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Natalie Weiss

#50re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/8/09 at 1:50am

Before anyone bashes her even more...

I'd like to see EVERY ONE of you sing 1 full song...

And you know what...It better be F-ing good. And since you're judging her, I'm gonna judge you...

I judge that you are all talentless wannabe's who have nothing better to do than sit at your computer and blog about which Broadway star added you on facebook, or which stage door you completely swarmed...

Or hell, even which Broadway star you've been stalking recently...

And yes, I know at least one of you IS guilty of that.

I don't see any of you teaching vocal lessons, or singing at NYC Concert venues, or even getting the amount of attention that this girl gets.

So until you've made a name of yourself...Shut up.

TheCharleston Profile Photo
#51re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/8/09 at 1:53am

"I don't see any of you teaching vocal lessons, or singing at NYC Concert venues, or even getting the amount of attention that this girl gets."

Yes and Yes to the first ones.

But... the problem with your theory is that anyone could turn around and say the SAME EXACT thing to you.

Please. Post a video on YouTube singing "1 full song" and make sure it's "F-ing good". I will be waiting.

Go ahead honey.

Pianolin717 Profile Photo
#52re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/8/09 at 1:56am

I have always thought it was a lame saying "let me see YOU sing it better"

We know we can't sing, but its the fact that we can understand and APPRECIATE singing and so everyone has different taste

While I don't agree with Kelly2, I respect their opinion

Personally, I LOVE her voice, and the she is vocally AMAZING, but its pretty lame to say "let me see YOU sing that!"

TheCharleston Profile Photo
#53re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/8/09 at 2:04am

I agree 100%

it's naive & ignorant immaturity at it's finest!!!

what a little nasty boy...

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#54re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/8/09 at 2:08am

LOL, no, I'm not going to post myself singing, because I don't SING for a living.

Yeah, Natalie Weiss can probably sing better than me. She SHOULD be able to sing better than me, since she wants to do it for a living.

I'd bet money that there are plenty of things I can do better than she can, but they are things that SHE doesn't need to know how to do for her chosen career path.

My concern lies in that she cannot act, which is something that she does need to be able to do if she wants to be on Broadway!

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

andrewcomp Profile Photo
#55re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/8/09 at 6:47am

I don't see how judging someone's singing is comparable to how people are judging her here. They are praising her singing and judging her acting. Maybe a more suitable question would be "If you're trying to pursue your popstar career, let's see how are you doing it."

And, "It better be f-ing good."

StateOfJade Profile Photo
#56re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/8/09 at 7:39am

Good God this thread is ridiculous...what a bunch of bitchy pessimists! This girl hasn't even started a career with her music yet and already people are harshly judging her. I don't really like or dislike her, but hell if she wants to pursue a career in music, then good luck to her. She's definitley can outsing Britney and all the other talentless hookers that are on the radio.

"I really liked the show--Wish I saw Boy's Night...Am I allowed as I am not a boy anymore:)"-duffyny1

blondebaby589 Profile Photo
#57re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/8/09 at 8:18am

She's definitley can outsing Britney and all the other talentless hookers that are on the radio.


#58re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/8/09 at 10:16am

This girl hasn't even started a career with her music yet and already people are harshly judging her.

Basically, a lot of people think she's a Goddess. A lot of us think she's overrated. That's pure and simple. Nobody is saying, "OMFG SHE SUCKS" or anything.

Oh, and when you criticize other Broadway stars/performers, do we have to be better than them to do that? It's absurd to say, "Well let me hear you sing as well as her." That means all of the theatre critics shouldn't be doing their jobs because they probably aren't as good at performing as the performers are.

"Hey, you! You're the worst thing to happen to musical theatre since Andrew Lloyd Webber!" -Family Guy

#59re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/8/09 at 10:38am

I love how you are arguing that she wouldn't be a good popstar.
When did she say she wanted to be a popstar??? All that was said was that she wanted to pursue a career in music in LA. She doesn't want to be the next Britney. She just wants to sing for a living, which she is doing and doing well. Everyone needs to lay off, if you don't like her that's fine its your opinion, but you don't have to get all angry and bitter and tear her apart like Kelly2.
Updated On: 1/8/09 at 10:38 AM

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#60re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/8/09 at 11:25am

"She's definitley can outsing Britney and all the other talentless hookers that are on the radio. "

Which would be helpful if singing talent were the primary criteria for success in music. Unfortunately, not so.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

into_the_woods2 Profile Photo
#61re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/8/09 at 11:56am

kelly2-i don't know why someone hasn't said this before, but you are obviously jealous of Natalie and her immense talent. Why would you spend so much time ranting about how much you dislike her?

DidYouReallyHearMe- ouch, but point taken re: Natalie Weiss

"The good news is I have an excellent Tony speech. The bad news is I've had it for forty-five years."-Elaine Stritch

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#62re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/8/09 at 12:00pm

"-i don't know why someone hasn't said this before, but you are obviously jealous of Natalie and her immense talent. Why would you spend so much time ranting about how much you dislike her?"

LOLOL no. There are a lot of people I am REALLY jealous of. A LOT. And I could name some of them, if I cared enough. But Natalie Weiss is not one of them. Honestly, I am just genuinely sick of hearing about how "amazing" and "incredible" and "mind-blowing" she is, when she's like...some chick who just got out of college with a decent voice.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

TheCharleston Profile Photo
#63re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/8/09 at 12:07pm

she IS "amazing" and "incredible" in a musical and vocal sense. that's why I asked YOU, before, if you actually knew anything about music or singing or technique.

Clearly you don't recognize the brilliance. Now I could get really deep into it with specific examples and details but why bore you? You're gonna be a nasty little jealous loser about it no matter what someone says.

She's got an absolutely beautiful voice... NOT a "decent" voice. Please. Give me a break. You're just digging a hole full of zealous bitterness.

blondebaby589 Profile Photo
#64re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/8/09 at 12:16pm

She won the Jason Robert Brown Karaoke contest, so clearly she has a lot of talent.

#65re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/8/09 at 1:01pm

This thread is a hot mess! Kelly2, I was totally following you for a little bit and definitely understood what you were saying, but you lost me about 1/3 of the way in. Do you realize you've posted about 30 of the 60 some posts in this thread?

That's a little obsessive don't you think? And without anything new to bring to the table after about your third post, it's coming off as a little creepy.
I'm sure if you spent as much time practicing, or studying, or doing whatever it is you do, as you spent bad-mouthing this random girl who hasn't really even done anything, than I'm sure you wouldn't feel so insecure that you needed to create a vendetta against some poor 23-year-old girl who's just trying to entertain people. (Whew, apologize for that run on sentence.)

Granted, putting yourself out there on youtube does open a door to criticism, I'm not trying to say she should be safe from that. But after a while, you do sort of feel bad for the girl when someone has gone to such great lengths to bad mouth her that they've spent literally hours of their lives thinking of new (or in this case, not really new) mean things to say about her.

I've never seen Natalie perform live, nor am I the hugest fan, but I feel like it's not right to sit back and watch someone rip her apart for 4 straight days when she is clearly not able to defend herself.
Updated On: 1/8/09 at 01:01 PM

TheCharleston Profile Photo
#66re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/8/09 at 1:14pm


Kelly2 Profile Photo
#67re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/8/09 at 1:40pm

Yes, because this board NEVER unfairly rips people apart when they can't defend themselves.

Whatever, I'm done with this. Y'all can dedicate a church to her for all I care.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

seymour229 Profile Photo
#68re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/8/09 at 3:29pm

shes probably reading this message board and dying with laughter right now...

StateOfJade Profile Photo
#69re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/8/09 at 7:41pm

So first you think she's overrated and then you think she's too good for pop stardom? We get it, you don't like her. Don't watch her videos, then. And if/when she has an album, don't buy it.

"I really liked the show--Wish I saw Boy's Night...Am I allowed as I am not a boy anymore:)"-duffyny1

#70re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/8/09 at 8:33pm

I don't know about you, but I already attend the Church of Natalie Weiss.

#71re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/8/09 at 9:00pm

I'm siding with Kelly2. I am really tired of people treating her like a godess who is the "savior of Broadway' (to quote one of them).

She has an ok voice. She controls it well. She probably will not run into the vocal problems that many of todays actresses face.

However, her "Comedic timing" is late. I have never ever been bored by "Alto's Lament" until now.

My advice, take acting classes. Then try again.

beltingbaritone Profile Photo
#72re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/8/09 at 9:08pm

Okay, Kelly2 has done with this thread. She will probaly not post in it again. Respect her for that and move on. Don't keep attacking her specifically. Please and thank you.

Men don't even belt.

skb2010 Profile Photo
#73re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/8/09 at 9:47pm

I know Natalie can sing better than I can. ALW can compose better than I can. That doesn't mean they aren't overrated.

It's just my opinion.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I? I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

#74re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/9/09 at 5:11am

She couldn't even get anywhere on American Idol. I'm afraid to say her voice is weak and passionless re: Natalie Weiss !
