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Rialto Chatter: Will MRS. DOUBTFIRE Musical Land on Broadway Next Year?

Rialto Chatter: Will MRS. DOUBTFIRE Musical Land on Broadway Next Year?

aces25 Profile Photo
#1Rialto Chatter: Will MRS. DOUBTFIRE Musical Land on Broadway Next Year?
Posted: 10/10/19 at 5:27pm

Any one have any further info? When previews may start? Theatre?

ErmengardeStopSniveling Profile Photo
#2Rialto Chatter: Will MRS. DOUBTFIRE Musical Land on Broadway Next Year?
Posted: 10/10/19 at 5:34pm

Longstanding rumor has been the Sondheim this coming spring. BroadwayWorld's headline is just clickbait –– and it's certainly not news.

GreasedLightning Profile Photo
#3Rialto Chatter: Will MRS. DOUBTFIRE Musical Land on Broadway Next Year?
Posted: 10/10/19 at 6:49pm

I do think it’s interesting they linked a Facebook page to someone named “Miranda Hillard” (the character played by Sally Field in the film) that had what looked like the first second of a teaser video. I haven’t been able to get the video to play on my phone, but it looks promising that an announcement is imminent, as the article states.

ETA: Oops, just got the video to play. It’s a short snippet of the newspaper ad looking for a nanny, including a link to the website which brings you to what looks like the official show site, for now Rialto Chatter: Will MRS. DOUBTFIRE Musical Land on Broadway Next Year?

Updated On: 10/10/19 at 06:49 PM

#4Rialto Chatter: Will MRS. DOUBTFIRE Musical Land on Broadway Next Year?
Posted: 10/10/19 at 7:00pm

So curious how this compares to Tootsie

#5Rialto Chatter: Will MRS. DOUBTFIRE Musical Land on Broadway Next Year?
Posted: 10/11/19 at 6:20am

Updated On: 10/11/19 at 06:20 AM

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#6Rialto Chatter: Will MRS. DOUBTFIRE Musical Land on Broadway Next Year?
Posted: 10/11/19 at 8:05am

magictodo123 said: "Man is in need of a job.

Man is ostracized by the workforce/field he works in.

Man decides to change his image because he realizes he's not getting work the way he is right now.

Man takes job from a woman who could have done it just as well. Now can someone explain to me why some people who are hellbent on getting Tootsie to close, are excited about a movie with (essentially) the same plot? One does involve family, but otherwise, it's the same "man in a dress" thing. Why are people so excited about this, but so upset about Tootsie?

Twitter is upset about Tootsie, literally no one else is. Twitter is meaningless 

#7Rialto Chatter: Will MRS. DOUBTFIRE Musical Land on Broadway Next Year?
Posted: 10/11/19 at 8:14am

Updated On: 10/11/19 at 08:14 AM

BroadwayNYC2 Profile Photo
#8Rialto Chatter: Will MRS. DOUBTFIRE Musical Land on Broadway Next Year?
Posted: 10/11/19 at 8:44am

“man takes job from a woman who could have done it just as well. “

The point of the story is that he is their father, and a random woman would not have given them what they needed...

#9Rialto Chatter: Will MRS. DOUBTFIRE Musical Land on Broadway Next Year?
Posted: 10/11/19 at 8:56am

Updated On: 10/11/19 at 08:56 AM

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#10Rialto Chatter: Will MRS. DOUBTFIRE Musical Land on Broadway Next Year?
Posted: 10/11/19 at 10:53am

magictodo123 said: "BroadwayNYC2 said: "“man takes job from a woman who could have done it just as well. “

The point of the story is that he is their father, and a random woman would not have given them what they needed...

Nanny McPhee. Mary Poppins. They were not the childrens mother. They gave the children so much. Taught them so much. They were random women.

But this is their FATHER. Not a random man or a random woman. Their father. 

#11Rialto Chatter: Will MRS. DOUBTFIRE Musical Land on Broadway Next Year?
Posted: 10/11/19 at 10:56am

Updated On: 10/11/19 at 10:56 AM

#12Rialto Chatter: Will MRS. DOUBTFIRE Musical Land on Broadway Next Year?
Posted: 10/11/19 at 10:57am

Yeah I’m not sure you’re arguing the same points. The whole point of him going in drag is to be closer to his children.

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#13Rialto Chatter: Will MRS. DOUBTFIRE Musical Land on Broadway Next Year?
Posted: 10/11/19 at 11:00am

Magic, don't see the show if you have no interest in it or what it stands for. Its really as simple as that. Im not sure you understood the movie at all. 

#14Rialto Chatter: Will MRS. DOUBTFIRE Musical Land on Broadway Next Year?
Posted: 10/11/19 at 11:02am

Updated On: 10/11/19 at 11:02 AM

VotePeron Profile Photo
#15Rialto Chatter: Will MRS. DOUBTFIRE Musical Land on Broadway Next Year?
Posted: 10/11/19 at 11:03am

magictodo123 said: "Mike Barrett said: "magictodo123 said: "BroadwayNYC2 said: "“man takes job from a woman who could have done it just as well. “

The point of the story is that he is their father, and a random woman would not have given them what they needed...

Nanny McPhee. Mary Poppins. They were not the childrens mother. They gave the children so much. Taught them so much. They were random women.

But this is their FATHER. Not a random man or a random woman. Their father.

Yes I’m aware. And in the movie he did everything he could to make sure he got the job over a woman who could have been just as good.

Magic...all you do is post about how you hate and don’t understand controversies imposed on shows, but you’re trying really hard to force a narrative here that simply doesn’t exist. 

Mrs. Doubtfire is about a father who pretends to be a nanny for the sake of being with his children. It’s not like he’s trying to be a nanny for any random family, which would be similar to the Tootsie comparison. 

If Hairspray opened this year, would people be claiming Harvey Fierstein took a role away from a woman? Where does this line end?



Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#16Rialto Chatter: Will MRS. DOUBTFIRE Musical Land on Broadway Next Year?
Posted: 10/11/19 at 11:06am

magictodo123 said: "Mike Barrett said: "Magic, don't see the show if you have no interest in it or what it stands for. Its really as simple as that. Im not sure you understood the movie at all."

i did, actually, but thanks for making an inccorrect assumption.


The movie is about a father who wants to see their kids, not a random family, and not something a random person can bring them. Honestly get a grip. 

BroadwayRox3588 Profile Photo
#17Rialto Chatter: Will MRS. DOUBTFIRE Musical Land on Broadway Next Year?
Posted: 10/11/19 at 11:09am

Rialto Chatter: Will MRS. DOUBTFIRE Musical Land on Broadway Next Year?

Pretty much me, whenever Magic is involved with a thread at this point

Updated On: 10/11/19 at 11:09 AM

#18Rialto Chatter: Will MRS. DOUBTFIRE Musical Land on Broadway Next Year?
Posted: 10/11/19 at 11:20am

Hey here’s an about you stop attacking me, I won’t say anything rude to you, and you can answer thr OPs question? OMG what a concept. 

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#19Rialto Chatter: Will MRS. DOUBTFIRE Musical Land on Broadway Next Year?
Posted: 10/11/19 at 11:22am

Why do you decide when we stop and start conversations? Again, something you always do. Your perception of this movie is that he just wants to be a nanny which is wrong. He wants to be with his kids, so he comes a nanny to do so. No one is attacking, quit playing the victim and <<edited by BWW staff>>. If you don't like what we have to say thats fine, but you can't start this conversation and bring up this topic then have a few people disagree and say "STOP ATTACKING ME!!!!" Grow. Up. 

Also, if you hate the idea of this show and what it is, then don't bother commenting on a thread about. OMG what a concept. 

Updated On: 10/11/19 at 11:22 AM

#20Rialto Chatter: Will MRS. DOUBTFIRE Musical Land on Broadway Next Year?
Posted: 10/11/19 at 11:24am

magictodo123 said: "Hey here’s an about you stop attacking me, I won’t say anything rude to you, and you can answer thr OPs question? OMG what a concept."


Hey, here's another about you stop calling every time someone doesn't agree with you or when someone calls you out on something that's provably wrong, a "personal attack"??  OMG what a concept!

#21Rialto Chatter: Will MRS. DOUBTFIRE Musical Land on Broadway Next Year?
Posted: 10/11/19 at 11:26am

Mike Barrett said: "Why do you decide when we stop and start conversations? Again, something you always do. Your perception of this movie is that he just wants to be a nanny which is wrong. He wants to be with his kids, so he comes a nanny to do so. No one is attacking, quit playing the victim and grow up. If you don't like what we have to say thats fine, but you can't start this conversation and bring up this topic then have a few people disagree and say "STOP ATTACKING ME!!!!" Grow. Up.

Also, if you hate the idea of this show and what it is, then don't bother commenting on a thread about. OMG what a concept.

Or you could just leave me alone. I deleted my comments. Do you honestly think this helps anything? I realize what I did. Do you? Or are you king of the boards? Grow up you say? You could do some of that yourself. Move on. 

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#22Rialto Chatter: Will MRS. DOUBTFIRE Musical Land on Broadway Next Year?
Posted: 10/11/19 at 11:31am

magictodo123 said: "Mike Barrett said: "Why do you decide when we stop and start conversations? Again, something you always do. Your perception of this movie is that he just wants to be a nanny which is wrong. He wants to be with his kids, so he comes a nanny to do so. No one is attacking, quit playing the victim and grow up. If you don't like what we have to say thats fine, but you can't start this conversation and bring up this topic then have a few people disagree and say "STOP ATTACKING ME!!!!" Grow. Up.

Also, if you hate the idea of this show and what it is, then don't bother commenting on a thread about. OMG what a concept.

Or you could just leave me alone. I deleted my comments. Do you honestly think this helps anything? I realize what I did. Do you? Or are you king of the boards? Grow up you say? You could do some of that yourself. Move on.

No.... because I did nothing wrong. <<edited by BWW staff>> I disagreed with you, its not an attack. You don't decide what I do and don't do, please stop trying. You're not a victim in anyway when you bring on this topic, people respond, you disagree, then scream everyones attacking you and they need to stop discussing it. Jesus lol you don't run these boards at all. 

People pointed out the differences between shows in their arguments against yours. In no way, whatsoever, is that an attack. You, attack others. You'll sadly never get it. Im sure you'll bring up this topic again though because you've done it in the past with Tootsie, and Im sure will do it again with Mrs Doubtfire. <<edited by BWW staff>>

Updated On: 10/11/19 at 11:31 AM

BroadwayRox3588 Profile Photo
#23Rialto Chatter: Will MRS. DOUBTFIRE Musical Land on Broadway Next Year?
Posted: 10/11/19 at 11:36am

So anyway...Mrs. Doubtfire. Broadway. Sondheim Theatre? Spring 2020?

(Just trying to bring it back, so the thread doesn't get locked)

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#24Rialto Chatter: Will MRS. DOUBTFIRE Musical Land on Broadway Next Year?
Posted: 10/11/19 at 11:40am

BroadwayRox3588 said: "So anyway...Mrs. Doubtfire. Broadway. Sondheim Theatre? Spring 2020?

(Just trying to bring it back, so the thread doesn't get locked)

Seems to be the consistent rumor, and noithing has been announced for the Sondheim. Id presume as long as reviews aren't abysmal this will land here this season. Still need more original scores anyways! 

Also magic, and mods, I'm done. Have said my piece. 

n2nbaby Profile Photo
#25Rialto Chatter: Will MRS. DOUBTFIRE Musical Land on Broadway Next Year?
Posted: 10/11/19 at 11:58am

Can we have any threads without any kind of cat fights?

And some of Mrs. Doubtfire has definitely NOT aged well. Mainly the scene where the kids find out the big secret (“he’s a she, she’s a he she”). I say that with this being one of my favorite movies, I’m sure the musical will not include those words. Besides that, there is nothing transfobic about Mrs. Doubtfire (or Tootsie, which I didn’t like, for that matter).
