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OMIGOD! A World Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)- Page 8

OMIGOD! A World Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)

carymetorent2 Profile Photo
#175re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 2/1/07 at 10:30pm

People are allowed to judge the clips.
It's what they were put out for.

But, I am content after looking at all the reviews - they are very positive for the first week and a half of previews.

"Less Of A Marilyn, More Of A Jackie"

#176re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 2/1/07 at 10:58pm

The answer is, ART IS SUBJECTIVE.

cary - that is fair to say. The thing is, the people who are posting went in already wanting to like the show for the performers or source material.

I'm interested to see how Mitchell grows into being a director.

questeclectic Profile Photo
#177re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 2/1/07 at 11:17pm

I just reviewed the clip again, and the key issues I see with it as a marketing vehicle are:

1) the clips focus on snippets of songs that don't necessary show off the show - or even the songs themselves - to best advantage. "Chip On My Shoulder" is a strong song and Christian Borle absolutely sells it on stage. However the clip they show comes at the very end of the song and is out of're missing the buildup that makes the end so satisfying.

2) the clips completely misrepresent the choreography. Because of the sections of the songs they've chosen, the dancing looks minimal and weak...basically the chorus flouncing around. "What You Want" is a hugely satisfying dance number, and many other numbers are quite strong...but you'll never know that from the clips.

3) a number of the better moments in the show - like "There! Right There!" which had the audience loving it from the start - are apparently being kept under wraps so as not to spoil the "surprise". This may not be the best choice for building excitement.

To sum up, the clips don't do the show justice, and that's a shame. But anybody who proclaims the show DOA based on a bit of botched marketing is being shortsighted. Out of town previews are not just a chance to tinker and tighten the show itself. They are also a chance for the marketing team to find out what resonates with the public and get on message.

I am going to my second preview on Saturday. If you read my earlier post, this is a show I only went to the first time as a birthday outing for my niece; I essentially had zero interest in seeing it on my own, based on the topic and the advertising campaign.

After seeing the preview I was sufficiently intrigued to choose to see it again, still in previews but closer to opening night, to see the changes a week brings.

Shows are living things...they grow and evolve. When you're in early rehersals you can deliver the same line night after night, reaching for that resonant delivery that stops the rehearsal in its track as the entire stage breaks down in laughter or tears. By previews you're obviously closer, but you're still working on pace and timing, and you finally get a chance to see how an audience reacts.

I believe this show will get stronger. Just how strong I don't know...but may have a better feel for after Saturday. There's some huge talent here, both major and minor players. Sure, we all have the right to review and snipe at the marketing campaign, but I believe some people are making the mistake of judging the show based on a set of clips that don't adequately showcase the product. (And by set of clips, I'm throwing in all the other fluff clips in the set.)

Updated On: 2/1/07 at 11:17 PM

#178re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 2/1/07 at 11:18pm

criticize or critique the musical, the parts the songs the girls the guys, the dancing etc...but to say someone is unattractive sounds like someone is jealous. I think you need to improve your manners

Okay, ma'am. I think you're responding to what I posted a while back. Sorry if you found it offensive, but outer beauty is relative to the character, and I can personally only buy Laura Bell Bundy as beautiful from rear mezz. I know that's subjective and I know it's mean, but a shallow critique is a valid one for a show this shallow.

This isn't middle school and female on female cattiness can't all be explained by "you're jus jellus!". I didn't critique the musical clips themselves because everyone else has already commented on how irritating/boring/crowded/pointless it all seems, and I'm still trying to give the overall show some sort of benefit of the doubt. I only shared my opinion because it hadn't yet been expressed by anyone else.

Laura Bell Bundy seems well cast and I would never say she shouldn't play the role because I personally find her ugly. In fact, I was complimenting the casting of Christian Borle, because the corresponding ugly makes them a perfect pair. I was a being nice. re: OMIGOD!  A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)

allofmylife Profile Photo
#179re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 2/1/07 at 11:23pm

No you really weren't. And Laura Bell Bundy is actually very pretty. Time to hit Lenscrafters again.

#180re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 2/1/07 at 11:23pm

Definitely have to say that the "Legally Blonde Remix" song sounds quite catchy, and Kate Shindle really piqued my interest here. Still, they might have chosen a better title, as I don't see any "Wicked Remix" or "Mega Mamma Mia!" in their respective shows, nor do I understand the purpose the title serves.

#181re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 2/1/07 at 11:32pm

Agreed. "Remix" again feels like they're trying to dumb me down.

And just to point out, most of the people who have gone to the show have been within the target audience. I want to see a straight man in his 40s go into this show and see what he thinks.

I don't want to hear that 14 year-old-girl who grew up on "My Sweet Sixteen" liked the show. I would guess that most of them will. It doesn't take any brain power to understand this show. It's basically what's on the surface. I just prefer shows where you have to think, or at least things that don't HAND you every joke. I don't think anything should be "fluff." Dirty Rotten Scoundrels is smart fun. Hairspray is smart fun. Fluff is Wedding Singer.

#182re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 2/1/07 at 11:43pm

No you really weren't. And Laura Bell Bundy is actually very pretty. Time to hit Lenscrafters again.

I realized I wasn't being actually nice, what with the winking emoticon thing. Nobody needs their eyes checked, that's silly and defensive.

When I made my comment about Laura Bell Bundy, I was responding to someone who said Christian Borle is fugly. I recognize his charm, and I can objectively see why others find Laura Bell Bundy cute. I was just saying that they made a good stage pair. The way I said it may have been rude, but the sentiment is a compliment for a show that's not getting many.

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#184re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 2/2/07 at 12:21am

Legally Blonde totally corners it's audience. No man is going to want to see a show with PINK everywhere and ditzy chorus girls singing pop songs.

While I agree with what you're trying to get across, I'd like to point out that by saying "No man" you are placing every single man into the same cardboard box. Basically you're saying, every straight macho man, which is CERTAINLY not every man, though men like yourself like to make it a given and make those who do not fit into that category feel inferior. But again, I do agree that there is a problem with the demographic that this show is going to appeal to. I don't, however, feel that it is not going to appeal to every single human being with a penis between his legs.

The other big thing is that Laura Bell Bundy, while good, is not *quite* there yet. Not that she won't ever be, but she isn't yet. Right now, her performance has this Kirsten Chenowith impersonation feel to it that makes you remember she took over for KC in Wicked. Again, she's not bad. Emulating KC couldn't be considered bad. She's just not quite come into her own yet. She doesn't *demand* your attention, the way a Broadway star should. Neither does Christian Borle, but his role doesn't require it. He's less the leading man than he is the lead ensemble character. Elle has to be a STAR for this show to really work.

From what I've seen of Ms. Bundy (HAIRSPRAY, her one-woman show at Joe's Pub, and the clips of LEGALLY BLONDE), I find that she lacks a star quality that is necessary for any perfromer to carry a show on his/her shoulders. I think that she is a great supporting player, but she does not have a presence that can consistently grab an audience's attention.

There's some huge talent here, both major and minor players.

When someone is trying to make a supporting point about a show and the example they give is that the cast is very talented, I'm sorry to say that they are not moving the argument forward. Talent--for a Broadway show, or a Broadway bound show--is a given. I can say that the cast of BROOKLYN THE MUSICAL was beaming with talent, but the material that they were given to sell was nothing less than treacherous. And the material is the show.

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)
Updated On: 2/2/07 at 12:21 AM

#185re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 2/2/07 at 12:51am

Foster I think you read into my comment a little too much. But all I was saying is that the show isn't marketing to everyone, therefore, not everyone is going to want to go.

questeclectic Profile Photo
#186re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 2/2/07 at 12:51am

There's some huge talent here, both major and minor players.

When someone is trying to make a positive point about a show and the example they give is that the cast is very talented, I'm sorry to say that they're not moving their argument forward.

OK, true. We should expect the cast of a Broadway-bound show to be talented. You're absolutely correct.

However the argument I was trying to move forward was not that the show is steller, but rather that a lousy marketing campaign and poorly chosen video clips are not sufficient evidence on which to pan it. IMHO there appear to be quite a few posters who have determined everything from the state of the choreography to whether Laura Bell Bunday can carry a show based on nothing more than these online snippets.

Movie trailers are an entire art form in and of themselves. A great trailer can make folks flock to a lousy least until word of mouth catches up. And surely we've all seen trailers that have turned us off to excellent films. DVDs now often include trailers tuned for different audiences, and it's fascinating to see how the same film is pitched to different demographics or in different countries.

Broadway shows too have marketing campaigns, and for this show the marketeers need to figure out what resonates beyond the obvious teen-tween-pink set. But again, the argument is simply that the video clips do not display the show to its best advantage, and that judging the overall merit of the show and its actors based on the clips alone is not a particularly valid exercise.

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#187re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 2/2/07 at 12:53am


I read into your comment at the same level to which you didn't think twice in referring to "men" as all in the same.

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)
Updated On: 2/2/07 at 12:53 AM

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#188re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 2/2/07 at 1:10am

Okay, he said "men" - which is an all inclusive word- but we know very well what he meant.

Stop splitting hairs here. Why are you arguing about phrasing or points used in the argument when you agree with what's being said??????????

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

#189re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 2/2/07 at 1:18am

"Agreed. "Remix" again feels like they're trying to dumb me down."

I don't think the song is 'dumbing me down' in the least -- I'm just a little bugged by the title. It just strikes me the wrong way is all.

#190re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 2/2/07 at 4:56am

deleted...sorry i didnt know Updated On: 2/2/07 at 04:56 AM

#191re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 2/2/07 at 7:26am

Since I am considerably new to all of this... may I get a poll of the people that condemn in advance....what is your record?
In other words several have said they bashed Wicked and I think it seems to be doing fine. (last time I was in NY it was sold out) fess up how well do you all really know your entertainment?

#192re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 2/2/07 at 10:56am

DrewT, delete that or the whole thread will be deleted. Links to YouTube are not allowed. - most underrated performers on broadway

biggest CHENO fan Profile Photo
biggest CHENO fan
#193re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 2/2/07 at 10:59am

That's exactly what I was about to ask....
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Wicked get bad reviews? Or is Legally Blonde not on the same level as Wicked with their sets, special effects, etc?

#194re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 2/2/07 at 11:03am

Guys, Wicked is a phenomenon. Don't expect lightning to strike twice. Legally Blonde doesn't have the advantage of the Wizard of Oz lore behind it. - most underrated performers on broadway

#195re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 2/2/07 at 11:49am

I did not mean to compare to Wicked other than in several post people said they bashed wicked at the beginning and I just happen to know it is amazing. but many said they did and did not like shows like wedding singer or le stat....(meaning any and all)...what is the record from people that post, what they "think" and what the real results were.
seems not many want to answer that question.

#196re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 2/2/07 at 11:58am

Great point, marshmallow.

Wicked benefits from the aura of all the Oz books, the iconic movie, Judy Garland, the cross-generational familiarity with and love for the legend, etc etc. At the heart of the original story there is real substance, plus it has great flights of fancy, imagination, socio-political messages, and a timeless quality. LB is firmly rooted in a narrow slice of pop culture that does not have mass appeal. It will not become a cottage industry like Wicked. It simply does not strike the same emotional chords across all demographics. It doesn't have the staying power.


DryMartini Profile Photo
#197re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 2/2/07 at 12:04pm

Say what you will, OMIGOD is stuck in my head.

#198re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 2/2/07 at 12:19pm

I really loved the movie, but I look at those clips and think, "Meh." There's no joy. This just seems like an attempt to make money, which in itself is not bad, of course. But if there's no love behind the creation then it's not going to turn out well.

You promised me poems. ~Tricky

TechEverlasting Profile Photo
#199re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 2/2/07 at 1:03pm

I haven't seen the show, but I've heard several of the songs and I don't think the video clips do the material justice. I also think the crappy production values of the clips aren't helping matters. If you're going to post promotional footage of a show online spend the money to get some professional cameramen and a director. This stuff doesn't look much better than what one sees on the "site that cannot be named". These clips make LB look like a half baked Hairspray rip off.


Early in the show there's a duet between Elle and her boyfriend, it might be called "Serious". She thinks he's about to propose, he thinks she's already figured out that he's about to break up with her. IMHO it's incredibly well written and also hysterical. If I were marketing LB I'd release a video of this one number. To my ears a lot of the other music sounds a bit like what you'd hear at an aerobics studio. Of course this is the music that Elle and her friends would be listening to, but even workout music can have interesting melodies. I hope some of the disco tunes get rewritten. Calling a song a "Remix" makes sense, given that these sorority girls probably have dozens of remixes on their ipods.

I think this show is going to do a lot better than many of you seem to. It might not be a "Wicked", but it's no "Hi-Fi" either.

"I have got to have some professional music!" - Big Edie

#200re: OMIGOD! A Word Premiere (Legally Blonde SF Video)
Posted: 2/2/07 at 1:25pm

When you mention "Wicked" and "Hi-Fi" are you talking artistically or financially?

And Wannabe Foster, I still don't get it, sorry. I don't get your point, and I don't really care. Is it that time of month?
