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PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe- Page 3


uncageg Profile Photo
#50PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/2/11 at 1:39am

Well I will keep my eye on this thread. How was Chip Zien? I see it a week from Tuesday.

Just give the world Love.

Pippin Profile Photo
#51PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/2/11 at 1:51am

for me, the first act just dragged on, however I was more involved during the second act, and I think that is becauase of the lack of the orchestrations, which I can't believe I'm saying. the show became much better and more "full" when there was only voice and piano involved. I wasn't bombarded with the same clarinet and violin "oom paa paa" over and over again. Less is more in this case.

As many have said, the score is terribly generic and stereotypical. There were two or three standouts for me, mainly ballads, and they were all in the second act. The set is kinda ugly, but I enjoyed the costumes, I thought they were appropriate and subtly seperated the "ghosts" from the real time characters.

The last twenty minutes were totally schmaltzy, and I wanted to get caught up in the emotion, if only for Donna's wonderful acting, but the show just wasn't enough of a payoff for me, and I couldn't be brought to care, really.

That said, Murphy was just wonderful. A note: this was my second time seeing her. the first was from the nosebleeds during the Anyone Can Whistle concert. (and the Passion video, but that doesn't really count) so I haven't seen her do alot of her famous roles, but I thought she was so so so good, especially for the first time before a paying audience. I would love to go back and sit through the show again just to see her grow in the next couple of weeks. Her physicality as the older woman was so real, so "put upon", and she changed back and forth 50 years effortlessly on the drop of a dime. It was amazing to see, and for me, it was a master class in being a true actor at the top of your game, even when the material you are working with is not the strongest. IMO, Murphy elevated the play to a different level, and the producers and other actors are very lucky to have her.

"I'm an American, Damnit!!! And if it's three things I don't believe in, it's quitting and math."

IdinaBellFoster Profile Photo
#52PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/2/11 at 2:23am

The only person who poses a threat to Patina Miller is Sutton Foster. This quite the weak year for the Leading Actress category.

"Oh look at the time, three more intelligent plays just closed and THE ADDAMS FAMILY made another million dollars" -Jackie Hoffman, Audience Awards

#53PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/2/11 at 2:32am

The response here makes me think I should exchange my subscription ticket for a later date so I can catch House of Blue Leaves or Born Yesterday in April using a discount. Sounds like I can catch this show at the end of its run.

egghumor Profile Photo
#54PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/2/11 at 2:37am

This report from so many of you is extremely unfortunate but I suppose, not entirely surprising. It sounds from so many descriptions and complaints about the music that it is written and played as traditional Klezmer music (same orchestrations, etc.). To me, most Klezmer pieces tend to sound “alike.” This show definitely sounds like an “art piece,” perhaps something like THE DEAD from several seasons back, no?
At least this type of show (successful or not) is what theater organizations should be mounting. This is obviously not a commercial musical, but one that still perhaps deserves an audience.
To the poster that said this was his second time to see Donna Murphy in performance – yes yes yes! I remember how exciting it was to see her the first time. For me it was SONG OF SINGAPORE. She was divine and it's a cryin' shame she doesn't appear of the cast recording (the actress that followed her in show appears instead). Then to see her numerous times in PASSION was a thrilling event each and every time. I could go on and on... She's one of the “greats,” especially for her generation, and beyond.
I wish I had seen her in title role of DROOD.

BTW--I also loved the mention of Onward Victoria during this thread. Did you see it??? I did. It was truly one of the funniest bombs I've witnessed. I remember it opened and closed (1 perf) on the same weekend John Lennon was assassinated.

#55PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/2/11 at 2:44am

I saw Onward Victoria, truly awful but it was fun to see Jill Eikenberry sing.

wickedfan11 Profile Photo
#56PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/2/11 at 5:28am

Could someone please post the song and understudy lists?

After Eight
#57PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/2/11 at 8:02am

I share the many negative opinions expressed about this show. I agree with Whizzer-- the creators had good intentions, but good intentions need artistry to go with them, and that is sorely lacking here. The combination of ineptitude, dullness, and clichés made for a painful evening. Some of the "jokes" had the audience groaning, and justly so.

Once again, I have to mention the ugliness of the set design. This has become endemic among new musicals. In the old days, and boy, were they good compared to now, even if he show was lousy, you could at least feast your eyes on some nice scenery. Now they won't even give you that!

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#58PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/2/11 at 8:28am

I didn't have an issue with the set which is basically a bare stage, and reminiscent of about a half a dozen Harold Prince musicals-(ditto the staging)

The biggest issue as others have alluded to is that the plight of the turn of the century Jew has been musicalized at least half a dozen times already- and this piece brings nothing new to the table on that front.

The framing modern framing device is an interesting idea-but yes is overly sentimental, preachy and lacks early conflict. There is one major plot turn involving Nicole Parkers character that is introduced way too late.

I am probably more familiar with some of the music from the Yiddish musical theatre than many on this board and so I can appreciate aspects of thr pastiche songs, but I agree the songs overall aren't memorable.

As always, the cast does what they can and I always find Donna Murphys work to be insightful.

But yes there is a lot of work to be done- and I understand from
Speaking with people involved last night a lot of changes are planned for the coming weeks, including new songs.

To that end- flawed as this show is, it's so incredibly rare to see a new musical open cold on Broadway anymore, I encourage the opportunity to keep tabs on this and see where they eventually go with this.

And no, warts and all, nothing about this show belongs in the same sentence as Baby it's You...

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#59PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/2/11 at 8:34am

Egg- it's interesting that you mention Passion because etching Donna of course reminded me of seeing the first preview of that show and seeing it be essentially booed off the stage. Watching the transformation that show net through during previews was one of the most remarkable things I've ever experienced on Broadway.

Could a miracle like that happen here? Probably not, but it will be fun to see where it ends up

Smaxie Profile Photo
#60PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/2/11 at 8:40am

>it's so incredibly rare to see a new musical open cold on Broadway anymore<

I agree that it's rare, but strangely, this season there have been five: Women On The Verge, Spider-Man, Elf, The Book of Mormon and The People in the Picture.

Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.

April Saul
#61PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/2/11 at 9:33am

Which only makes Book of Mormon a more amazing achievement, when you think of it...sorry, I realize this thread is about People in the Picture and I'm actually reading it because I have a $10 ticket for tomorrow! PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe

#62PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/2/11 at 10:43am

zounds! sounds like i'd better leave my hubby to his 1040s tonight!!! =:o

"You, sir, are a moron." (PlayItAgain)

#63PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/2/11 at 11:07am


Bread and Theatre - Raisel, The Warsaw Gang, Company
Matryoshka - Bubbie, Jenny
A Workin' Mama - Red, Jenny
Before We Lose the Light/The Dybbuk - Raisel, The Warsaw Gang, Company
Remember Who You Are - Yossie Pinsker, Avram Krinsky
Hollywood Girls - Chaim Bradovsky, Raisel, Company
Remember Who You Are (Reprise) - The Warsaw Gang
And God Laughs - Moishe Rosenwald, Raisel, Rabbi Velvel
Oyfen Priptchik - Raisel, Dobrisch
Red's Dilemma - Red
For This - Bubbie, Red, Jenny
Oyfen Priptchik - Jenny, Avram, Chaysel Fisher, Moishe, Company


We Were Here - Raisel, Moishe, Chaysel, Avram, Company
Now and Then - Red
Ich, Uch Feh - Raisel, Company
Selective Memory - Raisel
Saying Goodbye - Raisel, Dobrisch, Red, Young Red
Child of My Child - Bubbie
Remember Who You Are (Reprise) - Bubbie
Bread and Theatre/We Were Here (Finale) - Raisel, The Warsaw Gang


For Bubbie/Raisel, Chaysel Fisher: Lori Wilner
For Red: Jessica Lee Patty
For Jenny, Young Red: Maya Goldman
For Moishe Rosenwald: Louis Hobson
For Doovie Feldman, Rabbi Velvel, Avram Krinsky: Stuart Zagnit
For Yossie Pinsker: Jeffrey Schecter
For Dr. Goldblum, Jerzy: Brad Bradley
For Dobrisch: Emily Dupre
For Rachel: Andie Mechanic

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#64PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/2/11 at 11:28am

So disappointed to hear the negative responses. As a huge Donna Murphy fan I was hoping that this would actually be good since she so rarely commits to a show. It's also a shame that she keeps turning down revivals and chooses to support new work and yet the shows don't seem to be that good (LOVEMUSIK also comes to mind here). I'm seeing it next weekend and hope there are some improvements.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

best12bars Profile Photo
#65PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/2/11 at 1:28pm

All these posts and no mention of Chip Zien?

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

#66PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/2/11 at 1:46pm

Zien's role is nothing special.


His character deals with the local thugs by encouraging them to degrade him and paying them for hurling insults his way. It didn't really make sense, and his death was both predictable and melodramatic, so it was hard to feel much. Plus, his true moment to shine is "Remember Who You Are," which has the awful aforementioned foreskin lyric.


I really do think this show will get better, but the more I think about last night's performance, the more I dislike most aspects of it.

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#67PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/2/11 at 1:50pm

Zien may as well be playing third Jewish troupe member on the left. They all are on stage for good portions of the show, but no character is really distinctively defined. If not for his easily recognizably voice I wouldn't have known it was him.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

#68PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/2/11 at 1:51pm

This didn't suck at all. We saw it Sunday. In StageGrade terms, I'd give it a B or maybe a B+ (based on enjoying it more than Phantom or Memphis).

My daughter gave it an A- because she identified with the strong women's story, the generational thing with the kids, and she liked the absence of swastikas and camp clothes and bombs (only 2 muffled gunshots in the whole show).

And a happy ending! Not the downer we were braced for after reading about Friday night in this thread. I really would say it deserves a solid B, not a C or a D. Updated On: 4/4/11 at 01:51 PM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#69PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/2/11 at 2:14pm

What was the running time?

#70PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/2/11 at 3:49pm

It let out at 10:30; the show itself is probably about 2 hours and 10 minutes without intermission and accounting for starting late.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#71PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/2/11 at 9:14pm

75 more minutes until I can go home...

uncageg Profile Photo
#72PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/2/11 at 9:17pm

...and post your thoughts.

Just give the world Love.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#73PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/2/11 at 9:19pm

Ill tell you so far I used to have more fun at Hebrew School.

When the lights came on half the audience woke up.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#74PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE first previe
Posted: 4/2/11 at 9:23pm

Looks like the full orchestra is going to play for act two.
