Are they going to put opening night seats on sale to the public? Just wondering.
Highly doubtful.
I thought perhaps they would. The theater is large enough that I'd think they would sell the rear mezzanine at least.
seriously I am adicted to this show. I just bought y 2nd 70$ ticket for the 21st and am seriously considering getting one for sometime in between now and then. Tdf to the rescue.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/10/07
The rear mezz in the Booth is considered to be 1 row.
Just got back from the show... ok, love it even more now, and I need the CD.... NOW !!!!!
Show is so tight right now, and I would not know as well as many of the others on the board that have seen the show alot more, but the 2nd act definitely seemed shorter. (dont know if they cut any dialogue, or the pacing was just better. (or, I didnt want the show to end, so it just moved along faster !!!)
Alice was on fire !!! The entire cast was !!
Spontaneous standing ovation at the end !
Cute sighting--- around 5-7 "13" castmembers at the show.
Only negative... lots of empty seats !! (
Had Orch, Row J--- seat 116.. right off center... amazing view !!!
Weird, there were a gaggle of THIRTEEN cast members there last night as well.
God, I find them so annoying. Anyway, glad you loved it just as much this time around, Testing! :)
<< Weird, there were a gaggle of THIRTEEN cast members there last night as well.
Really???!!! Thats is weird !!! I think there were 5 of them---
Definitely noticed Allie Trimm (sp?) with another female from the show--- and I believe 3 of the "boys".. (not a negative... when you are my age, eveyone is a "boy"..LOL
Well they're whoring the show out with commercials. 4 Commercials in under 2 hours on two different networks. Woot!
Broadway Star Joined: 2/28/09
Wow, i haven't seen any commercials yet
"ok, love it even more now, and I need the CD.... NOW !!!!!"
I need it now too! I pre-ordered it, but I'm considering buying it off iTunes next week because I can't wait until they send out the actual CD.
To bjh2114 & Johnnytoc:
Youre pm is not turned on. I cant send info on N2N. pls turn it on! thanks
Updated On: 4/3/09 at 11:15 AM
It's not *that* weird that cast members from 13 would be there. Tom was their musical director after all.
I have to say, I've listened to the music on the NTN website and I'm not really impressed. That being said, I have put my faith in all the good word that has been spread on this message board and I'm going this evening.
I only hope it lives up to all the praise. If it does, I have quite a night in store.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/16/05
As far as I know, there were only 3 cast members there last night - Allie Trimm, Aaron Simon Gross, and Eamon Foley. I don't think it's weird that they were there, the more audience members the better!
Also, I didn't notice too many empty seats! Rush wasn't sold out, and there were a few empty in the 2nd row, but looking at the whole theatre from the front row center it seemed about 85% capacity, which isn't too shabby.
Glad to hear you think it was close to 85% last night.
On Wednesday the center and left side of the orchestra looked fairly full as did a good portion of the mezz, but the right side was virtually empty. I was thinking it was like 65%.
Hopefully there will be some big crowds this weekend.
Do any cast members come out after matinees? I'm seeing it tomorrow afternoon.
They did at 2econd Stage AND Arena...
They don't have a choice at 2nd stage...they have to go through the lobby!
2 more weeks...CAN'T wait...about to explode.
They could have stayed in and ordered food in. They did not have to leave the building. Just saying.
Okay...I was thinking I could wait til this summer when my friend could go, but I might need to see this much sooner. I'm too excited! I'm visiting my folks the weekend of April 18th, so I think I may have to rush that weekend, because I really want to see the changes they've made since 2nd Stage.
Wasn't thinking the "matinee" part....just the coming out part. Sorry; my bad.
I'll be there on the 18th. Sooooo excited!!!! You have no idea!
I'm taking my family to the evening show on the 18th. :) I am so excited for them to see it. They've heard me talk about it for over a year... Once we knew their trip was happening (some icky stuff that has worked out with my sister's job ~ she's flying in too), my mom started asking about other shows (WSS, 9 to 5) and my dad finally said "I promised her if this one went to Broadway we would go see it." WIN! (We see Billy Elliot the 17th.)
^^with all the folks going on the 18th, I may definitely need to try and rush then :o).
TDF added dates today thru 4/30 -- Woo Hoo !!!