I do get notifications because I hear what's happening way more often that way.
" it's like when the police withhold information that only the killer would know in hopes that the killer will slip up and reveal it thus identifying themselves as the killer. "
except not because unlike Soddomite, the killer doesn't tweet his confession and his life isn't searchable like Twitter.
MassiveMeGo said: "I do get notifications because I hear what's happening way more often that way.
"it's like when the police withhold information that only the killer would know in hopes that the killer will slip up and reveal it thus identifying themselves as the killer. "
except not because unlike Soddomite, the killer doesn't tweet his confession and his life isn't searchable like Twitter."
You can get notifications for someone you don't follow tweeting at someone else?
I did a google search and can't find any information about that. Can you explain how?
I don’t know how many people in this thread were around BWW in the Spamalot days, but the Claymates were just as obsessive and possessive (and creepy) as the one in this thread. It’s very dejavu in here.
(And for the record, I thought Clay Aiken was quite good in Spamalot, but his “fans” made me want to not like him.)
This thread is 30000x better than the show could ever hope to be. Reminds me of the old BWW where trolls would multiply their accounts and accidentally expose themselves. The Clay Aiken Spamalot era was SOMETHING ELSE.
Bless you Sondheimite for expertly stomping out this troll.
"Oh look at the time, three more intelligent plays just closed and THE ADDAMS FAMILY made another million dollars" -Jackie Hoffman, Broadway.com Audience Awards
GreeneStreet said: "When this flops, I can’t wait to see what massivemego will say as an excuse."
"That **** bish Sondheimite went on a personal vendetta that caused no one in the entire world to come see this show due to a thread on a niche Broadway message board because he a h8ter BISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"That **** bish Sondheimite went on a personal vendetta""
Listen up, Moran. I already said I don't give a rat's patootie about you or your pitiful little gang of nasties. Hate on brothers. You won't be missed.
Massivemego, You can’t come here talk mad sh*t about everyone for not believing in a crappy show, and then pull the victim card. History repeats itself, no one wants to see this, if they did ticket sales would be great.
MassiveMeGo said: "I'm having too much fun. I don't want to get zapped by admin."
Consider using this time to promote/market/work on your show in real ways so that you don't lose all your investors money rather than spending your time lying about your show on a Broadway Message Board.
Again, I've only produced one show so what do I know. BUT if I was producing this show... I'd probably be spending this time promoting/marketing/working on my show in real ways so that I wouldn't lose all my investors money...