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More security for broadway audiences?

SmokeyLady Profile Photo
#1More security for broadway audiences?
Posted: 7/27/15 at 7:01pm

I know.  Very random.  Should shows like Fiddler require extra security measures ?



Edited for P.

Updated On: 11/16/15 at 07:01 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#2Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/27/15 at 7:07pm

No, but some posters should require a copy editor. 

SmokeyLady Profile Photo
#3Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/27/15 at 7:09pm

Sorry Phyllis.  I will correct it.  But I feel it is a very valid question.  In my last visit to the city I noticed that all synagogues have heightened security in place.  With the Jewish appeal of this show, shouldn't increased security be considered?

Phillypinto Profile Photo
#4Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/27/15 at 7:10pm

have people been against the jews lately? why?

Use my fabulous TodayTix code: JEYCY

SmokeyLady Profile Photo
#5Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/27/15 at 7:12pm

There used to be a discussion here about the hostage situation in a Russian theater a few years ago.  

Hamilton22 Profile Photo
#6Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/27/15 at 7:35pm

Has Fiddler had a history of violence in theater during performances?

I think if President Obama can get in an out of the theater without a hitch, I don't see why Fiddler would have any trouble.

Updated On: 7/27/15 at 07:35 PM

PalJoey Profile Photo
#7Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/27/15 at 10:54pm

Oy gevalt.

maxkko Profile Photo
#8Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/27/15 at 11:25pm

I think theaters in general should have more security. It's sad, but with everything that has been hapening...

Fiddler.. more security for audiences?

ethan231h Profile Photo
#9Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/27/15 at 11:40pm

^agree. The other day at Hamilton they were checking bags so i showed my bag from urban outfitters as I was there before heading over to the theatre the gut literally looked at my bag for the shortest second ever imaginable... I really feel the ushers should do more then guide people to there seats and hand out playbills, but actually make sure everyone is seated or close to being seated when the show wants to begin.

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#10Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/28/15 at 12:56am

Some theatres are looking into having security guards in the theatres and I think this is probably a wise course of action. Ushers are not equipped too handle more serious issues like customers getting into physical altercations with each other or drunk patrons that turn violent. I think just having the security guards in the theatre with uniforms would make people think twice about how they are behaving. They could also be helpful in escorting out patrons who refuse to stop talking on their phones, text, Skype, game or photograph. Ushers are not allowed to touch patrons so security guards could physically get people out of the theatre. A small minority of people continue to do whatever they want no matter how many times an usher tells them not to do it. They might be more inclined to have more respect for a security guard. Security guards would also have the physical strength to escort out overweight , disabled or emotionally unbalanced patrons who are disrupting the performance.  They could also patrol the restrooms to help curtail drub use.

Ushers do alert the front of the house when a customer leaves a bag unattended or they spot any firearms. A good usher is handling other matters besides handing out programs and seating people. Often times there are a variety of issues going on behind the scenes and ushers created an atmosphere that distracts the public from the drama being it public or in-house . They also serve as a punching bag of sorts for people who want to complain about something. Most of the complaints have nothing to do with them but they realize it is part of their job and they learn not to take it personally.


FishermanBob Profile Photo
#11Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/28/15 at 1:25am

There are loads of police stationed all over the theater district and a substation right on 43rd and Broadway.  I'm sure each theater has a process in place to alert the NYPD if they're needed and I would think they can respond within 90 seconds to 2 minutes.  They'll certainly be more effective than a private security person who usually gets a minimum of training and often isn't armed.

AHLiebross Profile Photo
#12Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/28/15 at 7:28am

Smokey, you asked a valid, disturbing question. Pinto, the hatred seems to have moved away from individual Jews to Israel. Those who object to Israel's treatment of the Palestinian are NOT automatically anti-Semitic. Those who object to Israel's right to exist where it is located, even though the United Nations voted to establish it, are, in my view, guilty of anti-Semitism. There are plenty of those folks among the radical elements in the Middle East and, sadly, among Americans who support them.

Furthermore, there are vicious anti-Semites among the radical right militia members in the US, who harbor hatred for all Jews. For radicals, whether pro- or anti-Islam, attacking audience members in New York at a show especially oriented towards Jewish people would be a triple coup -- a highly visible target (a Broadway theater) in the United States, where the attack is likely to kill lots of Jews and those who, while not Jewish, are friendly towards Judaism and Jewish people.

The cursory bag checks at theater entrances, if I'm not mistaken, started around the time when theaters started selling snacks. The checks seem more designed to find food than weapons.

We're living in an era where we call must learn to live with metal detectors and X-ray devices. Are they necessary at Fiddler? I hope not, but guessing wrong could have tragic consequences.

Audrey, the Phantom Phanatic, who nonetheless would rather be Jean Valjean, who knew how to make lemonade out of lemons.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#13Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/28/15 at 8:28am

A fiddler on the roof.  Sounds crazy, no? 

But in our little village of Broadway, you might say every one of us is a fiddler on the roof, trying to scratch out a pleasant, simple tune without breaking his neck.

It isn't easy. 

You may ask, why do we stay here if it's so dangerous? 

We stay because Broadway is our home. 

And how do we keep our balance? 

That I can tell you in a word—tradition!

#14Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/28/15 at 9:05am

paljoey - that's a classic.

#15Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/28/15 at 9:08am

I can't even think of the last time my bag was checked at a theater. I'm pretty sure Radio City was the only place I've recently been checked for the Tony awards. 


It's a sad concept, but with everything going on its better to be safe than sorry. I was just saying to my friend, after the recent shooting at Trainwreck that it's a miracle nothing has ever happened at a Broadway house. 

I also agree with having security guards in the house. Not only for protection but to enforce texting etc 

uncageg Profile Photo
#16Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/28/15 at 9:31am

Every time I have been at The Broadway Theater since 2004 I have had my bags checked and told to have my ticket when I stepped out at intermission.

When I went to see "How to Succeed..." I forgot my Playbill when I stepped out at intermission (I slip my tickets in the Playbills at the title page), they would not let e back in. Luckily the person I was with walked past he door and he had to bring back both my Playbill and his along with the tickets. In hindsight, seeing the frenzy over Radcliffe I assume it had a lot to do with him being in the show.

Just give the world Love.

#17Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/28/15 at 9:33am

For a few years following 9/11, I recall bags being regularly checked. More than once, when staff found a bottle of water in my bag, I was asked to drink some.  I guess they were checking for liquid explosives or somesuch.  That hasn't happened for a while now.

#18Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/28/15 at 9:33am

I genuinely don't understand what the OP is asking.

maxkko Profile Photo
#19Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/28/15 at 10:28am

The fact that someone could easily do something in a theater worries me. Having police near the theater won't stop it from hapening. I would assume they would come after bad things had already happened. I really hope theaters decide to get more security.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#20Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/28/15 at 10:40am

Yes, by all means let's turn going to the theater into an airport style screening. 

A whole lot of alarmists in this thread. 

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#21Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/28/15 at 10:43am

I think the OP is worried that Fiddler is going to incite Jewish people to hold people hostage in a theatre like in Russia. 

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#22Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/28/15 at 10:44am

Honestly,  if something like a shooting or a bomb in the theater happened,  security people are probably not going to 100% able to make that stuff not happen. They can certainly prevent it, but nothing is certain in life. Anything bad could happen anywhere. Are we just going to give up life to worry about everything that could happen and live in a security driven world?

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

maxkko Profile Photo
#23Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/28/15 at 10:46am

"Yes, by all means let's turn going to the theater into an airport style screening. 
A whole lot of alarmists in this thread. "

 That's not what I meant. I'm just saying that I think there should be more security. Like a metal detector and bag checks. 

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#24Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/28/15 at 10:47am

Truly^.  This is one e reason to appreciate high ticket costs!



I'm pretty sure, folks, a Broadway theater is one of the last places violence would happen.

Of course it's not impossible, but it's pretty damn unlikely.  An attack could happen in ANY public place, at any time.  There aren't enough protections in the universe to guarantee your safety.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.
Updated On: 7/28/15 at 10:47 AM

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#25Fiddler.. more security for audiences?
Posted: 7/28/15 at 10:47am

Good Lord, were all of you raised by helicopter parents??  What you seem to be asking for is self-induced, police state-like tactics at the theater, am I getting this right?

The terrorists have truly won.

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali
Updated On: 7/28/15 at 10:47 AM
