Swing Joined: 2/18/19
_(•_&bull_/ said: "Leaving"
Can you give us anything at all? Such as will she be there through June, since she liked that tweet? Cuz she has a history of ignoring that stuff or responding with frowny faces, which I know she wouldn't do after they gave them a slap on the wrist about contracts and not revealing when they're out. But I just don't see why she wouldn't ignore it. All I want to know is how much longer she will be there.
Understudy Joined: 3/21/18
broadwayblondes said: "_(•_&bull_/ said: "Leaving"
Can you give us anything at all? Such as will she be there through June, since she liked that tweet? Cuz she has a history of ignoring that stuff or responding with frowny faces, which I know she wouldn't do after they gave them a slap on the wrist about contracts and not revealing when they're out. But I just don't see why she wouldn't ignore it. All I want to know is how much longer she will be there."
She might have just liked it to be nice? It might have been an accident? It’s Twitter, don’t read into it too much. Maybe people aren’t giving dates because they don’t know any dates for sure and don’t want to give false information. Just wait it out, the information will come.
I already gave you all you need to know...
Featured Actor Joined: 11/28/18
MyLife said: "It's to signify a light-hearted comment, which judging by your response is something you're unable to understand.Yeah you don't know me so don't assume my personality based on one reaction.
You know, when someone takes the time to politely answer a question you ask, the best practice is to just say thank you and not go out of your way to insult them. I appreciate you taking the time to answer my question. But if I react I certain way you don't have to follow it up with a comment telling me how to behave.
With your snarky comment I'll refrain from answering your follow-up questions. Good day." And you believe this is being any better than me? Maybe other people also need to re-evaluate their responses as well, not just me. Just a thought.
Swing Joined: 7/7/17
Despite the condescension from some of you, Taylor is in fact staying in Mean Girls, as she confirmed on Instagram.
Comment is under her latest picture. Someone asked “are you staying in mean girls?” She said “yes!”
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
Understudy Joined: 3/21/18
lexhudo said: "Despite the condescension from some of you, Taylor is in fact staying in Mean Girls, as she confirmed on Instagram.
Comment is under her latest picture. Someone asked “are you staying in mean girls?” She said “yes!”"
Congrats I guess? I was just stating what I knew. I know for an absolute fact that they were auditioning a replacement for her in early February, casted someone, and then Taylor must have resigned last minute.
Taylor probably extended a few more months. “condescension” you really need to calm down gurl.
Was anyone at the show today for Ashley Park and Tee Boyich's last show?
Tee went on for Janice.
Featured Actor Joined: 11/28/18
DiscoCrows said: "Was anyone at the show today for Ashley Park and Tee Boyich's last show?
Tee went on for Janice."
Tee did go on for Janis and she was amazing as per usual!! Any questions about the show?
Chorus Member Joined: 11/17/18
Ben Cook, who is a mathlete and in the ensemble announced on his instagram that he is leaving on April 7th
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/24/14
Kate and Erika will stick for another year, right?
Any word for Taylor, Grey or Kyle?
Broadway Star Joined: 8/31/08
Who knows about Taylor, but this new Britney musical certainly seems right up her alley.
Swing Joined: 11/20/18
SomethingPeculiar said: "Penny Fuller will be replacing Taylor as Regina, 2 weeks afterAnastasiacloses. She snapchatted about it yesterday."
I know people have already said Taylor is probably extending, but...Penny Fuller, the 78 year old actor playing the Dowager Empress in Anastasia right now?
interesting casting choice...
(this isn’t meant to be snarky or anything, but I wasn’t sure if SomethingPeculiar was trying to make a joke or typed the wrong name??)
^ Penny Fuller is definitely a joke- it's the same actress as is in Anastasia- this joke is similar to how people always comment that Loretta Switt is replacing anyone.
Swing Joined: 11/20/18
Phillytheatreguy10 said: "^ Penny Fuller is definitely a joke- it's the same actress as is in Anastasia- this joke is similar to how people always comment that Loretta Switt is replacing anyone."
Swing Joined: 3/18/19
I have read the comments that there really is no way to find out until close to curtain if every principle is on for a given performance. Are there any performance nights where the chance is greater that the principles will be on? If you were betting, which performance night would you choose?
Chorus Member Joined: 11/17/18
Understudy Joined: 12/20/14
Taylor is doing kinky boots at muny so she’ll either be gone by then or we’ll have some time of Regina understudies being on in June!
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/18/19
She is doing Kinky Boots, but I think on her Instagram she confirmed she'd be stepping away from Mean Girls during that time. However, she will be back in the show after those performances (I think maybe a week she'll be out?).
She'll be gone for two to three weeks. She's taking time to also visit family while there, and then factor in rehearsal time and the week of shows.
Since Jonalyn Saxer is departing, that might be the first chance to see whoever the new Regina U/S will be!
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/18/19
treblemakerz said: "She'll be gone for two to three weeks. She's taking time to also visit family while there, and then factor in rehearsal time and the week of shows.
Since Jonalyn Saxer is departing, that might be the first chance to see whoever the new Regina U/S will be!"
Ooooh you're so right! Interesting. I wonder who it will be!
To my knowledge, Maria Briggs is replacing Jonalyn, who covers Cady/Karen/Regina. Assuming Maria ends up covering the same roles, she might be a new Regina.
Itonlytakesajourney said: "To my knowledge, Maria Briggs is replacing Jonalyn, who covers Cady/Karen/Regina. Assuming Maria ends up covering the same roles, she might be a new Regina. "
Maria is not replacing Jonalyn.