Good God that was one of THE worst shows I've ever seen. With Peters, Paige et al. I couldn't even get up to walk out because multiple people in my row were fast asleep. Dead serious.
"Oh some like it hot, but I like it *really* hot." - Heat Miser
I've heard a lot of people say that Bernadette wasn't a good choice for Sally, but she's actually my favorite Sally. She's just so sweet and adorable in every role and her singing is still beautifully quirky. I think she looks young enough to play Sally in the film and maybe it would get her an Oscar.
I saw it several times in NY and then again a few times in LA. Vicki Clark sang Sally better. She and Ron Raines just soared when they sang together. He was holding back with Bernadette.
However, Bernadette did for sure bring a certain star quality to the proceedings, and was missed in Los Angeles.
"That Groovy Guy do you really think so? I thought it was absolutely marvelous."
Yes. I went with a few friends and we all hated it. Danny Burstein and Jan Maxwell were the only thing that kept me awake. Although I didn't care about any of the characters and thought all of the music was horrifically dull and forgettable, Danny and Jan were good despite the lousy material they were given.
"Oh some like it hot, but I like it *really* hot." - Heat Miser
If not dull, it's certainly a sleepy and plodding affair. Though I should say that my opinion of the show is only from the revival and not the original production, which could have been such an amazing production that the show came across well, though I thought the revival was a pretty good production, and Bernadette was quite good. Updated On: 12/3/14 at 09:47 AM
The original production of Follies was the single most exciting theatrical experience I have ever had in my entire life--and I had it six times.
I do not believe I will ever have a MORE exciting theatrical experience than the original production of Follies if I live to be 100 (or as old as After Eight apparently is).
If I never have a more exciting theatrical experience than the original production of Follies, I will still die happy having seen it, with my idea of how great theater can be fully and completely satiated.
I saw the revival and thought the show was poorly executed by the director, but was a beautiful show. I have since read the original script and fell in love with this musical. Follies may be bleak and cynical, but I DO NOT find it dull. The score is lush and grand and I find the four leads are very compelling.
I just don't see how anyone who like theater could be bored by the Follies revival.
It was thrilling. Elaine Paige and Bernadette Peters dancing across the stage in Who's That Woman?? You're Gonna Love Tomorrow? Waiting for the Girls? It was one thrill after another for me.
Your opinion can differ from mine without having to insult me. Some people may think The Glass Menagerie is boring, and I think it is the best American play ever written, but I wouldn't tell them that they had no soul if they didn't like the play, because opinions can differ.
The revival had the best cast, but the set wasn't nearly as compelling as the original. That show is still one of the greatest nights in a theatre that I have ever had regardless of the small script changes that I didn't care for.
Bernadette Peters, Jan Maxwell, Danny Burnstein, Ron Raines, Elaine Paige, and Jane Houdyshell were all drop dead incredible.