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Memphis on Great Performances- Page 2

Memphis on Great Performances

ljay889 Profile Photo
#25Memphis on Great Performances
Posted: 2/25/12 at 3:50pm

Nice to see more people are realizing how awful this show is and how unworthy it was of those awards. They truly lucked out by being in such a weak season. The show likely would not have won a single major award at the 2009 or 2011 Tonys.

Where is Wayman Wong now?

Updated On: 2/25/12 at 03:50 PM

#26Memphis on Great Performances
Posted: 2/25/12 at 3:53pm

I, for one, was impressed with Chad Kimball's performance. He made good facial expressions and stayed in chracter throughout.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#27Memphis on Great Performances
Posted: 2/25/12 at 4:34pm

I honestly don't care if people like this show or not. I just had never experienced it before last night. I wanted to like it, but it just didn't do anything for me. I do wonder if it would be different live or with Adam Pascal though. But, based on this performance, I'm really hesitant to spend the money.

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

#28Memphis on Great Performances
Posted: 2/25/12 at 8:08pm

That was absolutely painful to sit through. Never seen it live, so I guess I can't fully judge it, but I certainly never will after watching that. Both Chad Kimball and Montego Glover are bad singers whose acting is even worse. The choreography was poorly executed throughout. The script is a nightmare and I'm struggling even now to remember 3 songs from the score.

I did think the set design was clever and effective and the direction was generally okay. That's hardly enough to make up for the rest though.

tazber Profile Photo
#29Memphis on Great Performances
Posted: 2/25/12 at 9:10pm

Regarding the sound issues, it must be PBS. I'm assuming they broadcast the same recording that Shout released on dvd/bd.

The blu-ray sound quality is pristine. You can even hear some idiot in the theater whistle when the lights come up on Montego in her underwear.

And the orchestra is very loud as well.

....but the world goes 'round

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#30Memphis on Great Performances
Posted: 2/26/12 at 12:22am

^It's not just PBS. I had issues with the netflix version too. The songs where really loud and the dialogue was extremely quiet so I was constantly having to adjust the volume to be able to comfortably hear anything.

Geoff2 Profile Photo
#31Memphis on Great Performances
Posted: 2/26/12 at 12:44am

I love the big picture aspect of this broadcast which is that PBS aired a musical - always a good thing. I personally liked the show, but yes, I just don't understand Chad Kimball's mannerisms and completely distracting speech patterns. Why would a director ever allow that weirdness? Just a mystery that I couldn't take my eyes away from (in a car wreck kind of way). But I don't know how anyone can say Montego is not a good singer. She rocked - and I loved some of the other performances. Also as a black performer, I'm always excited to see good musical roles for black men.

Break a Leg! Geoff
Updated On: 2/26/12 at 12:44 AM

tazber Profile Photo
#32Memphis on Great Performances
Posted: 2/26/12 at 8:10am

The dvd version would have the same sound issues as the PBS broadcast.

Blu-rays are engineered to have "lossless" sound. The difference is startling.

....but the world goes 'round

Patash Profile Photo
#33Memphis on Great Performances
Posted: 2/26/12 at 8:50am

Dollypop, you are right. Chad Kimball's performance was consistent. But that is not always a good thing. I'd say Lindsay Lohan is always consistent in her movie performances too. I just have no idea why anyone would try to make a character so bizarre and unbelievable, especially when the subject matter is so serious.

canmark Profile Photo
#34Memphis on Great Performances
Posted: 2/26/12 at 11:58am

I think Chad Kimball's Huey Calhoun is supposed to be quirky, odd, and maybe even slightly unlikable (like the Adam Sandler character in Paul Thomas Anderson's Punch-Drunk Love). He is not your typical romantic lead--a handsome man with a sparkling personality who will win the hand of the beautiful heroine.

That someone like him could find someone (who is beautiful and talented) to love, and to love him back, is touching, remarkable, and not likely to happen again. And that he loses her through his own fear of change is tragic.

I thought Chad Kimball and Montego Glover played their roles well. While their characters were an unlikely match, they were believable. And it's touching at the end of the show when they are reunited as friends.

Coach Bob knew it all along: you've got to get obsessed and stay obsessed. You have to keep passing the open windows. (John Irving, The Hotel New Hampshire)
Updated On: 2/26/12 at 11:58 AM

ChenoKahn Profile Photo
#35Memphis on Great Performances
Posted: 2/26/12 at 1:29pm

Chad didn't play him odd he played him disabled.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#36Memphis on Great Performances
Posted: 2/26/12 at 1:31pm

It's so frightening to think that Kimball was nominated for the Tony over Nathan Lane and Alexander Hanson.

kazacalo Profile Photo
#37Memphis on Great Performances
Posted: 2/27/12 at 5:21pm

I saw it in the Theatre with Adam; really enjoyed it. I had no idea how bad Kimball was especially since he was nominated for a Tony. He was doing a Forrest Gump impression. He gave me the creeps and is also just a fair singer. He was just SO annoying!

#38Memphis on Great Performances
Posted: 2/27/12 at 8:04pm

Chad Kimball should stay in the cow suit. He was like Forrest Gump and George W. Bush's demented lovechild with scoliosis.

#39Memphis on Great Performances
Posted: 2/27/12 at 9:51pm

I tried to take into consideration that Kimball was projecting the character in a huge theater and that different acting choices would be made if it were being done specifically for film or tape. But it's very hard to take two hours of that character.

I understand that he wanted the character to be quirky, but people that see this version wonder what the black woman sees in the mentally challenged white guy. Better acting choices could have been made on Kimball's part.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

rja16 Profile Photo
#40Memphis on Great Performances
Posted: 2/28/12 at 12:39am

Saw the show Saturday matinee, then just watched the PBS version. Great show, but words can't describe how much better Adam Pascal was than Chad Kimball. Not saying that Kimball was horrible, but Pascal just went with the flow so much smoother than the forced performance of Kimball. Even though I thought the show was great, so I probably will watch the PBS performance again, Kimball almost makes it unwatchable, and to anyone who hasn't seen it yet, Pascal is a million times better than him. Also to anyone who just missed it with Chris Jackson as Del Ray he was incredible too, maybe he'll be back one day. Great show, bad Kimball.

macnyc Profile Photo
#41Memphis on Great Performances
Posted: 2/28/12 at 1:33am

I saw Memphis last week with Pascal's understudy, Kevin Massey, going on for him. I thought the guy was fantastic. When I started watching the Great Performances version, I couldn't believe how mannered Kimball's performance was! I'm glad I didn't have to sit through two and a half hours of that.
