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Natalie Weiss

#25re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/5/09 at 8:06pm

jeeze... Maybe she couldn't do thsoe riffs 8x a week, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have talent!! And she didn't post her first video, a friend did. Then, people requested she put up more videos, which she did. She is a smart girl and shouldn't be slammed or it.

#26re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/5/09 at 11:25pm

She could definitely sing it 8x a week. Natalie actually mixes more than she belts, which is way more healthy than belting.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#27re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/5/09 at 11:33pm

I hate that Defying Gravity video only because the people in the background need to shut the f$@&# up!

No doubt she can sing, but I'd like to see her do those "Defying Gravity" riffs 8x a week on Broadway.

She wouldn't be the first actress to sing the song one way at public events and an entirely different way in the theater.

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#28re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/6/09 at 12:15am

Jesus, the ass-kissing...the girl hasn't even gotten cast in chorus parts yet, and from what I heard, it's NOT for lack of trying.

She's got a lovely voice, but it takes much more than that.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell
Updated On: 1/6/09 at 12:15 AM

TheCharleston Profile Photo
#29re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/6/09 at 2:51am

Natalie can't act nor does she wish to.

Natalie has expressed, many times, that she wishes to move to L.A. and pursue a singing career. It's only a matter of time...

John Buccino (I'm sure I spelled that wrong), composer of A CATERED AFFAIR, is absolutely obsessed with her now and believes she has "genius musicality"

many in the industry are blown away by her vocal tones, riff originality, and mixing/belt abilities. But there's a reason she hasn't been cast in any legit productions

and this is a huge Natalie Weiss fan speaking here.

Amneris Profile Photo
#30re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/6/09 at 11:39am

She'll get something. I think she would be perfect in "Hair" as an understudy to Eden. I don't think she'd be right in Wicked just yet.

CateBroadway Profile Photo
#31re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/6/09 at 11:48am

I know for a fact that she was in final callbacks for HAIR, but I'm guessing we would have her from one of her fans if she had gotten it. She's been pretty close to a few things from what I've heard. She's also only been in the city for the upwards of a year and was gone part of that time to work at PCLO and North Shore. Give her a chance. Shoshana was in her late twenties before she got a Broadway show. And yes, her musicality is insane. I've talked to her after concerts that she sang perfectly at and had gotten the music, sometimes only 24 hours in advance.

Nattalyee Profile Photo
#32re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/6/09 at 4:56pm

I think she is good...very good. And she is obviously doin something right if she has a message board talking about her and she is not even on Broadway. Holla!

TheCharleston Profile Photo
#33re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/6/09 at 4:57pm

Nattalyee = Natalie Weiss?

Pianolin717 Profile Photo
#34re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/6/09 at 5:03pm

lol no Nattalyee is not Natalie Weiss
her youtube is different

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#35re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/6/09 at 5:08pm

LOLOL. She wants to be a popstar? Oh okay. I'm glad low-talent actresses think THAT'S the easier route to go (Shoshana Bean, I'm looking at you, AGAIN.) Name ONE musical theatre persona in the past five years who's gone off to be a "popstar" and actually become successful.

The only person who's got the talent to do it...well, I won't even say it. It doesn't even matter at this point. But suffice it to say, "becoming a pop singer" is much, MUCH more difficult than making it on Broadway, if you want to make ANY money, and even harder if maintaining dignity is important to you.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

beltingbaritone Profile Photo
#36re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/6/09 at 5:54pm

When did anyone say she thought it was easier? Maybe that's just what she wants to do, regardless of how hard it is. Chill.

Men don't even belt.

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#37re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/6/09 at 6:45pm

"When did anyone say she thought it was easier? Maybe that's just what she wants to do, regardless of how hard it is. Chill."

Well, regardless of her goals, here's how I see it. If this girl is auditioning for roles on Broadway that require acting (which she is), it's ridiculous to try and excuse her poor acting because she "wants to go to Hollywood and be a popstar, so she doesn't HAVE to be able to act".

And as for the whole "popstar" thing? I don't think she's got the charisma for it, to be honest. And...well, there are people more talented than she is who have been trying to get there for a long time, and still haven't made it. So...I wouldn't be too optimistic.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

into_the_woods2 Profile Photo
#38re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/6/09 at 7:28pm

her voice is definitely incredible, but she doesn't have the "it" factor I like to see in performers. I would almost always choose an actress who can sing decently over a phenomenal singer who cannot act, and I think many Broadway producers agree with me. Best of luck to her in her singing career, though!

"The good news is I have an excellent Tony speech. The bad news is I've had it for forty-five years."-Elaine Stritch

hannahjane43 Profile Photo
#39re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/7/09 at 7:46pm

Updated On: 7/8/09 at 07:46 PM

#40re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/7/09 at 7:55pm

the girl has an insane just flows. Eventually she will get something. She's still young. You may not like her acting or blah blah but there is no denying that she has a musical gift. She is ALWAYS spot on key, her voice never cracks or strains, and her riffs are ALWAYS clean and crisp. i haven't heard that with ANY other belters in the theatre community, at all.

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#41re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/7/09 at 8:35pm

"... idina menzel has had a VERY successful pop career."

Really? What was her last Top 40 hit? When was her video played on MTV? Successful, sure, when you compare her to some failed efforts, but in the real sense? Not at all.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

Pianolin717 Profile Photo
#42re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/7/09 at 8:40pm

maybe not MTV, but I saw Brave on VH1 a lot :)
And, I mean, while I introduced my friend to Idina, she still doesn't know she is a Broadway star, but she LOVES her last solo cd

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#43re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/7/09 at 8:56pm

"maybe not MTV, but I saw Brave on VH1 a lot :)
And, I mean, while I introduced my friend to Idina, she still doesn't know she is a Broadway star, but she LOVES her last solo cd"

Sorry, but speaking as someone who eats, sleeps, and BREATHES the record industry and pop music/pop culture, her cd and she has NEVER had mainstream success. Until I hear her on Z100 between Rihanna and P!nk...

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

adamgreer Profile Photo
#44re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/7/09 at 9:07pm

I have no opinion on Natalie Weiss, pop stars, or Idina Menzel one way or the other, but I have to ask..

Kelly2, why are you so angry?? You're very defensive in this thread. It's a bit off-putting.

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#45re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/7/09 at 9:14pm

"Kelly2, why are you so angry?? You're very defensive in this thread. It's a bit off-putting."

I'm just sick of hearing about this chick and all the praise that is heaped on her for doing essentially nothing. It's very strange, and very, very annoying.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

beltingbaritone Profile Photo
#46re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/7/09 at 9:45pm

I think people are praising her because of her talent. Not what she's done.

Men don't even belt.

Pianolin717 Profile Photo
#47re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/7/09 at 9:47pm

its def. her talent... I mean, she only has a few youtube videos posted, none of which are the most popular, all the rest are done by fans, and she is SO talented, and for it to go unnoticed would be dumb

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#48re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/7/09 at 10:08pm

I dunno. I hear about how OMG AMAZING AND BRILLIANT she is almost constantly, and I've seen her perform live now, and I just don't get the hype.

She has a nice voice, but there's just really nothing behind it at all? And that's not a bad thing? I mean, there's room for people who have her kind of voice in the industry, but it's not like she's some enigmatic new triple threat.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

TheCharleston Profile Photo
#49re: Natalie Weiss
Posted: 1/8/09 at 1:21am

When did ANYONE say she was a "triple threat" ???

She's far from it, sweetheart.

As a huge fan and supporter I, myself, agree that she's a terrible actress. But she can sing the sh*t out of any song.

and you're right.... she's not the best thing since sliced bread but she's incredibly talented and passionate about the MUSIC. not the attention or credits or industry.

But, for your information, she is pretty damn brilliant in a music/vocal sense.

Are you a singer or musician?? If you aren't then you really should keep quiet or at least not be SO bold with your harsh criticism. You won't understand the obsession people have over her technique and musicality and vocal quality.

P.S. Is it just me or are you speaking out of bitter jealousy? The girl is so talented and she's going places. But not on Broadway, in my opinion. It's only a matter of time until she lands some type of album deal or singing job. No doubt about it!
