we saw on our just completed NYtrip (7 shows in 5 days). Absolutely dynamite writing, performing, direction and design. (And the comparisons to the Company set are facile and meaningless— this show has a magnificent set, perfectly designed to serve the play). Loved the whole package and pray the reviewers inspire hoards of ticket buyers.
Updated On: 11/11/24 at 08:49 PM
Jordan Catalano said: "Saw it again this afternoon and I loved it even more than I did after the first time. Just such a special show and I’m praying to the Broadway Gods that reviews are excellent and inspire hoards of people to buy tickets and make this a hit."
Jordan - going now!
Broadway Star Joined: 3/29/23
How They Built the Genius Sets of Broadway’s Maybe Happy Ending
Jordan Catalano said: "Saw it again this afternoon and I loved it even more than I did after the first time. Just such a special show and I’m praying to the Broadway Gods that reviews are excellent and inspire hoards of people to buy tickets and make this a hit."
well for me personally, all the positive notices here and elsewhere have me very interested in seeing this show...if only it makes it till late Dec. i will be very happy
Now i am thinking very positively as i just bought a ticket for the matinee on Wednesday, Dec. 18...Second row center mezzanine, on the isle...from what i can see this is a great view seat!...now if the Broadway Gods will keep this show running until then i will be extremely happy...