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NINE - "Cinema Italiano"- Page 2

NINE - "Cinema Italiano"

#25re: NINE - 'Cinema Italiano' on ET 11/12
Posted: 11/13/09 at 2:57am

Pgenre, it's so nice that you don't even have to see this film - you love it NOW - it's the best movie ever made NOW - why even bother seeing it since you already know it's the best movie EVER? :)

I officially am hoping that the film isn't as cutty as it looks in those two clips - if it is, I'll skip it, thank you. Enough with that kind of editing - it's so yesterday.

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#26re: NINE - 'Cinema Italiano' on ET 11/12
Posted: 11/13/09 at 4:46am

I love that clip from "A Call from the Vatican"! Penelope Cruz oozes sex.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#27re: NINE - 'Cinema Italiano' on ET 11/12
Posted: 11/13/09 at 5:21am

Both clips were HOOOOOOOOOTTT!!!

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#28re: NINE - 'Cinema Italiano' on ET 11/12
Posted: 11/13/09 at 5:37am

This has probably been discussed in other threads, but is "Cinema Italiano" written specifically for the film?

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#29re: NINE - 'Cinema Italiano' on ET 11/12
Posted: 11/13/09 at 5:49am



spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#30re: NINE - 'Cinema Italiano' on ET 11/12
Posted: 11/13/09 at 5:52am

That's what I thought. I really hope they keep it in. I can't stop watching the clip *repeats again*

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#31re: NINE - 'Cinema Italiano' on ET 11/12
Posted: 11/13/09 at 7:06am

Also, bk, Pgenre said he loved the SONG not the movie.

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

#32re: NINE - 'Cinema Italiano' on ET 11/12
Posted: 11/13/09 at 9:00am

BK said: "I officially am hoping that the film isn't as cutty as it looks in those two clips - if it is, I'll skip it, thank you. Enough with that kind of editing - it's so yesterday."

I have a few reservations about that too (this isn't Moulin Rouge afterall--and I'm one of the few who didn't mind the fast cutting in that film) though it looks like much of the Kate Hudson clip anyway are cuts to other scenes in the movie so it should be different on screen.

MrMidwest Profile Photo
#33re: NINE - 'Cinema Italiano' on ET 11/12
Posted: 11/13/09 at 11:15am

Here's some other clips of Kate singing in About Adam.

2:25 into the video -

3:08 into the video -

"The gods who nurse this universe think little of mortals' cares. They sit in crowds on exclusive clouds and laugh at our love affairs. I might have had a real romance if they'd given me a chance. I loved him, but he didn't love me. I wanted him, but he didn't want me. Then the gods had a spree and indulged in another whim. Now he loves me, but I don't love him." - Cole Porter

#34re: NINE - 'Cinema Italiano' on ET 11/12
Posted: 11/13/09 at 1:07pm

No, pgenre is in love with the movie NOW. It oozes from every post, his love for this movie NOW. He's already decided it's brilliant, like so many here. :) That is a smiley face, BTW.

Kad Profile Photo
#35re: NINE - 'Cinema Italiano' on ET 11/12
Posted: 11/13/09 at 1:10pm

And that's different from the posters who have decided the film is going to be a disaster and an affront to the original production how?

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

Pgenre Profile Photo
#36re: NINE - 'Cinema Italiano' on ET 11/12
Posted: 11/13/09 at 2:10pm

BK - go back to your tired old show queen obscurities and esoteric flops and leave us alone, PLEASE! You fit in MUCH better at the Old Folk's Board, ATC. It's been almost 40 years, time to top yourself and try to write/direct/star in the WORST movie musical ever filmed again? Or more fun to sit home and bash NINE, which you have not seen either?

I love THE SONG not the film, but I'm sure as much as I hope to love the film you plan to hate it because it's not THE BANDWAGON or CRY FOR US ALL or KITTY'S KISSES or ::insert ancient Drowsey Chaperone Man in the Chair-esque dreck here:: and I'm sure your tongue is wagging, dripping with venom, like all the other tired old queens who want a replica of the stage show or nothing. Well you got your wish: don't see the movie and you get precisely what you wish AND deserve: NOTHING.

You ARE the Man in the Chair, Bruce! Time is a real b*tch!

Talk about "A good nightmare"...


P.S. Nobody knows half as many "yesterdays" as you, too bad you can't see through them to tomorrow.

Bruce's movie musical in case you thought I was joking Updated On: 11/13/09 at 02:10 PM

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#37re: NINE - 'Cinema Italiano' on ET 11/12
Posted: 11/13/09 at 3:27pm

I highly, HIGHLY doubt that clip is direct from the movie. It was almost definitely cut like that as a montage to put on the show.

In regards to the actual song: it does seem out of place in relation to the rest of the score. But it will probably fit in relation to the rest of the film. I can't see Yeston screwing with his own score just to appease the filmmaker. I think Kate sounds fantastic and the choreography is (as expected) excellent.

I get more and more excited for this everyday. Hasn't disappointed yet, in my opinion.

#38re: NINE - 'Cinema Italiano' on ET 11/12
Posted: 11/13/09 at 3:36pm

Um, what an obnoxious, offensive post. I'll just let it speak for itself other than to ask you to point out to me one word in one of my posts EVER where I have bashed this film or, in fact, said much of anything about it other than I hoped that it was not going to be as cutty as those clips would lead one to believe. Like you, I have not seen the film, therefore UNLIKE you, I have no opinion on it one way or another and am therefore not leaving a trail of anticipatory drool all over every board (yes, for someone who is calling out All That Chat as an "old person's board" you seem to be on there all the time, at least in all the Nine threads - in fact, you've been posting there for ten years or so). You are so sadly typical of these boards. You ascribe to me all sorts of things that have no relation to anything I feel and that all come from your bile-infested ageist brain. - for example the silly comment that I won't like the film because it's not like the stage show - guess what, old stick - I've never seen the show on stage. Oops. Shame on you. If Nine is great you'll hear it long and loud from me. If I don't like it, I probably won't comment because, you know, I like Mr. Marshall and have worked with him several times and consider him a friend.

So, while your comments may indeed be reflective of how some people are, they are not reflective of how I am, so why don't you simply get your head out of your rectal cavity because it cannot be much fun to have it up there.

As to my film - some love it, some don't (I'm sure that will be the case with Nine and every other film ever made). Happily it's retained its cult status and fans for thirty-five years, so, you know, I'm perfectly content with that and your rather lame attempt to denigrate it without, um, having seen it, says all we need to know about you. And you'll be thrilled to know it's coming to the stage - we did a staged reading of it for the LA Festival of New Musicals, completely sold out, wonderful reaction, lots of laughs. We're doing the same in NY come February. Oh, and thanks for the amazon link - I hadn't actually seen some of those lovely posts.

pgenre wrote: "BK - go back to your tired old show queen obscurities and esoteric flops and leave us alone, PLEASE! You fit in MUCH better at the Old Folk's Board, ATC. It's been almost 40 years, time to top yourself and try to write/direct/star in the WORST movie musical ever filmed again? Or more fun to sit home and bash NINE, which you have not seen either?

I love THE SONG not the film, but I'm sure as much as I hope to love the film you plan to hate it because it's not THE BANDWAGON or CRY FOR US ALL or KITTY'S KISSES or ::insert ancient Drowsey Chaperone Man in the Chair-esque dreck here:: and I'm sure your tongue is wagging, dripping with venom, like all the other tired old queens who want a replica of the stage show or nothing. Well you got your wish: don't see the movie and you get precisely what you wish AND deserve: NOTHING.

You ARE the Man in the Chair, Bruce! Time is a real b*tch!

Talk about "A good nightmare"...


P.S. Nobody knows half as many "yesterdays" as you, too bad you can't see through them to tomorrow.
Bruce's movie musical in case you thought I was joking"

Updated On: 11/13/09 at 03:36 PM

Jaynrand Profile Photo
#39re: NINE - 'Cinema Italiano' on ET 11/12
Posted: 11/13/09 at 7:56pm

Pgenre - Could we see a link to any musical you have ever written or produced or done anything besides (maybe) sit in the audience. Then maybe we can take you seriously.

Updated On: 11/13/09 at 07:56 PM

#40re: NINE - 'Cinema Italiano' on ET 11/12
Posted: 11/13/09 at 9:02pm

In the interest of full disclosure, Jaynrand is a friend of BKs and BK requested that he come here and make a post in defense of BK.

Meantime, what was really happening here? A group of people were talking about Nine amongst themselves, quite happily, then BK comes along and makes fun of one of the posters. But that guy shoudln't get mad. After all, he used a smiley face to show he was only joking! But because the guy did get mad, oh, no, BK must round up the troops....and he couldn't ask for anyone on these boards to stick up for him, apparently.

Jaynrand Profile Photo
#41re: NINE - 'Cinema Italiano' on ET 11/12
Posted: 11/13/09 at 9:16pm

Not exactly. Close enough. Do you post on Bruce's board or just lurk Amicus?

#42re: NINE - 'Cinema Italiano' on ET 11/12
Posted: 11/14/09 at 1:04am

>>>Do you post on Bruce's board or just lurk Amicus?

I read it. There's some good info there, I don't deny it.

I do not post there, because what could I say? "Hey, BK, your blogs are drivel. ; )"

Of course, the smiley face would show everyone in general and BK in particular that I'm just joking and he isn't to be offended by my comments. And I'm sure he wouldn't be.

Still, since I don't have anything nice to say there, I feel it's best if I don't say anything.

#43re: NINE - 'Cinema Italiano' on ET 11/12
Posted: 11/14/09 at 2:05am

SIGH I suddenly remember why I so often get on this board, have a great few days enjoying the chat and posting and then suddenly get completely turned off.

#44re: NINE - 'Cinema Italiano' on ET 11/12
Posted: 11/14/09 at 2:53am

Actually I suspect I know exactly who amicus is. And actually, in the interest of full disclosure, what I did was to recount what happened here because it's just so typical and I put a link so people could see for themselves and I added that they should join in if they felt like it. I did not nor would I ever ask anyone to stick up for me because - I don't need to.

But just to lay it out - my first post was meant humorously - hence the smiley face. It wasn't attacking someone personally, it was just an observation based on what I've been seeing and reading for months. Then, in case you haven't noticed, I was ATTACKED - very personally, with lovely phrases like old queen and other stuff like that. It's typical Internet behavior, and I responded to it strongly because that's what that sort of thing deserves. The End.
Updated On: 11/14/09 at 02:53 AM

esparza 333
#45re: NINE - 'Cinema Italiano' on ET 11/12
Posted: 11/14/09 at 9:30am

Wow Penelope can seriously sing. I am really looking forward to this. What a fine pair of actors Rob Marshall got for this film. I think this will be better ten Chicago.

Current Avatar:The sensational Aaron Tveit in the soon to be hit production of Catch Me If You Can.

best12bars Profile Photo
#46re: NINE - 'Cinema Italiano' on ET 11/12
Posted: 11/14/09 at 9:49am

I'm not sure how much this movie is going to resemble the stage show, and ultimately, it doesn't matter to me. It looks (and sounds) terrific.

Still very much looking forward to seeing this.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#47re: NINE - 'Cinema Italiano' on ET 11/12
Posted: 11/14/09 at 1:28pm

Besty, I agree. I'm willing to let go of the stage show and enjoy the movie as a new piece of work. Kind of like CABARET is one of my all time favorite films even if it's almost an entirely new musical basically.
If in return we get something that looks as fantastic as Kate Hudson channeling her mother in a big 60's production number, and Penelope Cruz looking and sounding the sexiest she has ever looked/sounded on the screen, then I'm in! I can't wait for this movie.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

#48re: NINE - 'Cinema Italiano' on ET 11/12
Posted: 11/14/09 at 6:01pm

>>out - my first post was meant humorously - hence the smiley face.

Your first post was full of sarcasm and disdain, which was not masked by the smiley face.

>>It wasn't attacking someone personally,

You called the poster out by name, that made it personal

>>>It's typical Internet behavior.

As.... is.... yours.

>>I put a link so people could see for themselves and I added that they should join in if they felt like it.

Just as you "ask" people to post reviews of your books at Amazon? And if they don't, you nag them til they do.

People here should really read your blog (if they can) and message board, though, just to see the utter contempt in which you hold them. Because they haven't produced 130 records they have no right to state their opinion on whether something is good or bad, because they just have no idea what they're talking about, eh?

#49re: NINE - 'Cinema Italiano' on ET 11/12
Posted: 11/14/09 at 8:25pm

Obsessed much? Why don't you go do something worthwhile, perhaps something other than following me from my website to other boards, this not being the only one. The stalker mentality is a little much, but you keep trying as it seems you get so much joy. What's most amusing is that even though you seem to loathe my site, you're obviously on there every single day. Why? Just to see how awful it is? Clearly you need help. And if anyone needs proof of what this is about, just click on amicus' username and see how many posts this person has made since joining in 2007. I'll save you the trouble - they all occur in this very thread. But since you are a troll, I shan't feed you anymore - you may have the final word.

Updated On: 11/14/09 at 08:25 PM
