Understudy Joined: 6/26/16
John Adams said: "nellyxoxo1 said: "I'll get over it, i know for sure. It's just upsetting right now. Life goes on, that's the way of things. Just trying to vent my frustration. This is strangely therapeutic. I mean, i'm still upset but, strangely i feel a little better."
I can definitely see how investing all that time would be extremely frustrating. I'm truly glad you feel a little better. I was also happy to read about the positive camaraderie you experienced in the line.
So... rhetorical questions: What have you learned, and would you do it again?
"I'm not going to say I learned that going into something, not to expect the outcome you want because I know this already. It's just that I talked to 5 different people who had done the line before and all they had nothing but positive experiences so I thought, eh why not the same for myself? I think this whole experience has given more depth to the phrase "expect the unexpected" in the end. And thank you, I really do feel a lot better. Reading other people's comments, wether positive or not has helped put this experience into perspective in a way. Also talking or writing it out really has helped. I'm home alone right now since i don't start work until tomorrow so "talking" about it has helped instead of just pathetically wallowing in misery so thanks to everyone whose written and responded back lol
Understudy Joined: 6/26/16
Wee Thomas2 said: "Jeremy cheated on you, didn't he?
"Oh man, I wish it were that simple lmfao
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
"There should be a separate line to refill all the seats left empty by those who leave the theater at intermission, having endured Act I.
Lol does this really happen that much? "
Well, a member of this board announced having done so. I didn't, but after having endured the second act as well, I was certainly sorry I hadn't. I'm sure there were more than a few in the audience who felt the same way.
Swing Joined: 12/12/14
So the OP, Nelly, LITERALLY balks at being called deemed "entitled" but mentions that this Jeremy is literally a "self entitled brat."
You, OP are the very definition of entitled. You had the chance to see the show, but passed on it. You took a gamble, lost, and then proceed to flood social media and message board about how "wronged" you were. You scrambled at the last minute to see Hamilton and it didn't work out for you. Boo-hoo.
You still don't explain why you didn't purchase tickets in advance? Most of the people I know who were desperate to see the show bought their tickets months and months ago, again, with no certainty and no expectation that all the members of the original cast would be there. I was lucky, the night I saw the show all the principles were in. However, Audra called out on the night I saw Shuffle Along. It sucked, sine I really wanted to see her, but that's just the way it works out sometimes. You know what I did? Went to the show and had a great time.
As I mentioned before, I worked hours and hours of overtime to be able to afford the trip to NY and the tickets to Hamilton and other shows. That's called forward planning. Try it next time. Oh, and literally get over yourself too.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
I'm sorry this happened, nelly. Waiting in line for rush or cancellation tickets, etc. there are never any guarantees but 96 hours is nothing to sneeze at. I don't think you're acting entitled at all. Jeremy is acting like the line was all paid line-sitters but it seems like you made a little family of fellow theatre-fans and I'm sure it must be tough to have that positive experience marred by the chaos created after one person's complaint. You probably won't get to see the show with the OBC but I hope you have more positive theatre experiences in the future.
Understudy Joined: 6/26/16
Macaw said: "So the OP, Nelly, LITERALLY balks at being called deemed "entitled" but mentions that this Jeremy is literally a "self entitled brat."
You, OP are the very definition of entitled. You had the chance to see the show, but passed on it. You took a gamble, lost, and then proceed to flood social media and message board about how "wronged" you were. You scrambled at the last minute to see Hamilton and it didn't work out for you. Boo-hoo.
You still don't explain why you didn't purchase tickets in advance? Most of the people I know who were desperate to see the show bought their tickets months and months ago, again, with no certainty and no expectation that all the members of the original cast would be there. I was lucky, the night I saw the show all the principles were in. However, Audra called out on the night I saw Shuffle Along. It sucked, sine I really wanted to see her, but that's just the way it works out sometimes. You know what I did? Went to the show and had a great time.
As I mentioned before, I worked hours and hours of overtime to be able to afford the trip to NY and the tickets to Hamilton and other shows. That's called forward planning. Try it next time. Oh, and literally get over yourself too.
"The reason I called Jeremy self entitled was because they tried to explain to him the system of the line and he refused. There were people who had been out there for days and earned their place in the top 20 but he just wanted to jump ahead of another 20 people (i think there were 40 in line or such) and just purchase tickets for that night without haven waited like the rest of us. He felt entitled to a ticket that he did not earn. Seriously does anybody know the meaning to the word entitled? And no, didn't flood social media, just here and tumblr because this is where i learned about the cancellation line in the first place and got a lot of advice. Also, couldn't buy tickets months ago cause I only learned about the musical around late April or early May. Scalper tickets are too expensive for me and i don't wanna pay royalties for a single ticket when the money isisnt even going to the cast! I guess i understand your frustration cause you think I'm whinning but I don't understand why you're so angry? I live pretty close to NY so i don't really have to forward plan my trips there and the cancellation line is something people do every day and have been doing everyday for months. I already agreed that I got a bit greedy but come on, I wanted to see Lin, Phillipa and Leslie and they were all out for the same performance! If one was out I wouldn't had passed on the ticket but all 3? Come on! Im sorry you have to work overtime just to get to NY but you don't have to take it out on me, especially when the cancellation line is something people do everyday. I have a right to be angry about what happened. Don't take it out on me just cause you can't come and go to NY as you please and have to work overtime. Like damn, relax. And, no, i really think you should be the one to get over yourself
nelly, for the sake of so many people, you must learn how to condense your writing.
Understudy Joined: 6/26/16
VintageSnarker said: "I'm sorry this happened, nelly. Waiting in line for rush or cancellation tickets, etc. there are never any guarantees but 96 hours is nothing to sneeze at. I don't think you're acting entitled at all. Jeremy is acting like the line was all paid line-sitters but it seems like you made a little family of fellow theatre-fans and I'm sure it must be tough to have that positive experience marred by the chaos created after one person's complaint. You probably won't get to see the show with the OBC but I hope you have more positive theatre experiences in the future.
"Thank you so much! I think it's my only option. I think tickets for next year are wayyyyy less expensive than they are for this year and if I wait until after July 9th, i'm sure they'll be even less and I can buy one at a reasonably, although scalped Price! I saw Javier in In the Heights and he was great so I'm sure he'll be a lovely Hamilton!
Swing Joined: 6/26/16
UncleCharlie said: "I used to think FOR COLORED GIRLS WHO HAVE CONSIDERED SUICIDE / WHEN THE RAINBOW IS ENUF was the best title for a Broadway show possible. Now I'm pretty sure it's MY HAMILTON CANCELLATION LINE EXPERIENCE AND HOW WE ALL GOT F***ED OVER IN THE END.
Let's dreamcast. Who should play nellyxoxo1? Jeremy?
Long time lurker here who was finally moved to create a profile because I have the perfect answer for this. Clearly Nelly should be played by Patti Murin! (sorry if I get this thread deleted...)
Swing Joined: 12/12/14
Well, Nelly, I may not be as lucky to live so close to NYC, but I did get to see Hamilton with Lin, Leslie and Philipa, unlike yourself! :)
Understudy Joined: 6/26/16
BroadwayConcierge said: "nelly, for the sake of so many people, you must learn how to condense your writing.
" i know. Like i said, I'm just venting and trying to process emotions and what happened so i'm typing without really thinking of proper grammar or paragraph spacing lol
Understudy Joined: 6/26/16
Macaw said: "Well, Nelly, I may not be as lucky to live so close to NYC, but I did get to see Hamilton with Lin, Leslie and Philipa, unlike yourself! :)
"And that's wonderful. I wish i could have gotten to experience that. That's literally the only thing i was trying to do so, like i said, don't know why you're so angry.
I do feel sorry for the OP. That's a lot of time vested. I'm curious though. Nelly said
Basically, you had to be back by midnight, since were not allowed to be in front of the theater during performances.
I was there Thursday night. As we were shuffling into the theatre there was a group sitting against the wall with lawnchairs. I assumed it was cancellation line. The man in front started talking to them and it sounded like they had been there since Monday. We all said good luck and walked into theatre. So were they the ones expected to get in??
also when the show started there was an empty seat in the row in front of me. I know it had been for sale on TM resale so I assumed it didn't get sold and thought it was such a pity that there was an empty seat.
at intermission a man came In and took the seat. Started taking pictures of the stage and just as Act 2 started he took another photo (actors now in place) and then slid his camera to video and placed it face down on his knee, so all he was catching was the audio. I thought the whole thing was bizarre.
Because I hate people taping shows I waited until the aisle cleared after it was over and went up to him and just point blank asked why he had taped it when he could listen to the OBC in much better quality. He looked a bit shocked at first and then just said that he was a big fan and wanted it as his souvenir. Not wanting to get into a fight about it I let it go and left. But I wanted him to know that someone noticed.
Anyways completely unrelated to topic but I did wonder if he had ticket all along and was late or if by chance he got it thru the cancellation list.
Can the theatre release the seat of its unclaimed for first act?
Gee....I hope Big Brother is this entertaining later this evening.
Nelly -- I'm sure what happened was frustrating and yes, it sucks. How do you know it was Jeremy whose complaint effected your getting tix? Sounds likely, sure, but in fact, it might not have been him at all.
And I have to give you this: you are handling all the bs here really, really well.
Understudy Joined: 6/26/16
dramamama611 said: "Gee....I hope Big Brother is this entertaining later this evening.
Nelly -- I'm sure what happened was frustrating and yes, it sucks. How do you know it was Jeremy whose complaint effected your getting tix? Sounds likely, sure, but in fact, it might not have been him at all.
And I have to give you this: you are handling all the bs here really, really well.
"no it was him, the theater guy we talked to confirmed that they go an email from a man trying to join the cancellation line on friday. he was the only one who tried to.
Understudy Joined: 6/26/16
dramamama611 said: "Gee....I hope Big Brother is this entertaining later this evening.
Nelly -- I'm sure what happened was frustrating and yes, it sucks. How do you know it was Jeremy whose complaint effected your getting tix? Sounds likely, sure, but in fact, it might not have been him at all.
And I have to give you this: you are handling all the bs here really, really well.
"thanks. It doesn't really bother me. Like i said, writing it out and talking about it has helped!
A few thoughts:
I think it's hypocritical to basically shame the OP for waiting in line for 96 hours instead of spending $2000. You think it's ridiculous to wait in line that long? Well, I would never do that either, ever, but I also think it's just as ridiculous to spend that kinda money on tickets for anything and would never ever do that either. So clearly that's just a difference of opinion and it's up to everyone to decide what they want to spend their money or time on.
I think the OP has the right to be upset, anyone would be, even if you only waited 2 or 3 hours, instead of days. There was a system that worked and was followed for what sounds like a significant amount of time, and then was suddenly abandoned. Sure, life is unfair, but that doesn't mean you can't be upset..
That being said, this is the first time I read about the cancellation line, and it's ridiculous. And once again Hamilton would just have to look across the pond to Harry Potter. They allow theater goes, if they can't make it (because you bought tickets up to 15 months in advance...) to return their tickets to the box office and patrons will receive a full refund if the tickets are resold (at face value by the BO). Every performance has a wait list online, so I think the resale is pretty much guaranteed, and people don't have to continuously check if seats become available again, it's taken care off for them with the wait list - everything online without people having to camp out in front of the theater! If Hamilton is annoyed by the people in the line, get a new system that saves everyone involved times and nerves...
Understudy Joined: 6/26/16
A Canadian in NYC said: "I do feel sorry for the OP. That's a lot of time vested. I'm curious though. Nelly said
Basically, you had to be back by midnight, since were not allowed to be in front of the theater during performances.
I was there Thursday night. As we were shuffling into the theatre there was a group sitting against the wall with lawnchairs. I assumed it was cancellation line. The man in front started talking to them and it sounded like they had been there since Monday. We all said good luck and walked into theatre. So were they the ones expected to get in??
also when the show started there was an empty seat in the row in front of me. I know it had been for sale on TM resale so I assumed it didn't get sold and thought it was such a pity that there was an empty seat.
at intermission a man came In and took the seat. Started taking pictures of the stage and just as Act 2 started he took another photo (actors now in place) and then slid his camera to video and placed it face down on his knee, so all he was catching was the audio. I thought the whole thing was bizarre.
Because I hate people taping shows I waited until the aisle cleared after it was over and went up to him and just point blank asked why he had taped it when he could listen to the OBC in much better quality. He looked a bit shocked at first and then just said that he was a big fan and wanted it as his souvenir. Not wanting to get into a fight about it I let it go and left. But I wanted him to know that someone noticed.
Anyways completely unrelated to topic but I did wonder if he had ticket all along and was late or if by chance he got it thru the cancellation list.
Can the theatre release the seat of its unclaimed for first act?
" i don't think so. People purchased those tickets so even if they don't show up for the first act they can always show up for the second act and i'm pretty sure thats illegal. I think either they were either just being rude or taking pictures for the PBS special cause they're filming the performances today, tomorrow and Tuesday. Yes, Monday is dark but that is when they are filming the performance with no audience. That's why Lin is doing the Sunday matinee instead of Javier
Stand-by Joined: 12/12/15
That's your fault, you know?
Not only yours, but yours and everyone who thinks Hamilton - or any other show, celebrity, star, game, etc - is so important that it deserves 4 days of your life.
If you and everyone else just agreed that nothing is worth sleeping FOUR DAYS in the middle of the bloody street, there wouldn't be a line. People would just show up at a certain time and see if there were tickets or not. Nobody would be frustrated by spending 5 minutes in a line to know whether there were tickets or not.
Heck, the producers wouldn't be able to price the tickets so much and scalpers wouldn't have their jobs if everybody agreed that there are limits.
Hope you consider your life more important from now on.
Good luck seeing Hamilton on a not crazy way. Hope you get to see Lin and the others.
Understudy Joined: 8/18/15
"no it was him, the theater guy we talked to confirmed that they go an email from a man trying to join the cancellation line on friday. he was the only one who tried to.
So how does that make it all his fault? Even if he was a jerk, he complained via email, which he's allowed to do. The theater could have ignored him or dealt with him separately, or any of a number of ways. The point is they chose to respond in a way you didn't agree with or like. (Not saying I do. I do think it was not handled well.) But your insistence that he's the entitled one for complaining and not abiding by the line's unofficial rules just comes off a bit silly to me when it's the theater staff who chose to disregard them.
Leading Actor Joined: 4/3/14
Nelly, I think Jeremy is the Burr to your Hamilton! Get working on that musical!
Understudy Joined: 6/26/16
rodrigo_ca said: "That's your fault, you know?
Not only yours, but yours and everyone who thinks Hamilton - or any other show, celebrity, star, game, etc - is so important that it deserves 4 days of your life.
If you and everyone else just agreed that nothing is worth sleeping FOUR DAYS in the middle of the bloody street, there wouldn't be a line. People would just show up at a certain time and see if there were tickets or not. Nobody would be frustrated by spending 5 minutes in a line to know whether there were tickets or not.
Heck, the producers wouldn't be able to price the tickets so much and scalpers wouldn't have their jobs if everybody agreed that there are limits.
Hope you consider your life more important from now on.
Good luck seeing Hamilton on a not crazy way. Hope you get to see Lin and the others.
"I do consider my life important. And sleeping on the street could have been a lot worse considering where we were. I don't know why people think it's so wrong for things to be popular. That's a good thing considering the people who came together to make this worked hard! I never expected to be sleeping out there for four days but what can i say. It was definitely an experience and i made so many friends. It's nice to get out of your comfort zone willingly every once and a while. And that would be a nice thing, show up randomly just to see if there are ticket or not. It could even work in theory but i don't think it's gonna work with Hamilton. Especially with the three main leads leaving. I think i have absolutely no chance of seeing Hamilton with the leads at this point but one can only dream!
Understudy Joined: 6/26/16
AnnieBlack said: "Nelly, I think Jeremy is the Burr to your Hamilton! Get working on that musical!
"LMFAO. But i love Burr haha!
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
A Canadian in NYC said: "and then slid his camera to video and placed it face down on his knee, so all he was catching was the audio. I thought the whole thing was bizarre. "
That is bizarre. I would have reported it. And how is that a "souvenir"? Go buy some merch.
Understudy Joined: 6/26/16
laugard said: ""no it was him, the theater guy we talked to confirmed that they go an email from a man trying to join the cancellation line on friday. he was the only one who tried to.
So how does that make it all his fault? Even if he was a jerk, he complained via email, which he's allowed to do. The theater could have ignored him or dealt with him separately, or any of a number of ways. The point is they chose to respond in a way you didn't agree with or like. (Not saying I do. I do think it was not handled well.) But your insistence that he's the entitled one for complaining and not abiding by the line's unofficial rules just comes off a bit silly to me when it's the theater staff who chose to disregard them.
"This is true. It was the theater's decision ultimately but it was his complaint that prompted the whole system to fall apart. And, like i mentioned the theater had been working with the unofficial line system for days at that point. Before they would line the first 20 up, they would always check with the list first. If he had just been willing to wait like so many of us did and get his place in line fairly, the craziness that happened yesterday could have been avoided. But i guess we'll never know.