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Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE- Page 3


CapnHook Profile Photo
#50re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/11/07 at 2:33am

Ah, I didn't know that. Thanks for the info!

But I'm sure we'll get some unofficial reviews from the likes of Riedel and Rudetsky and such, no?

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#51re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/11/07 at 2:36am

Don't think so.

Unless Riedel mentions the box office boost, he won't go out of his way to mention Fantasia - unless he has friends (or he himself) that have seen her and think she's BRILLIANT.

Rudetsky, maybe- but I think it's a bit soon for industry types to be rushing out to see her on her first night.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

best12bars Profile Photo
#52re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/11/07 at 9:05am

I just have to chime in and say I'm astounded at the completely ignorant assumption from several of you that hard work, "studying your craft," and fairness have anything to do with casting or show business in general.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

#53re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/11/07 at 9:35am

Gee, all these posters, and no one actually saw her in it last night? Well, I was there, and here's what I think...

She was astonishing. Her acting is crude at times, especially early in the show, but over all, she's a miracle. She gets all her laughs, and the emotional moments were electrifying. All this stuff about her "not deserving to be in a Broadway show because she hasn't earned it" is silly. She's earned the right just be being brilliantly talented.

We've all seen many incidents of famous personalities being slapped into shows to sell tickets. This is not one of those times. Overall, one of the most exciting nights I've seen on Broadway in a long time. And the audience went nuts.

Behind the fake tinsel of Broadway is real tinsel.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#54re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/11/07 at 9:40am

This might be a bit premature, but does anyone know if she is "planning" on doing all shows (at least for now)?

Just got a tic for Sunday night, hoping she is scheduled to perform.

TIA !!

#55re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/11/07 at 9:55am

Yes, she's scheduled to do 8 shows a week.

Thank you, leefowler, for representing the entire Broadwayworld board. lol
Updated On: 4/11/07 at 09:55 AM

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#56re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/11/07 at 10:02am

Thanks, Hilltop !

#57re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/11/07 at 10:56am

"She was astonishing. Her acting is crude at times, especially early in the show, but over all, she's a miracle. She gets all her laughs, and the emotional moments were electrifying. "

I am so happy to hear that, not only because I love this show but because I think she embodies what a modern day "Celie" would be. Now it will be interesting to see if she can keep the emotions running at that level for 6 months.

#58re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/11/07 at 11:18am

Judging from the pictures just posted in the Photo Coverage news here on, she looks so incredibly happy, and sincerely touched to be doing this. I'm very happy for her, and hope she finds new success and joy through this show.

CapnHook Profile Photo
#59re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/11/07 at 11:20am

1) Casting Fantasia IS a marketing device for the show. It doesn't matter how she got the part, her name is a marketable name and why wouldn't they use it to boost ticket sales? You think they're gonna keep her a secret?

2) Unless you know Fantasia personally, you have no right to judge Fantasia's "worthiness" to "be on Broadway." You may not like her, you might not think she is talented, but what does that have to do with her deserving to perform? If you want to show producers that you don't like her or "stunt casting" then don't buy a ticket. Just know that in many cases, your not buying a ticket won't matter overall. The public and fanbase will come anyway.

3) "Stunt casting" can be a blessing. It has a negative attachment to it because of it's history - many times the big names that come have never even showed an interest in the theatre. We've had Usher, Jacob Young, Julia Roberts, Denzel Washington, Toni Braxton, Tara Conner (almost), and all these American Idol folk - plus the dozens of others I am blanking out on.

One can only hope that they are RIGHT for the part and can act FOR THE STAGE (which is different than film/TV). If the producers can use a name to raise ticket sales, then hopefully it's for a show that is still alive and hasn't had its day. If stunt casting could have saved CAROLINE OR CHANGE, power to them. If stunt casting is being used for a show such as PHANTOM, then I say let it go.

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

#60re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/11/07 at 11:25am

Wait a minute. Wait wait wait.

What does "paying your dues" or having the same education or putting in work have to do with getting cast in a Broadway lead?

If you've got the talent, the passion, the drive, who cares where you've been? Maybe she hasn't paid her dues to the theater community, but she's certainly paid her dues in life to have all of these wonderful things happen to her.

She has lived and breathed much of Celie's life. It probably kills her and saves her all at the same time to perform the role. She's been through so many personal struggles, and it's pretty damn beautiful to see how far she's come.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

Carl Magnum Profile Photo
Carl Magnum
#61re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/11/07 at 11:28am

My question is, does she cry when the mail man delivers her mail each day? "Oh thank you so much for the mail SOB SOB SOB, so sweet of you" Or how about when someone holds open a door for her? "Oh you're so kind SOB SOB"

"15 Minutes to places 'Tasia" "OH GOD BLESS YOU STAGE MANAGER SOB SOB SOB"

I got rid of my teeth at a young age because... I'm straight. Teeth are for gay people. That's why fairies come and get them

#62re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/11/07 at 11:32am

She cried on American Idol and cried on her opening night of a leading Broadway role.

The woman has never seen a Broadway show before this. She's never been able to experience this. She didn't learn how to read until... what? American Idol ended? Among many other things, she's had a terrible life.

I'd cry too if I made somewhere I never thought I'd make it to.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman
Updated On: 4/11/07 at 11:32 AM

Carl Magnum Profile Photo
Carl Magnum
#63re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/11/07 at 11:35am

What does learning to read have to do with it? There is really no excuse for that in this day and age. She had to be in school at some point, most of us get that tricky reading thing outta the way by 1st grade at least.

I got rid of my teeth at a young age because... I'm straight. Teeth are for gay people. That's why fairies come and get them

#64re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/11/07 at 11:41am

I agree with leefowler, all these posts about a performance almost NOBODY has yet to see.

I saw it, and I agree, she was WONDERFUL. Never seen the show before, and was completely brought in by her performance and the entire cast's as well. I was never a Fantasia fan, respected her as a performer, but she was not my favorite that season.

I was most touched by the differences between her AI and BWAY performances of "I'm Here." She gave what America wanted to see on television, but when it came time to perform it within the context of the show, she remained completely true to the character. Which I know many wondered if she would.

It was a marvelous experience last night, and I felt so lucky that I was there to witness it. Anyone who thinks she does not deserve this chance is ignorant. She gave over 200% last night, which is more than I can say for many "Broadway Stars" who "sacraficed so much perfecting their craft."

#65re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/11/07 at 11:42am

Crying is the easiest natural physical emotion that we, as humans are capable of - it's actually easier than laughing, and this is proven in numerous medical reports. We should not judge her, based on her life experiences - some people are simply naturally emotional, and cry very easily. That is not to say that they are weak, or unstable, or that we should make fun of them. Whatever has happened in her life, she is obviously someone who gets easily moved by her emotions. So instead of mocking that (Carl Magnum), let's allow her to be where she is.

She is thrilled to be doing this show, and it is obvious. With so many performers just going through the motions these days, how refreshing to see someone that lives and breathes something rich into their character, because they themselves have been through something that they can relate to within that particular role.

#66re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/11/07 at 12:24pm

OT, but Carl, you're right there is no excuse for why a woman her age isn't able to read, but you know what? It happens and people don't do anything about it because they pretend we don't have those kinds of problems in the U.S. But that's enough about that.

"I've got to get me out of here This place is full of dirty old men And the navigators and their mappy maps And moldy heads and pissing on sugar cubes While you stare at your books."

AlanAntonio Profile Photo
#67re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/11/07 at 12:31pm

I am not a big fan of Fantasia, but there is NO deniying that she has talent. I understand that many Broadway actors have honed their talents for years and paid their dues, but perhaps Fantasia just took a different road to where she is now. And if luck was simply on her side, then so be it! You go girl! I am going to get a ticket and have a great time seeing the show again.

Carl Magnum Profile Photo
Carl Magnum
#68re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/11/07 at 12:32pm

Well of course we pretend those problems don't exist in this "great" nation of ours. It's just that in this day and age not being able to read totally boggles my mind. And you know it had to be at least partly her fault. I refuse to believe she was totally not able to read, how else could she have filled out her AI application?

I got rid of my teeth at a young age because... I'm straight. Teeth are for gay people. That's why fairies come and get them

#69re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/11/07 at 12:39pm

I think she means she can't read well not that she can't read at all, unless she actually said that. I'm with you that it boggles my mind too, but it's actually a problem that is more common than you think. Maybe it's that working in a bookstore just exaggerates it.

Who knows, maybe it is an image that she and her people are perpetuating or maybe she just needed a bit more work than most in that respect and it was just a failure in her educational system that let her slip through the cracks.

"I've got to get me out of here This place is full of dirty old men And the navigators and their mappy maps And moldy heads and pissing on sugar cubes While you stare at your books."
Updated On: 4/11/07 at 12:39 PM

Carl Magnum Profile Photo
Carl Magnum
#70re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/11/07 at 12:43pm

"Who knows, maybe it is an image that she and her people are perpetuating or maybe she just needed a bit more work than most in that respect and it was just a failure in her educational system that let her slip through the cracks."

Truth. Her "image makers" might just be trying really really hard to push the "tough life" card to sell her. And it is a common problem in city schools that students fall through the cracks due to high class volumes and burned out teachers. However most of the kids who fall through the cracks are the ones who don't have any desire in the first place. You'd think they wouldn't want to make her look ignorant like that in the public eye. Of course then again, the public is pretty ignorant and not thinking about this as much as you and I.

I got rid of my teeth at a young age because... I'm straight. Teeth are for gay people. That's why fairies come and get them

#71re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/11/07 at 12:55pm

I hope they are not going to play this "she had a terrible life" card. Because she did not. She had a caring, loving family. Was not abused as a child. She dropped out of HS, got pregnant, went on welfare and then spent her time watching TV at home and braiding her daughter's hair (that's what she said). She never even had a job prior to AI. I don't classify that as a terrible life and I wish she would just drop it. The illiteracy thing - she said so many conflicting things about it, that who knows what is true. I tend to think it's a PR ploy to sell her biography - because that sure got her the media attention.

That said, she is very talented and I have no doubt she will ace the role.
Updated On: 4/11/07 at 12:55 PM

#72re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/11/07 at 1:45pm

There is no need for the speculation about her life. If is all there for you to read in her book. Did you watch her movie? She never said she couldn't read. She said she had trouble with big words or words she wasn't familiar with. People are so quick to form an opinion without taking the time to research what they are talking about.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#73re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/11/07 at 1:48pm

These Fantasia groupies crack me up. They ONLY come around when there's threads about Fantasia. When she rumored for Dreamgirls they were here, when her TV movie aired - they were here, and now they're here again.

They don't come here to post about Broadway, they're here to stick up for Fantasia.

#74re: Reviews For FANTASIA in COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 4/11/07 at 1:53pm

"They don't come here to post about Broadway, they're here to stick up for Fantasia."

So whats wrong with that...the discussion was about her broadway debut not about her past.
