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More security for broadway audiences?- Page 3

More security for broadway audiences?

SweetLips Profile Photo
#50Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/28/15 at 2:03pm

"I think a better use of armed guards is to station them by the concession stand.
I could easily see those prices inciting acts of violence."

I was a 'lolly boy' at a local theatre in my youth and we charged an extra 10c for every purchase------so shoot me !


Huss417 Profile Photo
#51Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/28/15 at 2:12pm

Thanks AHLiebross


You explained it so much better than I really wanted to for the poster at hand. It was the "the" that just rubbed me the wrong way.  

"I hope your Fanny is bigger than my Peter." Mary Martin to Ezio Pinza opening night of Fanny.

#52Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/28/15 at 2:13pm

""Actually I don't think they could reach a theater in that time.  Times Square is dangerously over-crowded.  And with the construction that is going on now, it seems even worse."
There are cops walking through the area constantly.  It would be rare that one is not within 2-3 blocks of any theater. It's tough for you as a pedestrian to push your way thru the crowd.  They'll be able to get thru a lot quicker than you could.
Do people think that the theaters and the NYPD haven't already figured out the theater district/42nd street would be a prime target for some sort of attack by terrorists or a violent person inside a theater and don't already have a process in place to deal with it?"

 I once called 911 because a homeless person was harassing me and touching me in a rush line, and it took them 45 minutes to arrive. He was long gone by then. 

What was even scarier was that no one else in line said a word. 

Kalimba Profile Photo
#53Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/28/15 at 2:27pm

Geez, alarmist Maxkko needs to have his account deleted.

maxkko Profile Photo
#54Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/28/15 at 2:53pm

So I voice my opinion, and then people get upset with me?  I'm sorry that someone made this thread, and I added my opinion. I'm sorry. I'm not an alarmist. The person who posted this thread should be the one called an "alarmist". 


geez, the rude Kalimba needs to have her account deleted.

Hamilton22 Profile Photo
#55Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/28/15 at 3:46pm

In light of all the gun violence that has happened within the past few years (Sandy Hook, multiple movie theater shootings, The South Carolina shootings) I don't think it was stupid of the OP or Maxkko to ask this question at all.  It was certainly on my mind when Obama came to see Hamilton and it of course was on my mind when 911 happened. Do I agree with everything Mackko has said? Not really. But there is no need to attack someone's opinion. Especially this one.

With that being said, I don't think it would be possible to make all these changes without driving up tickets and causing unnecessary commotion. The world is a scary place and Broadway is not exempt from the horrors of what can happen with a gun. I sure do hope it never happens, but I don't think asking or considering the idea of a bit more protection, is "outrageous" or "Paranoid". 

Updated On: 7/28/15 at 03:46 PM

#56Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/28/15 at 3:50pm

agreed with Hamilton. It was a worthwhile discussion. 

PalJoey Profile Photo
#57Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/28/15 at 4:47pm

Not really worthwhile, at least not in the manner presented.

It was posed in a vague, troll-like alarmist manner, as if to suggest that the very Jewishness of the musical itself would elicit a potential terrorist attack.

#58Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/28/15 at 4:56pm

Why did the OP change the thread title to include Hamilton? This is the most confusing thread ever.


"On the topic of security, do they normally do a cursory bag check at Hamilton?"

I haven't seen Hamilton on Broadway yet, but I remember them doing it at other Nederlander theaters.

Updated On: 7/28/15 at 04:56 PM

Phillypinto Profile Photo
#59Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/28/15 at 5:08pm

yeah they do it at the brooks for sure. they were so rude for after midnight. the nederlanders are the WORST in terms are politeness 

Use my fabulous TodayTix code: JEYCY

SmokeyLady Profile Photo
#60Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/28/15 at 5:41pm

"Not really worthwhile, at least not in the manner presented.
It was posed in a vague, troll-like alarmist manner, as if to suggest that the very Jewishness of the musical itself would elicit a potential terrorist attack."



That really was not my intention.  But Fiddler is what made me think of it.   And makes me question it for all theaters.    Sorry to upset you PalJoey.  I guess you are the authority on all things "troll".    But yes.   I do believe the Jewishness of the musical itself could elicit a potential terrorist attack.  Do you really want me to start listing the anti Jewish attacks happening all over the world?  And if you really don't find a discussion worthwhile.. why not just not participate?   This board is dead enough as it is.. thanks to people like you that police and judge everything everyone is talking about.  


I just wanted to have a discussion on a chat board.


Updated On: 7/28/15 at 05:41 PM

Hamilton22 Profile Photo
#61Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/28/15 at 5:49pm

Why did the OP change the thread title to include Hamilton?

No thread is allowed to have over 2 pages of comments if Hamilton isn't in the title. Fiddler.. more security for audiences?

Of course, I realize the irony of my above comment and my name...



Updated On: 7/28/15 at 05:49 PM

SmokeyLady Profile Photo
#62Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/28/15 at 5:51pm

@Hamilton   People started participating more in the conversation once Hamilton was in the subject.  I just found it interesting and amusing.  

#63Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/28/15 at 9:13pm

"Has Fiddler had a history of violence in theater during performances?
I think if President Obama can get in an out of the theater without a hitch, I don't see why Fiddler would have any trouble."

Really?  For Obama's visit, the Secret Service spent weeks securing the location, and had agents stationed inside and outside the theater, planning for all foreseeable circumstances.


PalJoey Profile Photo
#64Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/28/15 at 11:34pm

"I guess you are the authority on all things "troll".    But yes.   I do believe the Jewishness of the musical itself could elicit a potential terrorist attack.  Do you really want me to start listing the anti Jewish attacks happening all over the world? ...I just wanted to have a discussion on a chat board. "


We are ALL experts on all things troll. You did not want to "just have a discussion on a chat board"--be honest. You wanted to pose a "scary" question simply to troll responses.

If you really wish to discuss all the anti-Jewish attacks happening all over the world, you will find that already has happened, in many threads, on the OFF-TOPIC board. But please don't do that for my sake. I'm sure I know more about them than you do anyway.

And, NO, I don't think Fiddler will tempt ISIS to plant a dirty bomb in the ladies' room, and, NO, I don't think cavity searches of audience members are warranted.

And is it only "Jewish musicals" you wish to protect? What about protecting productions of Porgy and Bess from white supremacists? Or protecting--

Oh, for crap's sake.


Updated On: 7/28/15 at 11:34 PM

SmokeyLady Profile Photo
#65Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/29/15 at 1:23am

""I guess you are the authority on all things "troll".    But yes.   I do believe the Jewishness of the musical itself could elicit a potential terrorist attack.  Do you really want me to start listing the anti Jewish attacks happening all over the world? ...I just wanted to have a discussion on a chat board. "
We are ALL experts on all things troll. You did not want to "just have a discussion on a chat board"--be honest. You wanted to pose a "scary" question simply to troll responses.
If you really wish to discuss all the anti-Jewish attacks happening all over the world, you will find that already has happened, in many threads, on the OFF-TOPIC board. But please don't do that for my sake. I'm sure I know more about them than you do anyway.
And, NO, I don't think Fiddler will tempt ISIS to plant a dirty bomb in the ladies' room, and, NO, I don't think cavity searches of audience members are warranted.
And is it only "Jewish musicals" you wish to protect? What about protecting productions of Porgy and Bess from white supremacists? Or protecting--
Oh, for crap's sake.


I would rather talk about security in the theaters themselves.  I was using Fiddler as a example. Many themes and topics could elicit all kinds of nuts.   You could have expressed your opinion without the bitchiness attached.  And please don't direct me to other threads.  I will discuss what I want where I want.  Jackass.    

Updated On: 7/29/15 at 01:23 AM

PalJoey Profile Photo
#66Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/29/15 at 8:03am

Bitchy? You call me "jackass" and somehow I'm the bitchy one?

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#67Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/29/15 at 9:07am

Al Dente's noodle seems to be way overcooked.  Is this Broadway revival happening in Europe?  

And OMG, Kalimba!  I thought you were dead.  

SmokeyLady Profile Photo
#68Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/29/15 at 12:53pm

"Bitchy? You call me "jackass" and somehow I'm the bitchy one?"



Updated On: 7/29/15 at 12:53 PM

PalJoey Profile Photo
#69Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/29/15 at 1:26pm

Well, you're lucky I'm too much of a gentleman to call a SmokeyLady names.

SmokeyLady Profile Photo
#70Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/29/15 at 1:36pm

"Well, you're lucky I'm too much of a gentleman to call a SmokeyLady names."

I am sure you are.  

PalJoey Profile Photo
#71Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/29/15 at 1:41pm



Anyway, one thing we can agree on: Fiddler brings ALL people of the world together.


SmokeyLady Profile Photo
#72Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/29/15 at 1:51pm

That is wonderful.  Thank you for sharing. 

SmokeyLady Profile Photo
#73security for audiences?
Posted: 11/13/15 at 7:20pm

In light of todays tragic events... I still wonder what security measures are being taken to keep us all safe when we go to a broadway theater.  

Updated On: 11/13/15 at 07:20 PM

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#74security for audiences?
Posted: 11/13/15 at 7:38pm

If any are taken, hopefully they will not be trumpeted on the news so those we are trying to stop are not alerted to them and take counter measures to neutralize them.

Poster Emeritus
