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#1PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/1/11 at 10:22am

I'll be there tonight! Really looking forward to it, especially hearing the new score.

Anyone else going? Drinks at intermission?

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

WSStory Profile Photo
#2PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/1/11 at 11:28am

I've got tickets for 20th. Please let us know what you think of the show. A new, original musical! Love it!

#2PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/1/11 at 12:04pm

Leave off the 'W' for savings. HA. I cant seem to get in and edit the title of the thread. Forgive my "Just Woke Up" typo.

It could be the worst thing in the world and if it's entirely original, I love it. It's so nice to see SOMEONE with a fresh idea or two. Plus, the return of Donna Murphy is always welcome.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

uncageg Profile Photo
#3PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/1/11 at 12:08pm

I am seeing it the week after next. I am wondering if the music playing in the video on the show's website is part of the score because I like it.

Just give the world Love.

#4PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/1/11 at 12:16pm

I'll be at the evening performance tomorrow! Very excited!

#5PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/1/11 at 12:18pm

i'd be most obliged if anyone seeing it tonight could post their impressions ...

... i have $10 tickets for tomorrow. My husband is a CPA, and a quick look at the calendar will suggest that i'd better not drag him there if it's a mess!

"You, sir, are a moron." (PlayItAgain)

#6PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/1/11 at 12:22pm

I'll be posting a "revie" in this thread after the show tonight. I might leave out some W's.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

#7PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/1/11 at 12:27pm

that ould be onderful!

"You, sir, are a moron." (PlayItAgain)

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#8PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/1/11 at 12:27pm

I'm expecting ROZA meets RAGS meets BEACHES. It could be wonderful in all kinds of different ways.

No denying that cast though. Some really great people are involved in this. And Paul Gemignani conducting? Fabulous.

uncageg Profile Photo
#9PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/1/11 at 12:43pm

I finally get to see Murphy and Zien live onstage. I have seen Gemignani in Sweeney and Assassins and enjoyed him. And I agree MB, with Paul conducting, this could be fabulous.

Just give the world Love.

Pippin Profile Photo
#10PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/1/11 at 12:48pm

I'll be there tonight. No idea what to expect but am excited nonetheless.

"I'm an American, Damnit!!! And if it's three things I don't believe in, it's quitting and math."

uncageg Profile Photo
#11PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/1/11 at 12:49pm

I too would like to read the thoughts of those attending this evening. I have to admit that I am most excited about seeing this and "...Vera Stark".

Just give the world Love.

#12PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/1/11 at 1:03pm

GREAT team and cast. I must admit, I don't want to get too excited with so many duds this season. But I am REALLY hopeful this will become my new see again-and-again show.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

egghumor Profile Photo
#13PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/1/11 at 1:49pm

Keeping my fingers crossed that this one's a triumph for everyone involved, especially the writers and the luminous Donna Murphy.

#14PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/1/11 at 2:32pm

It really does sound like it has the potential to be good. I'm very interested to hear about it.

"Art, in itself, is an attempt to bring order out of chaos."-Stephen Sondheim

matty159 Profile Photo
#15PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/1/11 at 4:46pm

This one really is the big wild card. I am dying to read what people have to say tonight, but am also wondering whether I need to show restraint and wait until after I have seen it tomorrow night. After many big let-downs this season, I am really hoping this is something truly special...and as it is Roundabout, we all know that is a big coin-toss!

#16PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/1/11 at 4:57pm

In my book, Roundabout redeemed itself a bit with Anything Goes. But you still never know with them, of course.

"Art, in itself, is an attempt to bring order out of chaos."-Stephen Sondheim

BwayTday Profile Photo
#17PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/1/11 at 4:59pm

There were a lot of seats available when I checked seats yesterday.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#18PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/1/11 at 6:12pm

I read somewhere that there may be a cast album by Jay I believe

We see it next weekend.

Poster Emeritus

#19PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/1/11 at 9:17pm

First show ever is happening RIGHT NOW! I'm waiting on pins and needles to hear the first reactions. Come on, Donna, blow them away!!!

Can't anyone tweet at intermission or something? PLEASE.....

adamgreer Profile Photo
#20PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/1/11 at 11:03pm

Dull. Boring. Uninvolving.

Most of act 2 isn't orchestrated yet and is played with just a piano.

Terrible score. Predictable book. Cheesy.

Donna Murphy does what she can and will get a pity nomination.

More detailed thoughts when I get home.

#21PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/1/11 at 11:09pm

^An entire act isn't even orchestrated yet?


#22PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/1/11 at 11:28pm

@adam i call shenanigans....

Blockhead24 Profile Photo
#23PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/1/11 at 11:39pm

I was so bored out of my mind. What was that?

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#24PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/1/11 at 11:44pm

I'm sad to report that I agree with adamgreer. For a show about the Holocaust it's remarkably inert and boring. I never cared for the characters and wasn't closed to being moved by the story.

It felt like a mash-up of so many shows. I think the opening was taken right from The Prince of Grand Street and as MichaelBennett predicted there are doses of Roza and Rags. There was even a tribute to Onward Victoria when Joyce Van Patten mentioned something about the impropriety of unescorted women!

One of my favorite performances and plays of the past few years was Tovah Feldshuh in Irena's Vow. I know not everyone on this board shared my enthusiasm for that show, but I wept and wept during it. This on the other hand, although not trying to be a tearjerker per se, never was able to hook me. Try as I might I couldn't become emotionally involved.

Yes almost all of act 2 wasn't orchestrated. At first I thought it was a stylistic choice, but I think they just ran out of time to finish. The score is repetitive and generic sounding. I walked out singing, "Stuart play your clarinet!" I guess I was at least hoping the score would be more varied as half of it takes place in 1977 New York City.

Donna's talents were underused. I also felt like she was going to burst into Children and Art any moment playing her older self. The other actors were fine, but no one is really given anything to do. Nothing to sink their teeth into.

The book isn't confusing, but it also doesn't go anywhere. Act 1 kind of rambles and Act 2 starts to verge on Lifetime movie. I will say that I think the authors had good intentions with the piece, but couldn't quite figure out what they wanted to say. What makes this story different/important to hear?

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!
