I really enjoyed this last night! I loved the set design and all the inventive movement that never became tired or gimmicky - it was a visual feast that surprised throughout.
I found the music to be pleasant and perfectly matched the endearing charm of the story. I suppose one could accuse of it being too mellow, but I found that big, showy numbers weren't necessary.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/1/20
Happy Ending is up on TDF 11/4-11/17 for $59.
Updated On: 10/30/24 at 07:34 AMSwing Joined: 10/20/17
Any thoughts on first two rows in terms of sight lines? They’re pretty heavily discounted normal seats, but I’d rather center than side if the sides are so obstructed, and orchestra than balcony if the front apron is obstructed.
But if the stage is obscenely high or another thing… gahhh why is it so hard to get cheap tickets that can actually see the damn thing?
Went into this fully blind but had a nagging feeling I would hate it -- I think I had somehow conflated it in my mind with Be More Chill if I'm being fully honest. Instead, I wound up being completely charmed by this sweet little show. To answer those who've asked: there were no "wow" moments or spectacles (though I was impressed by the projections), and the songs were relatively subdued - but nevertheless it is truly original and has a whole lot of heart. I think Broadway needs more of that.
Updated On: 10/30/24 at 10:20 PM
OhHiJohnny said: "Any thoughts on first two rows in terms of sight lines? They’re pretty heavily discounted normal seats, but I’d rather center than side if the sides are so obstructed, and orchestra than balcony if the front apron is obstructed.
But if the stage is obscenely high or another thing… gahhh why is it so hard to get cheap tickets that can actually see the damn thing?"
Having sat in the front row but on the side (technically row B), I'd say go for it due to the price point but shoot for the second row and centered. Being close is less of an issue than being further to the side, IMO - being as centered as possible will address the bulk of the sightline issues people have experienced from the sides, meaning your main concern will be having to look up. The stage isn't particularly high, though not having the orchestra in the pit as a buffer necessarily means it's more of an angle. I don't remember many moments where the actors would obstruct each other, and while some action happens on the apron, most of it is set back enough that it's not like you'd be staring straight up the whole time or anything like that. There is one scene where you'll really have to crane your neck since it takes place in a room raised pretty high off the stage on the left side, but frankly, it's high enough that people in the more expensive seats behind you will have to crane their necks just as much. That's just one scene though and I wouldn't consider that a dealbreaker.
Since the balcony seats are what's comparable in price, the tradeoff is sitting in the balc with some apron obstruction, others in front of you maybe leaning forward because of that, and feeling further removed, but your neck will thank you, vs. craning your neck more, but being close to the action if you're front and center. Personally I'd choose the latter but it depends on your tolerance for looking up.
Was at the show last night, took this picture to help with the stage height question. I would say the distance between the front platform and the rest of the stage was at least two feet, there was no way for them to step up from one to another without the stage left providing a step.
I was second row on the side inner aisle, and while for the most part it was fine, as most action took place downstage, very quickly you started seeing less of their legs the further upstage they were. I'm tall and whenever Jenny was towards upstage, I could only see her from the lower waist and up. So I would say try to get a few rows back if you can.
As for the show, I decided to go in fully blind, and like others I was totally charmed by it. A sweet story with some incredible visuals and lovely songs. (Did it need the expensive set? No. But kudos for them to make this story more epic as a result.) Criss and Shen I wasn't sure would have chemistry, but they truly did as the show went on, they were great. And I have to give kudos to Duron, never thought I'd want Criss to stop singing but Duron was fabulous. Would totally see it again...front a few rows back.
I went into this very blind, and just now skimmed this thread after seeing the show. I hate to be the voice of dissent here, but I did not care for this at all.
I found this to be long, dull, and boring. I did not find the premise to be interesting, and I found both Darren and Helen grating and charmless. This is a problem for an almost two hour intermissionless show where they are the only ones onstage for 95% of the time.
The set is a complete ripoff of the most recent Company revival, but nowhere near as clever and intricate. I didn't think there were any "WOW" moments with the design. There are some cool projections, but nothing to write home about.
I think I saw someone else mention the false endings... There were so many songs/moments where I thought the show would (finally) end, and then it kept going. And going.
As far as sight lines go, the center of the front mezzanine is the way to go if you're going to see this.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/16/17
bwayphreak234 said: "I went into this very blind, and just now skimmed this thread after seeing the show. I hate to be the voice of dissent here, but I did not care for this at all.
I found this to be long, dull, and boring. I did not find the premise to be interesting, and I found both Darren and Helen grating and charmless. This is a problemfor an almost two hour intermissionless show where they are the only ones onstage for 95% of the time.
The set is a complete ripoff of the most recent Company revival, but nowhere near as clever and intricate. I didn't think there were any "WOW" moments with the design. There are some cool projections, but nothing to write home about.
I think I saw someone else mention the false endings... There were so many songs/moments where I thought the show would (finally) end, and then it kept going. And going.
As far as sight lines go, the center of the front mezzanine is the way to go if you're going to see this."
Not sure how it can be a "complete ripoff" of the Company set considering MHE had an early 2020 run in Atlanta with a very similar set. Some of you can be quite dense.
And this musical premiered in South Korea back in 2016.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/16/17
CoffeeBreak said: "Company was on the West End in 2018. It won set design, musical etcthat season at the Oliviers.
Sure Jan. I'm sure Michael Arden saw that set and was like "hmmm let me blatantly rip off this West End version of Company."
Do you hear how absolutely absurd you sound or.....?
I didn't say he did . And Arden didn't design the sets.
Just added that production had occurred prior.
Look who actually made the "rip off" comment, and go after them, Jan. Could care less frankly. No one is curing cancer with a musical.
Back to show-
Has anyone seen it more than once noticing big changes?
QueenTwinnied said: "Not sure how it can be a "complete ripoff" of the Company set considering MHE had an early 2020 run in Atlanta with a very similar set. Some of you can be quite dense."
Thanks for pointing that out - In hindsight, I will admit that I could have worded that section of my post differently considering this. Not sure your "dense" was comment was necessary, though.
I went last night. Bought through TDF, I got orch G13 and G15. I loved being close, but I feel like those who say go for center are correct since I do think I missed out on some pretty cool visuals (not action, though!).
I was unsure how I would feel. While appreciating the artistry and still recognizing the high quality of the shows, I was bored during The Band’s Visit and Kimberly Akimbo. I was absolutely riveted by Girl From The North Country, though. So I’ve been kind of split by musicals that have the feedback or being “slow” or “quaint”.
I totally loved this. I echo what most say- great performances, strong book, cute score, impressive set/projections. I was moved to tears by the end.
My husband and I talked at length though trying to figure out the “false endings” you guys were talking about here. I was actively looking for them in the last 20 mins of the show, and I really could only think of one spot narratively it would have made sense. Did you guys literally mean six or that it felt like a lot of fake endings?
What a delightful, wonderful surprise this show was! I genuinely loved everything about it.
I went in knowing only the broadest strokes of what it was about, but was hooked (and charmed) from the start. I certainly didn’t expect to be so moved during this show, but I found myself crying multiple times. Having read reactions that said it was cute and sweet (both of which are true), I was surprised by how much depth I found in it.
The direction and staging in conjunction with the set was excellent – it created such a specific atmosphere and I loved being in their world.
Everyone was great, but Darren Criss was really, really excellent. He’s giving a charming, heartwarming, moving performance (and his robotic movements feel so – and, yes, this sounds strange – naturally robotic).
Such a unique, wonderful, unexpected show! I really hope it finds its audience. I’m looking forward to seeing it again.
Stand-by Joined: 8/13/08
Count me amongst those who loved this charming and sweet show. I agree with GlimoreGirl02: I was also suprised by the depth. For me, it was a perfect combination of innovative book, strong lead performances, interesting music. I can't wait for a cast recording!
I can see the Company comparison, but I don't think it's a ripoff. Did anyone else love the set for Oliver's owner's home? It was only used briefly, but it was so detailed and beautiful.
I hope this succeeds because I'd love to see this again.
I usually love sitting in the first few rows, but I sat center orchestra H. This was perfect.
Understudy Joined: 2/7/16
Thank you for sharing! I am in row G this weekend and was hoping that was a good row. Can’t wait to see it.
OhHiJohnny said: "Any thoughts on first two rows in terms of sight lines? They’re pretty heavily discounted normal seats, but I’d rather center than side if the sides are so obstructed, and orchestra than balcony if the front apron is obstructed.
But if the stage is obscenely high or another thing… gahhh why is it so hard to get cheap tickets that can actually see the damn thing?"
I can’t honestly speak to those rows as I was in G1 in the Orch tonight, but I can imagine even being as tall as I am that my neck would have been in pain that far up front. Also, if you’re on the side as close I was, I wouldn’t want to be more than 4 seats in. You’ll miss some small things.
All that said, I went in with low expectations and was blown away. It is small, yet big. It’s a technical marvel, a good score, and it gives it all. I might have even cried. I don’t know if it will find an audience, but go see it. I thought it was something special…but I am also coming off of seeing Tammy Faye on Wednesday and aside from Kate, OOF! The Heritage USA number will haunt me for ages.
Stand-by Joined: 8/13/08
I also choked up!
I'm loving the 5 songs on the website (https://www.maybehappyending.com/). "World Within My Room" reminds of "The Beauty Is" from Light in the Piazza.
Wish they would put the songs on Spotify, so I didn't have to listen to them on the website.
Stand-by Joined: 11/17/11
Thank you posting the link to the song previews. These songs are lovely. However to me it feels like something that would be a good cabaret show, aimed for folks who enjoyed "The Last Five Years."
Feels like something that may get a little critical boost from the Trump win as a charming, light, thought-provoking show, though it remains to be seen how much that will actually help the box office. It is a long time until the Tonys.
TUCK EVERLASTING and DAYS OF WINE & ROSES were both NYT Critics Picks and closed quickly with little fanfare.
As previously discussed, they'll need to increase the gross by about 2.5x what they're currently doing to merely break even. It's tough to climb out of a ditch this big.
QueenTwinnied said: "CoffeeBreak said: "Company was on the West End in 2018. It won set design, musical etcthat season at the Oliviers.
Sure Jan. I'm sure Michael Arden saw that set and was like "hmmm let me blatantly rip off this West End version of Company."
Do you hear how absolutely absurd you sound or.....?"
I don't know anything about the set of this show and make no claims about whether it's a rip-off or not but I will say I literally have seen Michael Arden watching theatre in London lol. It would not surprise me if some creatives are at least inspired by what they see. Again making no claims about this particular case.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/29/23
A New Broadway Musical Asks: Can Robots Fall in Love?