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Rude People in Theatres

ken8631 Profile Photo
#100re: Rude People in Theatres
Posted: 9/14/05 at 8:31am

I really have no idea why they allowed the people with the big bag of food into Mamma Mia!.... And also don't remmeber why we didn't notify an usher - I was suprised that the conductor (right next to them) didn't notify an usher.

We have been guilty of bringing leftovers into the theatre - only because we really have noplace else to put them (they did cost us $$$ and hate wasting the food) since we usually eat before the show, and the car is parked in an underground garage so we can't get back to it. We always ask for extra bags and knot the top tightly so no odors emanate to annoy fellow theatregoers. If the theatre has a place for us to check it till the end of the show, we will, but most don't. I would be annoyed if I had to throw it away.

japhun Profile Photo
#101re: Rude People in Theatres
Posted: 9/14/05 at 10:14am

i was at a show once and i heard this man clearing his throat. he did it constantly and at intermission i saw him hock something giant out of his mouth onto the floor. it may have been one of the most disgusting things ive ever seen in my life. people are so classy!

Avigdor Profile Photo
#102re: Rude People in Theatres
Posted: 9/14/05 at 12:26pm

I have to disagree with this..the students coming to the theatre is the only way to educate them properly about manners and behavior and if they are loud..then you absolutely have the right to shush them. you paid money no matter how much for a seat to watch the show..make them learn..embarass them a little that will help them learn..its a bit harsh but it works. they've got to be taught

#103re: Rude People in Theatres
Posted: 9/14/05 at 12:32pm

I was at "Moon for the Misbegotten" on Broadway when a woman';s cell phone went off (after the first few lines). It was a redheaded woman in a floor-length fur coat, who immediately leaped up and strode up the aisle, talking on the phone. A little later, she returned and it went off AGAIN. She ignored it. It rang about FIFTEEN TIMES before an usher hurried down to quiet her. At intermission, there was an announcement over the speakers--"It is apparently necessary for us to repeat this--PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES, PAGERS, AND BEEPERS." The audience applauded.

I ask in all honesty/What would life be?/Without a song and a dance, what are we?/So I say "Thank you for the music/For giving it to me."

#104re: Rude People in Theatres
Posted: 9/14/05 at 12:58pm

Oh yeah....have I got stories.....! I do a lot of traveling so when

1) Miss Saigon. This was the first time I spoke up. I can't really do that too often because I've been told I'm a "scary dude". Big and bulky, you know....I look like I should be playing offensive tackle not going to Broadway shows. Anyway, these two women, an Asian mother and daughter, had a running conversation in which the daughter was translating the entire show, only stopping to answer her CELL PHONE when it rang. So I confronted her at intermission with an usher because I didn't want my words to be convoluted into intimidation. I told them they were ruining my enjoyment of the show, and oh by the way, the "Cell phone was a NICE TOUCH!!!" They moved. I saw them after the show. The daughter gave me a dirty look; the mother a slightly terrified look....I wonder what MY words were translated as....!

2) Latecomers....I have dealt with them a number of times, climbing over me to get to their seats. I am nover polite or friendly. My feeling is: You show up late for a show; you stand in back and get seated at intermission. My favorite line: "Are you serious!?" in a stage whisper. Like I said I can be a scary dude.

3) Recently at Light in the Piazza, I had a wonderful seating arrangement, I was sitting in third seat in Row 2 on Orchestra right next to an old couple with their relatives or friends, slightly younger but still considerably older than me sitting in the first four seats behind me with one young child next to them. So I geared myself up for a show. The child was wonderful and amazingly well-behaved, but as for the rest, the older you got the ruder and less couth you got. Anyway, it took a good half hour for the people around me to figure out part of the play was in Itailian and eventually they figured you were only supposed to get a feel for what they said if you didn't speak Itailian. Halfway through Act one, I threw up my hands and sighed and most of them got the point. I said something to an usher who said something to them at intermission. As Act 2 starts, the old couple next to me lapsed into a total tangential conversation so bit of trivia on the stage, and finally I leaned forward and asked "Excuse me, are you DONE yet?" They talked softer the rest of the show.


#105re: Rude People in Theatres
Posted: 9/14/05 at 1:07pm

In regards to moving your seat, if it is assigned seating and not general admission, you don't have a RIGHT to move. If an usher gives you the option of moving...ok then...


#106re: Rude People in Theatres
Posted: 9/14/05 at 1:11pm

Your point was blunted by your mention of VENTILATORMAN, japhan. Of course I concur that young children should not be brought to the theatre, but while I don't think babies should be at any show, I'm a little puzzled by your vehement objestion to a woman breastfeeding in public.

japhun Profile Photo
#107re: Rude People in Theatres
Posted: 9/14/05 at 1:22pm

my you almost that the children shouldnt be there in the first place. had she not brought her children, the breast feeding would have never happened in the first place. my point is that distractions take away from the show, and yes, in this case, a woman breast feeding a child in front of me and her other child swinging on the rails was a definate distraction that i should not have had to experience. breast feeding is best...but not at the theatre.

overthemoon419 Profile Photo
#108re: Rude People in Theatres
Posted: 9/15/05 at 2:03pm

I just want to clarify a few things about my story.

- The ushers at the Broadhurst *DID* okay the move from row E to row B.

- The "poor child" behind us spent the second act asking when the show would be over-- and commenting on things like, "That lady has a mustache!" So I think it's okay to assume that he *could* see the show but that he would have preferred being somewhere other than the theatre.

- If someone in the theatre had had those tickets in their possession, then neither I nor my mother would have sat in the given seats. But no one did. This man and woman behind us just decided that they had the right to demand to see our tickets and then demand that we move when we refused.

"It's not for sissies, contrary to popular belief." - Tommy Tune, on musical theatre.

My avatar: Yummy, no?

#109re: Rude People in Theatres
Posted: 3/4/06 at 2:30pm

Ohhh, last year I went to NYC for the first time and saw POTO. My school went with this other high school to see it. OMG, when the show began, there was this one girl who was coughing unpurpose because she felt like she had to do it. I gave her this dirty look, and she just ignored me like it didn't matter. It didn't take her till like the end of the first act to shut up. Ohhhh, I wanted to slap her so bad. PLUS, there was this other girl who would actually call her phone and talk on it (but she hid her head), and she spoke for everyone to hear which really pissed me off. It didn't take until like 20 minutes for one of the teachers to tell her to stop it.

dirty rotten guy Profile Photo
dirty rotten guy
#110re: Rude People in Theatres
Posted: 3/4/06 at 4:49pm

Mikewood, I had to deal with the same thing! A guy behind me was translating all of Aida. Sorry you had to deal with that too, I found it so obnoxious!

"The hallmark of aristocracy is responsibility. Oh brother, that got me, that did me in!"

Radioactiveduck Profile Photo
#111re: Rude People in Theatres
Posted: 3/4/06 at 5:10pm

Although it's great to expose kids to theatre, people seriously need to have some more common sense. If your child cant even pay attention to what's going on and, instead, sits on your lap and looks at the program (while your seated in the 6th row of the Orchestra)...they're too young. (That happened to me @ Wicked)

dirty rotten guy Profile Photo
dirty rotten guy
#112re: Rude People in Theatres
Posted: 3/4/06 at 5:20pm

Oh! I cant believe I forgot this one! I went to see the Denzel Washington production of Julius Caesar and had like 7th row tickets. Anyway this kid who was about 17 and his mom came and sat across the aisle from me. During the entire first act he kept asking his mom for various candies and stuff from her purse. Then he pulled out a GAMEBOY and started playing it during the middle of the show! Then at intermission his was complaining to his mom about how he didnt like it and couldnt understand what they were saying.
I was so amazed. You would think that you wouldnt get those kinds of people at plays, especially Shakespeare! The only thing I can figure is that they just came to see Denzel.

"The hallmark of aristocracy is responsibility. Oh brother, that got me, that did me in!"

mikeyb16 Profile Photo
#113re: Rude People in Theatres
Posted: 3/8/06 at 11:16am

omg. i just read all of these complaints about ppl being such wankers in the auditorium. it really is unfair 2 u all and 2 other ppl who pay good money 2 get seats.

i remember going to a pantomime bout 5 years ago to see 'Peter Pan' and this lil kid was being really mean and shouting loadz so i sed 'SHHH' and he got mad, told his bro on me and his bro was arguing at me. i sed 'well u need 2 keep that loud-mouth usher of yours and yourself 2 shut up coz ur ruinin the show for everyone. he then sed'i don't give a **** so y dont u yake a photo coz i'tll last longer' i sed 2 him 2 shut the **** up and let the audience enjoy themselves. he huffed and went away.

this happened during the intermission b4 act 2 came up. and the kids were in the row in front of me. we a few rows behind the front. rude imbossils

WestEndBird Profile Photo
#114re: Rude People in Theatres
Posted: 3/8/06 at 11:17am

The only rude thing I have had to deal with is people coming in late and then having to crawl over you to get to their seats...BE ON TIME FOR GOODNESS SAKE PLEASE....

"Even if I could let you see me cry you would never understand what I was feeling inside, you see it and use it but dont believe in it..."

mikeyb16 Profile Photo
#115re: Rude People in Theatres
Posted: 3/8/06 at 11:50am

i mean also if ppl r just gonna act like pathetic idiots and ruin things in the theatre then y r they bother comin 2 watch performances. the theatres should now have like a rule 2 stop this happenin.

Kitzarina Profile Photo
#116re: Rude People in Theatres
Posted: 3/8/06 at 12:00pm

So you told someone to shut the **** up at the tender age of 11?

Jesus, what's the matter with kids these days.

"You're the worst thing to happen to musical theatre since Andrew Lloyd Webber!" --Family Guy

"Shut up! It's been 29 years!!!" --the incomparable Patti LuPone in her MUCH DESERVED Tony acceptance speech for Gypsy.

Kitzy's Avatar du Jour: Kitzy as Little Red Ridinghood in her college's production of "Into the Woods"

Magdalene Profile Photo
#117re: Rude People in Theatres
Posted: 3/8/06 at 1:26pm

I was at a matinee performance of Phantom a few weeks ago, and a couple arrived, came in late again after intermission, then a cell phone went off (guess who it belonged to---the latecomers!) Fourth row center, so if I was annoyed, so were a lot of other people!


#118re: Rude People in Theatres
Posted: 4/20/06 at 5:25pm

The last time i saw phantom these women came in after the overture and well into the rehearsal scene and of course had seats right in fornt of me. one of the women's hair was HUGE! i mean i'm tall and i couldn't see half the stage due to her goddamned hair! that's not even the worst part, she and her friend start talking, not whispering, talking. so after about 5 minutes everyone in our section at the exact same time (which was really odd) went, "SHHHHHHH!!!" they nearly jumped out of their seats and we all started laughing at them, it was great

They left during intermission thank god

~H* "I slept through the nominations, as I always do. Anything I need to know, I'll find out when I get up at a reasonable hour!" -Michael Cerveris

#119re: Rude People in Theatres
Posted: 4/20/06 at 9:42pm

Two I can think of...

* When I saw 42nd Street, there were some really nasty old ladies sitting next to me. A gentleman in the row in front of us happened to be tall, and they spent the first three numbers grousing, "you're too tall! Slouch down! We can't see! We can't see!" The guy was juzt sitting in his seat, he wasn't doing anything wrong. Nothing would shut them up. I'm not that tall myself so I can sympathize there, but sheesh, go talk to an usher about being relocated, don't sit there whining and disturbing everyone around you! I finally had to get up and complain to an usher and ask to be moved somewhere else. They found another seat for me, thank God.

* A few times I have ended up sitting around people who seem to have literally bathed in their cologne or perfume. It's so disgusting. There's no reason to wear so much perfume that people can smell it down the entire row!

Updated On: 4/20/06 at 09:42 PM

triplethreat101 Profile Photo
#120re: Rude People in Theatres
Posted: 4/20/06 at 9:55pm

the first time i saw wicked (with the original cast!) the lady's next me's fone went off. and i told her that she better turn it off. 20 minutes later in Defying Gravity it goes off AGAIN!!! i was pissed.

but im ppl rprolly complain about me at every show. first thing. i go with all my friends to NYC and me and my friends are loud and crazy, and pple always like glare at us b4 the show starts b.c they think that were gunna act like this during the show (but of course we dont) for example b4 Dirty Rotten Scoundrels me and my friends were making movies on my friends camera (and u cant use cameras) of me like making wierd noses with my mouth haha but once the show started we were silent

another thing that ppl ehate me for is i have the LOUDEST laugh ever known to man, its not obnoxious just loud.

i want you and nothing but you. miles and piles of you...finally ill have something to think of each morning....

triplethreat101 Profile Photo
#121re: Rude People in Theatres
Posted: 4/20/06 at 9:55pm

the first time i saw wicked (with the original cast!) the lady's next me's fone went off. and i told her that she better turn it off. 20 minutes later in Defying Gravity it goes off AGAIN!!! i was pissed.

but im ppl rprolly complain about me at every show. first thing. i go with all my friends to NYC and me and my friends are loud and crazy, and pple always like glare at us b4 the show starts b.c they think that were gunna act like this during the show (but of course we dont) for example b4 Dirty Rotten Scoundrels me and my friends were making movies on my friends camera (and u cant use cameras) of me like making wierd noses with my mouth haha but once the show started we were silent

another thing that ppl ehate me for is i have the LOUDEST laugh ever known to man, its not obnoxious just loud.

i want you and nothing but you. miles and piles of you...finally ill have something to think of each morning....
