Good Lord, were all of you raised by helicopter parents?? What you seem to be asking for is self-induced, police state-like tactics at the theater, am I getting this right?
The terrorists have truly won.
""Yes, by all means let's turn going to the theater into an airport style screening.
A whole lot of alarmists in this thread. "
That's not what I meant. I'm just saying that I think there should be more security. Like a metal detector and bag checks. "
oh MY god
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
I'm with Rick Perry. EVERYBODY should have guns at theaters.
""Yes, by all means let's turn going to the theater into an airport style screening.
A whole lot of alarmists in this thread. "
That's not what I meant. I'm just saying that I think there should be more security. Like a metal detector and bag checks. "
So all patrons would need to arrive at the theater over an hour early? All of this additional security you're looking to bring in would easily push ticket prices up over $200, because you really don't think producers are gonna eat these costs, do you?
What about the old lady with the knee or hip replacement? In addition to her theater tickets, she needs to remember her medical card? Does she get pulled out of line for additional screening?
Updated On: 7/28/15 at 10:55 AM
"""Yes, by all means let's turn going to the theater into an airport style screening.
A whole lot of alarmists in this thread. "
That's not what I meant. I'm just saying that I think there should be more security. Like a metal detector and bag checks. "
oh MY god"
Ok. Clearly you all don't agree with what I'm saying. I'm ok with that, but I would really apreciate if people on this board don't act like children. Opinions are opinions, and some people don't know how to accept others.
So disagreeing with you is childish? It's called a discussion.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
"I think the OP is worried that Fiddler is going to incite Jewish people to hold people hostage in a theatre like in Russia"
OK cool. That's what I thought. Carry on.
"have people been against the jews lately? why?"
Do you also say The Caths, The Prods, The Mus? I try to avoid your posts as much as possible but this I find offensive.
Well, clearly we have to be protected like children.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Do you also say The Caths, The Prods, The Mus?
I'm totally going to start! But I think The Muz sounds cooler.
So we now should tell everyone adult that worrying about uncertainty 24/7 is the way to live? And not worrying is juvenile? OK.
I'll give you full credit for "The Muz" namo.
"Having police near the theater won't stop it from hapening. I would assume they would come after bad things had already happened."
Having rent-a-cops in the theater won't stop it from happening either. They don't have ESP to know when someone is going to do something ahead of time so they can stop it from happening. They'd just be there to respond when it does.
I'm sorry for bringing this up.`
I think a better use of armed guards is to station them by the concession stand.
I could easily see those prices inciting acts of violence.
"I think a better use of armed guards is to station them by the concession stand."
"All units respond. Shots fired at the concession stand"......."Correction, just the barman opening up a new bottle of champagne...stand down".
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/03
There are loads of police stationed all over the theater district and a substation right on 43rd and Broadway. I'm sure each theater has a process in place to alert the NYPD if they're needed and I would think they can respond within 90 seconds to 2 minutes.
Actually I don't think they could reach a theater in that time. Times Square is dangerously over-crowded. And with the construction that is going on now, it seems even worse.
I walked through there the other day, and there are more costumed characters and more women with painted on tops having their picture taken than ever before. It's dangerously overcrowded.
"Actually I don't think they could reach a theater in that time. Times Square is dangerously over-crowded. And with the construction that is going on now, it seems even worse."
There are cops walking through the area constantly. It would be rare that one is not within 2-3 blocks of any theater. It's tough for you as a pedestrian to push your way thru the crowd. They'll be able to get thru a lot quicker than you could.
Do people think that the theaters and the NYPD haven't already figured out the theater district/42nd street would be a prime target for some sort of attack by terrorists or a violent person inside a theater and don't already have a process in place to deal with it?
""have people been against the jews lately? why?"
Do you also say The Caths, The Prods, The Mus? I try to avoid your posts as much as possible but this I find offensive."
"Jews" is not an abbreviation.
Whether or not the term "Jew" is offensive often depends on subtle shades of meaning. "I know it when I see it" is, unfortunately, how it usually works. My rules are:
1) "Jews," as a plural is usually ok, although when preceded by "the," it's often better to substitute the term "Jewish people". Example: "The Jews are often worried about the survival of Israel" could be offensive. However, "Jews are often worried about the survival of Israel" or "Jewish people are often worried about the survival of Israel" are both ok, although the latter may be a bit better than the former.
2) The term "A Jew" is often offensive, but not always. Example: "He's a Jew" is usually better avoided. "He's Jewish" is better. "He's a Jewish person" is totally unnecessary, and sounds like someone is terrified of being offensive. Here's where I wouldn't find "a Jew" offensive, depending on the punchline: "A Catholic, a Protestant, and a Jew walk into a bar...." Also, to me, "Jewish" refers to religion, whereas "a Jew" refers more to ethnicity.
3) Never, EVER use "Jew" as an adjective. Example: "Jew cooking is usually heavy," should be "Jewish cooking is usually heavy."
4) If the three letters, j, e, and w appear together in other contexts, leave them alone. Example: "I'm not a fan of gold jewelry."
Except for the last one, I've found myself explaining these amorphous "rules" for real, to well-intentioned people.
Audrey Liebross (who is proud to be a Jew, proud to be Jewish, proud to be a Jewish person -- whatever)
In each of these theaters there is on any given night a international gathering of 1000 to 2000 people. Broadway is a major world wide known attraction. There have already been gunmen hitting movie theaters. A couple of years ago in Russia a entire theater was held captive. I think this is a worth while discussion. Also; the example someone used in which they indicated they could get the president in and out of Hamilton without incident therefore they could take care of anything else is stupid. Since that security is not in place for a normal audience.
Updated On: 7/28/15 at 01:26 PM
Nord-Ost story, since apparently no one wants to bother to link to it:
Were these same discussions happening after the Aurora movie theater shooting in 2012? Or are you all just wanting to whip yourselves into a paranoid frenzy?
Personally, I have no desire to see additional security at theaters, movies, or anywhere else. I have absolutely no faith that it would deter anything, and it would diminish the experience, while bumping up ticket prices due to the additional cost. I would be far less inclined to attend shows under such conditions, and I think it would be harmful to Broadway in the long run.
No paranoid frenzy. I think it is a discussion woth having.
"Nord-Ost story, since apparently no one wants to bother to link to it:
Were these same discussions happening after the Aurora movie theater shooting in 2012? Or are you all just wanting to whip yourselves into a paranoid frenzy?"
Updated On: 7/28/15 at 01:53 PM
On the topic of security, do they normally do a cursory bag check at Hamilton? They did last night and I wondered after if it was because Biden was in attendance or if it was standard. Though if it was for Biden's sake, it was an awfully quick peek in the bag so I don't know if it would have been truly effective.