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My Thoughts on GREASE (unbelievably long, pee before you read)- Page 3

My Thoughts on GREASE (unbelievably long, pee before you read)

#50re: My Thoughts on GREASE (unbelievable long, pee before you read)
Posted: 8/2/07 at 11:11am

"They also cut the "Sal Mineo" phrase in "Sandra Dee" and replaced it with the "Elvis, Elvis..." line from the movie."

I assume that is because they figure more poeple know who Elvis was than Sal Mineo. The line was changed for t movie, as I understand it, because Mineo had died the year before and the producers thought it in bad taste, especially given the circumstances.

But that came back to bite them, in a way. In one of life's little ironies, the "Sandra Dee" number in teh movie was taped on the day Elvis died. Oops.

I aree that it would be a good idea to put "Hopelessly Devoted" in the first act, especially since if you're going to follow the movie version (score-wise, at least) it matches the movie better. Remember that Olivia did that song fairly early in the movie (shortly "Sandra Dee" I believe.) It fits the plot better there.

#51re: My Thoughts on GREASE (unbelievable long, pee before you read)
Posted: 8/2/07 at 1:55pm

I don't think it's the future of Broadway. I think Grease is just a recognizable name, and even without the TV Show, the show would still be wildly popular. But with Grey Gardens, and Spring Awakening, and even Curtains doing relatively well business, I think Broadway might go the way of Hollywood soon. The way that "indie" type movies become wildly popular. I don't think that means we'll see the end of Grease-type shows, but I don't think reality TV Broadway is the wave of the future by any means. I don't think the Joseph casting search is going to do well at all.

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#52re: My Thoughts on GREASE (unbelievable long, pee before you read)
Posted: 8/2/07 at 2:00pm

Grey Gardens hasn't done relatively good business. It lost it's entire investment.

And Spring Awakening, for all the raves and Tonys, isn't close to recouping.

Sadly, I think this may be the future of Broadway. Grease is almost sold out at every performance in the coming months, right?

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

#53re: My Thoughts on GREASE (unbelievable long, pee before you read)
Posted: 8/2/07 at 2:53pm

Yep, it's selling very well. Only the last row of the orchestra was empty yesterday...either those were seats for a group that didn't show or for the production team.

Anakela Profile Photo
#54re: My Thoughts on GREASE (unbelievable long, pee before you read)
Posted: 8/2/07 at 3:15pm

A little off-topic now but I just wanted to say...while "Yes Dear" isn't a great's really not THAT bad, is it? Better than "My Boys" at least.

Hee- I've never seen "My Boys," I just read the description (she's a chick! and her friends are guys! and she talks about sports and stuff, so she's a tomboy! (srsly- do people still use the word 'tomboy'? But I swear I read it in the show description.) but it's ok, because she's like totes hot!) and rolled my eyes...and I have seen one episode of "Yes, Dear."

Ok, back to Grease...

srgr8 Profile Photo
#55re: My Thoughts on GREASE (unbelievable long, pee before you read)
Posted: 8/2/07 at 3:20pm


I too noticed the slowed tempo for the songs. So while I was holding out hope til the last beat for some amazing choreography... what choreography was planned seemed to dread on and on

i mean...i guess it wasn't THAT bad...but i just wanted to see the great things that I heard about Ms. Marshall in The Pajama Game!

"What does not kill us makes us HOTTER!" --Legally Blonde: The Musical

"Love the art in you, not yourself in the art." --Konstantin Stanislavsky

#56re: My Thoughts on GREASE (unbelievable long, pee before you read)
Posted: 8/2/07 at 3:57pm

Heyy Yankee. Thanks for the review! I wasn't too keen on watching Grease, and you have cemented my reasoning. I see no reason to really see this show at this point, it is overpriced. Maybe when the two leads are replaced with people I might want to see... we'll come to that crossroads then. It was a very interesting concept to do with this musical, and if I was older and interested, I would have been in line to audition. And even those sold-out seats and tons of people who come see the show won't even realize what you saw, so it should be an interesting experience.

wickedrentq Profile Photo
#57re: My Thoughts on GREASE (unbelievable long, pee before you read)
Posted: 8/2/07 at 8:03pm

Pssh, you call THAT unbelievable long? You ain't got nothing on the queen of the long posts re: My Thoughts on GREASE (unbelievable long, pee before you read)

I was never a huge fan of Grease as a stage play, I always thought the movie was much better. But when the reality show was first being talked about, it was supposed to be only Sandy, and I thought well that makes total sense because you think she's the lead, but she barely does anything, Rizzo is the lead.

As I watched the reality show, I thought it would be all right with a decent Rizzo and Kenicke.

I suppose I'll see this in standing room some time, but not any time soon. Between what people are saying about the production, and the fact that I really don't like the stage version of Grease period...

"If there was a Mount Rushmore for Broadway scores, "West Side Story" would be front and center. It snaps, it crackles it pops! It surges with a roar, its energy and sheer life undiminished by the years" - NYPost reviewer Elisabeth Vincentelli

#58re: My Thoughts on GREASE (unbelievable long, pee before you read)
Posted: 8/2/07 at 9:05pm

Interesting, I thought that the reality show would have been better as a search for Rizzo and Kenickie, as well.

But Danny and Sandy are the known roles.

BillFinn Profile Photo
#59re: My Thoughts on GREASE (unbelievable long, pee before you read)
Posted: 8/2/07 at 9:13pm

"Middle America is the reason that crap like "Yes, Dear" stays on the air for six seasons"


Bill Finn rocks. Woot.

#60re: My Thoughts on GREASE (unbelievable long, pee before you read)
Posted: 8/2/07 at 9:19pm

Hey man, was Jenny Powers able to hold a candle to her predecessor Rosie O'Donnell?

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#61re: My Thoughts on GREASE (unbelievable long, pee before you read)
Posted: 8/2/07 at 9:20pm

Wicked...I first need to say that I love your avatar. Ahh, Gerry Butler.

I will probably go to see Grease after all of the hoopla dies down and discount codes show up on Unless someone happens to give me tickets before that. Then I'd definitely go if it was free.

I did watch the reality show though I had sworn up and down that I'd have nothing to do with it. The theatre snob in me thought it was just ridiculous. Also, Grease is not one of my favorite shows. The script is laughable and porous and every production I've ever seen has been wooden and boring. But I happened to catch one of the replays on Bravo late at night before the live episodes started and they sucked me in. Which is weird because I never watch those voting shows. Well, that's a lie. I do watch "Dancing with the Stars". But I never watch the shows like "American Idol", "So You Think You Can Dance", etc. I can't exactly say what it was that made me keep watching and stay hooked. Maybe it was like watching a car wreck.

But I ended up pretty involved in the show and even attended two live tapings (including the finale) which was actually a ton of fun. I'd never done anything like that in my life and it was certainly an experience I will treasure always. It's funny that a show I had never planned on watching has changed my life. I made a LOT of really great friends through it. People I know I will be friends with for a long time. I know this may not matter to any of you but even if the show is total crap a lot of positive things did come out of G: YTOTIW. It's just not stuff you'll ever see on a stage. Which was not the point of the show, I know, but it's always nice to take something positive away from an experience.

I was pretty displeased with the way NBC handled things and America should have been shown more scene work and the contestants should have sun Broadway songs. Even on "Broadway Night" the guys didn't sing traditional Broadway songs. They song pop songs that were put in Broadway musicals. Yeah, no. Broadway songs probably cost more and aren't as "universal" as Elvis and the Four Seasons.

But, I am pretty happy with the way the things turned out. I think the person who should have won did win even though I admit he wasn't my first choice. But things turned out the right way. Max is great and with more seasoning and training could become quite a talent.

Hopefully by the time I see the show the kinks will be ironed out and the cast will be comfortable in their parts. I would like to, eventually, see this experience through by attending a performance of Grease starring Laura and Max.

Until then I have tickets to Xanadu for this coming Sunday and then tickets to Hairspray on the 12th though my friend backed out leaving me with her ticket. I'll still go though. Screw her! lol

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

#62re: My Thoughts on GREASE (unbelievable long, pee before you read)
Posted: 8/2/07 at 9:37pm

Jenny Powers vs. Rosie O'Donnell.

Jenny has the voice that Rosie wishes she had, and, of course, she's significantly better looking, as well.

Sleeper2 Profile Photo
#63re: My Thoughts on GREASE (unbelievable long, pee before you read)
Posted: 8/4/07 at 5:59pm

...and I think Rosie would love herself a little piece of Miss Powers.

I agree with your review, yankee. I saw the show two nights ago, and Kathleen really should be ashamed of her pitiful, lame effort. The show should ZERO imagination or re-conceptualization. It was a full-on good college production and the casting (JAY BINDER take note - crap job) was atrocious. Kenicke, ummmm, maybe 38 years old...

But Jenny Powers is amazing. Brought down the house with her 11th hour number the night I saw it. Her wig though is heinous: it makes her look older than Kenicke, really AARP-worthy.

Brantley is going to skewer Kathleen Marshall and it will be well deserved.

#64re: My Thoughts on GREASE (unbelievable long, pee before you read)
Posted: 8/4/07 at 7:58pm

I disagree - I think they cast a very talented group of actors!

Live long and prosper. Marriage equity now!

Dirty_Rotten_Guy Profile Photo
#66re: My Thoughts on GREASE (unbelievable long, pee before you read)
Posted: 8/14/07 at 12:10pm

I agree with Eris that they shouldve shown more scene work on the show- judging from reviews I've read of GREASE, Laura and Max aren't supposed to be all that great of actors, so maybe if they showed more acting on the reality show, audiences wouldve voted differently.
Just my 2 cents.
But I am really dreading seeing this in November with the family...

My 2007/2008 Season: Grey Gardens (7/5) 110 in the Shade (7/6) Mary Poppins (7/7) Xanadu (7/7) Deuce (7/8) Spamalot (7/8) Jersey Boys (8/25) The Year of Magical Thinking (8/25) Mauritius (11/2) Young Frankenstein (11/3) Rock 'N' Roll (11/3) Pygmalion (11/4) Mauritius (11/10) Mauritius (11/21) Mauritius (11/21) Sunday in the Park with George (3/6) South Pacific (3/7) Gypsy (3/8) Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (3/9)

#67re: My Thoughts on GREASE (unbelievable long, pee before you read)
Posted: 8/14/07 at 3:24pm

I was one of the hundreds of thousands of "Middle American's" that voted for Max and Laura. Knowing that neither of them had had any Broadway experience, I was a bit shaky on the fact that they were going into this with only their voices.

So, yes, I will agree with you on the fact that they can't act all that well. But, neither could Adam Pascal when he came on 'RENT' and look where he is now. [He has Opened two Broadway Plays, 'Aida' and 'RENT' and has taken the stage and many Tony's away with each of those plays.]

So, I believe that they will, if I may use this term, 'grow-up' as the Play progresses.

Now, I haven't seen the play yet, but, I still believe I will have a good time when I do see it.

#68re: My Thoughts on GREASE (unbelievable long, pee before you read)
Posted: 8/17/07 at 9:21am

I know you will have a good time when you see the show. It's very entertaining.

Live long and prosper. Marriage equity now!
