Broadway Star Joined: 2/28/09
It's depressing how many great songs from the history of this show will never be officially released.
The second act could be trimmed a bit but I say that with trepidation because it went from being very uneven to being incredibly outstanding from 2ST to Arena Stages (and now Broadway).
I saw it at the festival as well and totally agree about the great songs that are lost. There were some even before that that I've seen performed/heard that are lost...sad. But the ones in the show now are the best of the best.
The second act, however, has been vastly improved since 2nd Stage. I thought it dragged a bit there, but now it just moves very quickly.
Saw it last nite- I have not felt the type of appreciative electricity from an audience after the show ended for a long time.
For a second preview, probably because of how they melded at the Arena, it was incredibly fresh but nailed down to each nuance by each actor.
Alice Ripley was as fantastic as before, but there was something even more heart-breaking about some of her moments. Reading this thread, I am realizing that one of the astonishing thing about Aaron is his presence, whether or not he is on the stage. The I'm Alive sequence remains a fantastic theatrical moment. And I do think the second act moved along just fine.
What a cast, what a show. We should enjoy this moment in time.
Did anyone who's gotten rushed sit in the front row side seats? I'm curious if anything is obstructed from that vantage point.
I sat in thr first row on the house right side. I missed some of what happened on the second and third level of the set except for when the actors came downstage (SPOILER: I could see Alice when she was sitting for "I Miss the Mountains," but not when she went to the medicine cabinet). I also saw a lot of backs (like Alice's during "Maybe"). I have seen the show before, so it wasn't a big deal for me. My friends in the box seats had a better view. Still, you get to pick up a lot of the nuances that may be lost from farther back.
I've heard the box seats, which are given away after the front row seats, are actually BETTER than front row.
I haven't been in the theatre yet, but sometimes if you sit in a box, you have to accept the fact that you *might* (I'm not sure, like I said, I haven't been inside yet) be able to see things happening in the wings. Sometimes audience members don't like to be distracted by that.
The wings are very well concealed (expect in the hospital sequence). And I agree with wickedrocks that the boxes offer a better view.
In that case, that's awesome!
God, I cannot wait to get home in two weeks and see this show. AGH.
The front row is AWESOME just because you are so close to the actors and can see every little nuance. However, you WILL miss out on about half the action on the 2nd level and anything that happens on the 3rd. I'd definitely say sitting further back gives you the benefit of seeing the entire set and stage.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/14/08
Here's to hoping n2n can stay afloat until Memorial Day weekend so I can see the show I've been gushing to people about since I saw a "naughty" video of it while it was at Second Stage.
I'm going again on Wednesday! Can't wait.
Thurs nite for me ! Anyone else ?
broadwayrob...I'm fairly sure it will be kept around at LEAST until after the Tonys. You should be fine.
Kad, I'm totally stealing your Tony quip for a signature! With credit to you of course.
YAY testing!!!!! :) Enjoy it! I'm back next Saturday for the matinee.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/14/08
I hate living in west virginia sometimes... ok most times.. but still .. a new show that i am in love with and i will probably only see it once..
not being a negative nancy.. but just being realistic.
i don't know if you guys can possibly imagine my jealousy.
I'm so thrilled this show is getting the positive feedback it deserves. Alice Ripley for President!
Broadway Star Joined: 2/28/09
I'm thinking about going back to rush wednesday. I love the show.
Saw it last night. The consistent level of excellence from the cast is remarkable. And Alice Ripley is giving an astonishing performance--as funny as she is moving, and a remarkable vocal feat as well. She never showboats just for the sake of it, but she hits some notes that literally gave me chills.
I love this show so much, the score is amazing and the cast is stellar. And the box seats definitely offer an amazing view of the show.
I'm going to rush again on Wednesday.
I am honored to be quoted in your signature, jordangirl!
I am definitely going to be rushing this show again. I won't be able to for a few weeks, but this is a show that I just need to see again. I have been thinking about it nostop since I saw it, and I have "Didn't I See This Movie?" stuck in my head. Thank god for a certain website, so I can be held over until the cast recording is released on iTunes on the 7th.
I almost stole that quote for my signature too.
I honestly think the best moment in the entire score is THERE'S A WORLD.
Just incredibly beautiful and eerie. Perfect for the moment it is in in context.
Thanks kad! :)
I am so glad to see people embracing this show!!! :)
Hugs all around!
The revelation of what the song really meant immediately afterward was chilling and shocking.
But "Didn't I See This Movie?" is SO catchy. I love the demo version, but I definitely see why it was cut nearly 2/3s. The staging was fun, too.
"There's A World" is completely haunting.
I absolutely ADORE the new staging for "Didn't I See This Movie?". And how it has change (also for the better) the staging of "A Light In The Dark". LOVE it!!