This really sucks, and I'd be upset if I were you too. However. You were following rules (the list, the numbers, the video) created by the people in line, not the RR. It's not their obligation to comply with rules made up by people sleeping outside their theater. It sucks enormously, but this is the risk you took.
You also took the risk that you'd put in all this time and get understudies. Being disappointed is understandable, but waiting for 4 days or paying $1300 to a scalper doesn't entitle you to OBC. Your passed on tickets, and you got burned.
Understudy Joined: 6/26/16
PalJoey said: "
Hey, Nelly, you need a little Sondheim. Listen to this. SH*T, gurl, that post was so F*CKing LONG, you don't need to ONLY listen to this--you need to MEMORIZE it and LEARN it.
"omg yes. life is soon unfair. the younger generation know nothing about how life is unfair. Like literally get over yourself.
Understudy Joined: 6/26/16
sarahb22 said: "Never mind, you answered my question!
"Thinking back now, I would have taken them.
It's unfortunate but anyone waiting days in a line should never expect that tickets would be guaranteed because in a span of days, situations can change. I waited a mere 17 hours in March and I didn't a ticket. It was never guaranteed. So into my pocket I went and glad I did. I have seen the show three times since.
I'm surprised the theater reacted in any way since they've allowed line holding to the extreme. The rules released in May stated no line holding yet this is all that has been happening making it the insanely wait that it has been.
Understudy Joined: 6/26/16
PThespian said: "I'm amazed by the callousness a lot of people are showing towards your situation, but that's kind of par for the course around these here parts.
You went through a lot to get something you wanted only to have it unjustly taken away from you at the last minute. I'd be pissed too!
Do I personally think it's a little ridiculous to wait in line for 96 hours to get a ticket? Yes, but that's me. You don't, you did, and you should have gotten it.
I do agree with the others, though. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for the RR management to do something for you.
BTW. Was Jeremy one of the people who got in? If not did he start waiting?
"Yeah, trust i did not expect to be waiting this long. Most people told me that 15 hours tops but after the Tony's, I knew going in that it was gonna be wayyyy longer wait. Did not expect it to be that long though. And no, he put his name on the list but didn't come back. I don't know what he's up to right now
Wait, I still don't really understand what the problem is. What is the issue that you are raising? Honestly, nobody should really ever get involved with the cancellation line expecting a happy result.
Like Literally. My hearts bleeds for you.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
"I guess sympathy or whatever is not common with people in the world today but what can you do, right?"
True. But I think you chose a particularly poor place to seek any. I suspect you aren't too familiar with this board. The reactions you have received here were only too predictable.
In any case, I do sympathize with you, as obviously those tickets were not distributed fairly. I'm sorry you waited so long for nothing, and understand your frustration. And I say this as one who did not like the show in the least.
Leading Actor Joined: 4/3/14
Sorry, but I think posting a pic of someone you think is a big jerk, is a jerky thing to do. I'm sure he has his long winded side to this story as well.
P.S. how do you embed videos on this board? I confess I'm a little flummoxed. Thanks!
Understudy Joined: 6/26/16
BroadwayConcierge said: "Wait, I still don't really understand what the problem is. What is the issue that you are raising? Honestly, nobody should really ever get involved with the cancellation line expecting a happy result.
"every single person in front of me before yesterday joined the cancellation line and got a happy result so why couldn't me and the other 20 people in line yesterday expect one too?
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/10/08
Nelly, If I had been in that situation (I wouldn't ass would be dead waiting in line for all those days), I would have took the gamble also for the evening. I remember waiting for a mere 3 hours for Aida standing tickets. Getting them and finding out both Adam and Heather were out for the matinee. I got my money back and took the gamble for evening. ( I rushed over to get a cheap balcony ticket for Taller Than A Dwarf with Mathew Broderick. Dreary play but at least the air conditioning was working in the theater) Although Adam was still out..Heather was in.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/10/08
double post
Updated On: 6/26/16 at 03:02 PMBroadway Star Joined: 7/13/08
To the OP: Perhaps you did not realize in joining and posting here today, but your situation probably will garner limited empathy or sympathy, but you can spend a lot of time defending yourself and responding to others' posts if that helps take the edge off.
Swing Joined: 12/12/14
Life is unfair, OP. Why didn't you just work some extra hours and purchase tickets thru the box office or even Stub Hub if you wanted to see the show that badly? I worked my butt off for months and flew half-way across the country to see Hamilton (and other shows as well), and made a nice vacation for myself while I was in NYC. I purchased tickets to the first performance after the Tony's months ago with NO guarantee that the members of the original cast would be in. You passed up an chance to see the show, but you felt you were entitled to see Lin, Philipa, and Leslie and missed the opportunity altogether which is karma at its finest. I guess you learned that you're not that special or entitled. Good for you, OP. But, keep up the whining till you find someone who cares.
Understudy Joined: 6/26/16
indytallguy said: "To the OP: Perhaps you did not realize in joining and posting here today, but your situation probably will garner limited empathy or sympathy, but you can spend a lot of time defending yourself and responding to others' posts if that helps take the edge off.
"Yeah i'm starting to realize but i expected it anyway. This is more of a way to vent and let off steam instead but thanks for the heads up i guess
OP, you are turning into a bona fide poster child for the cause that this generation is the one of entitlement and narcissism. Macaw put it perfectly. Get over it. You were not wronged or persecuted. You took a gamble and it didn't pay off. Quit whining and maybe develop some better advance planning skills for next time.
Nelly - I sympathize with you. People can be a bit dismissive here for sure, but it isn't necessary to be downright mean. What happened to you does seem extremely unfair. It seems to me the RR is just sick of the whole cancellation line mess, which will certainly die down after July 9. I saw the show in November, really wanted to see it again, and have been trying on and off to find reasonably priced resale tickets, and that is really no longer an option. Hats off to anyone who can wait overnight in line, but that's not for me.
I hope you win the ticket lottery!
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/26/16
Let's dreamcast. Who should play nellyxoxo1? Jeremy?
Understudy Joined: 6/26/16
Macaw said: "Life is unfair, OP. Why didn't you just work some extra hours and purchase tickets thru the box office or even Stub Hub if you wanted to see the show that badly? I worked my butt off for months and flew half-way across the country to see Hamilton (and other shows as well), and made a nice vacation for myself while I was in NYC. I purchased tickets to the first performance after the Tony's months ago with NO guarantee that the members of the original cast would be in. You passed up an chance to see the show, but you felt you were entitled to see Lin, Philipa, and Leslie and missed the opportunity altogether which is karma at its finest. I guess you learned that you're not that special or entitled. Good for you, OP. But, keep up the whining till you find someone who cares.
"I don't really see my self as special or entitled and neither did anyone out there yesterday but thanks for that completely inaccurate description. I do agree though that I got a bit greedy but like i said, I really wanted to see Leslie, Phillipa and Lin and they ended up being all out for that performance. I think you're misusing the term special and entitled but if that makes you feel better it's okay with me. Also, i'd rather spend 2,000 actually helping out my folks and around my house and stuff than on one ticket. Don't worry, i'm not looking for sympathy for from you.
Broadway Star Joined: 9/28/15
I only have one thing to say about the length of this post....
Geez that first post was so long winded. If the theatre doesn't have any rules then you're **** out of luck. Enter the lottos instead of wasting all your time waiting outside and like others said, if you can waste 4 days outside doing nothing but waiting just work more and buy a ticket.
Understudy Joined: 6/26/16
BroadwayConcierge said: "OP, you are turning into a bona fide poster child for the cause that this generation is the one of entitlement and narcissism. Macaw put it perfectly. Get over it. You were not wronged or persecuted. You took a gamble and it didn't pay off. Quit whining and maybe develop some better advance planning skills for next time.
"people have literally been saying this about the "younger" generation for years. I don't understand how I'm being entitled or narcissistic. And sorry but I do feel that the i was wronged. Not just me but the other 20 people who waited for days. I don't know where you think i'm being persecuted or ever said that but ok.
Jordan, you absolutely slay me.