Can we have any threads without any kind of cat fights?
And some of Mrs. Doubtfire has definitely NOT aged well. Mainly the scene where the kids find out the big secret (“he’s a she, she’s a he she”). I say that with this being one of my favorite movies, I’m sure the musical will not include those words. Besides that, there is nothing transfobic about Mrs. Doubtfire (or Tootsie, which I didn’t like, for that matter).
Would not at all be surprised if it does land this season, but also kind of feel like this may end up being next summer or fall instead. A lot will likely depend on if they feel they need to rework much from the out of town tryout, but also 1) they may want to wait for Tootsie to close (there obviously are a ton of differences in the stories, but they're both still 80s or early 90s comedies about an actor dressing in drag while living a double life) and 2) the best musical race is actually starting to get a little crowded (Moulin Rouge, Six, Jagged Little Pill, North Country with Diana, Tina and Flying Over Sunset all possibly turning into contenders).
His character sees his own short comings and failings as both a father and a husband only because of the conversations he has with his ex-wife and children as Mrs Doubtfire. This story has absolutely nothing to do with anything else.
Yes - there are certain jokes and gags that will undoubtedly need to be rewritten or eliminated. But the heart of this story lies in his ability to change only after he sees the world through the eyes of Mrs Doubtfire.
The movie has heart and an overall positive message about how not all families have to be the same. I’ve always appreciated the fact that a reconciliation between the parents wasn’t forced as well.
Broadway61004 said: "Would not at all be surprised if it does land this season, but also kind of feel like this may end up being next summer or fall instead. A lot will likely depend on if they feel they need to rework much from the out of town tryout, but also 1) they may want to wait for Tootsie to close (there obviously are a ton of differences in the stories, but they're both still 80s or early 90s comedies about an actor dressing in drag while living a double life) and 2) the best musical race is actually starting to get a little crowded (Moulin Rouge, Six, Jagged Little Pill, North Country with Diana, Tina and Flying Over Sunset all possibly turning into contenders)."
I do not envy Tony voters one bit—I have no idea what’s going to happen with Best Featured Actress in a head hurts thinking about it.
2019/2020 is really crowded. I’d predict a 2020/2021 opening....or maybe spring 2020 if a theater opens up and nothing else claims it? I was also thinking most likely the Sondheim.
Mike Barrett said: "magictodo123 said: "Man is in need of a job.
Man is ostracized by the workforce/field he works in.
Man decides to change his image because he realizes he's not getting work the way he is right now.
Man takes job from a woman who could have done it just as well. Now can someone explain to me why some people who are hellbent on getting Tootsie to close, are excited about a movie with (essentially) the same plot? One does involve family, but otherwise, it's the same "man in a dress" thing. Why are people so excited about this, but so upset about Tootsie?"
Twitter is upset about Tootsie, literally no one else is. Twitter is meaningless"
hey Mike Barrett, I'm sorry this got so out of hand. Aside from this thread I've really been not causing any problems--I don't know what happened here to make it get so out of hand and specifically if I offended or hurt you in any way. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't incredibly hurt by what you said about me (specifically, calling me a troll), but it's silly for me to expect an apology. So, I will just apologize for causing this thread to get to where it did. While I would appreciate some kindness, I don't expect it anymore.
If you wanted to move on Magic, you would stop continuing to bring it up. Just stop. Im sure you'll see this as an attack too, however.
Moving on, I want to reemphasize that I think Rob Mcclure couldn't be better for this. One of the most solid actors working today. Giving him another lead role with lots of room to play around should be fun. I know people aren't huge on him, but just remember Chaplin. Man was incredible in that! He is capable of special things.
Mike Barrett said: "If you wanted to move on Magic,you would stop continuing to bring it up. Just stop. Im sure you'll see this as an attack too, however.
Moving on, I want to reemphasize that I think Rob Mcclure couldn't be better for this. One of the mostsolidactors working today. Giving him another lead role with lots of room to play around should be fun. I know people aren't huge on him, but just remember Chaplin. Man was incredible in that! He is capable of special things."
Oh I'll move on once you realize that you can't be rude to everyone all the time, and you're not always right. You can't call someone a troll and think, oh, I'm innocent, I didn't do anything wrong, I'm totally justified in how I treat this person. I was on one of the off-topic threads, and I realized that you seem to like being confrontational. So before you call me a troll, before you call the mods on me, remember how you act, remember that you're not the picture of innocence, and that your words do hurt. I realize what I've done. I tried to apologize to you. And you just turn it around, completely ignore it. I still am sorry, but as the saying goes, before you point fingers at me, make sure your hands are clean.
I have to agree - McClure is a really solid choice to play Daniel Hilliard/Mrs. Doubtfire. He has solid comedic chops and was brilliant as Chaplin in a less than stellar production. He’ll do a great job with the physical comedy and quick wit, but will also have no issues finding the heart of the story.
castlestreet said: "I have to agree - McClure is a really solid choice to play Daniel Hilliard/Mrs. Doubtfire. He has solid comedic chops and was brilliant as Chaplin in a less than stellar production. He’ll do a great job with the physical comedy and quick wit, but will also have no issues finding the heart of the story."
This. His physical comedy is TOP NOTCH. Again, Chaplin :) I really am not sure they could've casted this better.
Does anyone know who is going to be involved in the Seattle tryout? Apart from Rob McClure, the cast still hasn’t been announced and it starts next month.
Money_baby said: "Does anyone know who is going to be involved in the Seattle tryout? Apart from Rob McClure, the cast still hasn’t been announced and it starts next month."
If we’re going by actors involved in the reading, Mario Cantone seems to be busy for spring doing Bliss at the 5th Avenue at least until February
Money_baby said: "Does anyone know who is going to be involved in the Seattle tryout? Apart from Rob McClure, the cast still hasn’t been announced and it starts next month."
I have no ideas but I think we should hear very soon!
magictodo123 said: "I'm curious about how they'll do the child actors...will it be like Anastasia and Frozen where they double cast the roles?"
Looks like there were 2 kids (Avery Sell and Jake Ryan Flynn) in the reading, alongside Mallory Bechtel of DEH as the older daughter. Really depends on the nature of the role and the type of kids, but safe to assume they would have a double or alternate to do 2-4 perfs a week.
What I'm curious about is if Mario Cantone will do this (the Harvey Fierstein role) or Devil Wears Prada (the Stanley Tucci role), since he did readings of both.
I just had a you think...there's any chance maybe Kate is going to maybe be involved in The Devil Wears Prada? I just thought maybe she could be a contender for Miranda Preistly?