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"Perfect for US": The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!- Page 5

"Perfect for US": The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!

#100re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 3/31/09 at 4:04pm

Wow this thread was awesome to read. I am going this weekend to see the show and was already exicted, now I can't wait!

It seems like I will not be dissapointed.

Mattt Profile Photo
Kad Profile Photo
#103re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 3/31/09 at 5:53pm

I'm not sure what I think of them. They're interesting, but are they going to get people who have no idea what the show is interested?

As good as the show is, it's going to be an uphill battle for it to survive on Broadway. It needs really killer marketing.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

KChenowethfan Profile Photo
#104re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 3/31/09 at 6:16pm

It is good that they are advertising, but I am not quite sure those are effective.

"Why do you care what people might say? Why try to fit into their design?" (Side Show)

TheBoyDownstairs Profile Photo
#105re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 3/31/09 at 6:16pm

I saw those clips on their website yesterday and as a huge fan of the show I love them. I'm also not too sure how well they will come across to most people though.

Obviously the music is great, and its an interesting concept but I still dont like the "One family is about face the music" tagline.

Hopefully the music and concept of the commercials will be enough to get people in the theater, even if they dont give much of an idea about the show.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#106re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 3/31/09 at 6:29pm

Agreed. I love them but they will not sell tickets.

steven22 Profile Photo
#107re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 3/31/09 at 7:04pm

i love this show...but realistically, how long can it possibly last on broadway?

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#108re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 3/31/09 at 7:08pm

I think it'll last through the summer and then fall off the radar once the fall rolls around.

But, like I've said a million and one times, I hope I'm wrong and it lasts longer.

TheBoyDownstairs Profile Photo
#109re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 3/31/09 at 7:14pm

I really want it to last until September. I'd love it to run far longer than that, but at least if it lasts through the summer I'd think it had a respectable run for a show with its subject matter.

Hopefully the reviews/Tonys are good enough to really build a bigger fan base!

little_sally Profile Photo
#110re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 3/31/09 at 8:01pm

Got my tickets off TDF for next Wednesday night! So excited!

A little swash, a bit of buckle - you'll love it more than bread.

Kad Profile Photo
#111re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 3/31/09 at 9:54pm

Hopefully it'll have great word of mouth- and judging from the audience response on Saturday, I don't see how that isn't possible (but then again, who knows how many people there were there because they were involved with the show or knew the people involved?).

I'm sure it'll be around for the Tonys, and if they pick a particularly entrancing, fun number they might be able to get a boost from it.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#112re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 3/31/09 at 10:04pm

^I was actually thinking about what they'd do for the Tony's...and they usually do a medley, right? I'm sure Just Another Day will be in there...what else? I'm Alive or Superboy? It'd be awesome if they ended with the big finish of Light.

TheBoyDownstairs Profile Photo
#113re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 3/31/09 at 10:09pm

I dont medleys ever come across well at all, and rarely sell the show well.

If they pick anything other than "Just Another Day" I would be shocked.

But what Passing Strange picked last year shocked me in a negative way so who knows.

#114re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 3/31/09 at 11:33pm

So, are the people over at ATC just completely brain dead?
Also maybe because the son was played like a sexy-handsome-driving-force rather than a mercurial, sensitive, multi-dimensional kid of 18. The actor who played the son is very very very attractive and quite the adept musical comedy juvenile, but I didn't really buy him as an 18-year-old boy and I thought he could've been much more interesting, and should've been less "hot" and more vulnerable.

Did we see a different show? I mean, how can you claim that Gabe wasn't Mercurial and multi-dimensional? He's Puck on steroids. And as for his looks, are they supposed to cast a frumpy, less talented actor just to appease your distaste for attractive young men? The poster seems to think that because Aaron is "hot" that Gabe can't be vulnerable. I mean honestly, that post makes NO sense to me. Not to mention
HE'S NOT REAL. HE'S NOT REALLY AN 18 YEAR OLD KID, he is a ghost/delusion.

The bull**** people find to complain about just so they can be the dissenting opinion is astounding.
Updated On: 3/31/09 at 11:33 PM

Kad Profile Photo
#115re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 3/31/09 at 11:37pm

I could see the argument of him not physically looking 18.. outside of the show. He looks so much younger on that stage.

As I said/implied before, Aaron Tveit was EXTREMELY engaging. His physical attractiveness aside. I don't go to shows and stare at the hot guy in the background while an intense scene is going on just to get my fix of eye candy. There were several times when I would watch Tveit in the background during scenes that didn't involve him because he was so interesting to watch. Every line affected him in some way, and he had clear wants and inner life.

I don't see how anyone could think otherwise of his performance.

EDIT: And that post in which the author talks about how it made them think of March of the Falsettos and how it was inferior to it...? I love me some March of the Falsettos, but N2N is nothing like it. At all. They both deal with a family with issues. That's all.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."
Updated On: 3/31/09 at 11:37 PM

#116re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 3/31/09 at 11:41pm

I can, because they're idiots.

And honestly, Gabe's malevolence is just another piece of evidence to add to the pile fro the theory of he's a ghost rather than a delusion.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#117re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 3/31/09 at 11:49pm

Tveit is an incredibly engaging actor in this production, and not just because of his looks. He's so interesting to watch, even when he's in the background, like the scene he's just sitting and reading, while Ripley sings I Miss the Mountains. Or later, when he's peering down from the third level watching Natalie's recital.
Updated On: 4/1/09 at 11:49 PM

#118re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 3/31/09 at 11:52pm

exactly. How is it the fault of the artist if you're too lazy to think for your damn self? Of course these are the same people that will complain about a show doing too much telling and not enough showing. But when they see a show that SHOWS instead of Tells, they are completely ****ing lost.

#119re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 4/1/09 at 12:01am

Or when he's peering down from the third level watching Natalie's recital.

Yeah, that's one of those Puck moments. Moving the purse full of pills down stage is another, putting box of his baby things out.

But at the same time he's affected by the decision's diana makes. he's CLEALRY hurt after the Hypnosis when Diana decides to go along with Dr. Madden, and at the end, when he forces Dan to acknowledge him, it's not malevolent at all, Its clear (it used to be clearer, back during the FE days) that Gabe is looking for that moment. He clearly wants dan to acknowledge him.

changinandhow Profile Photo
#120re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 4/1/09 at 12:14am

KingKong, you seem awfully harsh (even for BWW) to those with opinions that differ from yours. Not everyone is going to agree with you on everything about Next to Normal. I do happen to, but just because someone else doesn't shouldn't warrant you giving them the title of "idiot." Especially for a show like this with such controversial subject matter, people's feelings on it are going to be all over the place.

Also, I don't think Gabe is the same being, whether it be a ghost or a hallucination, for any of the three family members. I don't take the part during I'm Alive when he "gives" Diana's purse to Natalie quite so literally. He's not in Natalie's life like he is in Diana's, but it is his spirit and presence in the family's life that never leaves Natalie alone and that is what eventually drives her to take her mother's drugs.

The way I interpret the show, each character "sees" Gabe differently.

Updated On: 4/1/09 at 12:14 AM

Kad Profile Photo
#121re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 4/1/09 at 12:22am

I don't prescribe to the ghost theory myself- I'm more inclined to agree with you.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

adamgreer Profile Photo
#122re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 4/1/09 at 12:24am

The more I talk about Tveit's performance, and discuss it here with others, the more convinced I become that he should be seriously talked about for the Best Featured Actor in a Musical Tony award.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#123re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 4/1/09 at 12:29am

I really enjoyed Tveit's performance but I don't see the raves for him. To me, he's just as good as the other three young actors. I think a lot of his powerful work in the background is more a testament to Greif's direction than anything else.

Tveit is good, but I would hardly call his performance Tony worthy. Then again, the Featured Actor in a Musical race is slim this year. Jbara was much better than him and Kudisch was better as well in 9 TO 5. Just my two cents.

burntplains Profile Photo
#124re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 4/1/09 at 12:42am

He's very talented... he deserves something!
