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Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE- Page 5


#100re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/12/07 at 10:15am

Didn't Dianna Degarmo do the tou of Brooklyn also? That is more than just her Hairspray stint. I was also going to mention Jennifer Hudson and someone beat me to it. JOsh Strickland wasn't he an Idol cast off too? Can't we just be happy for these people. So American Idol helped them out a little bit. It's a changing time. OK I really just lost my point I was going to make. I was not the biggest fan of Fantasia on Idol, but it sounds like she did a great job on her opening night. Now comes the test to see if she can maintain that and keep growing. I don't se why she won't

#101re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/12/07 at 10:29am

"Didn't Dianna Degarmo do the tou of Brooklyn also? That is more than just her Hairspray stint. I was also going to mention Jennifer Hudson and someone beat me to it. JOsh Strickland wasn't he an Idol cast off too? Can't we just be happy for these people."

So what you're saying is that you want to change to topic title from Reviews for Fantasia in Color Purple to, Diana Degarmo, Hairspray, Jennifer Hudson Dreamgirls, Josh Strickland Tarzan, etc? (oops you forgot Frenchie Davis - Rent). Sure we can be happy for all of them but I don't see what they have to do with THIS topic.

Here's another question, can't we just be HAPPY FOR THE PERSON the topic is about and keep on track? Of course we don't have to but I just can't understand why people have a hard time accepting what's what. I bet if the reviews had been bad all you fantasia doubters would be discussing are how horrible everyone is saying she's doing and you'd want to discuss the reviews, however, they have been good so you want to instead talk about "othe idols" and ignore the reviews so far. I bet if a negative review surfaces all you doubters are going to be talking is nothing but that review (you already appear to at least be still hoping that there will be some down the line).

I'd much rather hear about The color purple, Lachanze etc. then idol contestants.

Cages or Wings
#102re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/12/07 at 10:30am

I think the way in which DeGarmo and Hudson were broguht up was completely in line with the discussion here. Someone said "FINALLY, a successful performance from an AI alum," and people responded whether or not they thought that was a fair statement. These threads are like conversations, they can turn, change, or evolve. I have never understood why people act as though a thread's subject must be set in stone. As long as it isn't a clear thradjack, why can't people just allow conversation to drift however it may, along the general lines of a topic?

With regards to Fantasia in TCP. I wish her the best, and I hope that she is fantastic. I probably will not see her in it, as I was not at all impressed with the material when I saw it the first time around. But i think people shouldn't reject stunt casting outright, without actually giving the person a chance. For instance, even though he couldn't act worth a damn (I mean it was painfully bad), I still thought Usher's singing and dancing were pitch perfect in Chicago, and certainly worth seeing. From the early buzz Fantasia may be a complete revelation in the role. If so Good for her and good for broadway.

Interested Bystander
#103re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/12/07 at 11:03am

I'd like to see Fantasia in a revival of "Ain't Misbehavin." She's been compared to Nell Carter before (by some who considered it an insult), but I think she has the right personality and feel for music to make a successful performance.

#104re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/12/07 at 11:49am

[Quote]I think the way in which DeGarmo and Hudson were broguht up was completely in line with the discussion here. Someone said "FINALLY, a successful performance from an AI alum," and people responded whether or not they thought that was a fair statement. These threads are like conversations, they can turn, change, or evolve. I have never understood why people act as though a thread's subject must be set in stone. As long as it isn't a clear thradjack, why can't people just allow conversation to drift however it may, along the general lines of a topic?[/Quote] Agreed 100%. If people don't want other names brought into a thread maybe they should find a fansite for Fantasia and post there? Otherwise, threads evolve and if LaChanze, other idols who have done Broadway, etc are brought up there is going to be a response and discussion. If someone is going to say Fantasia is the only successful Idol alum on Broadway,something that cannot be backed up factually, then that point is going to be discussed. This isn't a fansite or Idolforums so the defensiveness around her probably needs to be dialed down.

I'm really glad to see Fantasia's long preparation for the role paid off and the fans will be getting their money's worth.

Updated On: 4/12/07 at 11:49 AM

#105re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/12/07 at 12:17pm

Someone noted earlier about Fantasia singing it note perfect. What annoys me about this is ... the fact that they have modified the songs to suit her (limited) vocal range. When she sung on Oprah, and on AI,they have brought the high notes down to suit her voice.
While I agree, that she can convey emotion. This isn't in keeping with the role of Celie. Celie is a very strong willed-character, that deals with her troubles internally. There are very few occassions when Celie openly cries, she deals with her desperate situation like a true martyr, she does not wallow in self-pity.

#106re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/12/07 at 12:18pm

From a blogger who attended Fantasia's debut:

Our girl 'Tasia had her "preview premiere" last night at the Broadway Theater in the musical adaptation of The Color Purple and brought down the house. With tears streaking down her cheeks (and ours), she held a raucous standing ovation for several minutes after the curtain came down. The crowd cheered her throughout, although some shifted in their seats uncomfortably through the more lesbian-themed scenes. And yes, there is one Celie-on-Shug kiss near the end of Act One. Despite her awkward portrayal of herself in her recent Lifetime movie, Fantasia proves quite adept at playing the complex role of a shy girl who comes into her own through decades of adversity. The musical itself has its share of problems -- namely some clunky numbers and a "Lion King" interlude that kicks off the second act. But the entire cast delivers consistently top-notch vocal performances, particularly Elisabeth Withers-Mendes in the role of Shug (her advocates for the part, Ashford and Simpson, were in attendance last night). Fantasia has re-invigorated the show, selling $6 million in tickets for her six month stint. And they'll get their money's worth -- it's a uniquely riveting performance anchored by her unparalleled vocal talents.


#107re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/12/07 at 12:45pm

""Someone noted earlier about Fantasia singing it note perfect. What annoys me about this is ... the fact that they have modified the songs to suit her (limited) vocal range. When she sung on Oprah, and on AI,they have brought the high notes down to suit her voice.""

By the way LaChanze's voice sounds right about now it might have been in her best interest if they had brought the key down for her also. But then she was already well on her way to ruining her instrument before TCP started so I guess she didn't see fit to stop. Fantasia is new to the rigors of Broadway and it is going to be hard enough for her to do the 8 shows a week. Why anyone in their right mind want her to be out there trying to reach for the notes that had LaChanze scraping her vocal cords most nights is beyond me. Do you want her to ruin her voice?

""There are very few occassions when Celie openly cries, she deals with her desperate situation like a true martyr, she does not wallow in self-pity.""

Can somebody please explain to me how openly crying equates to wallowing in self-pity.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#108re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/12/07 at 12:51pm

This has been debated before - but I have absolutely no issue with vocal keys being altered for the performer singing them. I assume the keys were "set" initially for what was comfortable for LaChanze.

Very, very few composers have been stringent on their material being sung in a specific key.

sidjones09 Profile Photo
#109re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/12/07 at 12:58pm

"By the way LaChanze's voice sounds right about now it might have been in her best interest if they had brought the key down for her also."

You are absolutely right TooWicked. I'm glad they changed the keys of some of the stuff for Fantasia. Some singers need to learn that just because you can hit some notes doesn't mean you should be hitting them 8 times a week. Especially singing passages that are sustained over the highest part of your range. It's not healthy. Sure you might be able to do it for a while, but for how long? I saw LaChanze twice in CP and the first time she was belting 'I'm Here' to the high heavens with much success, but I was still concerned for her voice. It just sounded like too much strain and work. Sure enough the second time I saw her a few months later, she had already changed a lot of the ending passages to a mix and at some points just flipped into head voice altogether. I wish LaChanze and the writers would have thought some of her music through a little more, but it sounds like Fantasia has already done that.

By the way, if all the raves about her performance are true; I hereby publically eat my words and congratulate Ms. Barrino on an amazing Broadway debut. Best of luck.

"If you've got something to say, say it, and think well of yourself while you're learning to say it better." - David Mamet

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#110re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/12/07 at 1:09pm

I am very excited for Fantasia and as far as people making very broad statements about who Celie is and how she should be played-remember this is a character, not a real person and open to interpretation by an actress. Actually, Fantasia worked on the character with the director and the author so I am sure she was given notes on her performance and has produced an artistic representation that the producers are pleased with. As far as anyone who says "Celie doesn't cry!", I say, do you know Celie personally? Get over yourself. You're too intense to see a play if you can't see a character re-interpreted.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

dream on
#111re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/12/07 at 2:18pm

In reference to Fantasia crying: I was at Tuesday night's performance.
Fantasia did not cry during the performance. She had tears in her eyes but she did not cry. It was afterwards when she was presented flowers that the tears flowed.

I am a Fantasia fan but also a HUGE Broadway fan having seen too many plays to count. I saw the Color Purple with LaChanze's understudy (Kenita)in the role. To be honest - Kenita's acting and singing were very boring. Fantasia has made the character a real person. The way Kenita played it was so one dimensional. Fantasia's singing was flawless and filled with the emotion needed to convey the meaning of the songs to the audience. What I thought was just an ensemble play has changed drastically. Fantasia makes CELIE the most important and focal part of the show, Im sure the way it was written. All I can say is- what a difference she makes in that role. Magical is all I can say. The songwriters and producers were there and having eavesdropped on their conversations - they were thrilled beyond belief. One of them said they knew she was going to be great - but not this great. And the other replied - Its amazing. Allee (one of the songwriters)also said I cant wait to hear her sing IM HERE. This from the professionals of the production.

There were so many praises going around the theatre on Tuesday night from the people who wrote, produced and directed this play.

dream on
#112re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/13/07 at 2:32pm

Here's another professional gushing about Fantasia.

From Elisabeth Withers (Shug) myspace page

Date: Apr 11, 2007 6:25 PM



dream on
#113re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/15/07 at 12:28pm

Heres another review from last night. As you can see people in the Theatre are buzzing about Fantasia.

Here it is:

OMG!! I'm so wired right now folks! I can't even put into words the absolute pride I feel for the performance Fantasia gave tonight. I read the reviews from opening night and I was so excited but to actually see her perform in TCP was beyond all expectations. This young lady is awesome! She was SO natural...gosh like she had done Broadway her whole life. I was in complete and utter amazement...

I went with a few friends and they were completely floored by her performance. People around were I was sitting were saying things like "Fantasia was awesome"..."she was so good". I was SO proud of her.

I really must applaud the entire cast because they really are all wonderful but that darn Fantasia was pulling all kinds of emotions out. She was hilarious at times, the facial expressions were on point, the emotion was so real.

You know the part that really got to me was at the end during curtain call...everyone you know came out and did their bows and then of course Fantasia came out last but it was the way she came out, the cast parts and she comes walking down the middle. I just lost it then. And our girl was STILL so humble and appreciative...she got teary and she was mouthing "Thank you Jesus". The crowd ate Miss Fantasia up, for real. You can tell her performance moved them, just by the standing "O" and the whistles and shouts out. And "Mister" handed her some tissue...that was cute.

Another thing that moved me was after the curtain call, "Mister" addressed the audience regarding "Broadway Cares" and said a little something about giving donations as you depart the theater. Then when he finished he said, "Now you can go back to screaming "Fantasia, Fantasia" was so funny and cute...he was flailing his arms and stuff and was yelling "Fantasia, Fantasia"....that was SO sweet.

Anyhoo, I'm beyond tired (and let's just say the traffic was horrendous) but it is all worth heart is so full right now. I love this young lady and I am so proud to be a fan of hers.

Something I forgot to add: I have seen TCP before (last year) with LaChanze and of course she was incredible but if I could say this (without taking away anything from LaChanze) and that is LaChanze was "acting" Celie...Fantasia was Celie.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#114re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/15/07 at 12:44pm

Supposed to be seeing Fantasia tonight (if my N Train doesnt get blown away!)

If her "I'm Here" that I saw on Oprah is any indication of her overall performance, I think she is going to be great !

froggy66 Profile Photo
#115re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/15/07 at 1:03pm

I totally disagree with you that Kenita R. Miller's performance as Celie was boring. I saw TCP three times and of those three shows, Kenita went on for the once again "out", LaChanze. Kenita's performance was rivoting and top notch.I feel she should be playing Celie permanently. You are certainly entitled to your opinion but I certainly don't agree with it. Kenita R. Miller is a "dues payed" professional.

dream on
#116re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/15/07 at 1:33pm

Im sorry you disagree with me. But I have seen more Broadway shows to know when a performance is great or just average. She was boring to me. She was very good- but she didnt bring the emotion needed to convey that she was the focal part of the show. I understand that Kenita is a dues paid professional, many of my friends were too. It doesnt mean that they are perfect for every role they do and it also doesnt mean that someone cant come in and bring more to the role. Hearing Fantasia sing with Elisabeth was a joy - they sound so great together. Maybe you should see Fantasia in the show and you may rethink your opinion of Kenita's performances. Since you have only seen Kenita in the role there's no way you can understand how much more dimensional the character is. Its like a totally different show.

Updated On: 4/15/07 at 01:33 PM

dream on
#117re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/15/07 at 1:39pm

Just a note - Fantasia sings "Im Here" very differently than the way she sang it on Oprah and on AI.

#118re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/15/07 at 5:41pm

I like how Elisabeth Withers one of TCP original cast members and tony nominated for her role as snug is all excited and welcoming Fantasia. That's so cool as so many times you hear about people fighting and whatnot but it sounds like there is nothing but love and fun up on that stage and in that entire production. Where do I sign up?

Anyway, I'm happy that fantasia is consistently knocking it out after her first full week. I think it's only going to get better and easier for her as the cast sounds amazing and they truly do sound like a family.

Thanks for the reviews.

dream on
#119re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/15/07 at 9:25pm

Heres another review:

YBF reader and fan Lauren Smith hit up Fanny's opening night at The Color Purple on Broadway and wanted to give YBF readers her exclusive review of the night...from one YBF fan to others. She's also a writer over at VH-1 news. Here's her review:

Last night, I had the pleasure of being a part of Fantasia’s opening night in “The Color Purple” on Broadway. I’ll admit, I had my apprehensions about a 22-year-old who’d never seen a Broadway show taking on one of the most difficult roles on Broadway. And let’s not forget “Life Is Not a Fairytale: The Fantasia Barrino Story…”

One thing I definitely did not expect from Fantasia was how funny she would be! Of all five times I’ve seen the production, Fantasia was by far the funniest and most relatable Celie. Her facial expressions when interacting with the actresses who play her sister Nettie and Shug Avery were absolutely priceless. She also did a little bit of her trademark Fantasia ‘dancing’ toward the end of the show when she was trying to get her flirt on.

Fantasia’s acting and characterization of Celie was pretty good. So good, in fact, that I almost forgot that she had braces. Almost. She did a little too much fake crying throughout the show, and she’s going to need some help making the transition from young Celie to older Celie. But, all things considered, her acting was definitely a huge leap away from the ‘acting’ in that unfortunate Lifetime movie. And that’s the last time we’re going to bring that up.

As a die-hard Color Purple fan, I definitely noticed a few times when Fantasia stumbled over her lines. Maybe it was the excitement or the braces, but she definitely said “fose foffice” for “post office” and stumbled a bit over her “I curse you Mister..” speech toward the end of the show.

Of course, it comes as no surprise that Fantasia completely brought the house down every time she opened her mouth to sing. She really has an amazing instrument, and she did a brilliant job finding a balance between making the songs her own and maintaining the integrity of the story. I even found myself shouting a few too many “you go, girl!”s. She was that good.

During the final bows, the audience gave Fantasia a standing ovation, and when she saw all the people clapping for her and her huge purple bouquet from the cast, she went into full-on ugly cry mode. You could tell she was completely overwhelmed, touched, and proud of herself. She was definitely moved, and so was everyone else. Overall, Fantasia definitely proved that she has the chops to carry a Broadway show, and I know that she will only get better and better for the rest of her six month run. Go see it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#120re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/15/07 at 11:51pm

Just got back from the show, and have to say that Fantasia is excellent !!! Can I say that she has a voice as good as LaChanze? No, I cant say that... but, I can say that she sounds great, and her acting is excellent ! She plays Celie with just the right amount of insecurity and vunerablilty that is needed.

Highlights: Her "What About Love" with Elisabeth Withers-Mendes (who is still giving 110% every night, and never seems to have an off night!! is beautiful!)

Her "I'm Here", while not as good as it was on Oprah, (the key is different, and tempo changed) is awesome !! I worry about her
voice over the long haul, but for now, she sounds very, very good !!

If I had one lil tiny nitpick its in her transition from younger Celie to older. It takes more than a little Gray in your hair. But, I am sure, as time goes by, she will just keep geting better.

Overall, she is excellent, and really seems to have put life back into the show. "Mysterious ways" was an absolute powerhouse tonight. The audience ate it up !!!

Bravo, Tasia !!!

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#121re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/16/07 at 12:19am

Forgot to mention this on my last post---- while at the theatre tonight, someone asked if the souvenier program included pictures of Fantasia. Of course, it had not yet, but according to the gentleman at the merchandise table, both the program, AND the Cast Recording are going to be redone with "Fantasia" as Celie.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#122re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/16/07 at 12:25am

< and she’s going to need some help making the transition from young Celie to older Celie. >>

Dream on.... no joke, I had not read your review prior to posting my own, and I agree totally (and posted the same thing!!!!) That was the only problem that I had with her Celie. You couldnt really tell (other than the gray hair) that she had gotten older. But, agree... she will get better, I am sure. She shined in every other aspect of her performance !

#123re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/16/07 at 1:02am

Thanks for the review, testing. Seeing her at the end of what was probably a very emotional and draining week is a good test.

I'm very excited to hear the new cast recording.

Another blogger review:

last night, i had the great pleasure of watching fantasia barrino's broadway debut performance as celie in the color purple. it. was. amazing!

i had been putting off going to see the show because i found myself incredibly disinterested as the title songs of the movie were not included in the stage production. but when i heard that fantasia was joining the cast, i immediately went to the theater and bought tickets for her opening night. and trust me when i say... she did not disappoint!

the whole time she was on stage i just felt this sense of pride. i was just so proud of her and how far she's come. she's just such a beautiful person and has such an amazing voice. it was really the perfect role for her because of its intensity and the musical itself just allowed for her voice to shine. damn, that girl can sang!

she sang her heart out in every single song. and in the gospel finale, she gave us that fantasia bounce that only she can do, and i damn near cried. i was just so happy for her. it's such a great feeling to watch god in action like that. she cried her eyes out during the curtain call when she came out to a rousing standing ovation- and you could totally tell that she knew that that moment was nothing but god.

and, on top of her performance, i ended up loving the show as a whole. the cast was amazing, and even included someone i knew from my church in california (which was cool to see). the whole cast can sang, but fantasia was just the icing on the cake for me. if you have the chance, please go see her in this show. you will NOT be disappointed.

link Updated On: 4/16/07 at 01:02 AM

#124re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/16/07 at 1:14am

"the Cast Recording are going to be redone with "Fantasia" as Celie."

Best news I have heard all night. I was on ITunes 2 days ago for about half an hour debating if I wanted to buy the original cast recording or wait and see if it was going to be redone with Fantasia. I'm glad I saved my money and didn't have to buy it twice
